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How many of you listen/read the whole story dialogues in quest fp etc?


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Always for the class quests. The class stories are the best thing about the game.


Always for the main planet quest chains (at least first time round)


Mostly for the side quests - it depends if the quest is interesting.

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Since bioware seems to care too much about story and dialogues as you can see in their upcoming PVE update 2.4 i was wondering how many people do listen and pay attention to them,i personally skip them all and know many peope that do the same, so lets see how many care about them and maybe make bioware change their policy of story its the most important part of the game so they can stop it and invest resources and time in pvp and other abandoned areas of the game etc....of course i mean the first time you watch them.




I listen to them until I've heard all the different responses (Funny, Threatening, LS, DS, "Yawn") and for the hidden nuggets like when Moff Kilran makes a comment if you're playing solo in the MP flashpoint, or when Malgus makes a comment when you're playing solo in FE. Stuff like when HK-51 starts smack talking HK-47 in FE always make me go :eek: the first time around. There's lots of little nuggets you'll miss if you don't do the cutscenes a bunch of times (references to the other Faction, Companions, future NPCs).

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Always for quests, first time through the FPs, and I read all of the quest terminal dialogue that isn't voiced. After that I'll rewatch the dialogue in a FP if the group chooses a LS/DS option I haven't seen before or if it's just been so long that I don't remember what happens in one story-wise.


When I over-level a planet I may choose not to pick up certain side quests or end up just dropping them, but I don't think I've ever SB'd through one.


"Story as the 4th Pillar" was the advertising hook that got me interested in this game as much as the Star Wars IP did (especially with BW's name backing it up since I love KOTOR). It's also the one element of the game I've been unwaveringly happy with and that has kept me a subscriber since pre-ordering.

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This original post and followups are ridiculous. Everyone should understand that people all have their own playstyles and you've come up looking foolish on this thread by expecting nobody cares about story in a story driven game.


I pay my sub 100% based on the story content. The mmo components are a nice occasional diversion, but I play to explore the story. If the game had no multiplayer content, i'd still be happy and playing.

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I usually¨run Story Modes first, so I listen to them, I even mute my guild on TS, just to be able to enjoy cutscenes. On HM, I usually skip through.

I think it was meant to be this way, Story Mode is for story, HM is for gear grind

Edited by Aries_cz
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Every single time, except for HM flashpoints since those are just for gear grinding. Given the obvious focus on it I wouldnt still be playing the game if I considered the story silly. It would be kinda, well, silly of me.
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Always, the first time through.


Same. Always the first time through. However, I have three 55's and like making alts so basically on the sith side I spacebar through everything except the class quest. I have a mid 30 pub toon(my first pub toon) though I am taking my time on.

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I skipped through almost everything. At first I watched but then I couldn't be bothered. If I wanted a game for the story I would go play KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2 or any other single player game, or I'd go watch a movie or read a book. Everyone has the same story in this game, it has no affect on your character when you finish the story (for each class), and I think that kinda ruined it for me in my opinion that they put so much focus on cutscenes and stuff rather than maybe put those resources into gameplay.
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I read/listen all of them (first time). Story is big deal for me, especially if it's SW.


I respect your style, but i would like to know why u playing game when you skip all the story? Really. I just don't get it. How old are you? You just want to shoot and slash with lightsaber and that's all what matters to you? :)


Same here.


I actually got booted from a group yesterday for not spacebarring through the FP dialogue since it was my first time in there and wanted to read it.


*shrug* oh well.


I do the same thing, and I also don't mind when other people want to actually see the story instead of racing through the FP to get their reward.

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I skipped through almost everything. At first I watched but then I couldn't be bothered. If I wanted a game for the story I would go play KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2 or any other single player game, or I'd go watch a movie or read a book. Everyone has the same story in this game, it has no affect on your character when you finish the story (for each class), and I think that kinda ruined it for me in my opinion that they put so much focus on cutscenes and stuff rather than maybe put those resources into gameplay.


Another reason that makes me wonder why on Earth you waste time on a game you utterly detest.

You DO realize that there are MMO's out there where you can complain on their forums all day long for FREE, right? :p

Instead of wasting 15$ a month for your favorite activity.

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I have not skipped the slightest part of any quest on my first walk to 50 on my first toon (smuggler).

I then skipped some of the planetary quest dialogues on my second round with my sage.

I skipped most of the planetary dialogues on my third round with the trooper (and had a hard time, cause I really did not like that story).

I then took a break from the republic and went all through the empire with a warrior again skipping nothing at all.

I then returned to level another consular as shadow. I did not skip the class story on the second time but skipped all other non-class dialogues.

Then on my jedi knight, I again did not skip any line of the class story but all of the other stuff.


On flashpoints and operations I always viewed the cutscenes on the first round through, some I watched a dozen times by now, but most I skip now that I know all of them.


When I finish the remaining 3 class stories, I will again not skip a single line of them.


Since starting SWTOR, I took a break for TSW (which also got a fully voiced main story, but not-voiced side stories) and I also tried to spend some time on previous MMOs that are F2P by now, like Rift for example and I just couldn't stand it anymore. I do not think, that I will ever play a game, where I am supposed to read a paragraph of text in order to get a glimpse of why I am doing all the killing.

I can understand though, that some people do not care to immerse themselves in a story or roleplay and just want to go hack and slash all day long... I only wonder, why such people are playing this game :)

Edited by JPryde
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Another reason that makes me wonder why on Earth you waste time on a game you utterly detest.

