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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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Why does every post you make have the word "troll", or "trolling" in it?


Do you even know what trolling means?


At any rate, you're not being constructive


And this is constructive?


Also, I'm pretty sure "Do you even know what trolling means" counts as trolling ....


Okay, I'm out. Have fun with your game.

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And this is constructive?


Also, I'm pretty sure "Do you even know what trolling means" counts as trolling ....


Okay, I'm out. Have fun with your game.


Frag it, I am out too. You can't argue with trolls, they have much more experience doing it and they never have to follow logic. I will come back to the forums in 26 days after the Great Purge


c ya!

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Sadly I agree with the OP. The game while interesting in concept does feel old. I keep wondering if i'm playing Neverwinter Nights with a starwars theme.


Having to wait on other people to talk to npc's in Flashpoints so the group can move on is also becoming quite annoying and bothersome.


Having someone just afk during one of those can be quite nasty.

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- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)


There are several.


- Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful



- Pet AI is horrible, between the delay on commanding their auto attack, their hilarious pathing errors, and many others; it's safe to say giving every Class+Spec a pet was a bad idea, without first giving them AI that's passable in 2011


It's at least as good as other MMOs I played in, especially at launch.


- 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)


Graphics are pretty much on par with other MMOs.


- No Day/Night Cylce

Don't care.


- No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches

Still don't care


- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)


Blizzard had years of data to go by and Cata by some accounts was not as big a draw. This is a brand new creation, so of course it hasn't "evolved" yet. Expecting that would be dumb.


- Lackluster Character Creation

Pretty happy with how my character looks.


- Absurd Leveling curve; the overall process of getting from 1-50 is pretty fast, but the curve for time per level increases at a rate that makes me feel like I'm playing Aion again

Never played Aion. I'm enjoying my character's arc.


- Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)

Again, how long has WoW been around? Didn't expect it to have as much content as WoW, did you?



- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy


Not feeling grindy. Because of, you know, story.



- Voice Actors voicing too many different people; I don't think I've seen this many Characters with the same Voice Actor, since the first Deus Ex game

That's just a silly complaint. They've used more voice actors than any MMO.


- Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)

So your character has a catch phrase? Neat. I'm digging my smuggler's dialogue, including the lines he has repeated in different situations right before starting a fight.


- "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today

I count 3. That's still plenty. Not expecting 20 choices for dialogue, especially in an MMO.



- Awkward gold; having over 500,000 gold by the time you hit 40 is... silly, and will be a major hassle as the game ages and gold inflation occurs




-- A vast array of technical errors that BioWare, and easily amused Players will chalk up to "Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"; but nonetheless detract from gameplay, and are hard to excuse in a 2011 title

Gosh, the brand-new MMO has blemishes? Burn it!


- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)

Man, a lot of these sure seem like you just wanted everyting WoW had that you liked to be here immediately.


Anyway, do you guys feel the same way?

Clearly, no.

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some people like wow...


some people like tor...


some people like both...


Whatever your game is just have fun playing it.. both games are going to have patches to try and compete for the top.. Having played both games (obviously TOR a lot less than WoW) I like that all the WoW features aren't included here. Sometimes its nice to not play WoW in space. If I wanted to play WoW I would reactivate my account :D


*throws the numerous trolls a box of biscuits*


Have fun and play the game that appeals to you more!

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some people like wow...


some people like tor...


some people like both...


Whatever your game is just have fun playing it.. both games are going to have patches to try and compete for the top.. Having played both games (obviously TOR a lot less than WoW) I like that all the WoW features aren't included here. Sometimes its nice to not play WoW in space. If I wanted to play WoW I would reactivate my account :D


*throws the numerous trolls a box of biscuits*


Have fun and play the game that appeals to you more!


Good post. And I agree, everyone has their own opinions.

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My entire experience with Rift is about 20 minutes of a free 14 trial.


