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Commando Changes Brainstorming


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I'll assume this is directed at me, and I'll say that I never said I wasn't biased. With that said, the majority of my time is spent in regular warzones and I do spend plenty of time queuing on my own or grouping outside my "well-oiled group". As a matter of fact, I've been guildless for about half a year now, I'm just too lazy to change my signature. One of my favorite things to do when I'm not healing is hop on my tank and guard healers in regular warzones and lot of my ideas come from them and what is troubling them. So you're right that most people play in PUGs, you are wrong about your generalization of me.


For instance, I don't have many troubles with ammo because I stack power very high. But if you check my post history (or read the guide I wrote on the spec), you'd know that I've always felt the system is too unforgiving and I'm also well aware that a single underheal can really stress your ammo if you don't land a crit (which is why I stack power in the first place). The learning curve is very steep -- the steepest of the healers I'd say. There's a very specific rotation you need to follow to stay ammo neutral as a Combat Medic, and you're just not going to be able to follow it in a warzone. There needs to be a little more flexibility in the system. I've made suggestions, as have others. But I'm also aware that the ammo is intended to be a limit so we cannot heal indefinitely, so its got to be small trial-and-error changes here and there rather than sweeping changes to every ability.


Interrupts do give me trouble, but I can usually find a way around it unless the opposing team is spot-on with locking me out of my casts. There is no disputing that there is a bottleneck in the system. I gave my solution for how to alleviate in a way that also helps improve more ammo regeneration (two birds, one stone). Removing pushback or at least overhauling, which the devs are considering, would also be welcome for all of the specs and should really benefit all of the healers. But I don't think its a good idea to have a high up-time on interrupt immunities mostly because I'm thinking for the attacker's perspective -- how fair is it that your biggest heals cannot be stopped more often than not (its one of the problems with Smugglers right now)? That's why Reactive Shield's interrupt immunity is fair to me -- it has only a 10% up-time. Could you experiment with other times, maybe after a Bacta Infusion? Sure. I'd really love there to be a relic that has a 30% chance to proc that makes you immune to interrupts for 4 seconds with a 40 second cooldown or something like that.


And so on. You can all it hostility or spin, but I'm working out a compromise. I love reading ideas in these kinds of threads because there are usually some really great ideas in there (ie. i forget who posted it but someone suggested allow you to tackle teammates like a reverse Rescue -- you have no idea how awesome this would be lol). But I like to be the devil's advocate and argue against things that are probably too potent, especially when two rather innocent changes synergize to become to powerful. Like these two:




These changes in of themselves are great. But the combination makes it really powerful, and probably too powerful. Output would go up a lot because AMP is no longer gated by a 7.5 second cooldown, and that means the AMP --MP bread-and-butter combination can be used outside of Supercharge. You'd even be able to have your Preventive Medicine/Armor Screen HOT rolling on multiple people at once, which you can't presently do outside of Supercharge. What's even better about it is that it would remove the bottleneck in the toolset almost entirely with that change alone. But its the second change that pushes it too far, in my opinion. It cuts the amount of time required to build a Supercharge which means its going to be up more or less every 10 seconds instead of every 20 seconds. The output isn't so significant as the ammo regeneration increase that synergizes with the additional energy regeneration that comes from Medical Probe's lower effective cost (with Field Triage it would now be only slightly cheaper than Kolto Bomb). You'd be able to heal indefinitely, and the devs have said they don't want that. It's why I'm taking the stance I am.


Basically, I want to see the spec get buffed because it has been struggling for a year and a half. It's pretty much universally considered the worst healer in both PVP and PVE, and that's not a completely false statement either. But I also don't want to see the spec get buffed so much that it gets gutted, because that's exactly what happened last time. I'm also quick to argue against changes that make ammo as efficient as the Smuggler system because it seems likely that system is about to get nerfed (if not, Sages/Commandos will be getting buffed to their level, in which case its a win-win for us anyway).




Just FYI: It wasn't directed at anyone in particular.

