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Changing interrupts isn't going to do a thing for my sorcerer. I stand still for 1.5 seconds and hit for 4k on a critical only 30% to 40% of the time. The other guy hits a button with no cast time and hits for 9k on a critical 100% of the time. And my DoTs? One GCD from his scoundrel/operative healer just wiped out what it took me at least 2 GCD to put on... two GCD's that his buddy spent leaping at me, rooting me, interrupting me, knocking me back and stunning me. No, but it's cool. If I can just get my casts off a little bit faster, I can face tank that sh*t no problem.
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If Bioware is serious about improving the casting/channeling/interrupt/pushback situation, here is what I would do:


- Abilities with cast times can be activated while moving

- Initiating an ability with a cast time while moving applies a 25% slow on your character

- Channeled abilities can be activated while moving

- Activating a channeled ability while moving applies a 70% slow on your character

- You cannot be interrupted for 4s after having been interrupted

- You cannot suffer from pushback more than once every 3s

- Change Alacrity in the following ways:


  • Adjust DR so its not a useless stat (We should be able to reduce 1.5s casts to <= 1s with excessive Alacrity stacking)
  • Alacrity reduces the slow effect while casting/channeling on the move
  • Alacrity reduces the effect of pushback


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Jugg dps need more dcd.

It's not TOO MUCH, it's needed because there's too much root, stun, slow, mezz, knockdown, pull, push on this game. The time that you spend free hitting your target is half of the time that you spend rooted, stunned, etc... I agree the dcd it's not fair between jugg and marauder.

The same way Sniper/Slinger dcd is not fair compared to sorc and merc. If you list Snipers has more dcd than marauders.


I'm uncertain as to what you are saying here. Are you saying that dps juggs need more dcd (agree) and maras need their dcd to say as is (disagree)?


Mara dcds aren't too good because they are numerous (juggs have more dcds than any class im aware of and dps juggs suck) it's just that they're godmode cooldowns that makes them essentially impossible to kill for the duration. Most other classes don't have that, and the ones that do have a hefty drawback on it, and just have one on a long cooldown, not 2 on short timers.


But yeah as long as juggs don't get their tanking buffed they could really use some dcd's for the dps specs.

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I'm uncertain as to what you are saying here. Are you saying that dps juggs need more dcd (agree) and maras need their dcd to say as is (disagree)?


Mara dcds aren't too good because they are numerous (juggs have more dcds than any class im aware of and dps juggs suck) it's just that they're godmode cooldowns that makes them essentially impossible to kill for the duration. Most other classes don't have that, and the ones that do have a hefty drawback on it, and just have one on a long cooldown, not 2 on short timers.


But yeah as long as juggs don't get their tanking buffed they could really use some dcd's for the dps specs.


Are you high or just a really terrible player? I mean honestly the only DCD that I agree they shouldn't have is force camo. Saber Ward is a 3 min CD and they'd never survive without rebuke and making that CD longer than it already is would be extremely detrimental to them and GBTF is extremely overrated. Most players who have even half a brain do not white bar a sentinel before they pop GBTF. It's a clutch move but most of the time a sentinel won't use it till he is near death anyways since it, ya know, takes 50% of their current HP. If you white bar them before GBTF, that is your own damn fault.


The problem isn't sentinels. The problem is other melee classes have terrible DCD in comparison. Juggs for example have two terrible DCD's. Endure pain gives them 30% hp but after 10 seconds they lose it...It's like taking a double crit in the middle of a fight. It can be clutch sometimes but for the most part its a terrible CD. And even if it does save you, you end the fight a 1hp then get slapped by some bystander.


Enraged defense is also a joke. It's half decent in vengeance tree with the defense buff but even still, the self heals are terrible given how costly the ability is eating away at their resource pool that requires the class to attack just to get resources.


Then there is saber ward which is a solid DCD but its also on a 3 minute CD. I understand it being that long for a sentinel but it should of been shorter for juggernauts. That or they just simply need to give juggernauts better DCDs.

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jugg got saber reflect, saber ward, endure pain, enraged defense and has force push and intercede. they wear heavy armor. they can change to soresu in the middle of the fight and taunt people.


i dont get your point, what are they lacking?!


endure pain isnt great but it saved my life very often or get me that kill before i die. its great when going after a warzone heal or get the healer time to heal you.

enraged defense in vengeance is great.

the mobility with force jump, force push, intercede is not compareable. even more when you spec rage.


you seem to be so jealous on maras. what do they have?


cloak of pain

undying rage

force camouflage

saber ward


did i miss something? the class is rather squishy and needs some good cooldowns. i would compare undying rage with endure pain. both give you another some seconds. why is endure pain bad and undying rage great? dont get it. think about it, its almost the same purpose!


force camo stealthes you for 5 seconds. again, nothing great.


a only-Melee-dd needs some surviving and escape tools.


maras doesnt have more or greater tools than other classes. and a jugg got really a lot of good tools, especially saber reflect.

