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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)






Sorry for the outburst, but this is so wrong that it absolutely baffles me. I had FOUR HOUR queues to log in when Cata was released. Not Cata? That's so incorrect that you couldn't possibly be more wrong. Cata had massive crippling queues on many realms when it released.

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You forgot money/reputation grind and item repair. Let's face it, just get rid of the currency all together and deal with it in tokens for health potions etc that cant be traded.


Honestly Id pay MORE for a game that doesnt involve grinding. When will a developer realize that? People are paying gold farmers to REMOVE grinding. Yet we continue to see an explosion of mindless chores like we need to spend 8 hours a day to justify a $15 a month product.

Damn, I spend $100 a month on TV and I play video games MORE than I watch TV.

Its not about the time, its about the experience and enjoyment you get out of that time.


Give me an awesome no-grind MMO that I can play 12 hours a week and Ill pay you $50 a month.

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What you, and others need to keep in mind is, World of Warcraft did not have all of these features at launch, and some of them are more recent. TOR has had the best launch for an MMO that I've ever seen, and I've witnessed quite a few. While there are some minor issues with bugs and lack of basic mechanics, the things that really matter to the average gamer are already here, or not far down the road.


We'll continue to see your list diminish to nothing within the next couple of months, and I'm sure people will be surprised as to how fast development will pick up in the coming weeks after Bioware recovers from this launch.


It's always nice to hear everyone's opinion, and I'm sure Bioware will be correcting and implementing overlooked features soon.


No what he has to bear in mind is that this is not WoW.


Want WoW go play it.


Good luck in Azeroth.

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Honestly Id pay MORE for a game that doesnt involve grinding. When will a developer realize that? People are paying gold farmers to REMOVE grinding. Yet we continue to see an explosion of mindless chores like we need to spend 8 hours a day to justify a $15 a month product.

Damn, I spend $100 a month on TV and I play video games MORE than I watch TV.

Its not about the time, its about the experience and enjoyment you get out of that time.


Give me an awesome no-grind MMO that I can play 12 hours a week and Ill pay you $50 a month.



Can you imagine something like tower defense games added in just for additional time sink and for cosmetical items such as pet? Minigame carnevals/marathons etc. for just that extra additional "its 2 am, cant sleep. cba pvp" and ranking system for speedrunning (guild/server only?) heroic dificulty dungeon...


Just entirely an MMO catered towards people who use them for timesinks with a meaningful reward in fun and distractions? Funnely enough if you add in a story line as comprihensive as SWTOR as a small side of it you would end up with a rather droolable experience.

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OP, 90% of the points made in your posts are your opinions. We're all entitled to them and I think some of yours are even pretty valid.


But for the most part, MY OPINION is you're being immature and impatient with most of your claims. It takes development time and player feedback to properly integrate things like Looking for Group, and many of these topics have been touched on by BioWare in saying they're looking into it. I actually feel BioWare does this too (unlike another company that starts with a B...), so we'll see how it all pans out.


In short, for me, the things you listed either do not bother me personally or I feel are a bonus/good thing for the game in general. We'll see how everything else pans out and develops down the road to see if you're still here though.

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Can you imagine something like tower defense games added in just for additional time sink and for cosmetical items such as pet? Minigame carnevals/marathons etc. for just that extra additional "its 2 am, cant sleep. cba pvp" and ranking system for speedrunning (guild/server only?) heroic dificulty dungeon...


Just entirely an MMO catered towards people who use them for timesinks with a meaningful reward in fun and distractions? Funnely enough if you add in a story line as comprihensive as SWTOR as a small side of it you would end up with a rather droolable experience.


Too bad we werent at the SWTOR development meetings. I would have been like Voiceover for sidequests. HELLs NO!. Who let that guy in here. Youre FIRED!

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OP, you have many valid points that I agree with. I was going to reply with some more but there's no point. I'll be shredded as soundly as you are. But then, the WoW-tainted community would be one of my points.


I did cancel though. Like nearly all games that are released in this age, it just needs longer in the oven before it's done.

