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what can we do about ranked pvp?


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ok so the big question. what realistic steps can we take to make more people que for pvp?


ive seen suggestions like cross server pvp which bioware have said that they cant do.


someone today suggested matching people with the same gear level and class for balancing. this would only make the queues even worse by categorizing even more.


i honestly dont know but im sick of sitting there for a queue, going afk after 15+mins and coming back to see that i got kicked from the warzone(lol sorry but i cant sit there at my screen for that long waiting, maybe make the swtor screen pop up when i get a ranked pop) this is at 1pm during the day, it may not be prime time but its a damn MMO and its not like its 2am in the morning.


im getting to the point where its get queues or uninstall, but not trying to rage though and id prefer to play the game.


im out of ideas except for spam in general chat... QUEUE SOLO RANKED PLS! QUEUE SOLO RANKED PLS! get comms before season 1 starts! QUEUE UP! ect.

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Some fixes biofail could easily implement that would bring some life back into this game:

1. class balance?

2. fix the obvious broken ****? (force shroud, phase walk, force barrier, force leap/intercede/obliterate, acid mechanics)

3. don't **** on your pvp base? (some incentives and rewards would be nice)


They've already stated they can't do owpvp because the engine sucks, and they can't do cross-server because it's "too much work". So you can't expect those things.


What you COULD see is the three things I mentioned up there that bioware will never fix.


HOWEVER, space pvp is on the way and what this means is a whole new aspect of swtor, which means a lot of this stuff COULD get fixed via space pvp. We'll see how it goes.

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One prob on my server is 'too low' a population to support it as such.


Solo ranked: We have few, but major (in members) PVP guilds. If you solo queue - due to their guild size - you're apt to either get on or face a team where 2 or more of them are together. As they already are on guild teamspeak, that team will have an advantage.


Group ranked: Pecking order has already been pretty much established. Certain static teams dominate the scene, the rest don't bother queuing because there's no reason.

Edited by vennian
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Some fixes biofail could easily implement that would bring some life back into this game:

1. class balance?

2. fix the obvious broken ****? (force shroud, phase walk, force barrier, force leap/intercede/obliterate, acid mechanics)

3. don't **** on your pvp base? (some incentives and rewards would be nice)


Yeah, I can't believe the devs haven't used that Easy button to insta fix all that stuff, I mean its not like every mmo's class balanced is flawed in some way.

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Two things would help the solo queue greatly:


1) Ranked Daily Quest




2) Letting us queue in for reges and ranked at the same time. Because it just sucks sitting around on the fleet waiting for a pop. I usually get bored after about ten min and just queue into regs instead.


But both of those have to come from Bioware. I really don't think there's much the players themselves can do about it other than try to let people know in the pvp channel when it's popping.

Edited by Prisoner
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Here's a random thought...I was too lazy to do a search to see if anyone has discussed it previously, so apologies if I'm rehashing history.


Now that we have an actual season starting, we could really have an impact on queue length and <solo> team balance if those of us interested in Ranked PvP all transfered our primaries into a common server. If we made enough noise, BW might (*might*) even consider setting aside a server for WZ PvP. Otherwise, we all just choose a server and make the move. Most PvP guilds would have enough members move to form a new chapter. Those of us hanging in PvE guilds could form new ones or join the new chapters of existing.


It seems like an such an obvious idea that I'm almost embarrassed to suggest it. But, with free character transfer, there's no reason why it wouldn't work.


EDIT: I'm not sure if toon's legacy buffs transfer. If they do, we could implement an "honor rule" that you only transfer your primary. If they don't, then the playing field is level anyway.


EDIT: In honor of knownastherat, we could call the new server "Sparta".;)


EDIT: Going forward, BW could disable ranked PvP on all servers except "Sparta". Also, they could undo some PvP stupidity, like "bolster" if there was a WZ PvP focused server on which to make the change.

