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Smash IS overpowered


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I hate all the smashing and think smashers have waaaaaaaaay more survivability than scrappers and VGs while doing better burst and cleave respectively. but in terms of overtuned ACs, I'd say sniper/gs are the only AC with an answer for every possible class. stealth is supposed to be their counter, but only a bad sniper can be approached by stealth because their effective +30 stealth detect is 360, not 180, unless you're dealing with a sniper who just doesn't know how to mouse turn.


so, you have a class that cannot be pulled or leaped to (wars, pts) and cannot be stealthed to (sins, ops). they have better native armor (medium) than sages and better dcds than sages/mandos, both of which the sniper/gs can interrupt while being immune to interrupts themselves (cover alone does this against a ranged opponent).


this is the definition of "overtuned." are they "OP"? iunno. anyone can be killed. and every class boils down to player skill. but is there another class in the game that is so universally equipped to deal with every other AC? and why the hell does dodge cleanse everything? what ever happened to the "pure dps" argument? what are they doing with a universal cleanse? like I said: only class with an answer for everything.


edit: and no. I don't main a smasher. I have one. they're easy to play. I main a VG & mando. I've been playing scrapper a lot recently. I'd like to play more watchman, but the ramp up and rampant cleansing makes it frustrating.

Edited by foxmob
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As someone that pvp's a lot even before RotHC (lvl 55, social IV, valor 60+) I've never been hit by those 10k+ smash/sweeps in the 30-54 and lvl 55 bracket. Most damage I got was 5-6k.


Only indicating valor 60+ actually indicates very limited pvp experience, imo.


Realistically geared smashers should be hitting from 7k-8k. Anthing higher/lower usually indicates taunts/armor/resilience.

Edited by Xeraz
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You can start with valor 10 and still be in a lvl 55 bracket with valor 90+ opponents. Also, the whole smash thing has been around even before RotHC. Even if I start the lvl 55 bracket (when smash starts becoming "OP") at 30 valor, I'd still have to go through tons of WZ matches. To say that I haven't come across a well-geared smashmonkey in hundreds of matches is ridiculous


Before I bought RotHC, I frequently duelled lvl 55 focus guardians in end-game gear and still defeat them. This is running an infil shadow in war hero gear (with the expertise already removed) I have screenies to prove it.


And since I never got hit by the "well geared" smash damage, does that mean there's plenty of damage mitigation going around that smash is not that much of a threat?

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I hate all the smashing and think smashers have waaaaaaaaay more survivability than scrappers and VGs while doing better burst and cleave respectively. but in terms of overtuned ACs, I'd say sniper/gs are the only AC with an answer for every possible class. stealth is supposed to be their counter, but only a bad sniper can be approached by stealth because their effective +30 stealth detect is 360, not 180, unless you're dealing with a sniper who just doesn't know how to mouse turn.


so, you have a class that cannot be pulled or leaped to (wars, pts) and cannot be stealthed to (sins, ops). they have better native armor (medium) than sages and better dcds than sages/mandos, both of which the sniper/gs can interrupt while being immune to interrupts themselves (cover alone does this against a ranged opponent).


this is the definition of "overtuned." are they "OP"? iunno. anyone can be killed. and every class boils down to player skill. but is there another class in the game that is so universally equipped to deal with every other AC? and why the hell does dodge cleanse everything? what ever happened to the "pure dps" argument? what are they doing with a universal cleanse? like I said: only class with an answer for everything.


Truth be told... They need toned down NAO.

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stealth detect is +30 with 180 degree vision from where ever you look. keep mouse turning while in cover = 360 degree effective coverage.it's stupid. it ought to be whichever way the defensive screen is facing. or better yet, just don't give them an answer for every class.

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stealth detect is +30 with 180 degree vision from where ever you look. keep mouse turning while in cover = 360 degree effective coverage.it's stupid. it ought to be whichever way the defensive screen is facing. or better yet, just don't give them an answer for every class.


Sir, you can't mouseturn in cover. And it's a 130 degree cone (65 to each side directly from front face).

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The reputation of Smash is so miserable that i feel guilty and ashamed the rare times i spec into it.I am not kidding.


+ You are expected to do awesome damage and own people.If you don't then you suck.If you do , then you are nothing special, it is to be expected.


Worst spec in the game,specially for a mara/sent.

Edited by Kaedusz
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stealth detect is +30 with 180 degree vision from where ever you look. keep mouse turning while in cover = 360 degree effective coverage.it's stupid. it ought to be whichever way the defensive screen is facing. or better yet, just don't give them an answer for every class.