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Out of curiosity would having 200 ammo or 250 ammo be overpowered with the same base costs we have now??


This is for ammo management not interrupt immunity or utility.


Seems like something could put into a set bonus, no? I think a few other specs already have similar ones and I'd love to see more options with set-bonuses than there are now. 250 I think way too high, but it would be fun to test :D

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Hey Eric, if possible could you tell the development team to get the hammer shot heal used with combat support cell able to be used on self whenever you self target I would appreciate that. Also could you possibly ask them to look into making us slightly more mobile in terms of heals but only to a certain point, because the main reason we are considered to underperform in arenas is that since we are so cast dependent on heals we can easily be interrupted and focused in seconds, heavy armor damage reduction or not
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I am a Gunnery PVE player who recently starting healing. From a gunnery PVE perspective, we dont really need anything. There is a little learning curve to figure out ammo but once you have it there really is no issue.


A couple ideas for combat medics I can think of is getting rid of the green beam on hammer shot. This was the worst idea ever. In PVP this is a red flag kill me now move. Another thought I had is to turn pulse cannon into a heal when CSC is on. This would help with group heals. I really dislike the heal being added to Concussive Charge as it knocks back enemies. This is probably ok in PVP but not in PVE. Pulse Cannon would help both pvp and pve in healing the group without adding the issue of knock backs.

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Re-posting from the Merc forums, I tried to fix all of the merc terms for mando ones sorry if I missed some.



1) Reactive Shield has been redesigned. "Surrounds yourself in a protective shield that absorbs all ranged, tech, and force attacks for 8 seconds. Cooldown 120s."


2) Sticky Grenade has had its ammo cost reduced to 10.


3) Adrenaline Has been redesigned. "Overloads your suits Kolto Injection System causing it to heal you for 2% of your maximum health every second for 8 seconds. Cooldown 240s."


4) Plasma Grenade has had its ammo cost reduced to 10.


5) Advanced Medical Probe has had its ammo cost increased to 20 and its cooldown removed.


6) Hold the Line has had its speed increase boosted from 30% to 80%.


7) Explosive Round has had its ammo cost reduced to 15.


8) Charged Bolts has had its ammo cost reduced to 15.


9) Tech Override has been removed and replaced with "Emergency Field Stabilization - Activates your emergency field stabilization protocols allowing you to continue casting while moving for 15s. Cooldown 120s."


10) High Impact Bolt has had its ammo cost reduced to 8.


11) Shockstrike has been redesigned. "Strikes the target with the butt of the rifle, dealing 2247 - 2463 kinetic damage and rooting the target in place for 3s. Range 4m. Cooldown 9s. Ammo cost 8."


12) Reserve Powercell has been redesigned. "Activates your reserve powercell and causes your abilities to use no ammo. This effect lasts 10 seconds. Cooldown 90s."


13) Full Auto has had its ammo cost reduced to 12.


14) Added the ability "Out of Harm's Way - Fires your Assault Cannon at the ground causing you to fly backwards rapidly 35m and rooting all enemies in a 5m range for 3s. Cooldown 120s. Ammo cost 20."


Combat Medic

1) The Talent "Field Triage" is changed to "Reduces the ammo cost of Medical Probe by 5. In addition, Advanced Medical Probe has a 33/66/100% chance to lower the cost of your next Medical Probe by 5."


2) "Bacta Infusion" now heals for 1200-1750 instead of 758-1299.


4) The Talent "Field Medicine" has had its text changed to "Increases the healing done by Medical Probe by 3/6%. In addition, Medical Probe, Advanced Medical Probe, and Bacta Infusion each build 3/6 stacks of Combat Support Cell."


5) The Talent "Supercharged Cell" has had its text changed to "Converts 30 charges of Combat Support Cell to supercharge your blasters, venting 8 heat, increasing all damage and healing dealt by 5% for 10 seconds, and granting immunity to push back and interrupts. While active, the following abilities gain Supercharge affects:

Charged Bolts: Ammo cost reduced by 100%.

