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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

oh. ( free rothc for subs )


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Shocking Revelation:


Things cost more if you buy them the moment they are released.


Tomb Raider was released in April 2013. It was being sold for $55. In late July, I purchased it for $12. Did all the release-day buyers run back to their respective stores to demand refunds? Skyrim sold for $50 at release, and each of the DLCs were something like $6-15 a piece. I waited a year and bought all of them for $18. Did the previous owners start crying and complaining about how Bethesda didn't value them? Do I get to demand a refund from the theater because tickets to the movie I watched last month are cheaper now than they were when I watched it?


Sorry, guys. This is how entertainment works. You pay a premium for immediate access. In almost all cases, if you wait you get a better price. For subscription services, that can often mean that you pay nothing for the same stuff that other people bought. Consider the price difference between release-day and "now" the cost of having access while others didn't.


Don't think there's any value in that? Do you remember the release of this game? Do you remember how much people whined about the fact that some people got to play 1-4 days before they could? How many of those people would have gladly paid $10 to get a couple days of early access? How many would have paid even more?


Of course, many of you already know this, but you're bitter over a dozen minor issues where you didn't get your way and you want to complain about something else because you think you're fighting for gamer's rights or you think that you're in some sort of battle with big business or something. All you're actually doing is showing how little attention you pay to the gaming market, and entertainment in general.


People wanted subscribers to get more perks: They got another perk. If you subscribe, you get a free expansion if you're willing to wait six months. If you want it when its released, you have to pay half the retail price.


What is it that people are complaining about again?

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No they won't, unless the sale was actually going on at the time and they were in error. I'm a woman, I shop, I know. :p


I bought a TV last month for $750. First week of September, they offered the same TV on sale for $699. I took my receipt back in, and asked them for the difference. They gave it to me without even batting an eye. I've also done this with a couch, a blender, and even a refrigerator. I haven't been turned down yet.


As I said in another post, I think they should toss in an extra 500 cartel coins to subs that already purchased the xpac. That with the title should be more than enough recompense.

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Shocking Revelation:


Things cost more if you buy them the moment they are released.


Tomb Raider was released in April 2013. It was being sold for $55. In late July, I purchased it for $12. Did all the release-day buyers run back to their respective stores to demand refunds? Skyrim sold for $50 at release, and each of the DLCs were something like $6-15 a piece. I waited a year and bought all of them for $18. Did the previous owners start crying and complaining about how Bethesda didn't value them? Do I get to demand a refund from the theater because tickets to the movie I watched last month are cheaper now than they were when I watched it?


Sorry, guys. This is how entertainment works. You pay a premium for immediate access. In almost all cases, if you wait you get a better price. For subscription services, that can often mean that you pay nothing for the same stuff that other people bought. Consider the price difference between release-day and "now" the cost of having access while others didn't.


Don't think there's any value in that? Do you remember the release of this game? Do you remember how much people whined about the fact that some people got to play 1-4 days before they could? How many of those people would have gladly paid $10 to get a couple days of early access? How many would have paid even more?


Of course, many of you already know this, but you're bitter over a dozen minor issues where you didn't get your way and you want to complain about something else because you think you're fighting for gamer's rights or you think that you're in some sort of battle with big business or something. All you're actually doing is showing how little attention you pay to the gaming market, and entertainment in general.


People wanted subscribers to get more perks: They got another perk. If you subscribe, you get a free expansion if you're willing to wait six months. If you want it when its released, you have to pay half the retail price.


What is it that people are complaining about again?


Finally, a level headed response.

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Finally, a level headed response.




Waiting for people to start bashing PC manufacturers for having the audacity to discount old product and price new product at premium prices.. AND give no refunds or considerations to the guy using the 3 year old PC.

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Shocking Revelation:


Things cost more if you buy them the moment they are released.


