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Reasons why SWTOR will be F2P in 6 mos


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This is perhaps the stupidest post I've ever read on these forums. I don't even know where to begin, so I'm not going to try. I will say one thing: I think the best thing Bioware could possibly do is ignore 95% of the idiocy that gets posted on their forums.


They can start from your post.

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EVE Online doesn't have a huge playerbase and it's not F2P. EVE along with many other lesser played MMO's.

SWTOR will have much more players no matter how down it goes, why make it F2P?


As for community handling... I've gotten very good customer service when I've needed it, I don't know where the community management "issue" comes from.


Fostering anger in their community


This one is on the community management again. They foster this environment. Poor details, poor handling of users, poor customer service. Closing duplicate threads with the snarky "Go here" as if to hide the sheer number of pissed off people. It all contributes to the community's anger at how this is being mishandled. Eventually, that anger is going to translate into people not staying past the free 30 days.


This is called keeping things organized, if more than one thread about the SAME issue is created it's for everyone's benefit to go to the earliest post about the issue. All answers go there.


Edit: OP: Why even post this crap, who cares?

Edited by Chikai
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Even WoW supports multiple cores and a 64-bit client.


WoW supports running on 2 cores only. The option to use the 64 bit client is still greyed out and rumored to be coming with the next expansion, which would mean its taken even Blizzard more than a decade to add it in (if you count the development time before release, otherwise its 7 years)

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(The original thread was nuked for violating forum TOS for referencing religion, so here is your religion-free version)


So after playing beta, EGA and the first few days of launch, I predict that SWTOR will go F2P in about six months.




This is perhaps the biggest misstep. Biowhore and Evil Arts cut corners by licensing the HeroEngine instead of developing their own. Now, as a developer professionally,


i stop reading there . too much stupidity in this 3-4 sentences.


lets point the obvious


1) opinion is not a fact

2) you know ***** about financial planning

3) Changing the name of companies is not fun nor cool. Biowhore as you call it gave us AAA RPGs in the past years (excluding DA2). It is a studio that stays LOYAL to RPG Fan base and has turned to a football/FPS/Pure Action gaming studio.

4) i seriously doubt you are a developer or professional. Heck i even doubt if you are an adult

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In the orignal thread, you made a refrence that WoW was good by the TBC because it had a dungeon finder tool.



That right there, was your fault.


The dungeon finder tool did not exist till late WOTLK, and for that little comment, I realized you are a new age MMO fan, and thus your opinion means very little to us veterans.


wow also does not support 64 bit and doesnt properly utilise multiple cores. at all.


but hay, who am i to dissagree with the rantings of an insane man?


and a side note, about the "new age mmo fan" part, i have seen alot of them in this game. this amazing, fantastic game.


i ran a fp with a mate, and we grabbed to unknowns to come with us. both being experienced mmo players, and genereally decent ppl, we greeted them, and checked roles etc before moving on. we where polite and in a good mood. they told us to hurry the *** up and pull. ps. the dude telling us to hurry up was the tank.


got to first boss, and a blaster rifle dropped. i needed, decent upgrade, im a trooper. a jedi needed. i won. i said, in polite maner, that its kinda for the best i won since its of no use to him.


his reply was new age all teh way "w/e *** blizz (lololololol) said i can roll need so i rolled need. blizz (lolololololololol) say its good for me or i wouldnt be able to roll need, so **** and get over it"


my friend and i lold so much, mostly about the blizz thing, but he kindly said that its best to be polite and nice in grps or you wont be able to find grps as easily in the future. his response furthur proved the new age thing.


"w/e ****** i can queue just like anyone else. my mates the tank and good luck trying to kick us you ******. only for ppl, you need 3 votes to kick and you cant, so **** and get over it. i play how i want and you cant stop me. **** you., you cant do ****"


this was over several msgs, and we just lold so hard. he was sooo used to just being abusive and rude that it didnt even occur to him there is no dungeon finder, there is no cross server crap. the way to act reflects on you. you cannot hide from it. even though he had joined our grp from fleet chat, and had not queueued at all, it was his default position to be abusive. sad sign, sad indeed.

Edited by Darth_Pants
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Grats OP. Well said. I've copied and saved your entire post. If it's deleted or closed, I'll be one of the first to repost it, and repost it, and repost it again, as it's obvious the suits want to shut down this type of free speech.


They can't stand being wrong and I truly hope they're playing less golf and buying less lap dances as they watch this lazy empire they shoved out the front door crumble beneath them.


I want to like the game, but obvious fail is obvious.

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Grats OP. Well said. I've copied and saved your entire post. If it's deleted or closed, I'll be one of the first to repost it, and repost it, and repost it again, as it's obvious the suits want to shut down this type of free speech.


They can't stand being wrong and I truly hope they're playing less golf and buying less lap dances as they watch this lazy empire they shoved out the front door crumble beneath them.


I want to like the game, but obvious fail is obvious.


Actually, I just wish people like you and the OP jumped ship, leaving us to this "failing Empire" for the next 7 years, while you go back to WoW or whatever other MMO you finally figured out how to navigate away from and complain there.

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Agreed. Only if these new age newbie mmorpg players played when we played all the old school mmorpg's, they wouldn't last a second in them.


Yeah no kidding, I'd hate to hear them whining over all of the stuff you had to do just to unlock you're Force Sensitivity in SWG before the NGE hit. Not to mention the Jedi trials on Dath. Holy Cow some of those were tough!