Full Auto: Ammo cost reduced by 100%.

Advanced Medical Probe: Ammo Cost reduced by 50%.

Bacta Infusion: Amount healed increased by 20%.

Kolto Bomb: Places a shield on all targets reducing damage taken by 5% for 10 seconds."


6) The Talent "Frontline Medic" has been redesigned. "Causes your Out of Harm's Way to leave a Kolto Pool on the ground for 15s healing for 100-200 and increasing healing received by 5%."



1) Grav Round has had its ammo cost has been reduced to 15.


2) Demolition Round has had its ammo cost has been reduced to 10.


3) The Talent "Concussive Force" has had its text changed to "Shockstrike has a 50/100% chance to knock the target back 10m. In addition Concussion Charge's knockback effect is stronger and knocks enemies back an additional 2/4m."


4) The Talent "Cell Charger" has had its text change to "While Armor Piercing Cell is active you recover an additional 1/2 ammo every 1.5s.


5) Overclock has been replaced with "Overclocked Stabilization". "Reduces the cooldown of Emergency Field Stabilization by 15/30s and increases its duration by 5/10s."



1) Incendiary Round has had its ammo cost reduced to 10.


2) Assault has had its Ammo cost reduced to 10.


3) Combustible Gas Cell has had its rate limit removed.


4) Electro Shield has had its external damage increased to 1800 up from 180.

If you took all that an plunked it in... Godly OP.

Some points are good, like the 1. and the tech override one, but all that ammo reduc... That's just too over the top. It does makes some good suggestions, but we really don't need all that. It would be Smash OPx2 :o

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Hey Eric, if possible could you tell the development team to get the hammer shot heal used with combat support cell able to be used on self whenever you self target I would appreciate that. Also could you possibly ask them to look into making us slightly more mobile in terms of heals but only to a certain point, because the main reason we are considered to underperform in arenas is that since we are so cast dependent on heals we can easily be interrupted and focused in seconds, heavy armor damage reduction or not


I dont get this why on earth would you want to shoot yourself in the foot? That my major problem with the shooting yourself with hammer shot. Why not do a major buff up on kolto bomb for healers, and lower its cool down for healers. Not seeing the shoot myself in the foot to heal myself.

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first to say, the commando need not a little help, he need much help, especially for pvp. ;)

Second to say, sorry for my, i will say, not exacly perfect english.


Til your mega nerf in patch 1.2, the main specialty was a very good single-target healing ability because of very good burst healing, but then and now, to easy to interrupt, so good players are able to shut down the healing from the commando to nearly zero. With patch 1.2, you steal the commando his main purpose.

Today the scoundrel have its hots and his instant healings, the sage its bubble, mighty single target healings, guaranteed crit and salvation hot and both have good defense and escape skills.


On the other side, compared to the others healers, today the commando is not a good burst healer, not a good group healer, still easy to interrupt, have only a small account of defense and escape tools, with partially ridiculous long cool downs.

In other words, the commando healer is unnecessary, the weakest in pve (as surely your own statistics and even torparse proof) and useless against good players in pvp ("stun wars")


So my suggestions for pimping the commando healer especially for pvp ( the second part is for DD too):


First the healing itself

If you are serious to bring the comm healer to the level of the others, there is no other way to give him hots and instants, a good escape skill too.


1) So reduce the cd of bacta infusion to 9 sec, add a second stackable traumaprobe (and fix it amount, heals always 20% less then the tooltip show) and and make it possible to heal himself with hammershoot on the move (a mirror at the front reflect the green beam to the breast / head, what ever :D) .

Higher the hot from the small medical probe and give him back the reduced cost from pre patch 1.2 of the normal medical probe under the influence of supercharged gas.



Second the survivability.

News of the year: Heavy armor is not an big advantage in pvp. 5% or 10% less damage can not be an excuse, why you won't give the comm healer an effective escape skill.

