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The problem with class stories is that of all the types of content you can put into a MMO, class stories require the most development time and reasources and at the same time are burned through the fastest by the players.


And you know this how? Can you give us some numbers and a source where we can see the comparison in the development time AND resource costs, or are you just making this up to suit your opinion?


Like makeb for example, the devs spent almost six months on that just to have people burn through it in a day.


I have no idea where you got this idea it took them 6 months to build this. I get the feeling you made this up as well. Also, Makeb is the prime example of why people want class stories. It's the lack of class stories that makes Makeb fail. I don't even finish the Makeb story anymore on any toon and in fact I will try to completely avoid it on my newer toons. The mistake was not having class stories.


I dunno if you noticed but Makeb's planetary story line doesn't level you from 50 to 55. It's easy to imagine they had originally planned class stories there but released Makeb without them, hoping that the dailies and fp's/ops would keep people busy enough. Just think about it. Makeb would've been a full leveling experience if they had made class stories. I am pretty sure that after the game almost fell flat on its face and they had to save it, they didn't have too much time on focusing on new content and then when new content was direly needed they released Makeb without class stories cause they couldn't delay the release anymore. That is my view on things, purely based on what I've seen and experience, but at least I am not making up numbers in an attempt to give my opinion more validity.


Now I am not saying that making class stories is all easy, but I am saying that it might be worth the investment since it's a recurring subject with lots of people still wanting this. BW will have to run their numbers, but my opinion is that class stories are a great thing for leveling characters and by not doing so on Makeb, it's become a planet I avoid out of complete boredom.

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Just a thought, one which I'm quite certain will be roundly shouted down, nonetheless ...


Given the expense and time involved in planning, creating, and implementing NPC-initiated class quests, irrespective of the obscenely high cost and time involved in producing cut scenes and accompanying voice acting, I'd propose a series of class stories, triggered by level achievement (or completion of some previous quest) which are received by way of the in-game mail system. Alternately, these 'assignments' can be conveyed to players via their ship-based communicator.


Aside from backend processes, this beckons the least possible development time/expense, therefore it's a win-win for player and developer.


I get that it's not as cool as what's available so far, but it is highly feasible. Moreover, if implemented properly, with an underlying automated mechanic, a very small team can produce class-based quests at reduced intervals.


I'm quite certain an imaginative team of writers can contrive infinite and unique quests, such as an extraplanetary scavenger hunt, lore puzzles, and treasure hunts (obviously, these would be couched more dramatically). Of course, additional quests would include all the ubiquitous killing of N mob(s) and delivering messages/items. Remuneration for completion of these quests would be completed via the mail system.


Please consider the foregoing as having come from an idiot who knows naught about game development.

Edited by scratcha
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  • 2 weeks later...

For people who keep saying the cost of voice acting would prevent this from happening:


"Ohlen began his presentation by dispelling some misconceptions about the creation of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Some journalists and fans attributed much of the upfront cost of TOR to its scripting and voice acting. Ohlen explained that this belief is erroneous: "[Voice acting] was a known entity, and cost was quite low in comparison to the cost of the rest of the project." In other words, BioWare had been there and done that with voice acting already in its other games and budgeted accordingly. However, BioWare did not have a tested platform to build an MMO. Much of the cost was funneled toward creating an engine that supported a team of over 300 people working on it at the same time and adding choice and consequence to the MMO story. "Don't be scared about adding voice over and cool cinematic content," he advised his audience, "but do be careful about adding lots of choice with consequence because that adds to QA cost and development cost and makes it hard to design everything.""




I also just want to place my personal opinion in -hopes- someone will pay it attention. If it was continued, I do think the option of killing off or sending away companions would be nice with the option of being able to buy another companion (that also spells money-maker). In example (SW spoiler)



In Quinn's betrayal a lot of people were upset they couldn't kill him after beta. Makes sense, they are Sith players after all. Personally, I want to keep him; I am so enamored. (He does have a strong fan base on tumblr as well.) I would also love to see maybe a little personal turmoil to make up for nearly killing his wife in the romance options, to sort of atone for what was done. But in regards to those who want different options I feel those should be met. Example: An option to kill, an option to divorce/dismiss but still keep or an option to fix the issue/romance. And this should be met with every characters companion/romance option.