In that time, I saw that the game had


- Awesome UI, complete with moveable parts


- Good graphics


- Good Character Creation


Well, yeah, that's only three things, and the game didn't interest me for more than 20 minutes; but still — post-WoW MMOs are launching with features that are currently present in WoW, TOR is behind the curve here



This proves one thing...features don't equal a good experience. Rift concentrated on a checklist of "modern" features and created a game that did not hold your attention for more than 20 mins while BW created a game concentrating on story, gameplay and experience and here you are capped or close to it squealing for tweaks instead of giving up on it. I'll take that as confirmation that BW had their priorities right allowing them the ability to fulfill the "checklist" post launch and beyond.

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This proves one thing...features don't equal a good experience. Rift concentrated on a checklist of "modern" features and created a game that did not hold your attention for more than 20 mins while BW created a game concentrating on story, gameplay and experience and here you are capped or close to it squealing for tweaks instead of giving up on it. I'll take that as confirmation that BW had their priorities right allowing them the ability to fulfill the "checklist" post launch and beyond.




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I agree with the OP.


And I wouldn't waste a second of my time replying to the rabid fanboys who are delusional enough to think people have no reason to gripe. The game needs serious work and it's the "Whinners" that devs need to hear from, not the idiots who think everthing is peachy.

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This proves one thing...features don't equal a good experience. Rift concentrated on a checklist of "modern" features and created a game that did not hold your attention for more than 20 mins while BW created a game concentrating on story, gameplay and experience and here you are capped or close to it squealing for tweaks instead of giving up on it. I'll take that as confirmation that BW had their priorities right allowing them the ability to fulfill the "checklist" post launch and beyond.


The only reason I bought this game, is because it was made by BioWare


I didn't play Rift for more than 20 minutes, because it was made by some fresh out of college kids known as "Trion world" or something I've never heard of


It seems that even BioWare wasn't large enough, though; I guess a proper MMO can only be handled by a company as large and successful as Blizzard

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The only reason I bought this game, is because it was made by BioWare


I didn't play Rift for more than 20 minutes, because it was made by some fresh out of college kids known as "Trion world" or something I've never heard of


It seems that even BioWare wasn't large enough, though; I guess a proper MMO can only be handled by a company as large and successful as Blizzard


Fresh out of college kids?


You obviously have no idea who Scott Hartsman is do ya?


Google him.


I think you will surprised... or not.

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So honestly, I really do want to like this game. And I do think it has some positive features, including Star Wars; I've always like the Star Wars movies. Unfortunately, TOR just feels really old. Even compared to World of Warcraft, which actually is very old (over 7 years now), this feels elderly.


The following are some things that make TOR feel old:


- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)


- Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful


- Pet AI is horrible, between the delay on commanding their auto attack, their hilarious pathing errors, and many others; it's safe to say giving every Class+Spec a pet was a bad idea, without first giving them AI that's passable in 2011


- 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)


- No Day/Night Cylce


- No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches


- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)


- Lackluster Character Creation


- Absurd Leveling curve; the overall process of getting from 1-50 is pretty fast, but the curve for time per level increases at a rate that makes me feel like I'm playing Aion again


- Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)


- No Macros


- No mouseover casting


- No addon support


- No Dual Spec


- Taris memory leaks (should have been fixed in Beta, not "overnight" a week after Early Access started for the game's release build)


- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy


- Voice Actors voicing too many different people; I don't think I've seen this many Characters with the same Voice Actor, since the first Deus Ex game


- Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)


- "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today


- No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea


- Awkward gold; having over 500,000 gold by the time you hit 40 is... silly, and will be a major hassle as the game ages and gold inflation occurs


- A vast array of technical errors that BioWare, and easily amused Players will chalk up to "Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"; but nonetheless detract from gameplay, and are hard to excuse in a 2011 title


- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)


- No Barbershop for minor character recustomization (again, weird in a game where we watch so much of our character speaking)


- More — I will expand on this as more things pop into my mind, these are the ones currently at the forefront of my thought process


Anyway, do you guys feel the same way? Maybe you don't see the logic in some of my points (but you will once you get to level 40+), but you've probably noticed the game feels old. I'm worried that this feeling will plague the launch, and the early days of the game. This will both turn away new players, and create a jaded community; problems that get worse and worse as time goes on. Hopefully the game can be improved enough though, I do like it.


TL;DR, I think TOR feels old, what do you think?


Shhh. The game just came out, sir.