With "hold the line" you tried to soften the biggest pvp issues, but your attempt was half-hearted. 6 sec interrupt but not stun immunity, only 30% movement boost, is in practice simply not enough to get away from the enemy, first because of the stun skills you gave the siths's and jedi's (and yes often they really use it :rolleyes:) and second even if you run the 6 sec, shortly the enemy is in combat range again and the comm healer could not do much while on the move ;)


2) Higher the time in "hold the line" to 10 sec, like in dd tree, and give him a 50% movement boost OR at least the first 4 sec stun immunity too. Kolto residue: Higher the time from reduced movement from 3 sec to 5 sec.

And last but not least, lower the cd from electro net, every time the comm gets damage the cd is lowered for 3 sec every gdc



Much more to say, if i think about the "instant crit group damge" from smashers with up to doubled damage output, or the assa with so much defense and incredible burst phase, but this should be enough.

Edited by DomBah
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I would like to see some of the 1.2 nerfs rolled back (not all). A review:


Field Training now increases critical chance by 1% per point.

Field Triage now reduces the cost of Medical Probe by 1 (down from 2).

Kolto Bomb now affects up to 4 targets (up from 3), improving reliability in group and Operation situations.

Kolto Residue now increases all healing received by 3% (down from 5%).

Psych Aid no longer reduces the cost of Field Aid. It now causes Field Aid to heal the target for a small amount.

Supercharge Cells now restores 1 Energy Cell (down from 2) when used and increases all damage and healing dealt by 5% (down from 10%). The shield applied by Kolto Bomb now reduces damage taken by 5% (down from 10%).

Trauma Probe now costs 2 Energy Cells to activate.


I think a fair way would be to have the supercharge cells change rolled back (refund 16 energy cells, increase dmg and healing by 10%, and kolto bomb reduce dmg taken by 10%). I'd like to see the Kolto Bomb grant 5% healing buff too again.


You could probably also have the cost of Medical Probe reduced by 16 energy cells during supercharge cells only, for the complete old Supercharge cells effect.

Edited by periphelion
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After playing my Assault Commando in more depth (I have been away from him for weeks until now) something came into my mind...


... Isn't Full Auto a bit too average ? I mean, if it weren't for its ammo cost, would we be using it ?

Its DPS is pretty similar to Charged Bolts when non-crit, while not having the same crit bonus damage as Charged Bolts, and at the same time using two Charged Bolts (same duration) already have pretty high chances to proc High Impact Bolt (57.75%).

Edited by Altheran
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my suggestions for Combat Medic in PVP will be:


- add Cost of 8 Ammo for Bacta Infusion and a Cooldown of 3 Seconds

- allow Trauma Probe for use on 4 Targets

- Critical Heals with Bacta Infusion on a Target which is affected by Trauma Probe, resets the Cooldown of Tech Override

- allow to use Hammershot on ourself

- Kolto Residur on Targets give us a 10% crit buff for all of our Heals (remove Bonus for recieved Heal then)

- lower Cooldown of Cell Recharging by 30 Sec.


All of this would let us doing our job much better, especially in Single Target Burst Heal, Ammo Management. Patch 2.0 and the Crit nerf hits me very hard. A single target casted heal, which is not critting, will not prevent my target from dropping more and more. We lost with Patch 2.0 almost 10% Crit. Before i had 40% Tech Crit, now 30%. Commando is a reactive Healer. A Target which is dropping around 10k or more in a few GCD and a Medical Probe casted by 2 Seconds which is not critting, don´t prevent my teammate from dying or dropping more. It have to crit!


Most of Ideas for Combat Medic are terrible. And Please BW, dont remove my green Laserbeam of Death. i like it, i love it! Bad players are not interesting in what i do, and good players see that i´m a healer within the first 10 Seconds of a Match, no matter what i do or not do.

Edited by Citinetty
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If you took all that an plunked it in... Godly OP.