Edited by DainjaMouz
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ok so the big question. what realistic steps can we take to make more people que for pvp?


ive seen suggestions like cross server pvp which bioware have said that they cant do.


someone today suggested matching people with the same gear level and class for balancing. this would only make the queues even worse by categorizing even more.


i honestly dont know but im sick of sitting there for a queue, going afk after 15+mins and coming back to see that i got kicked from the warzone(lol sorry but i cant sit there at my screen for that long waiting, maybe make the swtor screen pop up when i get a ranked pop) this is at 1pm during the day, it may not be prime time but its a damn MMO and its not like its 2am in the morning.


im getting to the point where its get queues or uninstall, but not trying to rage though and id prefer to play the game.


im out of ideas except for spam in general chat... QUEUE SOLO RANKED PLS! QUEUE SOLO RANKED PLS! get comms before season 1 starts! QUEUE UP! ect.


A lot of people are not in the ranked solo queue, because arenas are ****. Many prefer normal warzones where it will take 3 times as long to get your gear. For some, the journey is more important than the end result.


Add in solo ranked warzones rather than arenas and I am certain queues will pop constantly.

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Yeah, I can't believe the devs haven't used that Easy button to insta fix all that stuff, I mean its not like every mmo's class balanced is flawed in some way.


The fact that it's a common problem doesn't change the fact that it's a problem. More importantly other games have regular balance patches. We've had what... 2 since release? Once a year?

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Unless Biofail figures out how to implement cross server in ToR, we're SoL.


There is zero chance of having any good ranked PvP, I have NO idea WHAT they were even thinking NOT going cross server before their talk of ranked PvP lol, it shows just how fail they are.


They need to stop the whole "ranked" PvP thing altogether if they're not going to implement cross server.


So to answer your question "we" can't do squat about ranked pvp.


I think warzones are fun as hell and class balance is pretty decent, but beyond that it's meh. You'd think a big name gaming company could do what lesser companies have done in MMOs, implement X server.....it's a perplexing situation on how or why Biofail has failed so badly.

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helpful...really helpful


EDIT: would it be elitist if i informed you that you misspelled the word "elitist"?


Even though he didn't phrase very constructively, AlrikFassbauer has a point. What I have talked with you lately, I can say that you're a nice guy and don't think you're better than everyone else, so understand this is not an insult towards you.


Most likely, competitive hardcore players already queue for ranked. If you want more players to queue, the semi-competitive casual players would be the easiest group to target. The ones who won't mind competing, and much prefer to win than lose, but aren't just as passionate about it than some people are.

The irony of the tale is that some "pros" sometimes act like they would own the whole concept of pvp. Like their word would be the only true law in pvp and other people's opinions don't matter, because they are not as good as the "pros". That may give the impression that in order to do ranked with the "pros", you have to be a "pro" yourself, or they would rather not have you there at all.

So yeah, making also the not-quite-that-pro people feel welcomed to ranked could help.


Otherwise, I think the "ranked pvp quest" that was mentioned earlier could be a good idea. However, I think this quest should come with "recommended gear"-information, like pve quests for ops and hm fps do. Not only this would discourage people who don't meet the recommended gear standard from queueing to ranked, but it would also courage the people who are not sure what gear is enough to queue those.

I won't comment what the recommended gear should be, since I don't do ranked. But probably something else than BiS.

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Even though he didn't phrase very constructively, AlrikFassbauer has a point. What I have talked with you lately, I can say that you're a nice guy and don't think you're better than everyone else, so understand this is not an insult towards you.

No offense taken. You will recall that in our prior discussion, I suggested that a**hattery is not exclusive to competitive PvP. True story: was running Foundry in HM last weekend to grab an HK-51 part. After we defeated Revan, one of my group mates refused to join the final cutscene because someone else had won the roll for a piece of gear he wanted. I got tired of waiting out the chat argument after about 10 minutes (wanted to get back to pvp) so I dropped out of the flashpoint without the final reward.


Could some pvpers do a better job demonstrating good sportsmanship and representing their interests? Without a doubt. Could causal pvpers do a better job understanding what motivates PvP players. Without a doubt. Let me observe that I don't see a lot of PvP players jumping onto PvE focused forums and verbally abusing endgame PvE specialists. However, this forum seems to be a magnet for anyone who seems to have an axe to grind with PvP player behavior.