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So honestly, I really do want to like this game. And I do think it has some positive features, including Star Wars; I've always like the Star Wars movies. Unfortunately, TOR just feels really old. Even compared to World of Warcraft, which actually is very old (over 7 years now), this feels elderly.


The following are some things that make TOR feel old:


- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)


- Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful


- Pet AI is horrible, between the delay on commanding their auto attack, their hilarious pathing errors, and many others; it's safe to say giving every Class+Spec a pet was a bad idea, without first giving them AI that's passable in 2011


- 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)


- No Day/Night Cylce


- No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches


- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)


- Lackluster Character Creation


- Absurd Leveling curve; the overall process of getting from 1-50 is pretty fast, but the curve for time per level increases at a rate that makes me feel like I'm playing Aion again


- Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)


- No Macros


- No mouseover casting


- No addon support


- No Dual Spec


- Taris memory leaks (should have been fixed in Beta, not "overnight" a week after Early Access started for the game's release build)


- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy


- Voice Actors voicing too many different people; I don't think I've seen this many Characters with the same Voice Actor, since the first Deus Ex game


- Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)


- "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today


- No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea


- Awkward gold; having over 500,000 gold by the time you hit 40 is... silly, and will be a major hassle as the game ages and gold inflation occurs


- A vast array of technical errors that BioWare, and easily amused Players will chalk up to "Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"; but nonetheless detract from gameplay, and are hard to excuse in a 2011 title


- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)


- No Barbershop for minor character recustomization (again, weird in a game where we watch so much of our character speaking)


- More — I will expand on this as more things pop into my mind, these are the ones currently at the forefront of my thought process


Anyway, do you guys feel the same way? Maybe you don't see the logic in some of my points (but you will once you get to level 40+), but you've probably noticed the game feels old. I'm worried that this feeling will plague the launch, and the early days of the game. This will both turn away new players, and create a jaded community; problems that get worse and worse as time goes on. Hopefully the game can be improved enough though, I do like it.


TL;DR, I think TOR feels old, what do you think?


It seems as though you love WoW. Perhaps go play WoW, and be happy

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The only reason I bought this game, is because it was made by BioWare


I didn't play Rift for more than 20 minutes, because it was made by some fresh out of college kids known as "Trion world" or something I've never heard of


It seems that even BioWare wasn't large enough, though; I guess a proper MMO can only be handled by a company as large and successful as Blizzard


If Trion made a great compelling game it would matter not their pedigree so it's a moot point. Further, what got you interested in the game(Bioware) has nothing to do with what is keeping you playing it, posting about it and clamoring for tweaks.


BW or any other developer has a finite amount of resources and time to develop a game therefore must prioritize. Had Trion focused on making a compelling MMO instead of fufilling a checklist of "modern" features they perhaps might have retained your interest. BW put priority on story, world design, combat and the overall Star Wars experience and I think scored a homerun on these points. Getting those things right is exactly why you are here today and allows them the well deserved time to add to a great foundation.

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The only reason I bought this game, is because it was made by BioWare


I didn't play Rift for more than 20 minutes, because it was made by some fresh out of college kids known as "Trion world" or something I've never heard of


It seems that even BioWare wasn't large enough, though; I guess a proper MMO can only be handled by a company as large and successful as Blizzard


Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its not a "proper MMO." A game doesn't have to have all of the features of another to be successful. I played Rift during beta and after release, I don't play it anymore because its just like WoW. I love this game because it isn't a WoW clone. This game is all about the story. Yes, WoW has a lot of rich lore, but it gets lost in all of the repetitive quests, that only really get better once you hit 80 and start leveling in areas that phase a bit.

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If Trion made a great compelling game it would matter not their pedigree so it's a moot point. Further, what got you interested in the game(Bioware) has nothing to do with what is keeping you playing it, posting about it and clamoring for tweaks.


BW or any other developer has a finite amount of resources and time to develop a game therefore must prioritize. Had Trion focused on making a compelling MMO instead of fufilling a checklist of "modern" features they perhaps might have retained your interest. BW put priority on story, world design, combat and the overall Star Wars experience and I think scored a homerun on these points. Getting those things right is exactly why you are here today and allows them the well deserved time to add to a great foundation.



