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Sith marauder unplayable in pvp


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Ranged classes are far easier to play in warzones, just stand at range keep spamming your attacks. Warriors you have to manage your defensive cooldowns in addition to your damage rotation, then you have to use your 'oh crap' buttons to keep from getting roflstomped. oh assassins and shadows btw can be like "lolnope, not dying" as they hit their DoT wipe and disappear buttons


you can make it work OP, but I get what you're saying


rank 57 Marauder, champ/sent gear

Edited by HBninjaX
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look at the date created..


back in december






marauders/sentinels annihilation/watchmen build are the best all around class in pvp atm



their team sprint is gamechanging in huttball and civil war..


their survivability cooldowns make them the most ideal ball carriers imo


their single target dmg is ridiculous




strong class is strong

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Necro thread is necro.


Really close to release, just like when the OP posted this thread, almost everyone on a marauder was doing really really crappy.


This is a combo of them A. Being really terribly geared, and a low level, B. Not knowing which talent tree to use, and C. Not knowing the proper annih/watchman rotation.


- If you read in the OP was lvl 28 when he posted, and assuming he went combat (which most people were at release) that's probably the most gimped spec at that level in the game.



The class is fine now, this thread need not be bumped.

Edited by Aidank
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this is one of many sentinels/marauders what are good thats always about player who playing class not about class so learn how to improve ur skill , how to be better etc ... and all will be fine balance here is good

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this is one of many sentinels/marauders what are good thats always about player who playing class not about class so learn how to improve ur skill , how to be better etc ... and all will be fine balance here is good


Stop linking to that video, it isn't a guide, and it doesn't give any useful tips on how to play the class better. Not to mention, even though the video is very entertaining because of the commentary there are much better sentinel pvp videos out there.


not to mention the OP hasn't posted in over 2 months.

Edited by Aidank
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Not only is close range PVP broken you constantly unlock from your targets and if you ever see the top pvp players are always range players it's an utter joke, you also rarely have people healing the DPS players.


Most OP is bounty hunter next is sith inquisitor you litrally don't have to worry in PVP because you can hide at range spamming stun over and over in groups of 3 and don't even bother with Huttball with the force push spammers.


I never see a maurader near top, even doing objectives does not give you awards and range players boast about how great they are despite Bounty and any other range being EASY AS HELL.


Buff or nerf for either one.


Not to mention range players are the worst Kill stealers imaginable so that means no awards for you and less points at the end of the round, it's not like range players even attack people planting the bomb or trying to capture they go for easy targets to KDR pro it up.


Even DC universe was more balanced.


********. Simple as that.


You don't have a clue. It's you, not the class. I don't get all these posts. Don't blame the game, blame yourself.


And by "top pvp players" do you mean good pvpers or just pure damage done in WZs? If the latter I feel sorry for you. You don't understand the basics of PvP.

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********. Simple as that.


You don't have a clue. It's you, not the class. I don't get all these posts. Don't blame the game, blame yourself.


And by "top pvp players" do you mean good pvpers or just pure damage done in WZs? If the latter I feel sorry for you. You don't understand the basics of PvP.



THIS ! :))



I wonder how come those guys that make these thread suck that much .. i myself am Juggernaut dps and i`m rarely NOT 1st in wz ...

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I'll just leave this here. I know it's pre-brackets, but still.

Notice the classes. The list is arranged by damage done. If you can't figure it out yourself, the highest damage dealers from both factions is a marauder, and a senitel (the mirror class).


OP, just keep working your game. It's fully possible to dominate as a marauder. The screenshot might not be the best example, but it's the only one I have. Just wanted to show it's possible.

Edited by Insanemuffin
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Well, I hit 340k damage in Voidstar at 42.... so... I can't imagine having too tough of a time once I have some gear at 50.


I guess you got team support in form of heals ? 340k at lvl 42 is a lot and not really the average.

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Joke thread? Or just a bad player?


Seriously, "good" marauders absolutely destroy my healer sorc. Shoot, if I even look at a marauder/sent funny I might die, lol.