Tomb Raider was released in April 2013. It was being sold for $55. In late July, I purchased it for $12. Did all the release-day buyers run back to their respective stores to demand refunds? Skyrim sold for $50 at release, and each of the DLCs were something like $6-15 a piece. I waited a year and bought all of them for $18. Did the previous owners start crying and complaining about how Bethesda didn't value them? Do I get to demand a refund from the theater because tickets to the movie I watched last month are cheaper now than they were when I watched it?


Sorry, guys. This is how entertainment works. You pay a premium for immediate access. In almost all cases, if you wait you get a better price. For subscription services, that can often mean that you pay nothing for the same stuff that other people bought. Consider the price difference between release-day and "now" the cost of having access while others didn't.


Don't think there's any value in that? Do you remember the release of this game? Do you remember how much people whined about the fact that some people got to play 1-4 days before they could? How many of those people would have gladly paid $10 to get a couple days of early access? How many would have paid even more?


Of course, many of you already know this, but you're bitter over a dozen minor issues where you didn't get your way and you want to complain about something else because you think you're fighting for gamer's rights or you think that you're in some sort of battle with big business or something. All you're actually doing is showing how little attention you pay to the gaming market, and entertainment in general.


People wanted subscribers to get more perks: They got another perk. If you subscribe, you get a free expansion if you're willing to wait six months. If you want it when its released, you have to pay half the retail price.


What is it that people are complaining about again?


Yes, you absolutely correct; however, compensating the subs who purchased RotHC previously doesn't need to cost BW a single penny. They can do the whole thing virtually. They're already giving a title, if they upped the cartel coin allotment for one month by 500cc's for those who already purchased it, they would not only provide the "difference" between the original purchase and now, but they would garner a ton of good will with their long time customers.

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It seems to me that the issue people are upset with is the totality of the situation. Subscribers, from day one on this game, were led to believe they would never have to pay for content updates. Then RotHC comes out. They have to pay. People get angry, apologies say "WoW made you buy expansions, it's $10, no big deal."


By and large, most people bought into the "it's only $10" thing, putting the game above vanity and ego. Then, we flash forward to about 2 months ago. Where there was supposed to be a 2nd "Subscriber Appreciation" perk, even a tentative date was hinted at. Date came and went, with no word on the perk. Thread goes up about "*** Bioware, perk" (see, this is where the Bioware guilt comes into play, because it is what THEY said they were doing, not what players banded together and demanded.) A few pages later, someone from Bioware finally responds that they did indeed have a 2nd perk, but ran into technical issues, and the makeup date had not been determined. They did this AFTER the date had passed, and only AFTER people had begun to post about it.


Flash forward to today. Over 2 months since the "botched" perk. Now, something that everyone had to buy, is suddenly going to be free. In addition, those who bought it recently, will get rewarded. This is where the issue. The less painful issue to all subscribers, would be just to give the 1050 CC's to everyone who bought it. Its a not real, in-game currency, and lets be honest, with the CC prices as they are, 1050 CCs is not worth all that much.


You see, it is not just this incident, or this issue. It is a totality that continuously makes promises that are not lived up to and delivered on. Nobody except Bioware makes Bioware do this. They have nobody but themselves to blame for the track record on such things. Each and every decision made, makes it look as though the long-time subscribers are an afterthought in the logic that dictates these moves.


Does this free RotHC and the CC reward upset me as a consumer? Yes (when combined with the totality of the decisions made since the game began to fail.) Will I run off, and rage, and stop subscribing? No. But all of the bioware apologists in this thread need to understand, this is a demon of BWs own making. That they continue to fail to deliver things that they themselves promise, is on them. It needs to be fixed, and it needs to end. The hardest thing to do, when you LOSE a customer, is get that customer back.

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It seems to me that the issue people are upset with is the totality of the situation. Subscribers, from day one on this game, were led to believe they would never have to pay for content updates. Then RotHC comes out. They have to pay. People get angry, apologies say "WoW made you buy expansions, it's $10, no big deal."


1) Paying for Expacs is the norm in MMOs. Stop pretending otherwise.