You DO realize that there are MMO's out there where you can complain on their forums all day long for FREE, right? :p

Instead of wasting 15$ a month for your favorite activity.


Please quote me where I said I "utterly detest" the game.


And I don't know what you're blabbering on about it has nothing to do with the thread topic.


In the meantime though, your point is invalid.

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The summary of pretty much everything you post. ;)


Therefore it's your own opinion that you think I detest the game, because you can't possibly quote me to prove your point, because there is no such quote :)


In turn, that means you make false assumptions about other forum members, and with those false assumptions you give provocative replies directed towards other forum members, which can be considered harassment.


My point is made. I will not be replying anymore to your blatant trolling.

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I skipped through almost everything. At first I watched but then I couldn't be bothered. If I wanted a game for the story I would go play KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2 or any other single player game, or I'd go watch a movie or read a book. Everyone has the same story in this game, it has no affect on your character when you finish the story (for each class), and I think that kinda ruined it for me in my opinion that they put so much focus on cutscenes and stuff rather than maybe put those resources into gameplay.


Can you also mention that I have to do the exact same world missions again? Sure, i wouldnt mind looking at another story, but thats only a small percentage considering theres more world missions which are exactly the same no matter what class you are on that faction.


How can I enjoy the class story when I have to do some more dull, boring grinding to actually level up to do the class stories.


Altaholics need a tripple xp boost unlock or something at legacy 50 or something, so you only need to do your class mission and maybe a few warzones to level up. I have never used the space bar as much as this before.


So, 18 days ago you said that you dont mind watching the class stories.

And now, suddenly its "then couldn't be bothered"?

And i know you have been playing since at least when the chevin event started (2012/08/13 if i recall correctly).

So based on the quoted post from above (posted 30th of June) you quite enjoyed watching the cutscenes for class missions up until 18 days ago.

Just so that we are clear here, your "At first" spans from at the very least 13th of August 2012 up until some time after the 30th of June this year.


Yes, most of us skip cutscenes that we have already seen (especially if we are picking the same answers as last time) like planetary quests or sidequests or flashpoints.

But the overwhelming majority seem to want to see the class quest cutscenes.

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Without story it would be just another wow-clone. If they ever take your advice then I'm gonna leave asap.


Anyway first time I never skip anything, other times I re-watch or skip depending on how interesting that part is. But I never mind if someone does not want to skip. And I hate people who yell "spacebar!" all the time.

Edited by Aelther
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So, 18 days ago you said that you dont mind watching the class stories.

And now, suddenly its "then couldn't be bothered"?

And i know you have been playing since at least when the chevin event started (2012/08/13 if i recall correctly).

So based on the quoted post from above (posted 30th of June) you quite enjoyed watching the cutscenes for class missions up until 18 days ago.

Just so that we are clear here, your "At first" spans from at the very least 13th of August 2012 up until some time after the 30th of June this year.


Yes, most of us skip cutscenes that we have already seen (especially if we are picking the same answers as last time) like planetary quests or sidequests or flashpoints.

But the overwhelming majority seem to want to see the class quest cutscenes.


I've been playing since release. Yeah for class missions I watched the cutscenes, thank you for spending the time of your day to look into my posting history to look that up.


But I made a few alts, so I skipped the class missions, and planet missions on all of them because I couldnt be bothered to watch another class story. I basically made those alts just to get to end game because my raid team needed some class and role switching

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I've been playing since release. Yeah for class missions I watched the cutscenes, thank you for spending the time of your day to look into my posting history to look that up.


But I made a few alts, so I skipped the class missions, and planet missions on all of them because I couldnt be bothered to watch another class story. I basically made those alts just to get to end game because my raid team needed some class and role switching


So you are saying that they should not make any more new story content just because you have skipped the cutscenes on your alts?

We all skip content when we have done it several times.

The OP was asking if we skipped them the first time.


EDIT: and i didnt spend much time looking up that quote since i remember having the discussion with you in that thread.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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So you are saying that they should not make any more new story content just because you have skipped the cutscenes on your alts?

We all skip content when we have done it several times.

The OP was asking if we skipped them the first time.


EDIT: and i didnt spend much time looking up that quote since i remember having the discussion with you in that thread.


No I'm not saying that. I never said that


I was just replying to the thread topic. Tbh, I think story content after reaching level 55 is more interesting, it's something to watch because i'm not worrying about levelling. However, I would totally support if they gave level 55s the option to play through our class missions again, because each alt I make now just seems like a race or grind to 55.

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i always pay attention to class and side quest stories. The acting and story-telling is top-notch in this game and probably the #1 reason i enjoy it. It makes me feel like the character i created is a part of this game world, not just the thing on the screen through which monsters are slain and loot collected.
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No I'm not saying that. I never said that


I was just replying to the thread topic. Tbh, I think story content after reaching level 55 is more interesting, it's something to watch because i'm not worrying about levelling. However, I would totally support if they gave level 55s the option to play through our class missions again, because each alt I make now just seems like a race or grind to 55.


Well then you probably misread the first post since it was about how bioware shouldnt spend time and effort on making story content since "most people" (OP's words, not mine) skip through it anyway.


Since bioware seems to care too much about story and dialogues as you can see in their upcoming PVE update 2.4 i was wondering how many people do listen and pay attention to them,i personally skip them all and know many peope that do the same, so lets see how many care about them and maybe make bioware change their policy of story its the most important part of the game so they can stop it and invest resources and time in pvp and other abandoned areas of the game etc....of course i mean the first time you watch them.



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