I've seen plenty of marauders tear it up in PvP. From what I've heard, it has a high skill cap, so if you're not a solid/good player, the class will seem lacking. From what I hear anyways as I've yet to level up an alt marauder. (Although I plan to eventually)


(This is coming from level 50, Full Champ Gear experiences in PvP. Not 10-49 PvP, which does not matter anyways)

Edited by Kajimoto
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Ranged classes are far easier to play in warzones, just stand at range keep spamming your attacks.


Are you so deluded that you can see there's mostly nothing stopping melees from roflstomping on ranged's faces, and that in this game its way easier to catch than to kite?

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Are you so deluded that you can see there's mostly nothing stopping melees from roflstomping on ranged's faces, and that in this game its way easier to catch than to kite?


In a 1v1 situation yes, but in a team against many ranged classes and almost no melees... actually range has very high dps since they dont need to kite in this game i.e. Merc. Marauder is great in 1v1, but sucks in mass pvp.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Not only is close range PVP broken you constantly unlock from your targets and if you ever see the top pvp players are always range players it's an utter joke, you also rarely have people healing the DPS players.


Most OP is bounty hunter next is sith inquisitor you litrally don't have to worry in PVP because you can hide at range spamming stun over and over in groups of 3 and don't even bother with Huttball with the force push spammers.


I never see a maurader near top, even doing objectives does not give you awards and range players boast about how great they are despite Bounty and any other range being EASY AS HELL.


Buff or nerf for either one.


Not to mention range players are the worst Kill stealers imaginable so that means no awards for you and less points at the end of the round, it's not like range players even attack people planting the bomb or trying to capture they go for easy targets to KDR pro it up.


Even DC universe was more balanced.


I can explain several things to help:


1. WZ are NOT about end of the game statistics..i repeate...NOT ABOUT END OF MATCH STATISTICS.


2. Your role isnt the powertech/juggernaught role, which is charging into a giant pack of people alone (actually this isnt their role either but they can do it better being tanks).


3. Never ever say "kill steal" again.


4. You have several tools in your toolbox that remedy a lot of the problems you have.


5. learn to LOS (line-of-sight)


Basically, marauders are difficult, deal with it. You need to flawlessly execute a juggle betweeen your shields, buffs, stacks, rage building, rage spending...and key for WZ/PVP...YOUR ESCAPES.


You have an aoe fear...every other class hates and envys it. You have force camo, which allows you to pop out of bad situations and is usable during combat. You have undying rage, which is god mode for a short duration...other classes would kill for this. You have a charge, instantly making you a valuable asset in huttball.


Also...marauders cut through sorcs like butter..yes you are the OP classes worst nightmare.


Your force camo should allow you to LOS quickly range opponets, your undying rage will allow you to score with the entire enemy team focus firing you in huttball.


Look...being bad at marauder isnt a shameful thing, it does take time to realize your build is probably not key for what you are doing, your binds are a mess, your neglecting several tools in your toolbox because your only concerned with straight damage dealt. It really takes a lot of time to get use to using everything you got as a marauder, you have more things to deal with than any other class.


Also, ive seen several marauders topping WZ in kills and objective. Yes they have a disadvantage with medals.


Think of yourself as a "dive bomber" in WZ. See the sorc off to the side? charge, kill, pop force camo los the other people who now notice you, jump back in aoe fear them, kill one, pop out los everyone....use undying rage when your near dead and hope your on a premade with ahealer (wont happen on a pug)


If you want easy pvp where you deal with 3-5 buttons go merc or sorc.

Edited by Crunchyblack
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I'm in a small PvP guild with 8 Battlemasters (and 3 soon-to-be BMs).


Our 3 Marauders consistently top damage (while also doing objectives). And they win the most duels.


I believe Marauders are the strongest class in game (in the hands of a skilled player). But in the hands of a bad player . . . yes, a BH or Sorc (i.e. spamming 2 buttons) would be much stronger.

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