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10 Good
  1. "Continuation of the class stories" regularly is the winning pick in polls asking what sort of new content players would want by a large margin -even though the devs have come out numerous times saying they won't do it, because f2p. ...still BW seems to recently have recorded new dialogue for the companions so perhaps there will be some form of continuation after all with the next story expansion. Lol...I wish, anyhow.
  2. Is it really *that* surprising that ppl play a brandnew game more often than a one month old game ? The initial drop in concurrent players doesn't really tell you much about the amount of total ppl subscribing.
  3. From their own FAQ: Can I make guesses on overall subscription count based on these graphs? No you shouldn't be relying on them to make so guesses. These graph purely relies on instantaneous server population values provided by Bioware, nothing more.
  4. 300k *concurrent* players at any given time -not total subscribers
  5. If you really did not like the game and don't plan on going over your included month, you won't wait until the last day to unsubscribe...
  6. Yes. Perhaps because I focus on the single player aspect. The mmo is a nice bonus at times, but so far the most annoying thing in this game are other ppl caps-locking "spacebar! spacebar!...come on skip" during flashpoints.
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