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Justify smash. Do it.


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Smashers always get defensive about their spec when someone bad mouths it, so there's probably 8 pages worth of complaining that this topic was even brought up (in other words, didn't read the replies since they are probably complaints from bads).


My question is, is there a reason why smash can't just do 100% of it's damage on the main target that the smasher has currently targeted, and the other unlucky bystanders take 50% of that damage? It's auto-crit regardless, so this type of change might actually calm the pvpers who don't like it (me being one) and might actually invoke a need for more skill on the smasher's part (God forbid).


"If you get hit by smash you're just bad" Is the typical response from a smasher, however the reality is you're probably going to eat it because you are in a spot where you've been cc'ed (slowed, mezzed, rooted, etc) and you not getting out of the way might not actually have anything to do with your skill level. This is typical in arenas, or even stalemated warzones, I just facepalm whenever I read that reply since they have absolutely no idea how little skill it takes to do high damage on a smasher :eek:

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Maybe because the devs have already stated marauder smash is currently:


The best sustained DPS spec in the game.

The best burst DPS spec in the game.

The best defenses/utilities among all other DPS classes.


Apparently in your world that's not overpowered. May I ask if you play a smash marauder?


You need to quote your source. You're delusional if you really think that's what they posted.

Edited by Savej
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Much of the legal system was setup to create a fair way to argue (and settle arguments); it's worth looking at.


Standard troll argument goes like this: make a claim ("smashers are op" or "Michael Jackson was a fruitcake"), imply there's a consensus on that opinion and then say he's right unless someone proves him wrong. If he doesn't say what his definition of OP is or what makes Smashers OP there's no way prove him wrong (nor is there a real reason to concede that he's right).


I already explained myself on pages two and three, i'm not repeating because you're lazy.

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Let me get this thread back on topic! Why Smash spec is justified.


1. So many bad players need an easy spec to use to compete in warzones.

2. Making the spec so easy appeals to the no skill crowd.

3. Having to use more than 4 buttons is a challenge to a portion of the player base and smash helps with this.

4. Pretty numbers of fly text make the game so pretty and fun.

5. "Hulk SMASH!!" is so fun to yell while you're playing SWTOR.

6. Focusing a target is so much easier if you don't have to target one target.

7. Trying to balance all those stats is just too much. Just add power and surge to win.

8. Smash spec has been the flavor of the year for two years running and people might not like a new one.

9. You can't play a sniper/gunslinger.

10. Bioware loves to read Q-Q threads about why smash is OP!


### Disclaimer - I am a Guardian and have played one since launch. I refuse to EVER roll a smash spec because I have too much self respect. ###

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Let me get this thread back on topic! Why Smash spec is justified.


1. So many bad players need an easy spec to use to compete in warzones.

2. Making the spec so easy appeals to the no skill crowd.

3. Having to use more than 4 buttons is a challenge to a portion of the player base and smash helps with this.

4. Pretty numbers of fly text make the game so pretty and fun.

5. "Hulk SMASH!!" is so fun to yell while you're playing SWTOR.

6. Focusing a target is so much easier if you don't have to target one target.

7. Trying to balance all those stats is just too much. Just add power and surge to win.

8. Smash spec has been the flavor of the year for two years running and people might not like a new one.

9. You can't play a sniper/gunslinger.

10. Bioware loves to read Q-Q threads about why smash is OP!


### Disclaimer - I am a Guardian and have played one since launch. I refuse to EVER roll a smash spec because I have too much self respect. ###


Nice list.


I knew this thread would get interesting and/or funny after I read the 1/3 dmg 1/2 health comment...

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Let me get this thread back on topic! Why Smash spec is justified.


1. So many bad players need an easy spec to use to compete in warzones.

2. Making the spec so easy appeals to the no skill crowd.

3. Having to use more than 4 buttons is a challenge to a portion of the player base and smash helps with this.

4. Pretty numbers of fly text make the game so pretty and fun.

5. "Hulk SMASH!!" is so fun to yell while you're playing SWTOR.

6. Focusing a target is so much easier if you don't have to target one target.

7. Trying to balance all those stats is just too much. Just add power and surge to win.

8. Smash spec has been the flavor of the year for two years running and people might not like a new one.

9. You can't play a sniper/gunslinger.

10. Bioware loves to read Q-Q threads about why smash is OP!


### Disclaimer - I am a Guardian and have played one since launch. I refuse to EVER roll a smash spec because I have too much self respect. ###


1 - This is true, but they'll suck whatever spec they use.

2 - Fair enough

3 - If you use 4 buttons playing any spec at all, you're not going to do much damage, even as a smasher.

4 - That i can't deny.

5 - Who does it :/...

6 -Maybe people should stop regrouping when they face smashers ... maybe ... or they should definitly stop calling smasher noobs.

7 - True.

8 - Not exactly true, the game has known far more OP specs in the last two years.

9 - Slingers and snipers are now like 500% easier to play than they used to be.

10 - They seem to enjoy it, yes. Or maybe they think people didn't really get it right on how to counter them.... They might be right.

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Force crush is the real problem.


