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Everything posted by glocklB

  1. Let me guess... CC break, entrench, interrupt, laugh?
  2. Depending on spec of assassin (most here talk about deception obviously) there are more options in fact. Madness sorcs played correctly (with a bit of luck) should have near 100% win rate against deception imo. The only deception chance in real is to burst sorc down right off the bat. I don't say that I don't lose to deception assassins (even in longer fights), but all losses against them are usually easily explained by my own mistakes.
  3. This is undoubtedly true. That's why breaking anything but sap is bs. Not breaking hard stun though is punishing as well. Sins won't use crushing darkness during hard stun (at least decent/good ones), the only moment when crushing darkness is of great use - after low slash. I think you confused it with hard stun. Breaking stun may make sense sometimes, while breaking low slash is a really dumb move always but in 1 out of 1000 cases.
  4. Even though I feel a bit sad because of my absence in the list I must be really bored if I've come to browsing server forums really Here is my list (note that I'm a bit biased towards imp side): Brannera and Nanox - 2 the most versatile players I know, and they are among the best on all classes I've seen them playing. Now short run through particular classes without mentioning 2 guys above: Operative/scoundrel: too few dpsers left standing, and choice is really difficult - conceilment: Snave, Ilmarinen (also I like his name ), lethality: Noirian medicine: considering that Scoby and most other have already left the server it's rather difficult to name any. Sacci comes to my mind, he consistently delivers 2k+ hps even though rarely does pvp, and i saw his 2.2k and 2.4k hps in pugs while wearing some pve stuff and ye, i've almost, forgot, since Corvaidy is back to TRE, he is definitely worth mentioning here Sniper, Gunslinger: Zynth, Kaitlyn both come to mind Merc/commando: dps: saw a few decent/good dpsers here and there, but unfortunately can't recall any names here heals: most I know left pvp or rerolled, but the one who's still playing is Synic. The best merc healer I know (including Fahad and Nib). There used to be some commandos as well, but all they left quite long ago and I don't remember their names Powertech/vanguard dps: Rist and Firebat tank: Burninatrix (sorry, not sure about correct spelling) Marauder/sentinel: Exctacy, Necrolust/Nokturnia, Kravn Juggernaut/guardian: dps: Kurath, there are some more, but I can't recall particular names tank: Dakaru used to be the best tank here before he left to tofn (and game), there are quite a few decent/good tanks on a server, and I can't tell if any of them is by far better then the rest. Assassin/shadow: dps: Rialee, Hullaho, Bones (Cybernova), some other guys (people listed Scissors and Glory here, but they both transfered to TOFN) tank: Arcanos used to amaze me by how he manages to be everywhere, and he was definitely the best before going to ToFN. Now I fail to recall any decent tank assassins left on server (except some skilled players occasionally playing this spec) Sorcerer/sage: I'm involved to this category, thus won't probably call out the bests. There are some guys putting out pretty good damage in warzones, but as long as it's a class with pretty good utility and able to help the team it's not all about damage. I don't say "damage is for noobs" ofc it's essential for dps role/class, I have a few wzs with ~1.7k dps, which is pretty good, but sometimes IMHO there are ways to help your team (peeling for your healer, bubbling when the healer is stressed, etc, etc) more then just dpsing non-stop. When I will see a sorcerer/sage doing more damage then me WHILE peeling for a group, I will say "Mister, be my mentor!" Btw, some names (not all) listed under "best sorcs" in this thread made me laugh, sorry.
  5. Are you aware that you actually can actually see players roles in right top corner during arenas, rite?
  6. ROFL IKR, I've tried recently (few days before 2.4 came) to play a warzone using 0/0/0 spec and thrash/saber strike on my sorc for "damage". I'm guilty in use of overload (as interrupt on heals) and force slow (as anti-kiting tool) though, they resulted in some insane 1.5k highest hit in my statistics . It was novarre, one-sided (finished 100 - 0, with quick mid cap) and I managed to do 117k damage. It leaves the question "how the hell people manage not to get 100k damage having all their abilities?!!!11". Yes, they obviously just don't press the buttons.
  7. You say that jedi Sages need better Heals and a Self Cast Shield that doesn't fade when struck and last longer, but are you actually sure that jedi Sages need better Heals and a Self Cast Shield that doesn't fade when struck and last longer? If so then maybe it's true and jedi Sages need better Heals and a Self Cast Shield that doesn't fade when struck and last longer.
  8. lol? Let me chime in a bit, coz I addicted to dueling in madness spec. It's very good dueling spec against non-sorc classes, and a sorc should probably win most duels against any marauder smasher with all skills up. The problem is that even here sorc will have to use all his long cooldowns (ww, bubble, polarity shift, recklessness + breaker might be needed as well) to win this 1v1 even against an average smasher. Alright, now back to the quote. What abilities show that balance sage is the best counter to smasher marauder comparing (for example) to sniper or deception assassin? I foresee you are gonna mention sever force, which doesn't actually give a lot against smashers. What else?
  9. I see you're talking about 1v4 scenario. In that case you're really screwed bro.
  10. I sense fear in OP Man look you say that marauders are melee with "weaker" armor. How about madness assassins and conceilment operatives? lfmao
  11. 1. Partly yes, but you still have ways to gain distance (overload, sprint) 2. 1 small instant heal? you must be kidding. great 30s cd selfheal and god darn bubble (that gives about 6k absorbtion). Innervate ticking only ~2.2s and there is no way you'll be interrupted before it ticks twice. Then you got aoe heal instant after 3 crits on innervate. I don't mean sorc heal is a good replacement for operative in arenas, but it's not so bad as you claim it is. 3. Not useless. At all. Under pressure your total damage won't be anywhere close to smashers, but timing your burst makes things pretty ok. You just need to set up everything for your burst, wisely pick a target, and in a few seconds of coordinated burst it's gonna be dead. 4. Madness is pile of junk in arenas. It is my bloody favorite spec, at least I always preferred it for 1v1 (except against sorcs), played it 80% of time before 2.0 and quite often after 2.0. Nonetheless burst is way more important in arenas then in warzones. Tab dotting in arenas is a terrible idea unless you intend to run 4 madness group for lolz, otherwise dots will be easily outhealed by an operative healer making impossible cc of affected targets. Really dumb thing to do. People always complain about being easily shotdown spec (which is lightning) and low survivability. The former is a requirement to make this spec in-line with others, it has insane burst and it is the reason people SHOULD focus a lightning sorcerer in arenas. Low survivability comes out of light armor and absence of DR dcds, which is pain to heal, but you still have some stuff to help yourself. Like your own self-heal, bubble, overload to stop incoming dps for a while, and quite a few other ways to help keeping yourself alive. So there are 2 reasons to focus a sorc: relatively squishy + hurts if left without attention. Thus people (any reasonable) are gonna focus sorcs always. You may ask then "why should anyone take a sorc into a ranked group then?". Alright, it's fair question, but the answer is that sorcs still have plenty things to offer others: - off bubbling (excelently synergies with operative healer), it gives a focused player ~6k buffer, and it gives your healer more time to heal up a target. It's unique and actually very good reason to get a sorc in your team. - force effects cleanse - awesome when everyone plays warriors, because it allows you to cleanse your healer when he gets mezzed. The only mezz you cant cleanse is operative sap and flashbang, still it's very good thing to have in your team. And it's also unique for sorcerer class. - crazy burst with recklessness, which is also doable in 3s with polarity shift. use overload on those who chase you, and load the **** out on your target. Always coordinate your burst with other dps. It's not unique, and commandos actually have a burst like this too (sticky + timed grav round followed by demo round and then rail shot, none of these has guaranteed crit, but if just demo crits the damage is gonna be very reasonable), it's RNG-based though, but can be used significantly more often. - other thing I do is going for sap strength in healing tree, sacrificing FL and LS crit chance increase in madness tree. It gives you personal ability like a taunt, but it's on bigger cd with a bit bigger duration (4s of stun + 10s = 14s, 60s cd -> a little below 25% up time if necessary). It is another your chance to help your healer in difficult situation. It is not unique as well, operatives have this skill too, dunno if any other classes do, but operative dps isn't really an option in current state. In other words, sorcs might be the best option among all classes to bring this utility on table. TL;DR: Overall you have a good bunch of utility and nice burst on demand (if you don't use your recklessness and polarity shift whenever you can to have it when you actually need to burst). You got 2 weaknesses as well: squishyness and possibility to shut down. Both weaknesses make you the top priority target, but it isn't necessarily so bad that you won't have a chance to use your advantages because of premature death: you still can be healed through burst, thanks to your own tools and tank efforts.
  12. You should have chosen another forum then
  13. glocklB