What I said was poorly phrased, and didn't really get my point across. Please allow me to re-phrase, and explain


"made by BioWare" isn't the primary reason I bought TOR, I bought TOR because I love MMOs, and I'm very displeased with the (casual) direction that Blizzard is, and has been taking World of Warcraft in


The fact that BioWare made it, is what convinced me that it would be pretty good, and improved upon quickly after launch (unlike Age of Conan, Warhammer, etc. which stagnated for too long and just died, aka went free to play)


Trion making Rift is what showed me that even though it had good features, it would not live up to match WoW (and it didn't, time has proven)

Edited by Shadysketchy
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Does it ever occur to any of you, that BioWare doesn't want their customers to ubsubscribe, and go back to playing World of Warcraft, at the drop of a hat; simply because they didn't like certain features?


In your OP you list a bunch of gripes you have with the game,and how Blizzard is the only company that can run a proper MMO etc. This is your opinion, you are absolutely allowed to have it...... so again go play WoW, you will be much happier.

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In your OP you list a bunch of gripes you have with the game,and how Blizzard is the only company that can run a proper MMO etc. This is your opinion, you are absolutely allowed to have it...... so again go play WoW, you will be much happier.


You didn't answer my question


Please answer my question — did it ever occur to you, that BioWare doesn't want me to go play WoW?

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Hello and welcome to World of Starwarscraft.


Completely agree with OP. You can tell me to go play WoW all you want... been there, done that... played that game for almost 6 years. I had such high hopes for ToR, but its seems like a reskinned WoW pre-burning crusade....


My love for the starwars universe/stories are the only things that keeps me playing ToR.


After my first 5 level I no longer cared for the voice acting dialog... it became a huge time waster.


Now I'm level 21 and tired of playing... sorry, wrong word... GRINDING.


I understand the game has just been released, but aren't MMO game developers supposed to learn from the other mistakes of MMOs?


ToR doesn't have the "omg I need to play *taps my veins*" type of feeling like WoW did.

I know I'm not alone with this feeling.


For now I'll keep my account active and see how the next few months turn out.

Edited by Gozinya
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If Trion made a great compelling game it would matter not their pedigree so it's a moot point. Further, what got you interested in the game(Bioware) has nothing to do with what is keeping you playing it, posting about it and clamoring for tweaks.


BW or any other developer has a finite amount of resources and time to develop a game therefore must prioritize. Had Trion focused on making a compelling MMO instead of fufilling a checklist of "modern" features they perhaps might have retained your interest. BW put priority on story, world design, combat and the overall Star Wars experience and I think scored a homerun on these points. Getting those things right is exactly why you are here today and allows them the well deserved time to add to a great foundation.


trion did make a great game, it hasnt been picked as mmorpg's game of the year for no reason, rift is imo the best mmorpg out there at this time, so why am i not playing rift? because i had a slight disagreement with them when they did server merges because of crap talkers like you.


i like tor, the story is great but the mechanics, well the story cant carry everything, a good mmo is properly balanced, like one of those childrens mobiles (the dangly thing, not your cellphone) tor is one of those, with the mild exception of a 10 ton weight dragging it off its hinges labeled as story / voice acting.


as for the limited time / rescources, time: over 3 years in development, rescources, more than any other videogame to date other than duke nukem forever, how they spent those rescources, got only knows, probably 10 million on voice actors, 2 million on actually development (of which $10 for the character models) and the rest on the star wars liscence


combat is choppy at best, with severe bugs showing up every now and then that render you entirely useless for 10ish seconds because none of your buttons are working, the cover system is a gimmick, and stealth is useless from a combat perspective. the only combat it got right was the space combat, and thats just a rail shooter with gear slots

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You didn't answer my question


Please answer my question — did it ever occur to you, that BioWare doesn't want me to go play WoW?


Hehe, not trying to be difficult, just trying to help you out. Bioware is a business and of course doesn't want to lose any customers, this is pretty basic knowledge. Based on your posts, Bioware hasn't pleased you, so go play WoW, as you stated you do like that game,then you will happy yes? Bioware can't please everyone,obviously you are an example of this. Maybe come back in six months and more features will be added that will meet your expectations.

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