2) Giving old Expacs away for free or for a small price is also the norm for MMOs. Not all do it.. but most do.

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Of course, many of you already know this, but you're bitter over a dozen minor issues where you didn't get your way and you want to complain about something else because you think you're fighting for gamer's rights or you think that you're in some sort of battle with big business or something. All you're actually doing is showing how little attention you pay to the gaming market, and entertainment in general.


Quoted for emphasis. Sadly I think this is pretty much spot on.

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Waiting for people to start bashing PC manufacturers for having the audacity to discount old product and price new product at premium prices.. AND give no refunds or considerations to the guy using the 3 year old PC.


That's been going on for some time, it's ingrained on that market's consumers. It doesn't stop us from using manufacturer's or extended warranties to overheat and kill powersupplies and GPUs just before the expiration date to get a replacement or upgrade if it's a discontinued, out-of-stock item.


Shop smart, wreck smarter.

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I pre- ordered the expansion pack ive been a player since just after launch, and to be honest im not complaining one bit, this means they will get more subs so they can play the expansion - meaning better new content (i hope)

more players in game and more people to do ops with as more subs will come into play.


but my only fear is its going to bring even more noobs to the ops, i play on the red eclipse server and do you know how many empire players fail EC on SM, HM and NM?. Alot more than any of the other ops I have seen because where people have subbed and think, yes now im a sub I can do anything, well what about gear and tactics and half a brain to work your class properly - do some research - look up different tactics look up peoples different rotations get some advise - and one more thing if you've never done it on SM then don't do it on HM or NM.


but overall i do not mind not being rewarded - nor should other people - you cant miss what you never had!!

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I bought a TV last month for $750. First week of September, they offered the same TV on sale for $699. I took my receipt back in, and asked them for the difference. They gave it to me without even batting an eye. I've also done this with a couch, a blender, and even a refrigerator. I haven't been turned down yet.


As I said in another post, I think they should toss in an extra 500 cartel coins to subs that already purchased the xpac. That with the title should be more than enough recompense.


Was it Costco? They're pretty good with that kind of thing. Good luck trying that at a lot of department stores, though. In any case, it's hard to to find an analogous situation with a $10 digital good becoming free.


It would be nice if they did something else for subscribers who bought the game early. But it's not something that makes me feel angry, like the $20 limited time only dye thing.


There you go, they should give all subscribers who bought RothC early a Black/Black dye. :D

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Spent $10 to get 4 chars up to lvl 55 and into end game raiding and 5 chars up to 450 crafting. A crew skill trainer which came in VERY handy while leveling. Had full rep in about a 1.5 months got some really good rep gear, and schematics. On top of that I get a Title (more than what i can display anyway).


People tend to forget the game play and entertainment are its own rewards. If you played it and enjoyed it the fact they give you anything is nice.


However, there is the ME ME ME mentality that if you spend money, people should bend over backwards to give you stuff beyond what you purchased.


I personally havn't stepped foot on makeb other than for TC runs in the last few months, the fact that it would be free to access to most would be irrelevant other than to people who have new chars or have yet to purchase.

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1) Paying for Expacs is the norm in MMOs. Stop pretending otherwise.


Sure it is. What the norm is NOT, however, is to be told , or STRONGLY led to believe from day 1, that you will not have to. There is nobody but BW to blame for that. Truth is, I am largely ok with this, because, IMO, it saved the game. It does not, however, change the fact that we, as consumers(specifically long-time subs), find more and more reasons to feel like we are the afterthoughts.

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Spent $10 to get 4 chars up to lvl 55 and into end game raiding and 5 chars up to 450 crafting. A crew skill trainer which came in VERY handy while leveling. Had full rep in about a 1.5 months got some really good rep gear, and schematics. On top of that I get a Title (more than what i can display anyway).


People tend to forget the game play and entertainment are its own rewards. If you played it and enjoyed it the fact they give you anything is nice.