Sir, you can't mouseturn in cover. And it's a 130 degree cone (65 to each side directly from front face).



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The reputation of Smash is so miserable that i feel guilty and ashamed the rare times i spec into it.I am not kidding.


+ You are expected to do awesome damage and own people.If you don't then you suck.If you do , then you are nothing special, it is to be expected.


Worst spec in the game,specially for a mara/sent.


The reputation is bad because bad players can't counter it, and yes if you don't do good damage you probably do suck, and it's really the only viable spec for mara/sent assuming the other person is smart enough to use a stun on your ravage/master strike.


Sir, you can't mouseturn in cover.

Why can't you mouse turn in cover? I have no problem with it.

Edited by Puissant
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Sir, you can't mouseturn in cover. And it's a 130 degree cone (65 to each side directly from front face).


ok. my bad. 130. doesn't matter when you can spin. and yes. you can sit in cover and spin (i.e., mouse turn) from cover. you don't have to face the same way you start when you go into cover. ergo, you get +30 stealth detect for 130 degrees at a time and the ability to pan/turn/spin with that 130 degree magnifying glass. now pan around constantly while you're in cover and it's a virtual 360 degree +30 stealth detect.


edit: I'm not actually heated about this abil. it's just...like...wow. really? snipers sure needed that, huh? they must have a really tough time getting their casts off and being leaped to and pulled and...well...yeah. it's a bit much. as I said, they're the only class I can think of that has an answer for everything.

Edited by foxmob
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ok. my bad. 130. doesn't matter when you can spin. and yes. you can sit in cover and spin (i.e., mouse turn) from cover. you don't have to face the same way you start when you go into cover. ergo, you get +30 stealth detect for 130 degrees at a time and the ability to pan/turn/spin with that 130 degree magnifying glass. now pan around constantly while you're in cover and it's a virtual 360 degree +30 stealth detect.


edit: I'm not actually heated about this abil. it's just...like...wow. really? snipers sure needed that, huh? they must have a really tough time getting their casts off and being leaped to and pulled and...well...yeah. it's a bit much. as I said, they're the only class I can think of that has an answer for everything.


That 130 cone is highly dependent on which direction your character is facing. In order to change your character's direction you have to be out of cover and if a sniper does that they loose all stacks of spotter. Rotating the camera does nothing.


If a sniper finds a nice corner to set up shop or really just finds a place where their cone covers the one path to them then they can see stealth coming. If they stay in one spot long enough, they can see a stealth from 15m away.


But you know, stealth classes do have black out which increases their stealth level to the point they walk right in front of people all they want. So, yea, they do act as a counter to a small degree. But if their opening doesn't burst enough, and they aren't quick to pop off their stun, the sniper can just roll away and make them pay.

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I hate all the smashing and think smashers have waaaaaaaaay more survivability than scrappers and VGs while doing better burst and cleave respectively. but in terms of overtuned ACs, I'd say sniper/gs are the only AC with an answer for every possible class. stealth is supposed to be their counter, but only a bad sniper can be approached by stealth because their effective +30 stealth detect is 360, not 180, unless you're dealing with a sniper who just doesn't know how to mouse turn.


so, you have a class that cannot be pulled or leaped to (wars, pts) and cannot be stealthed to (sins, ops). they have better native armor (medium) than sages and better dcds than sages/mandos, both of which the sniper/gs can interrupt while being immune to interrupts themselves (cover alone does this against a ranged opponent).


this is the definition of "overtuned." are they "OP"? iunno. anyone can be killed. and every class boils down to player skill. but is there another class in the game that is so universally equipped to deal with every other AC? and why the hell does dodge cleanse everything? what ever happened to the "pure dps" argument? what are they doing with a universal cleanse? like I said: only class with an answer for everything.


edit: and no. I don't main a smasher. I have one. they're easy to play. I main a VG & mando. I've been playing scrapper a lot recently. I'd like to play more watchman, but the ramp up and rampant cleansing makes it frustrating.

That's why I'm not playing my gunslinger... I loved my slinger last year. I fell in love with a class that require more skills then any other classes to play, the only class that you could pull out massive damage but only if you knew how to stack the deck in your favor and play your cards right. Now slinger is so dumb OP I can kill most targets in 2 globals and I have crap gear on.


Bioware basically shove a big FU in the true slinger players by overly buffing our class and making it flavor for everyone to play. Now skills isn't needed to play the slinger. You are passively the most unkillable target in the warzone and you are the only one who can poop damage without ever being stopped.

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