Some points are good, like the 1. and the tech override one, but all that ammo reduc... That's just too over the top. It does makes some good suggestions, but we really don't need all that. It would be Smash OPx2 :o


You are kidding yourself mightily if you think all of those taken together would make us Smash OP x2.


You see a lot of positive changes that you think make us OP, but truth is even all of them together wouldn't be twice as powerful as smash. Perhaps it would be as powerful as smash, but smash is how powerful everyone should be. It's clear by BW's refusal to even touch that spec that that is the baseline performance we should expect out of every PVP DPS. All of the changes address our utility or our ammo management. Nothing is suddenly making DR an auto crit, or AoE, or an AoE autocrit.


I would add another change to gunnery actually.


Curtain of Fire: Grav Round has a 45% chance and Demo Round has a 70% chance to reset the cooldown on Full Auto and making your next Full Auto free and deal 25% increased damage.

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I cannot speak for pve. I've pvp'd exclusively since the game's release so all opinions are within that context.


Too reliant on cast times. This is most apparent against coordinated teams which stagger interrupts and player controls.


We need more instants and/or interrupt immunity.


Too vulnerable to controlling effects, too many controlling effects overall.


Trauma probe, good concept, poorly executed. It simply doesn't heal enough to justify the talent points. Worse yet, its barely worth a cast without talents. Only taken in the first place because all other options are even more lack luster.


Ammo is entirely too unforgiving. Prolonged high damage engagements and/or one cast too many means we're dead in the water. Useless. Not even able to heal ourselves. The time required to regen to functional levels is too long. In a regular warzone its quicker to roll over and permit yourself to be killed. In an arena, that's not an option.


The deadzone must be addressed. If medical probe is locked out when infusion, advanced medical and kolto bomb are on cool down commandos are literally left without a heal to cast, except for hammer shot which won't keep someone alive. This is a frequent occurrence. Especially against players that are cognizant of this vulnerability.


Personal experience healing in an arena ; even if I manage to successfully heal my team, it was a frustrating experience. I don't enjoy it. Feels like running in water. And that's against average to inexperienced players. When versing veteran pvpers, its miserable.

Edited by Sowwy
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I have all three healing classes at 55 with valor ranging from low 70's to mid 80's, so pvp is what I'm looking at. I retired my commando a long time ago and rerolled both a sage and an operative not because I wanted to, but out of pure frustration. These are the reasons why:




1. We don't have a good self heal like sages and we don't have a heal we can spam endlessy at 30% as double stacked hots tick away like operatives. So maybe tweak to hammershot so that we can apply it to ourselves, at the very least. A nice juicy self heal would be even better.


2. You have to get rid of the green beam of come kick my ***. Being able to position yourself so that people don't automatically pick up on you is absolutely key to pvp survivablity. And while yes, good dps will pick you out fast, you can sometimes get them to lose track of you as you sprint away on a sage or vanish on an opertiative who both can then reposition somewhere else. On a commando that's just not possible since every single time a commando fires up hammershot (which is all the damn time because you need it for energy management) it lights up where you are. You either need to make it so that heavy armor matters and give them a way to facetank all the hurt that's coming their way or get rid of that stupid graphic so that they can be more inconspicuous.


3. Commandos need something that can help them survive a big opening burst in warzone arenas. Sages have the invincibubble, Operatives have stealth, and Commandos have nothing that's even comparable. They are also terribly vunerable to interrupts. Maybe some kind of bump to their shield would help.


Energy Management:


Operatives have almost no energy managment at all (which I think is where the nerf bat should hit them, tbqh). Sages actually have to manage their energy (and have an annoying self hurting mechanisim for replenishment), but it's still better than Commando managment which seems rather unforgiving. I'd suggest using Sages as a baseline and then bring down ops/bump up commandos to their level.