However, there is the ME ME ME mentality that if you spend money, people should bend over backwards to give you stuff beyond what you purchased.


I personally havn't stepped foot on makeb other than for TC runs in the last few months, the fact that it would be free to access to most would be irrelevant other than to people who have new chars or have yet to purchase.



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It seems to me that the issue people are upset with is the totality of the situation. Subscribers, from day one on this game, were led to believe they would never have to pay for content updates. Then RotHC comes out. They have to pay. People get angry, apologies say "WoW made you buy expansions, it's $10, no big deal."


By and large, most people bought into the "it's only $10" thing, putting the game above vanity and ego. Then, we flash forward to about 2 months ago. Where there was supposed to be a 2nd "Subscriber Appreciation" perk, even a tentative date was hinted at. Date came and went, with no word on the perk. Thread goes up about "*** Bioware, perk" (see, this is where the Bioware guilt comes into play, because it is what THEY said they were doing, not what players banded together and demanded.) A few pages later, someone from Bioware finally responds that they did indeed have a 2nd perk, but ran into technical issues, and the makeup date had not been determined. They did this AFTER the date had passed, and only AFTER people had begun to post about it.


Flash forward to today. Over 2 months since the "botched" perk. Now, something that everyone had to buy, is suddenly going to be free. In addition, those who bought it recently, will get rewarded. This is where the issue. The less painful issue to all subscribers, would be just to give the 1050 CC's to everyone who bought it. Its a not real, in-game currency, and lets be honest, with the CC prices as they are, 1050 CCs is not worth all that much.


You see, it is not just this incident, or this issue. It is a totality that continuously makes promises that are not lived up to and delivered on. Nobody except Bioware makes Bioware do this. They have nobody but themselves to blame for the track record on such things. Each and every decision made, makes it look as though the long-time subscribers are an afterthought in the logic that dictates these moves.


Does this free RotHC and the CC reward upset me as a consumer? Yes (when combined with the totality of the decisions made since the game began to fail.) Will I run off, and rage, and stop subscribing? No. But all of the bioware apologists in this thread need to understand, this is a demon of BWs own making. That they continue to fail to deliver things that they themselves promise, is on them. It needs to be fixed, and it needs to end. The hardest thing to do, when you LOSE a customer, is get that customer back.


I have been critical of some of the decisions EABW has made in the past. However, I am not upset with this ROTHC issue. This type of thing happens often and I don't feel I need to be compensated for having purchased it 6 months prior. I feel I received my $10 worth of entertainment.


BUT, I agree with the quoted text. EABW has made numerous gaffs, IMO. The list above is by no means comprehensive. Lets not forget the Collections and Revan's Mask debacle, removing 8 man ranked pvp, and Dye CC Cost, to name a few more. Its seems EABW cant help shooting themselves in the foot. I feel many subscribers just don't trust them any longer. This ROTHC issue is just another reason for some to distrust, even if unmerited.


With that said, I do also believe that EABW have made some good choices of late. The Taun Taun was not on the Cartel Market when it could have been. The interesting items in the latest Cartel Pack, and not just re-skins. And what appears to be great upcoming additions to the game with Arenas and the SSSP.


As for the red bolded text above - I COMPLETELY agree. It cost far less to retain a customer than to gain a new one. They should place a little more effort into keeping there subs happy and they might convert us all into Andryah types.

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This is just sad, I got my friend to re-sub 3 days ago. He did and then had to buy ROTHC to lvl up and goto Makeb. Now it will be free, he is going to be pissed when he gets home. BW/EA better make it right somehow and anyone that re-subbed within the past week should be given a refund.
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ROTHC's content wasn't worth the10 dollars to begin with....how could I have possibly gotten my money's worth already.


This is EAs continued gouging and dismissal of current subscribers worth....they know we are already on the hook right. What's the point of trying to do right by the people who have been with you from the start? Clearly after all the crap they've served up and gotten away with already, none of us are going anywhere....right?


It's not getting better.....it's getting worse.

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