Yep, they're crushing me to death :D


On a more serious note though, force crush is annoying, meaning that you can't escape a smash UNLESS you use a snarebreaker, cleanse (sage only), or (you shouldn't do this) stunbreaker. So either nerf crush's dmg, to just make it a snare, or completely remove the snare to make it a pure dmg ability.

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The only spec i can play in pvp is carnage and some annihilation when get bored.I also destroy smashers 1v1.

It just causes big numbers with aoe which gets healed instantly.In between the smashes i run around like a headless chicken poking people with toothpick.It's so bad.aoe damage reduction from talents + taunt and you're completely useless.


I never understood all the fuss about smash.Smash spec was always weak,uncomfortable and weird for me in pvp.I only use it sometimes for solo questing and such to kill packs of mobs quicker.The only thing i like about it is that Rage spec increases the crit damage of dual saber throw and it makes it generate rage. :rak_03:


Nerf it ,don't nerf it ,i don't care.Just don't touch Carnage and Annihilation with the nerf wand.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Personally and this is MY opinion so don't get sh***y with me, but I believe smash is fine the reason why people are so upset with it is because it works exceedingly well in a coordinated team setting, rarely, if ever, will you see a pug smasher do any meaningful contribution to a pug match.

Hence as it is so good as a team spec it is often used by multiple players within said team making it even deadlier with further coordination.

Therefore I believe smash is a gateway spec into the competitive side of pvp and can be easily countered if said player knows what they are doing, as a poster said before me smash has a job and it does it exceedingly well.

I'm not saying it couldn't have been done better because it could but it isn't as broken as many QQ'ers complain it is.

just my 2 cents.

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Justify Smash:

Warzones have timers, healers, and respawns. Evident more in Obj based PvP.

Relying on god-awful RNG procs and buildup is dumb, especially in Arenas.


I still think the spec needs a nerf though. If some classes have to rely on rng procs, so should Rage/Focus.

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Let's put other things on the board?

Try to justify Sniper/GS, all their dcd's + interrupt/push back immunity. Now compare this ranged class with the other 2 ranged classes, sorc and merc are completely garbage.

Do you know that Agent/Smuggler has the shortest cooldown on 4sec stun? All other classes is 1min cd, can be talented to 50sec. Agent/Smuggler is 45sec cd, can be talented to 30sec cd. JUSTIFY IT, WHY A SNIPER HAS A 30sec CD ON 4sec STUN?


All in exchange for being a pure turret, and that 4 second mezz --not stun, mezz-- is cleansable with the CC-breaker, and breaks on damage.


Go QQ somewhere else, poor little smasher, I enjoy nuking your *** from range.

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All in exchange for being a pure turret, and that 4 second mezz --not stun, mezz-- is cleansable with the CC-breaker, and breaks on damage.


Go QQ somewhere else, poor little smasher, I enjoy nuking your *** from range.


Uh...do you not know what a mezz is?

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Let me get this thread back on topic! Why Smash spec is justified.


1. So many bad players need an easy spec to use to compete in warzones.

2. Making the spec so easy appeals to the no skill crowd.

3. Having to use more than 4 buttons is a challenge to a portion of the player base and smash helps with this.

4. Pretty numbers of fly text make the game so pretty and fun.

5. "Hulk SMASH!!" is so fun to yell while you're playing SWTOR.

6. Focusing a target is so much easier if you don't have to target one target.

7. Trying to balance all those stats is just too much. Just add power and surge to win.

8. Smash spec has been the flavor of the year for two years running and people might not like a new one.

9. You can't play a sniper/gunslinger.

10. Bioware loves to read Q-Q threads about why smash is OP!


### Disclaimer - I am a Guardian and have played one since launch. I refuse to EVER roll a smash spec because I have too much self respect. ###








You sir, are clearly made of sterner stuff than I:


See, up until now, from the last Beta-weekend to present, I have absolutely refused to even consider rolling a smasher/sweeper --melée/brawl range combat just doesn't do it for me to begin with, which certainly helps!-- but more and more....the temptation is becoming greater, I just have to see what's really up with this for myself, and my brain refuses to **** until I do so.


Please, someone, help me be strong and resist!

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Uh...do you not know what a mezz is?



Yes, I do, thanks.


But then "stun," "mezz," "CC," and related terms are thrown about willy-nilly/interchangeably hereabouts, to the point that they've lost all their actual meaning anyway, sooooo....


What's the point?

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Yes, I do, thanks.


But then "stun," "mezz," "CC," and related terms are thrown about willy-nilly/interchangeably hereabouts, to the point that they've lost all their actual meaning anyway, sooooo....


What's the point?






Dirty Kick


Energy: 10

Cooldown: 45s

Range: 4 m

Stuns the target for 4 seconds and deals 670 - 845 kinetic damage.


Dirty kick is a stun, it does not break on damage. A mezz would flashbang which does break on damage.

Edited by Raansu
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Yes, I do, thanks.


But then "stun," "mezz," "CC," and related terms are thrown about willy-nilly/interchangeably hereabouts, to the point that they've lost all their actual meaning anyway, sooooo....


What's the point?


the point is that sniper is a mobile melee sustained healer with no burst.



Words without meaning are meaningless.

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