    Sage PvP

    I didn't ever seriously consider rerolling and not going to change sorc for anything (this class just fits my playstyle too much to reroll anything). I found some other classes interesting to play as well (for me it's guardian tank, assassin tank and dps, operative dps, mando healer) in pre 2.4 state of things. Sorc in 2.4 isn't going to be bad I'm sure, people yet tend to underestimate utility sorc can provide in arenas (I don't even mention crazy burst with recklessness). Time is gonna fix it, and probably people (in most) will learn about team play and support.
  14. glocklB

    Sage PvP

    Take my words with grain of salt pls. Sorcs (lghtning) main features: 1. Good burst/sustained if not focused. Not gonna happen in arenas. 2. Insane burst once in a while (TB, recklessness + FL barrage + procced CL ~ 19k within 1.5s without polarity shift). As long as this requires only 3s-3.5s to execute it -> it can be done even under pressure once in a while. Well timed burst of 2 sages is able to destroy unguarded target. 3. Provides bubble (very useful off-healing tool) 4. The only class able to cleanse force effects such as assassin sap and warrior mezz. 5. Quite squishy themselves 1st and 5th make sorcs #1 priority target. But if sorc utilizes the rest, it should make people consider at least 1 in group. 3rd and 4th are really good bonuses to burst on demand. Now regarding those Casual vs Drama vids... They seem to inspire sorc/sage fellas too much IMO. I watched 4 or 5 games between these teams on mudclot channel. - In first games Drama have been focusing a healer, and it seems a very bad way to fight against double sorc composition. - Almost always when any of Drama players was killed, it happened because he massively overextended. - In last games Drama started focusing sorcs and Casuals had much more difficult time there. Casuals lost 1 of 2 matches when Drama have been using this approach. The one when Casuals won was quite painful for them either. 2 lightning sorcs comp (if opponents focus dps, which they should) gonna have only few opportunities to finish someone during a round (coordinated burst backed with overloads and ccs). If one of opponents is dead, then it's gonna be much easier. Opponents should constantly pressure sorcs, at least 1 of them, better both. I think this sorc comp is gonna have problems against coordinated 3dps + heal setups. Solvable or not - the time will show.
  15. glocklB

    Obroan gear priority

    Did you look at items on PTS, rite?
  16. And you definitely need accuracy for this lame build, rite?
  17. glocklB

    Class balance

    Sins are in much worse spot because they are just as squishy as madness sorcs, but they are melee with only few long range abilities (dots mostly).
  18. glocklB

    Class balance

    It seems that quite often this team has 2 morons in random specs as trade off for healer+tank pair.
  19. glocklB

    Class balance

    I demand nerf to balance sages RITE NAO!!!111eleven
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