Edited by EwokLuvr
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Too bad we werent at the SWTOR development meetings. I would have been like Voiceover for sidequests. HELLs NO!. Who let that guy in here. Youre FIRED!


Actually the person who suggested 3 minute video loading time on crowded server for a 15 second video clip. No one ever realiced this is something you could have done with a drop off box or you know, put some effort to the sidequest ending? Or why couldn't we just add the holocall in the dungeon that was 3 minute walk away when I had to do the mission required cutscene anyway?

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No what he has to bear in mind is that this is not WoW.


Want WoW go play it.


Good luck in Azeroth.


You obviously didn't read past the words 'World of Warcraft'. Go back to school and perhaps your comprehension skills will improve.

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Compare a new release with a 7 year old release?, silly old farts.


It's the same old fanboy mantra when there precious new toy get critized. Go back to wow etc. bla. bla.


My main issue is, how the heck could they release such a lame userinterface? in this day and age. I mean, they had atleast 10 years of mmo development to rip the good parts from and this is what they thought would be good at release?

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Actually have some valid points, but even with all the things you mentioned, I'm having an absolute blast. It's refreshing playing an MMO where I actually care about my character and the storylines involved. Combat is fun and engaging, and flashpoints rock. I tihnk they've done an outstanding job thus far. My only complaint are the darned queues :)
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Sounds like OP just wants to play WOW.


However AI could use an overhaul i do agree, Not that Wow has better AI, I've played a hunter for 4+ years if Bioware wait 2 years to fix it, they'll still be way ahead of Blizzard.


Funnely enough I would say its about 1/4th of the time to fix it to be ahead. WoW had two classes with pets at launch and SWTOR has 8 classes. Small issues become big issues when you magnify it enough and such is the problems with pets in this case. Mainly I'm just wanting "defend player" "defend yourself" "attack lowest hp" behaviour settings and them to stop channeling spells to walls without hitting anything. (Then again I wish NPC's would stop evading inside walls, but one thing at a time)

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And sadly, the game launched uh.. YESTERDAY.


I don't know what it takes for some of you people to understand one simple fact




Or will continue to be launched has to have time post launch t continue developing. this is true for any MMO I don't care which one it is. it is true for ToR it was true for Rift, it was true for WoW, EverQuest, DAOC and it will be true for Guild Wars 2, Secret World, Blade and Soul, the Warhammer 40k MMO, Blizzard's "Titan" and so on.


None of these games had nor will have everything you expect them to AT LAUNCH. They will/did add most features after launch. Your launch client is just your primary base game.

But that's all it is.. a BASE.


The sooner the rest of you realize this one true simple fact about the MMO genre the happier all of us will be.


And perhaps the day the developers of MMOs realize that the days of playerbase forgiveness are over the better off we'll all be. When WoW came out EQ was pretty old and about the only MMO out there that most players of the genre were playing. EQ2 was terrible, people wanted something new and therefore gave Blizzard a chance, a chance that no one has really had since then because WoW became quite polished in the period of time before other MMOs were starting to be released.


You simply do not have that luxury these days because for one WoW is still polished and still holds a commanding amount of the MMO playerbase. In order to attract those players you have to be able to bring a similar experience as WoW currently brings them.


You can't release an FPS these days that can't compete with Modern Warfare or Battlefield and expect millions of people to play...well same goes for the MMO genre now, if you can't compete with what Blizzard has to offer then you will likely not garner millions of subscriptions past the first year if you can even reach that level at all. It's a whole new period of time for this genre and most developers just don't get it.


With all that said I do feel that Bioware has done a fine job of at least getting that initial attention of millions of players, whether or not they will keep it has yet to be decided but at least atm they can say the ball is still in their court. I for one hope they stay motivated and bring some actual innovation to this game after they finally polish it to the current standard.

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Transmog, LFG, Dungeon Finder, Arena, Ratings, Add-on support and all the other **** you mentioned weren't even in WoW until sometime AFTER release. OP is moaning about nothing.


well on that basis all games should start out as pac man and evolve from there.....


Any new release has to meet current standards not past ones...



