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Noobs play smash


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Why don't you noob prepubescent boys man up and try something a little more difficult. I'm calling out my Rep brothers as well. It's time to graduate up the ladder past a four button "learner spec". My Annihilation/Watchman/Carnage/Combat brethren are owning you when it counts in ranked because you have spent too much time placating yourselves to what came easy when you started the game. We're playing chess to your checkers. Time to man up Noob Smash! Edited by Dawginole
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I'd play watchmen 100% of the time if it was actually viable considering it is hands down the most fun spec to me. I still enjoy combat and play it here and there but I don't like that they made it proc reliant after 2.0. Smash is boring as ****, but given the balance of arenas currently, you kind of have no choice but to run a spec with the most consistent burst that will pressure the entire team.
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I'd play watchmen 100% of the time if it was actually viable considering it is hands down the most fun spec to me. I still enjoy combat and play it here and there but I don't like that they made it proc reliant after 2.0. Smash is boring as ****, but given the balance of arenas currently, you kind of have no choice but to run a spec with the most consistent burst that will pressure the entire team.


I play combat and do fine in arenas with a balanced crew. Follow my guide and your burst will be ungodly.

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Fix annihilation and I will go back to it in a heartbeat. I loved the playstyle at launch.

To make watchman viable in arenas you'd either have to make it completely op or completely change the play-style. Combat could use some QOL changes that would make it a much more fun/viable spec since its already viable the only reason isnt really viable is the fact that smash is so strong.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I play combat and do fine in arenas with a balanced crew. Follow my guide and your burst will be ungodly.


Ya you completely missed the point I was making. The burst is there but it is inconsistent because it is built around procs that do not proc when you need it the most. Combat is viable, but it is also completely proc reliant, and a proc reliant spec can mean a lost chance for a kill if you don't get your proc at the right time, thus its burst is inconsistent.


Also, that guide is horrible. Telling people to get accuracy enhancements in a spec that gets a 6% accuracy buff lol...Also, you're telling people to use PvE armorings on belt and bracers and then to use PvP mods which means now the gear has expertise and is considered a pvp piece which means *gasp* the armoring will not get bolstered. So not only are you gimping your expertise, but you are not getting bolstered for those two pieces of gear. The augment thing is debatable as its about a 1% difference between the two, but given if you stack power mods you really should be using main stat, especially if you're running combat since we don't have a str modifier talent like guardians do.


Also, you're guide is out of date since partisan no longer exists and you can no longer purchase ranked implants/earpiece without having the unranked version to trade in. In essence, for the love of God please no one follow that guide. You will only gimp yourself and gear your combat sent incorrectly.

Edited by Raansu
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My guess is the Op got owned in a PvP match by a Focus/Rage Sentinel/Marauder and felt the need to come on here and call them noobs. ;)


Well, I don't think that, but if you play another spec on mara/sent you will find them more enjoyable since more challenging than smash, which is pretty simple to get down anyway.


Even most really good smashers are annoyed by the simplicity of the tree.


It is a weird situation combat/carnage has about the highest single target burst in game and is completely viable for almost all content, but have something that is as ridiculously simple as the smash play style still being tons more effective in pvp.

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Does anyone know if Power actually is better then Str?

I play Combat at the moment, but probably switching to Focus til it gets fixed (Why gimp myself when I dont need too).


The low amount of crit you get from maxing strength over power doesnt really seem worth it?

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Its minimal difference augment wise, tiny bit of crit or tiny bit of bonus dmg . I prefer strength cause i used that for ages and if you wanna play the other specs its def the way to go anyway. You can change them but the difference wont be worth the spend. Also i kinda prefer the 1-2% extra crit over a tiny bit of bonus dmg even in smash (your other abilities remember arent auto crit). In the games current climate thats actually a fair amount.


In mods you obviously just wanna go with whatever gear has the highest sum of both. (DEF mod unlettered)

Edited by AngusFTW
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The original post seems to be seeing red and ranting over Rage/Smash Warriors. I agree that Rage/Smash spec is boneheaded, boring, and can be played with a racecar pedal and a steering wheel. Thats okay in my opinion. If a spec is a little overpowered, meh, alright let it go, it happens, this is an MMO. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the fact that its.................


