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Everything posted by Solzean

  1. As the title says, did we get any new info? Normally someone posts something about the tour on the forums or a fan website. This time all I've seen are cantina codes.
  2. I'm having the exact same problem . I wound up with matching colors. Though the Red face with a different color looks surprisingly awesome.
  3. Thats a coincidence! I usually use that armor set or the Recovered Heroes set on a lot of my Jedi Knights since it has the removed hood (which is what im making this character). I may have to try that one out. I forgot that since the Togruta automatically remove hoods, the Fortified Defender Set would look even more awesome on them!
  4. I am pretty impressed with the Togruta. Didn't think I would love them as much as I do! I am curious about a few things regarding this new species though! 1) What is everyones favorite color so far? So far I really like the purple face and purple montrals. I love the idea of a purple character. Though I am not sure if it is purely because of the Clone Wars but I keep feeling like the character should have a red face. 2) I was looking at pictures and was unable to find NEARLY as much variation that there is in the game. No I am not complaining about them not following lore. I am just curious, is there a lore reason that they can have all different color skins and montrals like we see in the game? 3) What gear sets is everyone having a lot of success with when it comes to the montrals on the back of the head? Yes this is a purely vanity thread, I am just curious what looks everyone is coming up with for the Togruta so far! Maybe you can help inspire others with your ideas! Thanks to anyone who responds.
  5. I'll admit, I am pretty excited after playing the SoR storyline. The overall length did feel underwhelming but I get the feeling that they hopefully have a pretty solid story telling experience planned for the following patches. Has Bioware announced anything in terms of a roadmap for 2015? I'm assuming we won't be getting any new patches for at least another month due to the expansion being released along with the holiday season. I'm hoping that they can keep up with their 6-8 weeks cadence of patches, though overall I would like the story content to be a little more involved than the Forged Alliances storylines were. I also found that the voice acting was pretty great for SoR. The companions really could have talked more (write a few lines for Bowdaar, you already had the other wookiee sound files!) But overall, it was pretty awesome. Having played through some of the parts on multiple characters I was impressed that even though we only have 1 storyline now, they have at least made it so that each characters lines were different to a degree, class specific, and each voice actor did a great job of bringing their own style to the quests. I know that some will say that all of the lines were still only leading to the same point with no actual variety of different actions, which in the future would be nice to see changed, but overall I really enjoyed how the did the single story line. Class specific quests were pretty great! At least the two Ive done. One seemed to wrap it up saying that the story was over....while the other implied more class specific stuff in the future. This was very confusing to me so it'll be interesting to see what happens. TL;DR: Overall i was surprised that the story was pretty solid and that the voice actors managed to do a really good job making different classes feel unique to a degree while going through the exact same content. I am curious if they have told us any of their plans on content releases after 3.0 and the amount of story content we will see since the SoR content seemed a little short.
  6. Reponses to 1) If your enemy doesn't know that you exist and you are planning on making bigger moves that means you are going to try to really focus them on eachother. Keep in mind, the Hutt Cartel tried to become a 3rd party and almost succeeded. The galaxy atm was somewhat concerned about new threats 2) Revan at this point was probably just a tool for the Emperor. He even implies that most of the other threats were all just tools of the emperor at some point. So we know that the Emperor while dead, was very much influencing events in the universe. So much show, that you could even make the case that the Emperor was counting on us discovering Revan. This is a man who is a schemer like Darth Sidious. 3) You don't pop up and clean up the left overs. Because when the remaining fleets see a separate fleet show up, they will turn to fight them. Plus with the saboteurs Revan was pretty much guaranteed an easy victory. Ill even bet the saboteurs were told not to do anything unless the ships they were on were actively targeting revanite ships initially. There are also more angles such as maybe Revan wanted to not DESTROY the other 2 fleets entirely. He could be more targeted to use the ships for later use if he could disable and kill the crews. Im assuming that is how he got his fleet.
