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2.3 looks pretty hot


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New flashpoints include all-new role-neutral Story Mode at Level 55, where Group Finder will match the first four players of any role for fast queue times!


I can see them trying to take the GW2 route with no real roles, just people DPSing and madly rushing through content. Hopefully this is only one of a small handful of planned options lacking roles, because if the game heads in that direction they're going to lose even more people.

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The role-less mode sounds almost exactly like WoW scenarios which is nice for a player like me who's kind of burnt out on doing much of the gear grind but still iikes grouping with people/seeing story. WoW did a pretty decent job of including various achievements for the scenarios (including some to reward actual good/intelligent play) so hopefully there's some of that too.


I do hope they don't focus too much on it, though, and that it's more of a "here's something fun/easy to do on the side".

Edited by Lesaberisa
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The only patch note I've cares about getting to see, that being that the stupid UI-breaks-on-area-change bug has been fixed still isn't on there. I know I shouldn't be surprised that the Devs don't care about the game not working now that it's been 8 months and the bug is only getting worse but it still bums me.
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I can bet you one month after 2.3 launches everyone will be back to whining about the content being boring. :rolleyes:

Content always gets boring after some time, but the point is in keeping those boring periods as short as possible. With 2.3, they're on good track with it

Edited by Pietrastor
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Between 2 new Flashpoints, daily area, new event and new companion this sure is the meatiest update yet sans ROTHC. Kudos BW!


New companion where?!


I think 1.2 was meatier, but this certainly gives it a run for its money. I hope we see more updates like this, it looks to be a nice one.

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I wonder what the role neutral flashpoints. does it mean that a party of 4 DPSers would be viable for it?

Also, new daily zone is cool, especially with all new environment, I was expecting a new zone on old planet, like Section x or Black Hole.

New Reputation to grind is always great, I hope there will be some macrobinocular/seeker missions attached to it.


Damn, looks I will have to install PTS again to check it all out :D



Sounds like they are borrowing from DC Universe Online, which can only be a good thing. Basically DCUO "roles" similar to SWTOR, but as it is a superhero MMO, not everyone wants to "Tank" or Heal". All character's have a Primary role as a Tank, Healer, or Controller, and can always switch to a DPS role as well. Many players prefer to stay in DPS mode, and it is not uncommon to run instanced combat with mainly DPS characters.


What I suspect SWTOR is specifically borrowing from SWTOR, is the mechanic that buffs the characters, if a role is lacking within the party. For example, if you don't have a healer, all in combat regeneration is increased. It might be slightly harder to do the flashpoint, but a good group of players will be able to punch through it.


I can't wait for it!

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Ewok companion, Treek.


I honestly thought there was no way you were being serious. I checked the patch notes on a whim, no luck. Ok, this was a joke. Just to be sure, let me check Dulfy she usually has goo- WHAT?! Quick, check the calendar, is this April? No it isn't!


That's pretty cool, and yet another reason to stretch my legacy level legs :).

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I think it's funny how everyone is like "they're borrowing from GW2!" and "they're totally borrowing this from WoW!" and "they're totally borrowing this from DCUO!" Welcome to MMOs, where there is nothing new under the sun. :D
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Content updates look great....


Have to admit, I was hoping for some class balancing though, especially for Sin/Shadows... But, oh well.


Looking forward to new content. (And the Civil War warzone, is going to have very high node turnover on the Grass/Snow nodes now.... oh boy)

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I think it's funny how everyone is like "they're borrowing from GW2!" and "they're totally borrowing this from WoW!" and "they're totally borrowing this from DCUO!" Welcome to MMOs, where there is nothing new under the sun. :D


Hey, if someone improves on something, I say take advantage of it!

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To be fair, the "desirable" was my editorializing. Black + anything that's not lame seems like a desirable color for many, no?




If someone is looking for a Primary Black on a dark (ie: not garish light and bright color) secondary.... this represents a marked improvement in the dye selection in the game. Since it's craftable.. it will make crafers happy and crafter competition should keep prices under 100K for the dye.

Edited by Andryah
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I gotta say, this patch does look pretty good. If its as good as it sounds then well done BW.

Yep, they're definitely stepping up their game with 2.3. I very much doubt every patch from now one will be this meaty (unless the CM brings so much cash we don't even realize), but the upcoming update sure looks great

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Yep, they're definitely stepping up their game with 2.3.


Which is going to make the "we never get anything as subscribers anymore, it's all CM" crowd cry in their beer and soil their shorts over being ganked by 2.3 :D


Then again... they will find something to cry about no matter what.

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Which is going to make the "we never get anything as subscribers anymore, it's all CM" crowd cry in their beer and soil their shorts over being ganked by 2.3 :D


Then again... they will find something to cry about no matter what.

Yeah well, don't go all "I win!" yet since 2.5 may revert just back to CM bonanza, you never know. For now though, things look very good for 2.3
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You mean jumped the EWOK. :D


So, he'll be cutsie like Blizs.. but he's a blend of tank/healer.


This is a nice touch IMO.


I don't mind the blend of tank/healer.


He's a she.


It destroys the story. Endor isn't discovered for a very long time. Why the frak to Ewoks think C3P0 is a god if they've been out in the galaxy for over 3,000 years?


It's pandering to a very low common denominator. It's atrocious. It frightens me that this game may be on the same path as WoW implementing Kung Fu Panda + Pokemon.

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I don't mind the blend of tank/healer.


He's a she.


It destroys the story. Endor isn't discovered for a very long time. Why the frak to Ewoks think C3P0 is a god if they've been out in the galaxy for over 3,000 years?


It's pandering to a very low common denominator. It's atrocious. It frightens me that this game may be on the same path as WoW implementing Kung Fu Panda + Pokemon.


Well its just for a little fun. Also I believe that a ewok companion destroying the story is a little bit far.


*Edit - Sorry I should just add that there is a in game reason for Treek being able to be your companion. Its below. If you don't want to know please ignore it.



Treek saw a starship crash land on Endor and offered to help fix it. The crew shot at him so he killed them off one by one over the course of a few days. Then the ship droid surrendered to him and taught him how to fly. He took the ship and landed at Nar Shaddaa where he went to work for the Imperials attacking Republic targets.


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