There are also a few characters of mine I would absolutely kill or send off if I could buy another companion I liked better. Imagine, a Sith Inquisitor going back to the temple, "Got bored of my last apprentice so I threw him into a rancor pit, whad'ya got?"


I think we will be given this, just with time - maybe a year or two with small expansions in between. It would be a huge expansion, it would take some time. Just as long as there is a balance of option for us.



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I personally would love to see more of the class stories, or at the very least some more interaction with our companions in terms of quests and conversations.


Story was pretty much what drew me to the game as I'm not really interested in MMO's in general.

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Class stories is what makes this game good, in my opinion.

I'm not a fan of any MMO but I really do love this game. Well, usually I love this game.


So, more class stories I am ALL in. Or make a freaking KOTOR 3 that continues some of these if not all of them. The Old Republic is such a great setting because there are so many possibilities.

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For those that talk about the cost of adding content. I bought the Collectors Edition, I subscribed and pay 6 months at a time since launch. Since coming out with the Cartel Market I have spent 100's of dollars on packs and assorted crap. What do I get for my money? New FP's, Ops, and a free pet or speeder here or there.


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind supporting a game I really like. But, as many before me have expressed the strength of this game was the storyline, that of my toon and companions. KOTOR came out awesome storyline and interaction, KOTOR II, same thing. They managed to make money then and for only the cost of a new game twice over a couple years. Since per-launch I have that ten fold at least, so dont tell me they cant afford to create new story lines, that's just crap.


They have to have the will to do it. And lets face it, since f2p what motivation do they have to do new storyline when they make a killing pushing out CM upgrades and packs and gear for people who wont even subscribe to the damn game. My opinion, f2p is ruining gaming in general. Develop a fair platform, charge ppl for things they have to have to adv, And when said games profits begin to falter just kill it. Rinse and Repeat.

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I get what they are doing. Naturally, Makeb style expansions make sense. A story you can slightly change for each class, providing story for a reduced cost.


The problem is that this does not advance each classes story in any way. You are simply a single player in a much larger stageplay.....it's no longer your story, it's EVERYONE'S story. You just have a bit part.


Moving our class stories forward a bit here and there could be done. I doubt that we will ever see the kind of investment (and wasted investment) that was our class story and a MILLION fully voiced side quests, but, if it is done right, they could advance our stories just a bit.

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I get what they are doing. Naturally, Makeb style expansions make sense. A story you can slightly change for each class, providing story for a reduced cost.


The problem is that this does not advance each classes story in any way. You are simply a single player in a much larger stageplay.....it's no longer your story, it's EVERYONE'S story. You just have a bit part.


Moving our class stories forward a bit here and there could be done. I doubt that we will ever see the kind of investment (and wasted investment) that was our class story and a MILLION fully voiced side quests, but, if it is done right, they could advance our stories just a bit.


Wasted investment?

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Wasted investment?


It didn't exactly feel like a worthwhile investment at launch, I can tell you.


Whiners space-barred all the way to LV50, if only to complain that this game didn't have enough Elder-Game content... As if that wasn't known already at the time.

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It didn't exactly feel like a worthwhile investment at launch, I can tell you.


Whiners space-barred all the way to LV50, if only to complain that this game didn't have enough Elder-Game content... As if that wasn't known already at the time.


The stories is the only reason why I bought it. I know some people rushed right thru it. Then the tears came about no end game content. If that is what they want to do it is their money but what the heck did they expect. I left for a few weeks because the skill lag was so bad I couldn't play. To me the best thing about the game is the class stories and there is some really good side quest. But that is me.

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For those that talk about the cost of adding content. I bought the Collectors Edition, I subscribed and pay 6 months at a time since launch. Since coming out with the Cartel Market I have spent 100's of dollars on packs and assorted crap. What do I get for my money? New FP's, Ops, and a free pet or speeder here or there.


