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to interfere or be a sportsman


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was doing a civil war..seen our node getting attacked..i pred over there it was 2 sins fighting...it seem fairly even it being a reg wz i pull up my chair and let them duel until the end..the other sin beat my team mate so i killed him after to prevent any capping..


well the other sin ragged me out for not helping him in the duel..i know both of the sins and they was evenly geared..anyways the guy messaged me for 2 hours saying how i'm trash and other vulgar terms..my question to the people reading this topic..


under the conditions i described would you had interfered in the duel to help him beat the other sin..knowing things was under control if he either win or lose..be honest about your answer..

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I would have helped, in fact, it's my obligation as a pub healer to annoy imps as most as I can, and to heal my teammates of course.


No matter what WZ is, I always help my teammates, even if they are winning by their own. the faster they win, the more gains for my team.

Edited by metalfenix
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The most fundamental strategy in PvP is not to give your opposition a fair fight (as long as you play within the games rules, of course). It's leveraging a numbers advantage where you can. It's exploiting the advantages you have over another class who's solo defending. In every match you have to assume the other team is at the very least as competent and balanced as your own (if not more so) and that you need everything you can muster to be just better enough than them. You cannot give them anything -- not a moment, not a breath, not an inch -- or you might regret it.


In this situation, imagine if that sin who just beat your teammate got reinforcements just as he died. They would have taken the point and it would have been all your fault.

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If you have helped your teammate in the scenario you might have been chewed out for taking his solo kill medal away. You are out of luck either way.


That's fine, because the guy complaining would of been in the wrong. You help your teammate no matter what. What if an Assassin pops in halfway into the battle and the two of them finish off the Sent before you can react. Now it's going to be you vs 2 people, which hey, maybe you can handle it, but you now put your node and your teams chance at victory at risk. Not to mention you looked like a useless waste of space to your teammate that was defending.

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It's a good story(!), and I can see it either way. in the end if you kept the node secure it seems like a cool move.


The only problem, from a team perspective - assume there had been a couple assassins ready to open up on you and you'd lost the node, that'd be a problem, but it sounds like you got away with it. :)


Maybe whisper the guy with what you were thinking at the time? I'm sure if they'd read this thread they'd like 'oh, ok makes sense'.

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was doing a civil war..seen our node getting attacked..i pred over there it was 2 sins fighting...it seem fairly even it being a reg wz i pull up my chair and let them duel until the end..the other sin beat my team mate so i killed him after to prevent any capping..


well the other sin ragged me out for not helping him in the duel..i know both of the sins and they was evenly geared..anyways the guy messaged me for 2 hours saying how i'm trash and other vulgar terms..my question to the people reading this topic..


under the conditions i described would you had interfered in the duel to help him beat the other sin..knowing things was under control if he either win or lose..be honest about your answer..


What happens if you let those guys fight and then an enemy op healer appears and starts healing, ends up being a 2v2 one healer vs no healer and you lose the node?

Warzones are not a duel, I mean granted it's regs these days so do whatever you want. But if you're in there to try to win (which most probably still are) you really SHOULDN'T be playing around. Odds are your team needs you somewhere, if you aren't sure your team has it under control on that node get in there take care of business and find someone else who needs help. You're just wasting time over there and risking a loss to let them duel.


Obviously though, people are going in there as madness assassins and concealment operatives in regs anyways so it's not a big deal, hell half the regs I do these days I don't even check to see what the scoreboard says at the end, could have lost all my regs and I wouldn't be the wiser. Don't sweat over regs too much.


And of course, the dude blowing up because you let him lose a duel? He should be glad someone even came to his node. Plenty of wz's as node guard I never even got to participate :p

Plus there's no reason for him to be dueling as a nodeguard anyways. That's not what they put you there for.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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under the conditions i described would you had interfered in the duel to help him beat the other sin


Yes. You are playing to win the warzone. By waiting you made the fight last longer and your team was deprived of a man - you - for a while.

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At the end of the day he'd have probably qqed at you for interfering as well.. TBH i usually let a solo kill play out if they look like they are going to win. This situation only happens in regs now so hey, who cares? Edited by AngusFTW
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In an open world scenario i might have shown that kind of respect for a fight, but in a warzone where 16 players are trying to -Win- a match, it's quite thoughtless to stand idle and just wait.


Yeah so you knew they were equally geared, Ok. Yeah you weren't gonna let the other guy cap if he had won, Ok.


-But what about your other node? -They might be 1 short there since you were standing doing nothing. What if you would have been the one guy missing who could have interrupted their cap at "mid"? And if your teams Sin would have lost that "duel", he too would be taken out of the match for an ammount of time depending on the spawn doors.


If he had lost that "duel" it could potentially have meant quite some time your team would be fighting one man short.


So imo you might wanna reconsider who to show respect in such a scenario, that one guy on the enemy team who didn't ask for it, and likely wouldn't show the same respect back - or the seven people in your own team.

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I understand OP's position but he has to understand that a WZ is WAR. And War is not about "what is fair". War is about getting all the advantage you can and win.


What if after your teammate was killed the other sin used vanish and healed? What if where you were going to attack an Operative stunned you and destroyed in his stun? WZ has so many variables.


The most important thing is: While you were waiting for de "duel" to end...perhaphs your team was needing you defending another point of the Warzone. If you can end an encounter fast...END IT FAST. Perhaphs the team is calling for help at the other node/bunker/pylon.


So I would have interrupted even if it was a 2v1 in favour of my team.


I wouldn't. A 1 vs 2 is a 90% win chance to the 2 players. You attacking that enemy is a waste of resources. Go to another area and help your team.

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In this situation, imagine if that sin who just beat your teammate got reinforcements just as he died. They would have taken the point and it would have been all your fault.


This. And also, while you are sitting and just watching, the rest of your team might be having trouble at the other node. So I would have helped. Made sure things were "stable" and then gotten back to the other one (or stayed, if the other node was fine - always good to have 2 defenders if you can).


On the other hand, I had someone do to me once what the OP describes. I also lost the duel, but I realized what my team mate was doing and didn't rage at him afterwards. Sure, it could have been a disaster, as described above, but really - it's a game - I'm not going to lose my house if I don't win a CW. :rolleyes:

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was doing a civil war..seen our node getting attacked..i pred over there it was 2 sins fighting...it seem fairly even it being a reg wz i pull up my chair and let them duel until the end..the other sin beat my team mate so i killed him after to prevent any capping..


well the other sin ragged me out for not helping him in the duel..i know both of the sins and they was evenly geared..anyways the guy messaged me for 2 hours saying how i'm trash and other vulgar terms..my question to the people reading this topic..


under the conditions i described would you had interfered in the duel to help him beat the other sin..knowing things was under control if he either win or lose..be honest about your answer..


If I come to node where person is under attack and fight just started - I'll help, just because it is node, wont risk not eliminating enemy there asap.

If it is close to end, if my member is winning, ill step back, scan the area for additional enemy and let him finish the fight. If he is losing, I'll help him. Same goes for fight in other parts of wz.


Then again, when I'm pvping with guildies I love stealing their solo kills, just to hear them on TS raging on me :D

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to be entirely honest, if u knew both the sins in question, the game was under control and u were close at hand if it went sour i said fair game to u, if he had won it wud have been a different storey. nah mate u did right thing, its only wrong choice if the game was still in balence or u compeltely left the area so fair play mate.
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