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How do you kill a scoundrel?


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Simple question, I find it impossible to kill a scoundrel, because he can heal, roll, go invisible, mezz me, heal up, kite me all over the map etc...


I spent the whole time in one warzone trying to kill one of them but they were kiting me everywhere, i pulled them to me and they just stunned me and went invisible...basically they were taunting me the whole match but i couldnt kill him...


I'm fully geared/augmented, half my gear is conq BiS, I have no trouble killing other classes but i cant kill a scoundrel.


If they're a scoundrel healer with guard with another healer on their team...well theres no chance they're gonna die even if 3 of you are attacking it

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How do you kill a scoundrel?


you simply dont.


regardless of the fact that i think healing is way to strong since the beginning of this game, scoundrels have just driven this to the top nowadays. as sin i find it nearly impossible to kill a scoundrel that has equal gear.


i am still hoping that they


a) nerf healing in general

b) put a cooldown on the roll

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you simply dont.


regardless of the fact that i think healing is way to strong since the beginning of this game, scoundrels have just driven this to the top nowadays. as sin i find it nearly impossible to kill a scoundrel that has equal gear.


i am still hoping that they


a) nerf healing in general

b) put a cooldown on the roll


Watch wakalord's videos and try to mimic what he does, you will have trouble killing the 1 v 1.

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You don't need to kill him. You just need to stop him healing others. Which by the sounds of things you did. You were on him all warzone and he ran all over the place? Just how much help was he to his team?


You don't need to kill healers, just their output.


I assure you he had plenty of GCDs available for instacast healing his team mates. On maps with obectives, all he needs to do, is stay alive, that's enough to interrupt any sort of capping from your team.


I like how operative players try to make it sound that's it's OK for them not to die. That this crazy survivability is balanced. But well, bioware doesn' care, they seem to leave the class unchanged in 2.4.

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This. You need a mercmando to take an operative healer down.


They are the paper to the operative healer rock.


Otherwise, you need no less than 4 regular DPS to take a guarded cross healing OP healer down reliably, because DPS are scissors to that setup.


err, doesnt dodge purge the slow and allow them to vanish/roll?

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Snipinger can do it, if he gets the opener on him, though not easily (that passive stealth-detection we get is meant to help hard-counter his *********** drop-combat BS, and it works, I assure you). After that, it's pure nuking + DoTs (he won't be able to cleanse all of them from a fully-talented Ditythality Snipinger), plus Leg-Shot and your dive-roll at opportune times.


Sharp-Slinger will have a bit harder time keeping him in combat, but makes up for it with pure NUKE IT NAOW, again you have to get the opening burst on him, though.


Like I said, not easy, but do-able.


As well: This is strictly IME, but if you take one down solo, then be ready for him to be really, really angry at you and tunnel-in after you the whole match!

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The game has a plethora of CCs, knockbacks and interrupts, enabling anyone who knows their class and has their keybinds to prevent the Operative from getting most abilities that require a cast time in the span of the fight. If you cannot then ask a friend Operative/Scoundrel to duel you, and get used to your CC keybinds and when to use what.


It really depends on the context of the fight - I honestly dont see why a healer Operative would be node-guarding, so the question of your team and their team comes in as well: are they peeling for the healer? Are you tunneling the healer when you would be better off focusing overextenders? etc. In a 1v1 scenario, he will most likely be unable to kill you either, in which case I dont really see a problem (inb4 "boohooo we dps should win 1v1" ;)).


In a scenario where you are attacking an unguarded healer, who is occupied with healing someone else it is essentially a dps race. Dont bother opening with a CC, engage them first, unless your damage is low to the point that you do not outdamage Kolto Probe/Surgical Probe (@above 30% health), in which case you should ask experienced PvPers of your AC, he will now be forced to divert his attention to you, hence not healing his mates as much (is your team able to exploit that? If not, then hardly a class balance issue).


So now he is at approximately what? 60% hitpoints, and healing himself. Now you interrupt him and make him run out of Tactical Advantages (how quickly he regains them depends on how many players he HoTed up and rng), in which case he only has HoTs to heal himself. They will also most likely use Shield Probe, which doesnt absorb a lot of damage but it will heal them once you destroy it (for something around 1-2k iirc).


At 30% health we become able to spam Surgical Probe thanks to Surgical Precision, at this point you just CC the Operative, and then deal something around 7k damage - which most classes can dish out with one or two abilities.


If the Operative is guarded, then the fight is a 2v1, in which case it hardly has anything to do with Operative healing output. You are simply outnumbered. What to do? Well you need another team mate to help you. Either chain stun the Operative and kill the tank, who will most likely be taunting you, or separate them from eachother, turn guard inactive for the Operative.


Not all DPS specs necessarily have to kill the healer. In a close fight, DoT classes can DoT up the whole enemy team causing massive damage, and the healer will most likely be unable to remove them all before you earn the kill on someone.


Dont get me wrong - I do believe we are a bit over the top, but not because some people are unable to kill us, since that stems from player skill, and the difference between say a good sin attacking you and an inexperienced one is massive, but because we are able to keep the whole team HoTed up and practically little to no energy cost.


An interesting approach I once encountered in Voidstar was that a Pyrotech, who was ultimately unable to bring me under 80% hitpoints ("inb4 healer Operative so op!!!", a good Pyrotech can force me to only spam heal myself), was that he jumped down the chasm near the bridge and pulled me with him. Guess thats a quick way to kill anyone. :D

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SWTOR PvP is team based.


If your good, you can take down Scoundrel/Operatives, however its a war of attrition and timing your CC so you can burst them down that last little bit.


However, a good team will focus fire the healers first anyway and it shouldn't be an issue.

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You don't kill them. That's why Bioware gave them that giggle. so they can trololol LOL rotfl omg lol roll heal all day long :)


In all seriousness. If they are even remotely not retarded, get a buddy and beat on them and then when they are below 30% health, stun the **** out of them and pray you do enough damage in that stunlock to kill them..

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Simple question, I find it impossible to kill a scoundrel, because he can heal, roll, go invisible, mezz me, heal up, kite me all over the map etc...


I spent the whole time in one warzone trying to kill one of them but they were kiting me everywhere, i pulled them to me and they just stunned me and went invisible...basically they were taunting me the whole match but i couldnt kill him...


I'm fully geared/augmented, half my gear is conq BiS, I have no trouble killing other classes but i cant kill a scoundrel.


If they're a scoundrel healer with guard with another healer on their team...well theres no chance they're gonna die even if 3 of you are attacking it


because off pulling him towards you you are either a tank sin - than you simply should not be even able to kill any healer anyway.

or you are a PT if you are pyro you simply fu.cked up as your dmg is primerily delivered by dots that can be cleansed by him your other attacks dont do enough dmg to put preasure on him without running dots.

if you are a tank PT go back to the sin statement.

only spec able to pull left is AP-PT wich can kill scoundrels quite well, keep your snare up all the time(neglecting lol-roll) safe your cc abilitys and shoulder cannon for the crucial moments when he is down to 30% and simply kill him. if he use his dodge ability wait till it runs out (2 seconds) and pull him back to you even with 2 lolrolls he is in your range to pull him back, if he vanishes without dodge you blade dot will unstealth him with its next tick, if he vanishes with dodge right before make sure you have had him marked as the marking will be imidiatly rendered when he comes out of stealth as himself may not due to the horrible hero engine.

Edited by Tankqull
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