(2) 100% Critical Chance - stack power/surge; thanks okay.


(4) INSTANT BURST DAMAGE. - not damage over time, instant burst, that is also, again, area of effect.... right, ok...... hmm....


How did this leave the meeting room back at BioWare/EA headquarters? That's extremely..........

(1) unprofessional

(2) embarrassing

(3) rude to all PvP'ers - It skews the damage charts in PvP by the way.. They are always top damage unjustly. Damage meters are a huge part of the game for me personally, I play objectively but I always look at the damage, healing, protection, and objectives. I have fun with them, and I don't appreciate the imbalance in this regard. Maybe its because I'm Libra I dunno. Lastly, you guys all know that people look at the damage in Arena.. You hear a lot of "OMG I doubled your damage.." "Why am I tripplin my team's damage".. get outta here.. C'mon BioWare. I know the two doctors are gone but please get an alpha dog mentality with your game and start making vital changes to better the game. Sadly I assume they are just looking at dollar signs at this point. GG the game overall is still fun but man, this garbage has nearly ruined the game since launch for me. /thumbs down.


Honestly, my statements below explain why I think this is why we are all victims to this garbage. I think BioWare/EA put a young man in charge of PvP class design. Maybe for all classes, maybe for just the Warrior. I think the higher ups pressured him/her/them to make the universal talent tree for Warriors (marauder and juggernaught) be UNIQUE and REVOLUTIONARY.... Something DIFFERENT that has not been done in MMO's.. I can imagine them saying, well, marauders have a bleed spec, and an armor pen spec with good gameplay,. Juggernaughts have a tough bleed spec too, and the other tree is for tanking. Yes, we DO need something different! Hmmmm.......

Ok boss.. Here it is.. I think we should make a talent tree that is (A) Area of Effect BURST damage.. (B) Instant Cast © 100% crit chance so you always see big numbers!! Fun right!! (D) Put this area of effect ability on a short cooldown, and also make it the main attack for this spec, and other abilities will even lower the cooldown. So they can Area of Effect Smash as much as they want. And even if there is only one enemy to (Area of Effect) Smash, let it still be solid burst damage anyway. If there are multiple enemies in one area, that's just cherry on the pie.. Sounds fun right? Would you want to play it? Sounds STRONG.."

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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The OP is very inlogical... You never, every generalize... You can have:


1- People who are noobs and can't play other specs well enough.

2- Peoeple who are to lazy... Why should they play some other spec when Rage/Focus gives even better results for lower the effort?

3- People who like to get the most out of the class... However you feel like looking at this Rage/Focus is damn broken (looking at you marauders...).

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Because it is easier to play something that's easy than to play something that's difficult.


It's as simple / easy as that.

Add to that, that it is even more effective... as much as smash annoys me, but you really can't blame anyone for playing it, but BW conceiving the spec. I mean it is surely not some fancy hybrid that was intended but turned out to be super duper effective and easy to play.... no this was intended this way

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The original post seems to be seeing red and ranting over Rage/Smash Warriors. I agree that Rage/Smash spec is boneheaded, boring, and can be played with a racecar pedal and a steering wheel. Thats okay in my opinion. If a spec is a little overpowered, meh, alright let it go, it happens, this is an MMO. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the fact that its.................


(2) 100% Critical Chance - stack power/surge; thanks okay.


(4) INSTANT BURST DAMAGE. - not damage over time, instant burst, that is also, again, area of effect.... right, ok...... hmm....


How did this leave the meeting room back at BioWare/EA headquarters? That's extremely..........