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Stop comparing games by their launches. You can't enter into a market with an inferior product, your product needs to be on par with what is currently in the market.


Entering into the MMO market means you need to create a better product at launch than what is currently available in your niche.


This game needed to take WoW, WAR, Rift and EQ and pull all the good bits out and improve them.. THEN slap on the Sci-Fi skins and animations.


I'd bet EA is pissed right now. This game sold on no more than BW's reputation with story game and the Star Wars IP, and it shows. The product we are presented with does not reflect the cost of development.


The OP has a lot of valid points. But I'm going to give the game a year before i make a F2P prediction, and I don't think it will go F2P. I think EA is to stubborn, and frankly, they don't need the game to grow, as long as the cost of development is lower than the profit it will stay P2P, and wen the profit dips down, we will see cuts and a decrease in added content frequency and quality.


The first major update is going to be the deciding point for a lot of people. If the game isn't polished and ready for a flood of new content, a lot of people will leave. It all comes down to how fast BioWare can churn out more content.

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Grats OP. Well said. I've copied and saved your entire post. If it's deleted or closed, I'll be one of the first to repost it, and repost it, and repost it again, as it's obvious the suits want to shut down this type of free speech.


They can't stand being wrong and I truly hope they're playing less golf and buying less lap dances as they watch this lazy empire they shoved out the front door crumble beneath them.


I want to like the game, but obvious fail is obvious.


Umm, conspiracy theory much? This thread is over a week old, if they were going to delete, it would have been gone by now...

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WoW Clone, Family Guy Style


This game is WoW without all the bells in whistles. It starts out sleeker than WoW, but is missing things that are pretty integral to WoW's success during the end of Vanilla and Burning Crusade. A solid end-game, both PvE and PvP. Better community tools like a group finder (I mean a group finder, not a cross-faction hullabaloo) and so forth. Three years and 100 million dollars for a watered down WoW clone with an exhaustible story and thoroughly abused IP.


I understand this is a small chunk from a very lengthy post, but I feel it must be addressed.


This game is nothing like WoW.


WoW isn't even like WoW. WoW is a modern version of Everquest, with 6 years to build upon an already successful game. Yes I know many people know this, but its silly how people continue to reference WoW's 'ingenuity' when Everquest did it first.


There are base mechanics that give a foundation similiar to WoW, but to say those make it a copy would be the same statement as;

"All movies are the same, because they use cameras, rising / falling action within the plot, etc..."


If you're unhappy with this game, then be unhappy with this game, but stop using this tired excuse.

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First of all Bioware delivered a lot of stuff I was expecting from them, I'm enjoying the game and already renewed for 3 months.


While I don't agree with OP bad omens, I have to agree that you can't compare WoW (poor) launch with any new game, because WoW is reality now, and every other MMORPG that comes out is compared against it as it is now, like it or not, sad but true (....the thing that should not be).

While I didn't expect for the perfect launch or solid endgame (I would have been crazy), I was sure:

1> Bioware would have implemented something for LFG that wouldn't force people to spam the general chat,

2> that there would have been a limited time you could pass a wrongly rolled item (it's a new game, there's bound to be lot of people needing stuff just cause they can wear it),

3> that there wouldn't have been game breaking bugs like the BH story bug,

4> that the GTN wouldn't have been so dumb, locking the search box to reduce heavy DB queries at launch wasn't the right choice. Sometimes people doesn't know where to look for specific items to buy, or sell to compare prices,

5> that there wouldn't have been a dumb bug that prevented high res character textures to show up in game (but they do show up during cutscenes, or is just better normals loaded during cutscenes),

6> ... and don't get me started on the guilds.

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It never ceases to amaze how many people post how poor this game is and then use WoW as some sort of "gotcha" proof.


The OP touts WoW's endgame when released because the one raid available upon release was apparently the end all be all of endgame and the pvp which, aside from random world pvp, was non existent and had little gear and zero progression was the cat's meow.


He then goes on to talk about TBC which, if he took the time to check a calendar, came out 2 years after vanilla. Also, Ghost wasn't scrapped until after WoW's launch.


In short, we have yet another post from yet another person who desperately wants SWTOR to be something its not. Does the game have room for improvement? Absolutely. Are their bugs? Definitely. But these can be fixed, much like your overlooked "Captain Placeholder" and the myriad of glitches in perfect WoW's release were fixed...mostly.

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EA does not like gamers that actually think AND they will have no problems in banning/terminating your account because you used your rights and freedoms.


there is a thin line between


free speech and talking bullocks....


and there is big difference between voicing my opinion and making my opinion fact

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Grats OP. Well said. I've copied and saved your entire post. If it's deleted or closed, I'll be one of the first to repost it, and repost it, and repost it again, as it's obvious the suits want to shut down this type of free speech.


There is no such thing as free speech on a privately owned message board. Don't bother deluding yourself, or posting spam as some kind of protest. You never had it, and never will, and really, nobody needs to ever see this post again. We'll have a bunch more just like it before the sun goes down tomorrow anyway.

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I disagree, I have 1 free month to play and subscribed to a 6 month renewal, therefore it will at least be pay to play for 7 months.


Lol same. This thread is full of laughs though, thats for sure.

Edited by Newsinz
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In the orignal thread, you made a refrence that WoW was good by the TBC because it had a dungeon finder tool.



That right there, was your fault.


The dungeon finder tool did not exist till late WOTLK, and for that little comment, I realized you are a new age MMO fan, and thus your opinion means very little to us veterans.




To add I do Flashpoints and group quests by doing the following:


Having friends.


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