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That killing aoe you're talking about is actually fairly uncommon. Heres a list of common aoe and why it doesn't get used on camo maras:


death field (requires a madness dps spec and 15s cd, fairly uncommon in high level play and wont be up when camo pops anyways)

smash (fairly uncommon that a smasher have a smash ready and willing to smash air at the exact moment the mara hits camo)

orbital strike (most people probably wouldn't even try to use orbital to kill a camo mara for obvious reasons)

death from above - (requires a bounty hunter be on your team, long cd issues)

trash aoe skills (overload, lacerate, etc etc etc - wont get used usually because they suck, pretty much only happens if mara is the last one alive and nobody has anything better to do than lacerate spam at a guessed location, probably won't kill the target even if it connects anyways)


so like I was saying, maras don't usually die while in camo. Again I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm just saying that in 95% of cases camo gives maras a third life.


I agree that it's not common for a sentinel to die during camo but that's the point of the ability, isn't it? As I stated in my previous post it doesn't really gives a third life to the sent as long as you don't stay there fidling with your dick waiting for the sent to reappear.

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People advocating Marauder survivability seriously need to get their heads checked. What the OP says is absolutely true. Marauders survive FAR better than they should. Undying rage might as well be removed from the game and they would be absolutely fine.


As it is, Undying rage is a Get out of Jail Free card. While they already have one of that with Force Camo. That's dumb. And no, Juggernaughts survivability is fine. Maurauders just have far too *********** much of it. I suggest you play another class sometime and see if you can even live half as long.


Hell, I could jump into a group of 6 players on my own on a marauder kill 1 person and get away safely because of the DERP amount of defensive cooldowns...

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People advocating Marauder survivability seriously need to get their heads checked. What the OP says is absolutely true. Marauders survive FAR better than they should. Undying rage might as well be removed from the game and they would be absolutely fine.


As it is, Undying rage is a Get out of Jail Free card. While they already have one of that with Force Camo. That's dumb. And no, Juggernaughts survivability is fine. Maurauders just have far too *********** much of it. I suggest you play another class sometime and see if you can even live half as long.


Hell, I could jump into a group of 6 players on my own on a marauder kill 1 person and get away safely because of the DERP amount of defensive cooldowns...


Op's/Scoundrels got nerfed three times because the could kill one in a group and get away.

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Op's/Scoundrels got nerfed three times because the could kill one in a group and get away.


That's still different though, you can't see one coming. They are made to do that pretty much, and given they have all cooldowns it's not too bad they get away with it.


A marauder is not a *********** stealth class though, and they should not be able to get away from the grip of 6 other players on their own.

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I'd save remove Force Camo and replace it with a snare/slow breaker on a 30-40 sec CD, or remove it and give us an interrupt on saber throw and have the range go 10-25 so you cant use it in melee range.

Because we totally need more interrupts in this game.....

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I play all 8 advanced classes at lvl 55. Some more the others and sent/mara is one of the others. If u put a 99% healing debuff on GBTF then it no longer is a get out of jail card. That plus a reduction of active rebuke from 30 to 20 seconds should get sents in line with the rest of the classes. Already said that but said it again cause i see some ppl like to make wild accusations w/o bothering to read through the thread.

Next time when you want to talk about how great sent/mara is, first play one (see that goes both ways ;) ).

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Because we totally need more interrupts in this game.....


Well, sents will need something if force camo is to be removed, since its by far our best defensive CD.

If they would flat out remove force camo im pretty confident the entire role that sents currently have will vanish.

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I play all 8 advanced classes at lvl 55. Some more the others and sent/mara is one of the others. If u put a 99% healing debuff on GBTF then it no longer is a get out of jail card. That plus a reduction of active rebuke from 30 to 20 seconds should get sents in line with the rest of the classes. Already said that but said it again cause i see some ppl like to make wild accusations w/o bothering to read through the thread.

Next time when you want to talk about how great sent/mara is, first play one (see that goes both ways ;) ).


Force camo is far better then GBTF, imo GBTF is extremely overrated. Almost always when I dont have force camo off CD to use after GBTF i die.

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Well, sents will need something if force camo is to be removed, since its by far our best defensive CD.

If they would flat out remove force camo im pretty confident the entire role that sents currently have will vanish.


Camo is fine. Camo + undying is not.

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For me they can just remove GBTF completely and make me able to use Rebuke whilst stunned.


That'd make me happy.

I concur. 45 sec C/D on Rebuke, usable while stunned, and I'm not looking back on GBTF/UR ever again.

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Implying a stun makes GBTF malfunction?

I think hes implying that you can stun before someone uses GBTF and kill the Sentinel before he can use it.

Obviously his statement is flawed as fck, but thats how I read it anyway..

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