(1) unprofessional

(2) embarrassing

(3) rude to all PvP'ers - It skews the damage charts in PvP by the way.. They are always top damage unjustly. Damage meters are a huge part of the game for me personally, I play objectively but I always look at the damage, healing, protection, and objectives. I have fun with them, and I don't appreciate the imbalance in this regard. Maybe its because I'm Libra I dunno. Lastly, you guys all know that people look at the damage in Arena.. You hear a lot of "OMG I doubled your damage.." "Why am I tripplin my team's damage".. get outta here.. C'mon BioWare. I know the two doctors are gone but please get an alpha dog mentality with your game and start making vital changes to better the game. Sadly I assume they are just looking at dollar signs at this point. GG the game overall is still fun but man, this garbage has nearly ruined the game since launch for me. /thumbs down.


Honestly, my statements below explain why I think this is why we are all victims to this garbage. I think BioWare/EA put a young man in charge of PvP class design. Maybe for all classes, maybe for just the Warrior. I think the higher ups pressured him/her/them to make the universal talent tree for Warriors (marauder and juggernaught) be UNIQUE and REVOLUTIONARY.... Something DIFFERENT that has not been done in MMO's.. I can imagine them saying, well, marauders have a bleed spec, and an armor pen spec with good gameplay,. Juggernaughts have a tough bleed spec too, and the other tree is for tanking. Yes, we DO need something different! Hmmmm.......

Ok boss.. Here it is.. I think we should make a talent tree that is (A) Area of Effect BURST damage.. (B) Instant Cast © 100% crit chance so you always see big numbers!! Fun right!! (D) Put this area of effect ability on a short cooldown, and also make it the main attack for this spec, and other abilities will even lower the cooldown. So they can Area of Effect Smash as much as they want. And even if there is only one enemy to (Area of Effect) Smash, let it still be solid burst damage anyway. If there are multiple enemies in one area, that's just cherry on the pie.. Sounds fun right? Would you want to play it? Sounds STRONG.."


QFT - seriously. PLEASE READ THIS BIOWARE. PLEASE. YOu are an embarrassment to pvp every day that smash remains in the game in its current form (which is going on for over a year now). That you even have a playerbase on these forums discussing pvp still is an incredible miracle.

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Does anyone know if Power actually is better then Str?

I play Combat at the moment, but probably switching to Focus til it gets fixed (Why gimp myself when I dont need too).


The low amount of crit you get from maxing strength over power doesnt really seem worth it?


If an AC has a +9% main stat talent go with main stat augs, if not stack power augs.

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To put it simple, rage has best survivability, damage output and control of all marauders specs. If you are playing anything else, you are doing yourself and your team disservice. Is the spec OP? Of course, but that's a BW problem not player problem. Rage juggs are a whole different story. Just focus fire them. They are easy to kill.


My main is PT, and I run AP, thus having little to no problem with smashers. Carnage specifically is dangerous, if the stars align, but they rarely ever do. Healers should not have problem with Carnage, if there is a competent tank, at every proc you will get CCed.


Smash will continue to be the dominant dps spec for warriors, and one of the strongest among all dps, as long as game balance stays the way it is. You can't blame people for playing whats ideal.


BTW, I love annihilation marauder, but its highly uncompetitive to play ranked with.

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I wish everyone who played rage/focus were good. Then I wouldn't get upset when some crap rage spec cant even muster 600dps in your average warzone.


So in conclusion yes, noobs play smash and suck at it on an epic level. Which is no different than a noob playing any other spec in this game and sucking at that as well.

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So much whining...


Rage isn't the God mode some of you are making it out to be. Yes, it's a strong spec when the other team is kind enough to group up, but it's still a melee spec that can be kited and killed by any ranged class with any amount of skill (except TK sage, they're kind of screwed). Mando's can KB & electro net, good luck getting back to them with more than 25% of your HP. Balance sage can kite while melting your HP away with dots, and if you do get them low, they just bubble while waiting for insta self-heal to come off CD. Sure, you might get a very pretty big yellow number, but does that really matter if they sent you to the spawn? I don't even need to talk about slingers. Hard counters are hard counters.


Of course, there are exceptions to everything. An average smash monkey is going to be able to kill a bad anything. A good smasher might get the better of some of those ranged classes from time to time. But they don't need to be nerfed. A few classes need buffs, but that's about it. So please, stop crying, and L2P.

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