This is the weakest part of commando healing and why operatives and sages absolutely wipe the floor with this class. Operatives have three instants that can be cast on the move - one which is a hot that you can spam up to two stacks indefinitely. Sorcs are somewhat less mobile but they have their bubble and one hot they can toss out when they are pressured, as well as dumping salvation and then going on the run/line of sighting enemies. And while commandos on paper have a couple of things that seem like they should work, hammer shot, that one big instant heal, kolto bomb, and the crappy hot you can only use on one person - in practice they just don't compare. Their bread and butter heals require that you stand in one place and fire off a series of long casts and in pvp that's just a huge liability.


I don't know how to fix this without a major redesign to the entire class. Maybe by reducing pushback or eliminating it for specific abilities? Or making it so that you can cast while moving? Making that hot castable on more than one person? I dunno, but y'all have your work cut out for you there.

Edited by Prisoner
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Duran'del here:


Here is my Ideas for Commando:

Combat Medic:

-Supply Beacon/Security Beacon(placed on friendly taget, and when a target is healed and they are within 30m of Commando and SB target, SB target is healed for 50% of the heal.

-Field Triage: Change text and effect to: "Hammer Shot criticals and Advanced Medical Probe have a 33%/66%/100% chance to give a stack of field Triage, which increases Rapid Bacta Infusion's healing done by 10% and decreases Medical Probe's activation time by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times."

-Supercharge Cells now restores 16 energy cells instead of 8.

-First Responder now grants 5% alacrity.

-Trauma Probe now can be used on up to 4 targets, but each successive target has one less Trauma Probe charge maximum.

-Increase healing done by RBI or give it a HoT(It's the worst heal out of all the tier 3 skills.)


-Make your gun glow green if 30 stacks of SCC are active.

-Allow both Mercs and Mandos to equip duel-wielded pistols.

-Allow Mercs to equip Sniper Rifles and power generators.

-Allow the UI to show % of ammo left.


I play Combat Medic exclusively on Commando.

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-Field Triage: Change text and effect to: "Hammer Shot criticals and Advanced Medical Probe have a 33%/66%/100% chance to give a stack of field Triage, which increases Rapid Bacta Infusion's healing done by 10% and decreases Medical Probe's activation time by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times."


This would be ridiculously OP. With those percentages, probably the best you would do for stacks would be 2. Maybe at best possibly going with increase bacta infusion's healing done by 6% and decreases medical probe's activation time by 8% and stacks 3 times, and using either ability will use all the accumulated stacks. That would at least make it so that it's not too over the top. There are probably some that would not like having to watch for yet another proc, and waiting for the stacks can have the opposite effect that the reduced cast time for medical probe, is attempting to alleviate.


Something I've been thinking of is maybe have an ability like sentinel's valorous call to build stacks of combat support cell. Even if it has the same cd as valorous call (which I think is 2.5 min), it would give a chance for a little extra burst, not reliant on having to build up 30 stacks again, or giving you the option to start off a fight with a full stack without spamming hammer shot or whatever just before the fight. It would also give a little more control on when you can use supercharge cell, so you wouldnt find yourself saving a full stack for a portion of a fight you know you will need it, even if it would help earlier on.

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-Allow both Mercs and Mandos to equip duel-wielded pistols.

-Allow Mercs to equip Sniper Rifles and power generators.



I play Combat Medic exclusively on Commando.


I am not even going to start on the rest of you post besides this.....



Are you high? why not let them use lightsabers while your at it.

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since every class will got only slightly nerfs or buffs i think this would be good to see:


Tech Override cooldown reduced to 60 sec baseline, 45 sec with gunnery spec talent

Reserved powercell cooldown reduced to 60 sec

Cell charger in gunnery tree similiar to vanguard changes

Move combat shield talent to tier 1, so any commando spec can take it.



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Well this is interesting. A lot of the ideas to change it seems there is a large differing opinion of the classes design. Along those lines I would like to ask Eric (and subsequently, the combat team) just what is the outlying view of this advanced class? Is this class being designed with mobile or immobile prospects in mind. Currently it seems to me the Mando combat team is having an identity crisis on this front, can't decide what to go with. What's more is that players are wracking their brains and throwing ideas to improve the class with no real definitive knowledge on what the design of the class is supposed to be. There is simply too much non-communication going on here, players have no idea if the team wants commandos mobile or not. If we are supposed to stay in place then let us know and the player base can return with ideas based around that design. If we are supposed to be mobile then let us know and proper changes can be made (as it seems originally commando was meant to be immobile).


