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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

That's the end for me


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We'll see who is right and who is wrong. If the Cartel market will make it up for the lost subs because of the bad PvP, BW will not bend. However if not, oh boy, they can start looking for a new job.


Yeah, there is a good chance that the Cartel market will make up for the loss of PvP subscribers. Unfortunately, then they will really have no reason to ever improve PvP.


I would definitely come back if Bioware announced that they had royally screwed up and will be allocating at least 50% of their resources to PvP development (instead of their current allocation of, I'd guess, 2%). Though they do have a history of announcing how important PvP is to them . . . and then cutting the PvP team to 1 dev and spacing a year before added PvP content.

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Interesting point, what I didnt like was the simplicity of making a few macros for a warrior and just spamming them in order (yes i know it wasnt the best route but the class was strong and simple). I felt it dumbed the game down as well as a few other things. I loved the multiple trees and spec options (which I think WoW removing the trees in that manner was a huge mistake).


Rift did a lot of things right but it couldn't hold the MMO crowd either. They have added a lot of good enhancements to the game for leveling, cross server group finder, allowing you to adjust your level down to the area ect, but PvPers there feel ignored as well and want more just like here. But I guess that will always be the case in any game that is PvE centered.


Personally I just didnt find the PvP as engaging and the fact that it isnt Star Wars.




That was the other thing I forgot - I do not want to play a game that has macros.


and Rift gave quite a bit to their PvP'ers imo. Def much more than was Swtor has given us.


Rift warzones are really fun, challenging, and all unique.

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All PvPers should just take a break from this game (until 2.4), and in the meantime, go see this

. It's really good.


My daughter took me for Father's Day. Best FD gift ever, not just the movie, but because my daughter actually wanted to see the movie and hang out with me. lol


BTW...I tried going back to Rift again, but just couldn't get back into it. I still think it's a great game, but for my PvP fix I've just been hitting up BF3. BF4 is already pre-ordered and will be badazz. Incidentally, it comes out this fall, right about the time 2.4 is "supposed" to hit. Oh well...

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All PvPers should just take a break from this game (until 2.4), and in the meantime, go see this
. It's really good.


My daughter took me for Father's Day. Best FD gift ever, not just the movie, but because my daughter actually wanted to see the movie and hang out with me. lol


BTW...I tried going back to Rift again, but just couldn't get back into it. I still think it's a great game, but for my PvP fix I've just been hitting up BF3. BF4 is already pre-ordered and will be badazz. Incidentally, it comes out this fall, right about the time 2.4 is "supposed" to hit. Oh well...

Sadly I have to wait to see if Halo 5 will be an improvement until next year in the waning days of 2014. :(


I know I won't be in this game by then. lol

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Sadly I have to wait to see if Halo 5 will be an improvement until next year in the waning days of 2014. :(


I know I won't be in this game by then. lol


Halo 4 was fckn garbage. Grrrr >.< complete waste of money.


You don't get knocked out of zoom when shot at? OK I'M OUT FCK YOU 343.



Any thoughts on 'Rebirth'? Looks pretty kewl.

Edited by Polymerize
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Halo 4 was fckn garbage. Grrrr >.< complete waste of money.


You don't get knocked out of zoom when shot at? OK I'M OUT FCK YOU 343.



Any thoughts on 'Rebirth'? Looks pretty kewl.

OMG yeah you're not the only one. You go to the Halo Waypoint forums and you'll see almost nothing but 100% negativity after Halo became "CoD-ized".


General consensus seems to me that Halo 3 was the best Halo FPS, with Halo 2 just A TAD BIT behind. Halo 1, then Halo: Reach, then Halo 4, then ODST, and then Halo Wars.


I honestly haven't been following Halo much after what H4 turned out to be. Can you give me some info on "Rebirth"?

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Bye, you do NOT represent me. I am a PvPer, solely no PvE what so ever. You left after 6 months? You are part of the problem, not the solution. If fair weather players like your self didn't leave after 6 months and actually stayed to see something through, then maybe there would be more subs and more money dedicated to PvP devs and bringing you what you want faster. But no, you leave and as well as many others, take your money with you and then get mad that they don't push out content faster.


Your that same person that is mad because there is traffic on the freeway, but also votes NO when it comes to take more taxes out to pay for road construction. You sir are a hypocrite, good bye and good riddance.


Wow, I guess you don't undrestand that money needs to be made. And, money when made wants to be put in a place for enjoyment. I'm not going to pay for the same episode of Friends or House over and over again with no improvements when I can gladly watch something else say, Game of Thrones to keep our interest. Sorry but the truth is, pvp is failing. It really is. Now, even in pugs, you either get an epic team or complete and utter newbs. Normal.... didn't use to be. (normal being 70% of the time or greater).


Money is the bottom line. Instead of being reactionary, try being pro-active. PVP has thus far, minus one AHG patch, completely reactionary.