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind supporting a game I really like. But, as many before me have expressed the strength of this game was the storyline, that of my toon and companions. KOTOR came out awesome storyline and interaction, KOTOR II, same thing. They managed to make money then and for only the cost of a new game twice over a couple years. Since per-launch I have that ten fold at least, so dont tell me they cant afford to create new story lines, that's just crap.


They have to have the will to do it. And lets face it, since f2p what motivation do they have to do new storyline when they make a killing pushing out CM upgrades and packs and gear for people who wont even subscribe to the damn game. My opinion, f2p is ruining gaming in general. Develop a fair platform, charge ppl for things they have to have to adv, And when said games profits begin to falter just kill it. Rinse and Repeat.




Also consider if this added as an expansion; we are not getting 1-50 individual class stories, we are 55-60 individual class stories.

It's not really that unreasonable considering they could charge 20 bucks for it.


The game was like 60 bucks or so (aside from you collectors edition peeps :cool:) and that was the entire game, this is only 5 levels for 20 bucks.

Edited by kirorx
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Also consider if this added as an expansion; we are not getting 1-50 individual class stories, we are 55-60 individual class stories.

It's not really that unreasonable considering they could charge 20 bucks for it.


The game was like 60 bucks or so (aside from you collectors edition peeps :cool:) and that was the entire game, this is only 5 levels for 20 bucks.


And if they did it right, I'd be happy to pay $20 to advance MY stories. And I know I'm not the only one who would....

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Who are these "we" you are talking about?


Do you have any numbers? Is there a club or a union for those who want more individual class stories and companion stories?


"Continuation of the class stories" regularly is the winning pick in polls asking what sort of new content players would want by a large margin -even though the devs have come out numerous times saying they won't do it, because f2p.


...still BW seems to recently have recorded new dialogue for the companions so perhaps there will be some form of continuation after all with the next story expansion. Lol...I wish, anyhow.

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"Continuation of the class stories" regularly is the winning pick in polls asking what sort of new content players would want by a large margin -even though the devs have come out numerous times saying they won't do it, because f2p.


...still BW seems to recently have recorded new dialogue for the companions so perhaps there will be some form of continuation after all with the next story expansion. Lol...I wish, anyhow.


Well it still doesn't warrant a "we" statement.

Sure, I would like more individual class stories. But I also know that it is not economically viable.

Sure, if they only released more class stories every 2-3 years maby... but do you really want to wait that long for an expansion? (mind you, that would mean no storyline expansions at all during that time, so no faction story either).

I couldn't care less for companion stories.


Personally I'm fine with faction storyline continuation as long as they are well made (makeb was a bit on the short side for me).

And they could vary it a bit to account for classes. Maby the jedi knight class gets a slightly different story than the smuggler in parts of the story and so on.

But full-on unique and individual storylines for each class just doesn't seem viable to me.


So don't use the blanket statement of "we want this" when me (and others) are not included in that demand.


EDIT: Oh and as far as I know, there's only been one Poll allowed... and that one showed just "more story" if I recall correctly.

And it also showed more PvP as second which just throws off the polls reliability (we all know it wasn't because most people who play are PvP'ers but because the PvP section of the forum made it a campaign to get bioware to aknowledge PvP more)

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that BW brought back the Class and Companion voice actors for the new Xpac. Not sure what that really means in terms of story, but there is certainly some potential that the second xpac may be interesting.


As I mentioned in that same thread, Charles Boyd had already said earlier that they record "MOST" of their VA pretty far in advance.


Just as an example, one which I've brought up several times in the past...


Makeb was released in April 2013. TOR was released in December 2011.


VA for Tanno Vik died in February 2012.


He was STILL voicing that companion on Makeb.


Again, "MOST" is key but so is "pretty far in advance".

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Who are these "we" you are talking about?


Do you have any numbers? Is there a club or a union for those who want more individual class stories and companion stories?


Relax man.


I don't know why certain key phrases like "we" warrant such general argumentative and unnecessary responses


It's always the same old stuff, no reason to be rude to people

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Wasted investment?


The plethora of fully voiced side quests. I think they went a bit overboard with it, and I assume that many feel the same way based on the reaction I have seen.


IMO it was a wasted investment. Too many side quests and too much voice in those quests.

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