  7. Honestly, for me personally, I am spending less because the gambling boxes just don't provide a good value to me anymore. I used to feel like when I spent money I felt like I was getting a fair amount of items that I want. Now, I spend my money and I don't receive any of the Ultra Rare items anymore. I understand that they want to make sure that you keep spending money trying to get the super rare items, but to me the drop rates are not as good as they used to be. I also am using the GTN to be a sort of barometer on these things. Super Rare stuff used to run 2 million max, now it is running at 4 or 5 million. Now, that could also be a factor of rarity, less people buying packs, or possibly both. Point being, I dont think the packs are a good value for customers anymore.
  8. I think we are forgetting a big factor, the Cartel Market. I could swear I heard them mention the possibility of adding different hook designs. I wouldn't be surprised to see that they would charge us or put them in new packs. Not to mention, if we are able to do fun creative things like Kolto tank lights by having them twisted in crazy ways, it limits their ability to make the item and sell it in the future. Limiting our creativity is probably a long term gain for them. Unless of course enough people never play with strongholds due to it. Not to mention that instead of buying the great items we would simply use boring normal items to make fun unique designs. This isnt to say that they are trying to completely screw us for our money but I imagine it to be a rather big upside for them. I would also say that I don't think they did this all on purpose, but it certainly can't be making them sad if it is actually more profitable for them.
  9. I completely forgot to answer your question in my rant. Essentially, you hit L and click on the conquest tab at the top. In the bottom left, there are a bunch of different objectives that your guild can complete. The UI tells you below each picture how many points it is worth. If your guild ship is above a certain planet you will get a bonus added to those points. So if I am invading Ilum this week i will get a X2 or X3 bonus. Helpful hint, the bonus is already figured into the amount and the objectives have already doubled the points if your ship is above the objective. So at that point you grind out the objectives, some are repeatable and you can do them over and over. They include things like running flashpoints, warzones, heroics, and all sorts of different tasks in game. I hope this is what you are looking for, if not drop some more questions and ill help out. Dulfy.net does a good job explaining under the Patch 2.9 guide.
  10. The problem is the rewards. I was excited for Strongholds and the Guild Ships. However, this last week i realized that I honestly can't imagine myself logging in to play either one. My personal stronghold only serves to make it easier for me to get points for guild conquests. This was extremely saddening for me. I could deal with the hooks and loss of creativity because of it, but I was hoping for some serious functionality to make up for it. Sure, i can put a GTN and other fun stuff in it....but I have to pay for that. Not to mention most of the items you get from gameplay are less than fantastic. I'd like to get a wampa rug from killing wampas. Stuffed womp rat from killing womp rats. Give me fun stuff to place around that I will get randomly from just playing the game. Not just some statue of the emperor. The guild rewards are insanely small as well. The use of a walker is nice. The XP bonus isnt worth the amount of time spent grinding old content in a boring fashion. I understand that they can't help that min maxers are going to make it into a grind. However, I don't think they even tried. It feels like they embraced the boring grind and figured everyone would just be happy to work for less than stellar rewards. Ruling a planet should have let you make your mark on the planet. Your guild insignia should be draped over important buildings. If we are going to work a bunch to conquer a planet, let me feel like I truly accomplished something. The entire Stronghold system seems incredibly rushed. The idea of it is great but its execution is quite boring. They completely failed to make it feel like something compelling to play. Galactic Star Fighter suffered from the same problem. It is a very fun idea but it just didn't get enough put into it to make it feel like a compelling and fun part of the game.
  11. I haven't bought any but I noticed the price is reduced. I was curious how people are feeling about the items they have received or if a lot of people just aren't buying them this time around due to being busy with other stuff? Are you getting a lot of stronghold items in there?
  12. So I was wondering, if I happen to have a lightsaber or crystal for instance, unlocked on a character. Has bioware said anything about if you will be able to unlock that item, put it in legacy storage, and then pick it up on another toon? I know this would ruin their collections system which could be an issue.