And of course, if I'm going to pay money into something, I want my voice to be heard. Unlike people like you who keep dumping money into something and then when it is out you look around and go "hey, where is my money and where did all my fun go". Mean while.. the world (other MMOs and even old ones) have newer things to explore and do.


at the end of the day, when it all boils down, your post says this "you should pay money into something when it is marginally fun, and you spend hours a day (A DAY) on it, and then hope or pray that some day (maybe 2 times a year) the people who run your supposedly "Fun Game" hear you and make a maybe what 10-15% change?" Sorry, the OBVIOUS money making scheme here is loyalty to Star Wars, not actual fun of which I am completely guilty of. Maybe someday I'll join Star Wars Anonymous but until then, I'll stick with all of my FOTM classes in lvl 54 PVE crafted purple gear bolstered above a 3 month grind to CONQ gear and face roll pugs.

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I told myself I'd never stop playing this game, but for the past 2 months now I got fed up. I've been playing since BETA and had a great time, but lately things just weren't fun anymore, primarily because I don't do much PvE so all that fun PvE content is not being enjoyed. The month of May and June I've been logging on once every 3 days to check on my friends and then I log off, and the idiot that I am I forgot to cancel my reoccurring subscription, so I got charged for another 30 days (yesterday lol). But after this month, that's it, no more SWTOR.


I'm hoping Tom Clancy's The Division comes to PC, and I'm currently waiting for The Elder Scrolls Online and Wildstar. Even if this game does get better, I don't know if I'll ever come back. I think the only thing that'll make me come back (as in resub) would be a decent arena system with proper leaderboards/rankings.


My 2 cents.

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I too deleted my credit card information and will most likely not renew when my sub ends. The premade bullying in non-ranked warzones doesn't really allow for newer players or pugs to enjoy pvp. There are some very simple fixes (see sig) they can do but they seem to ignore the requests.


They have an empty ranked warzone and a non-ranked warzone where wins are determined by what premade you ride on.

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You and many, many others.


It's only going to get worse too with multiple highly anticipated MMOs on the horizon (TESO, Wildstar, EQNext).


By this time next year, this place will be a ghost town.


What a shame.


I'm still subbed but that's only because I made a decision that I wanted to cut back on MMO's in general and focus on other things. Fortunately, after playing for an hour or two, I almost always feel compelled to log off because of boredom. Bioware has ignored player feedback on Bolster, on ranked ques, on premades on class balance and the results are what I foresaw weeks ago, the population is going down and fast. 2.4 looks promising, but it may be too little too late if the population is all gone.

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All PvPers should just take a break from this game (until 2.4), and in the meantime, go see this
. It's really good.


My daughter took me for Father's Day. Best FD gift ever, not just the movie, but because my daughter actually wanted to see the movie and hang out with me. lol


BTW...I tried going back to Rift again, but just couldn't get back into it. I still think it's a great game, but for my PvP fix I've just been hitting up BF3. BF4 is already pre-ordered and will be badazz. Incidentally, it comes out this fall, right about the time 2.4 is "supposed" to hit. Oh well...


Gonna watch that movie tomorrow:)


Anyways sad truth is players dont come back, and as someone else said, how many cartel packs

have they made, 7-9 ? in that time no new pvp content, bolster is a joke that favor players in ops gear.

Alot of people around here have subs that run out before wildstar comes out, another sci fi game

that deliver pvp like bioware have never done.


Check this out http://torwars.com/2013/06/17/swtor-community-cantina-audio-qa-live-with-musco-hickman-and-schubert/

People laugh and say ******** to the bioware team when they talk about pvp in the last cantina tour.

Talk about clueless developers huh.

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You are part of the problem, not the solution. If fair weather players like your self didn't leave after 6 months and actually stayed to see something through, then maybe there would be more subs and more money dedicated to PvP devs and bringing you what you want faster.


How is he part of the problem when he gave the game $90 in sub fees, came back and gave it another $85 in expansion and sub fees and he looks at PvP and sees that in almost two years they have canned open world pvp and released only two new warzone maps?


You say that he should have "stayed to see something through". lulwut? How long are we all supposed to stay to see this through? So far BW has made $490 bucks off of me for a video game. And that's just counting the CE, the expansion and 20 months of sub fees. I'm sure I've dumped at least $20 into the Cartel Market.


There is not a chance in hell I walk up to BW with a check for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS and say take this money in exchange for two new warzones in two years. And since the game itself and level 1-50 are now free. That's essentially what I did. Makes me want to vomit.

Edited by Dawginole
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Bye, you do NOT represent me. I am a PvPer, solely no PvE what so ever. You left after 6 months? You are part of the problem, not the solution. If fair weather players like your self didn't leave after 6 months and actually stayed to see something through, then maybe there would be more subs and more money dedicated to PvP devs and bringing you what you want faster. But no, you leave and as well as many others, take your money with you and then get mad that they don't push out content faster.