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The fact that it's a common problem doesn't change the fact that it's a problem. More importantly other games have regular balance patches. We've had what... 2 since release? Once a year?


And you know whats funny? For that total lack of regular balancing, SWTOR class balance is a heck of a lot better than other MMOs, WoW included.


The only sever issue with non-regular balancing is that they are digging a PR grave. It doesn't matter if they perfectly balance classes, if the common playerbase convinces itself otherwise. BW forgets that true balancing doesn't mean jacksquat if the players can't see it.


And really I rather like the less frequient balancing because it means that my classes viability isn't going a constant up and down rollercoaster ride every month. Yeah it sucks hard for the unfortunate class but at least you don't have to reroll every month.

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Let me observe that I don't see a lot of PvP players jumping onto PvE focused forums and verbally abusing endgame PvE specialists. However, this forum seems to be a magnet for anyone who seems to have an axe to grind with PvP player behavior.


I have to say you got that part right - pvp oriented players who decide to participate in a conversation i.e. on the "Flashpoints, Operations and Heroic Missions"-forums usually show respect towards the pve players, while purely pve oriented players don't often show that same respect towards pvp players. Pve players can be pretty elitist too - I can remember one time before 2.0, when a player was being ridiculed in general chat for queueing to Lost Island (which was columi minimum) in decent pvp gear (a mix of wh/ewh, if I remember correctly. Checked it later when I happened to be in the same operations group with this player). As far as I know, the public opinion (on the forums at least) was that pvp gear was at least equivalent to columi... But for some reason, no one really talks about that elitism.


I'm not sure what could be done to make more people feel welcome to ranked pvp, but I'm sure that if something was done, it would make more people to queue. One thing that came to my mind was, that if you saw a decent player in a warzone that you haven't seen in ranked, maybe you could just ask if that player was interested in doing ranked? I realize you can't "queue group" to solo ranked, but from other people's posts I've gotten the feeling that ranked matches don't pop that often, so if you queue at the same time, there should be a possibility that you end up in a same match.


People are more likely to try new things when they are doing it with someone else, preferrably someone friendly. I did my first warzones with my guildies (who were way more experienced in those) and those same guildies did their first operations with me a couple of months ago. So it's quite possible that this tactic could get this person to also queue independently to solo ranked, after he/she has first tried it out (and maybe liked it), thanks to you.

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Not acting like Eliticist Jerks, for example.


It would be awesome if everyone in the world was always super nice and helpful and patient, but that's not the case. There is a certain amount of help people are willing to give and telling you that you are terrible and shouldn't queue may be correct if you didn't read anything about how PvP works, how your class works, and you do 500 damage a game.


Are there nicer ways to say it? Sure, and I certainly don't advocate being a giant d-bag to people. Perhaps we can all sing songs by a campfire together with a guy who can only kinda-sorta play acoustic guitar one day. But you are competing with and against other people trying to win. If you aren't actively looking for help outside of the actual warzone/arena to get better, the best reaction you are going to get to being terrible during one is gg, <player x left the warzone>.

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ok so the big question. what realistic steps can we take to make more people que for pvp?


.... QUEUE SOLO RANKED PLS! QUEUE SOLO RANKED PLS! get comms before season 1 starts! QUEUE UP! ect.


I've got some ideas!


1. Arenas are to short. I really do not feel that I am playing a fun game while waiting for a 'pop'. The arena fights usally just last 2 rounds. Make the match best of 5 and it will last a little bit longer when you first get to play.


2. Make the Queue Public. Show us the wait time and the amount of people in the queue.


And for two crazy ideas(but would have been cool)


3. Stream the fights at the fleet. Find som mechanics for letting People watch them and make comments.


4. This one is tied to the others above. Show the rooster for fights public. Calculate odds on the teams. Let people place bets before the fight, watch and cheer on their favorites and engage in what happens in pvp.


These are just some toughts that problably will never see the light of day. But the bottomline is that they need to find a better way to include the Pvp'ers in the game.

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