So if any of the team is still viewing this, please return with an answer as to what design is supposed to be like with the commando. Is it supposed to be mobile or immobile? Should it be pure dps or hard dps and group utility? Etc.


(If this does not receive an answer here I suppose this could be proposed with the next round of rep questions)

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There is no "commando combat dev team". There is Austin Peckenpaugh, who is basically the only person on the "combat team" coming up with changes.


And here I thought after he revealed that bit of knowledge that he is the only one he was finally given some help. If he still is the only one then screw it, I'm out.

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I have always thought that the Gunnery tree should have a "Turret" or "Garrison" mode, in which the Commando is immune to interrupts and has an increased damage output. However, entering this certain mode would render the Commando unable to move. You could give this ability a somewhat short cooldown(i.e. 5-10sec), upon exiting the mode. It would add a good visual to the Assault Cannon wielding commandos.
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I have always thought that the Gunnery tree should have a "Turret" or "Garrison" mode, in which the Commando is immune to interrupts and has an increased damage output. However, entering this certain mode would render the Commando unable to move. You could give this ability a somewhat short cooldown(i.e. 5-10sec), upon exiting the mode. It would add a good visual to the Assault Cannon wielding commandos.


Thats called Cover.


Commando, IMO, should be more of a mobile ranged class. Which is why I like the idea to change the casting/interrupt system. I posted this on like page 2 and its since been buried:


-Tech Override: base 60s cooldown

-Reserve Powercell: base 60s cooldown

-Fix the 6c internal cooldown in Assault for proc'ing the Plasma Cell DoT with Ranged attacks (makes it a real pain switching targets)

- Combat Medic needs a lot of love. There are countless threads on it that you could use (and should have already been using) as references Eric.

- *DO NOT* fundamentally change our resource management. It is unnecessary and IMO would the extreme long way of solving the problem. There are small, relatively easy changes that would provide the same improvements


Overreaching changes should be made to the Casting/Interrupt system. This was hinted at in the answers to the Mercenary Rep questions, and is an idea that I like. My suggested changes for how casting/channeling/interrupting should work:


-You can now Cast and Channel while moving (can still be interrupted)

- Casting while moving slows your movement by 30%

- Channeling while moving slows your movement by 70%

- Once interrupted, you cannot be interrupted again for the duration of ability lockout (iirc this is 4s)

- Alacrity now also reduces the slow effect from moving while casting/channeling.


Commando/Mercenary always felt like it was supposed to have more of a Run'N'Gun feel to it; being able to cast and move simultaneously would not only give the class a unique feel, but would also improve our QoL a lot.



Oh, and please fix the DR of a lot of stats. Crit, Alacrity and Accuracy all had their DR curves changed in 2.0 (I assumed to correct for stat inflation), but the changes were way more drastic than they should have been.

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Thats called Cover.


Commando, IMO, should be more of a mobile ranged class. Which is why I like the idea to change the casting/interrupt system. I posted this on like page 2 and its since been buried:


True it would be a Cover, but it could possibly give different buffs while in that specific mode(i.e. increased alacrity, increase to damage, immune to interrupts, etc.).


Now, it would be nice to have a bit more mobility, but I think that the mobility oriented dps tree should be Assault.Now with your proposed casting system, that would be a nice change for the Assault tree. The less mobile should be Gunnery, which is why I was thinking of a "Turret" mode. I just can't picture a Commando being more mobile with heavy armor and an Assault Cannon.



I know that the casting/interrupt system has been brought up since the very beginning of the thread, but it doesn't hurt to bring it up with more possible ideas of how it could be integrated.

Edited by PanzerJagdhund
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