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Everything posted by Tenneth

  1. If you fail to realize what the issue is, you're not playing nearly enough and don't really have room to comment.
  2. Unfortunately no. If your companion starts as a trooper, he'll remain a trooper. If your companion starts as a Jedi, he'll remain a Jedi. That isn't to say that your story won't have affect on your companions to some degree though, but I won't spoil anything. Hope this has answered your question!
  3. May not be what you want to hear, but reset the quest (from your quest log, by pressing L) and start over. It may not be ideal, but it's better than wasting more time waiting for a glitched drop.
  4. I have yet to experience this myself, but it appears that this isn't intended. I'd submit a bug report in-game thoroughly explaining the situation and why you believe it should be fixed. This could potentially be one of the biggest issues in the game, and I'm sure if it hasn't been fixed yet, it's because it hasn't come to the attention of Bioware. I'll try to reproduce the problem and submit a report myself, but I suggest you do as well, in case I can't get the same results as you are.
  5. They do have a purpose. The mods that come with a lot of equipment are mid-ranged mods for the appropriate level. A lot of mods that can be crafted are reasonably better than anything you'll find in a drop. Does this apply to every situation? No. But for the majority, crafted mods for the appropriate level are better than stock modification components.
  6. I like ketchup, it's my favorite condiment. On a serious note, commendation rewards can only be bought with commendations from that planet. They can be obtained through quests, or dropped by certain mobs. Have a very Merry Christmas! -Tenneth
  7. For future reference, you can respec on the republic/imperial fleet. In the combat training vendor area, you'll find a Skill Master who can reset your skill tree. The first skill tree reset costs you nothing, after that I believe it costs a certain amount of credits.
  8. No matter what happens, whether a LFG system is implemented or not, you'll still have to travel to the fleet. So I don't see what you're getting at.
  9. I agree wholeheartedly. I believe that if someone is too lazy to assemble a team, they aren't worth my time. I like the current system, and the lack of some standard mechanics makes this game all the more fun. Played WoW, didn't like it. Playing TOR should be a different experience, and I hope Bioware doesn't appeal to all of the WoW heads out there but rather the average gamer/mmorpg player.
  10. I can build stuff out of lincoln logs for you. Other than that, no.
  11. You obviously didn't read past the words 'World of Warcraft'. Go back to school and perhaps your comprehension skills will improve.
  12. What you, and others need to keep in mind is, World of Warcraft did not have all of these features at launch, and some of them are more recent. TOR has had the best launch for an MMO that I've ever seen, and I've witnessed quite a few. While there are some minor issues with bugs and lack of basic mechanics, the things that really matter to the average gamer are already here, or not far down the road. We'll continue to see your list diminish to nothing within the next couple of months, and I'm sure people will be surprised as to how fast development will pick up in the coming weeks after Bioware recovers from this launch. It's always nice to hear everyone's opinion, and I'm sure Bioware will be correcting and implementing overlooked features soon.
  13. Hey Vataire, If you're looking to create a guild, you can talk to the NPC underneath the Senate Tower. He's between both of the vendor areas in the back by the Galactic Market terminals. Hope this helps!
  14. This is a major security flaw and shouldn't be used.
  15. Do you have your receipt? If so, check it. Some retailers provided the code that way, if I remember correctly.
  16. It can take up to 48 hours. If you still haven't received it by then, please contact customer support here. Good luck!
  17. Hey schwartzpedro, You'll receive a code in your email that is linked to your account. After you do, enter it here. Hope this helps! Regards, Tenneth
  18. I've yet to see a successful one that did. Usually they let you play uninterrupted for the first 30 days to get people interested and hooked, then require a subscription. Unfortunately, back when I pre-ordered, there was no mention that a subscription would be required to receive the free playing time, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the DDE. Anyway, what is done is done. EA and Bioware may lose quite a few potential customers to this, though.
  19. Hey guys, So there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the free 30 days you acquire upon pre-ordering Star Wars: The Old Republic. First, let me start off by saying that you MUST add a subscription to your account to receive your 30 free days of playing time. While this isn't what most people expected, there is a silver lining. If you subscribe via credit card (or debit), you WILL NOT be charged until after the 30 days of playing time, but you MUST have an active subscription pending on your account to receive the 30 days. Second, if you decide to purchase a pre-paid card from a retailer or online, you will still receive 30 days free playing time, which will be funded to your account after the time you've paid for. Hope this helps clear things up! If you have further questions, I'm subscribed to this thread, so feel free to reply. For future reference, the F.A.Q. can be accessed here. Regards, Tenneth
  20. Hey guys, There's 3 different ways to take an in-game snapshot. First of which is to press the Prnt Scrn button on your keyboard (located above Insert, right next to the Backspace button). The other way you can take a screenshot is with the in-game item called the Holocamera. This was provided to anyone who pre-ordered the Deluxe Digital version of the game or the Collectors Edition. If you have purchased one of these versions and do not have it, please register your pre-order code here. You can alternatively install 3rd party software (like Fraps) onto your computer, which allows you to bind a hotkey to take screenshots. Hope this helps answer some questions and clear up any confusion! Regards, Tenneth
  21. Seems like a pretty silly reason to not subscribe. These features will be functioning properly shortly after launch if not beforehand. A lot of basic mechanics are not functioning properly, but Bioware are aware of many of them, so they'll be priority in the next patch, I'm sure of it. Regards, Tenneth
  22. Did I say I was? They are clearly marked with a yellow border around their forum avatar for future reference. Regards, Tenneth
  23. Hey there! You're welcome to create a new character on a PVE server, which would probably benefit you a bit more. This way you can play without fear of being killed by other players and still enjoy the rich story within Star Wars: The Old Republic! Hope this helps, Tenneth
  24. Wrong section (I don't think there's a section for this anyway) and servers are public for a reason. Anyone can join any server.
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