Your that same person that is mad because there is traffic on the freeway, but also votes NO when it comes to take more taxes out to pay for road construction. You sir are a hypocrite, good bye and good riddance.



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not sure if it would help to all of you "genuine PvPers" to try to embrace the fact that his game is NOT genuinely PVP made.

It is mostly focused on Star Wars universe. Such brings the story to follow and role-play factor as first focus point (the extent of which is not the point of this discussion).


So, try to take it this way:


Play the game, play the stories, play the Heroics and operations and use PVP as a "side content", as a break, as gap filler as additional feature.


Should you take the PVP aspect too seriously, you get frustrated..and what for?


Again, this is not any Counterstrike or Enemy Territory or (type any other "team shooter" game here) this is Star Wars.


Huge fan base came here because of KOTORS and Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy. In those games there was no PVP. No one even seriously would consider it.


So, see it this way: SWTOR is the role play game has got another feature where you can utilize the PVP aspect to certain extent.


NOT the opposite way..

Edited by Przemo_No
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Huge fan base came here because of KOTORS and Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy. In those games there was no PVP. No one even seriously would consider it.



Jedi Academy was no PVP ? I played this game ONLY FOR PVP on multiplayer server when we were dueling months! it was greatest star wars pvp I was playing in my life.

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Jedi Academy was no PVP ? I played this game ONLY FOR PVP on multiplayer server when we were dueling months! it was greatest star wars pvp I was playing in my life.


LOL, seems like we were playing two different games. I cannot recall now, it was like 10 or more years ago, but I am pretty sure I haven't seen any pvp option there. but my memoria may not serve me well.

Anyway, even if it was there, i did not touch it.


And then, if it was, it probably looked like another FPS multiplayer action, which is not the case of SWTOR.

See, in JA you had either "strong" single saber stance, or swift melee with 2 sabers or doublesaber action.

besides if you were on top level everyone had the same abilities - thus it was only the player "efficiency" that matters.

Here things are way different.

It is way more team play, class recognition and coordiantion game.

and no "death match" type.

if this is what most "genuine PVP" players are looking for, sorry, bad news it's not present.

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I agree with what most of you have said....


Pvpers have been largely back benched on Biowares priority list. I don't think they realise how much money Pvpers actually give them.


I myself have bought around 130,000 cartel coins (Don't work that out into $ ill get depressed). and I now refuse to give any more money to them (aside from subscription fee's) until I see some major improvement on the pvp side of things, and if 2.4 doesn't deliver the subscription fee will go too.


Point is i'm a 100% pvper. All I do... is warzones, rated and regs. and im just face palming so hard after playing this game since BETA and since launch only seeing 2 new warzones and a bolster ****up as the only changes made to pvp overall.


Another thing thing pissing me of... Customer service. In the last few months i've sent a few tickets asking for simple things like item unbinds or whatnot. and I get some bull ****** automated response as if they haven't even read the post and I have to rewrite to them to try and explain to them how to read. (which would also explain a lot of why Pvper's requests go missed/ignored/unanswered.) its not that they're ignoring you, I'm just convinced only a select few of Bioware's employee's can read properly, and i've got around 5 help ticket responses to prove that.


If this is how they treat a loyal member who has been subbed since launch and poured around $1000 into the game. I cant imagine how they treat everyone else.


If you do work for Bioware and you're reading this. Fix pvp already .and give us ranked seasons, and you may just have me paying for stuff again.

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not sure if it would help to all of you "genuine PvPers" to try to embrace the fact that his game is NOT genuinely PVP made.

It is mostly focused on Star Wars universe. Such brings the story to follow and role-play factor as first focus point (the extent of which is not the point of this discussion).


So, try to take it this way:


Play the game, play the stories, play the Heroics and operations and use PVP as a "side content", as a break, as gap filler as additional feature.


Should you take the PVP aspect too seriously, you get frustrated..and what for?


Again, this is not any Counterstrike or Enemy Territory or (type any other "team shooter" game here) this is Star Wars.


Huge fan base came here because of KOTORS and Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy. In those games there was no PVP. No one even seriously would consider it.


So, see it this way: SWTOR is the role play game has got another feature where you can utilize the PVP aspect to certain extent.


NOT the opposite way..


Even the Role Play isn't very good in this game. I don't roleplay, but SWG's RP blew this out of the water. Mos Eisley would be hilarious some times when people were walking around in formations of Stormtroopers or Rebel Soldiers...or even those rping Swoop Gangs lol.


Let's look at space.... the Original X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter is a better space game than this. Even when SWG ended, it was the best 3D Space game out there at 8.5 years old. Nothing, not even STO could compare.


They invested all their time and effort in this game to leveling characters while almost completely neglecting the stuff that keeps subscribers around. 8 Storylines (16 if you include Light Side/Dark Side), then the same planet quests, Space Missions, Flash Points and PvP WZs over and over. You can't get to 55 by doing just the class quest so you have to pick your method of torture to get to 55.

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