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Everything posted by Ithilwen

  1. I don't remember that, when does it happen? what's the context? Maybe it was a dialogue option that you chose?
  2. Sounds like he cares about you, but doesn't know how to show it... If you want to go to the effort, create a log book of your time spent. It sounds silly, but it could provide evidence of how productive you are with your time (outside of the school holidays in particular). You shouldn't need to do this, but it's the only thing I can suggest if you want to show him that you aren't addicted to games, given the info you have provided. [Edit]: Also, if he doesn't know anything about computer games, his reaction is quite understandable, most kids do get addicted to games, and violent games get all the bad media. There's a lot of speculation as to what games do/cause, with only a small portion of it having any real truth. Naturally it's the people outside the gaming community that hear these things and get the wrong idea before doing any research.
  3. I play with key bindings, and it's definitely easier if you play a ranged character that doesn't have to move as much, especially if you're new to this. With key bindings it's pretty much from memory, you wont necessarily even be looking at your skill bar, which allows you to watch whatever's going on. Start by doing some PvE and getting used to hitting the buttons, when you go to PvP on key bindings for the first time you'll probably mash the buttons or hit the wrong ones because you want to do several things at once and your fingers are having an overload On a related note, you'll find that certain key bindings are easier for you to reach than others depending on your set up. So play around with your skills and where you've arranged them. Having a pattern for which types of skills goes where helps. (all of my AoE skills get bound to 10 and it's Shift/Ctrl variations). Personally, I find it easier to learn a characters key bindings if I start from 1, that way it starts off simple, slowly adding more skills as I go so it's not too overwhelming. That said, I'm using a Naga and an Orbweaver for pretty much all my keybindings and movement.
  4. They created some Asia-Pacific servers for us Aussies and everyone else in the Oceana area. They were eventually merged with the US servers due to numbers. Having been on those servers, I can tell you that the community wasn't exactly sustainable, not enough new players to make it viable. The servers were slowly dieing. Even if the server was just for the spoken language, do you really think there would be enough people to make a sustainable community? and then what about the PvE, PvP and RP variations of the server? I seriously doubt it would be viable.
  5. The Carnage Marauders I've spoken to seem to go with Power over Crit. I may be mistaken, but Power should raise your base damage, while Crit I think works best with surge, (one increases the chance of landing a critical hit, the other increases the damage when you get a critical hits) So, assuming I'm right with what I said above, Power is the better option, it will give you consistent increased damage, as compared to random fluctuations
  6. He plays hard to get, you should get another chance later on. I've noticed some of my companions ignore the first few times you flirt with them. Quinn would have to be the funniest though, particularly when you try to flirt with him. Also, depending on your dialogue choices you'll get different chances to flirt with him, so by all means hit ESC lots and explore what different choices lead to... If you can be bothered with that.
  7. They make you choose one or the other from what I've heard.
  8. I really like this idea! I noticed we got a couple of outfits from the skimpy male outfit thread, that was started ages ago. all they did was edit out half of an existing piece for some of it. others they seem to have designed from scratch based on what that guy had edited and posted in that thread. Here's to hoping!
  9. I like this idea Also maybe allow the character names within your legacy to appear in the drop down list
  10. I never thought of that... So I guess SWTOR wouldn't be considered one of those weaker security websites? since our email is in our account info... On another note, If you had a programable keyboard and programed one of your keys to type an 8 character word, would a keylogger be able to log those 8 characters, or just the button that was pressed? Just something i've been wondering about for a while now...
  11. I like the look of the robe, although I'd prefer it without the front flap
  12. thats what he said he hates/doesn't like...
  13. Didn't they say that the current end game gear would be put into special vendors without mods with the release of 2.0? Suposedly so that people can still buy the gear for looks...
  14. If that's the case, where is all the money they're making from Cartel Coins going? It's more likely that they figured they would have more profit if they didn't have to pay those extra two staff members (since aparently the German and French forums aren't as active as our one)
  15. I forgot about that... was trying to be optemistic xD
  16. Maybe they're going to hire some new people, but booted the old ones before bringing the new ones in? That would sort of make sence, however it's not ideal... Who know's what EA are thinking... Vielleicht sind sie werde einige neue Leute einstellen, aber Booten die alten, bevor sie die neue in? Das wäre von make sence sortieren, aber es ist nicht ideal ... Wer weiß, was EA denken ... : ( Peut-être qu'ils vont embaucher de nouvelles personnes, mais expulsé les anciens avant de mettre les nouvelles? Ce serait faire de trier absence, mais ce n'est pas idéal ... Qui sait ce que EA pensez ... : (
  17. In theory any unlocks you use as a sub before going f2p should remain... However I don't think that actually works, you'd be better off waiting till your account become f2p. Your 2 crew skills will get re-set and you'll have to start again, or maybe they'll just get locked out? (unlikely) One option would be to remove two of your skills to guarentee which one it is that stays, for example, I'd keep the crafting skill (assuming you have a crafting skill), since the gathering skills can be leveled up quite quickly at little to no cost... In the end what you do is up to you, a lot of information about f2p transitioning and its unlocks is quite sketchy
  18. I want the halo sword, they could implement it as a vibrosword and give it a glowing edge!
  19. Take note of the 'should'... Even I'm not certain xD It's just what I've heard/read from sources...
  20. Some of us want a Dye system, but at the moment the only option we have is the unify to chest piece...
  21. Also, anyone that isn't a subscriber gets a lot of restrictions to their gameplay, F2P is essentially just for the story content. Prefered status people get some benefits, but not many.
  22. Only problem there is that the people who earned the items would complain about devaluing the effort they put into getting those items in the first place
  23. Lol, that's why I said the translators translations require a bit of deciphering while reading There is no substitute to actually being fluent in a language. I started learning Japanese, and sounds like 'wa' have no real translation in English, just like our sentence 'fillers' have no real translation in Japanese
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