You dont buy a computer on spec from 10years ago because you can upgrade it later to modern standards/...why do the same with an MMO?

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Funnely enough I would say its about 1/4th of the time to fix it to be ahead. WoW had two classes with pets at launch and SWTOR has 8 classes. Small issues become big issues when you magnify it enough and such is the problems with pets in this case. Mainly I'm just wanting "defend player" "defend yourself" "attack lowest hp" behaviour settings and them to stop channeling spells to walls without hitting anything. (Then again I wish NPC's would stop evading inside walls, but one thing at a time)


Indeed, I hope pet issues will be fixed soon in Tor since you can't really quest solo, most areas are built for you to have some kind of assistance which is fine as long as it works right.


I don't want commands to tell it to fly around collect up all the mobs and it should never die, i just want it to be able to path from point a to b without being stuck on point Z.


A lot of my problem in wow is i was playing a class the devs didn't understand or want to understand, the hunters ranged or melee class issue came up many times, pets were forced upon us, Warlocks had ways of ridding themselves to gain damage but we couldn't ditch them.


So almost every expansion the pathing took a couple of months to nail out, some dungeons in wrath are still pet unfriendly, I hope an assist command is given to tor companions so they attack on spell casts, and recall is fixed a little.. i don't like he can change his mind on the way back to me :)

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Some thing what I don't like in SWtoR (above UI, Character Customization)


Playable Species. There are lot of nice npc species in the game (like Togruta, Nautolan, Mon Calamari, Rodian, Trandoshan, etc) but we can play only the most similar and humanistic races. And really, Cyborg? They just put some bump mapped crap 2D metal pieces on a human's head, and they made a new species?


Loot/reward system. I know they implemented the most common system into their game. We doing missions and get some equipment as rewards, also take our fallen enemies stuff and use them. It is good for most of Fantasy MMOs, played in "Dark Age" like worlds, but when I think about, when a Jedi (for example) take his enemys pants and wear it as his own, just OMG... Same with rewards, as a smuggler I can tell the mission givers most times "I'll help, if I get paid well" or similar. But they dont tell me, before I get the mission, what will I get as reward. What bussiness is that? I dont need some stupid gloves, or pants, or any other stuff. I need credits. And here comes the craft. In my opinion, one of the biggest fail in most MMOs, high-end drops are always better, than the best crafted stuff. Why cant the NPCs, bosses, etc drops only materials for equipments, and then the best crafter can make the best stuff. We can spend our credits on them, what we got as mission rewards (like in SWG). Consider it, its a sci-fi. I don't know, what others thinks, but I don't like to wear my killed enemies clothes.


Orange items. I think they made this mostly as "cosmetic stuff" so that way players can looks more different. But why didnt they change every equipments to orange, except enhancements. There are still a lot of nice looking stuff for lower lvls, what I would like to wear later, but cant, cuz its weak, so can only destroy or sell it to a vendor.


Vehicles. In most MMOs mounts and vehicles requires a patricular level to use them. I dont know why. Many players reached lvl50 in 3-4 days. So if BW went to slow us down a bit in lvling, it didnt succed


There are a lot of bugs in the game, im not wondering, there are bugs in every game, thats ok. But in SWtoR there are some bugs, which are really makes the game almost unplayable in some situations, but they still exsists. I know the game is just released few days ago, but before that, there was 2 beta weekend, and 7 days early access, and most of those bug still in the game. I hope BW will wake up soon, and lead their game to the right direction, because i want to like SWtoR, and dont want it to die after few monts, like AoC did, like STO did, like LotRO did (and like SWG died with that crap NGE)


Space... space is a total joke



sorry for bad english, i hope u understand it

Edited by Dwighty
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Stop $*$ $*$(#()# mentioning wow on these (*$#&*$## #&*#$&^#* #*#*#$$ boards. No one cares what *$##&^# wow has or dosnt have. If we did, we would be playing #*$&($ #&*#&@(*# wow. But we are not *(#$($ playing #*@*# wow, so ****!!!


sorry, you didnt deserve that, I am just tired of seeing how this game does not live up to or have all the opens that 2011 wow has.

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