  13. I used to be a believer in the crates and packs. Bought a few crates with money and a few with credits. Since the Bantha crate and the Rancor crate though i have felt ripped off so I have stopped participating. I just haven't felt like I have been getting any good items from the crates. Do i expect the best mount, no, but I do expect that I will get some of the special stuff i want like color crystals or even the secondary awesome rare mount like orobird. Also don't call this entitled. I am not saying that I deserved it, but for my money, when I spend 50$ I do expect an awesome mount most of the time to make it WORTH it for my money. Thus me not buying the crates anymore. The term entitled is being thrown around way too much these days.
  14. No, I actually would like to hear those who got a good amount of drops. Should I change the title to Chances at items different than usual? Curious how you go about asking about something like this without looking like it is phishing. (no sarcsm)
  15. I am just wondering if anyone feels like the new pack isn't giving out the good items like they used to? In the past I have had pretty good luck so i am not extremely upset. I just opened 24 without a mount or a weapon. Only 1 pet and a couple emotes. The rest was all armor. Curious if anyone else has seen similar results where it seems that the item distribution is different than before? If it is just me I might consider grabbing another hypercrate.
  16. I personally saw a HUGE improvment when i switched to my SSD. Pretty much cut the loading time down by 75% if I remember right. SSD certainly do improve the load time by huge amounts.
  17. ESO does things its own way and I found that pretty enjoyable. A big issue that ESO faces is that its early content is rather boring. It doesnt do quite what TOR does, which is grabbing the player right away. Instead ESO gives 2 tutorial areas and then the first area after the Island is still slowly working you into its game play. It makes sense though, it is a very different combat system. The biggest problem I see ESO facing is the fact that everyone cries they want something different, but the moment it is different, they cry out that its a bad system. The reviews are very mixed. Those who can adjust to its different style seem to love the game, while others seem to be very upset that it isnt exactly like Elder Scrolls single player games or other MMOs. (that isnt to say that their opinions are wrong) I personally will be playing both TOR and ESO from now on. Neither one of them on their own can probably keep my attention fully. However, the combination of the 2 of them should make me pretty happy since they are very different games and genres.
  18. Yea, right up until you tell them its still probably the 2nd biggest (maybe 3rd) MMO is the West. Then suddenly they stop talking and get confused.
  19. People also tend to return to WoW because of the friend factor. I don't like WoW and I decided to stop playing just because friends do. However, I just had 2 friends leave TOR and go back to WoW because they knew they could play with a lot of old friends there. That and they also were disappointed that they didnt see any good advances in story in the close future. (GSF was a flop with them although i love it.) It also sucks that they have 10 years of development on TOR. You cant make up for time that a game has been out because that is a lot of extra features.
  20. It was pretty obvious to me. THat being said, I am not sure it was intentional or just us making sense of chaos.
  21. We don't really know how GSF will effect subs until F2P players get access to it. I imagine a good bit of players will try it out when it launches free to play (people who never played before) and that F2P players from the past might come back for a second look. Though the second group probably already checked it out when preferred was launched. I am starting to think that the early release for subs was a mistake, mostly because they didnt have everything in game yet.
  22. I actually still have it. I think i got it when I used a rep token if that makes any sense? I was fine...then suddenly...PLAGUE
  23. I agree. They need to form a committee to make the committee for this.
  24. I was quite furious about you misleading us like this. What did you know Eric, and when did you know it? I demand answers.
  25. Hey, I just had a quick question I wanted to be sure of before I did this. I am running out of inventory space and I am tired of swapping around alts to get all my cartel items. My question is the following If I out on all of the items in a collection set, and then delete them, will I still be able to get all of them back at any time even though I got rid of all of the originals? I figure this should work but am looking for confirmation before I do this to some of my more favorite armor sets and pets that I have been saving. (I am going to just unlock them with cartel coins if I want them on another character.)
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