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Are there any changes that can be made to current companions to give them more appeal


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I would like to pick the role that the companion has, i always level up as a DPS and i have healing companion with me, now i cant stand healing companions like Mako, Quinn and a few others, i wish i could have a companion that i didn't hate such as Vector, Xalek, Jaesa or any of the companions that i enjoy, such a waste to have all these different companions and then i feel forced to use a certain companion to play the game.
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Poster doesn't mention whether or not he had full affection with Mako before setting her up with Torian.


From that same thread:




To get the legacy perk you need to finish all a companion's quests. To access all of your companion's quests, you need at least 9k affection. 9k affection brings you into romance territory. Being in romance territory at the end of a romanceable companion's quest chain will get you married to him/er, regardless of whether or not you turned them down.


Yes I could've rolled another character with a non-romanceable companion with the same perk. But I didn't, and now I've been raped with marriage.


It seems to be a common misconception that this is the case -- however, it is not.


I've steered multiple romanceable companions away from a relationship and still obtained the legacy perk.


9k affection is only romance territory if you LET the conversations take you there.


And this notion that YOU have been "raped"? :confused:

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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A muzzle for Treek would make her more appealing. That and a choke chain. Good tank...but the squeal gives me headaches. Maybe they could make meals like the ones that increase your Presence. Only these would shut her up. Something like a peanut butter sandwich with super glue:eek:


ROFL !! Oh my ! you nailed it !

Edited by OlBuzzard
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My own thoughts are this:

1. We definitely need companion customization. There are literally dozens of threads in multiple locations under different suggestions, thoughts or requests. IMHO these items could be made available when loading our new character?? (Possibly.) That way when a player meets Kira (just for example) ... that is who he meets and who she remains throughout the game. (just talking about looks)

2. Some characters (the smuggler for example) needs other options for companions and or other options if a "romance" is needed. From a male gender point of view that might be one of the female characters he meets in game (if you remember there were several). Being able to make return trips for further romance options might be a possibility ... letters sent to the player from said character ... etc, etc, this would also allow for the game to proceed without altering any of the other annoying (errr ... umm .. ) choices available for the Smuggler to travel with while questing.

3. Some of the interaction does not always need to be "romance". While it seems as though the only thoughts seems to from the theory that "sex sells" ... I'm sure there could be some other "fun" things to do in game.

4. Customizable skills?? I'm not sure here. It's not a bad idea. I'm just not sure how well that would work with the rest of the game.

5. There really needs to be more interaction, especially for levels 45 - to current ... Seems like it kind of reaches a crescendo ... the after that : nothing! Even at the end of the game: nothing !


Trying to find several points of common ground where the Development team could justifiably spend that much time and still make it work for a large audience with as many differing points and desires would be huge.


More later.

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I wish there was more variety When leaving an Inq, Harken is set that Fon is going to win and in the end... nope. You go and get Khem and off you go. There should be some conversation piece there were you can path down to have Fon as your companion. Many planets you have a contact, sometimes that person becomes your companion. If you have a set limit on companions, you can really get Khem and Fon and go along your way. Kill Ashara, and when Harken is doing the trials for your apprentice, instead of having to take Xalek (I love him), you can compromise and take Xalek AND the guy he beats the mess out of. Use the "I like X's smarts it not putting in the work, and making someone else do it, but you have to commend blue guy for actually completing the trials... Harken, i'll take both!) etc


There are many instances where I would have loved to have picked up someone I encountered along the way. It's part of the issue with leveling the same class again, being "forced" to work with the same group.

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It seems to be a common misconception that this is the case -- however, it is not.


I've steered multiple romanceable companions away from a relationship and still obtained the legacy perk.


9k affection is only romance territory if you LET the conversations take you there.


And this notion that YOU have been "raped"? :confused:


This is correct. Stop choosing the flirt options and choose the other options that the companions still like. Or just buy them gifts and you can avoid talking to them altogether.

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There are many instances where I would have loved to have picked up someone I encountered along the way. It's part of the issue with leveling the same class again, being "forced" to work with the same group.


This is particularly true with the Smuggler. Just before being "assigned" to Corso Riggs there is a female that tries to help your character. She (unfortunately) ends up dead the best I can remember. Her personality was way better than the idiot we ended up with.

Frankly I was so disappointed with the smuggler's story line that I have yet to finish the toon. Even though he was my first and primary character I have yet to complete the end game.

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This is correct. Stop choosing the flirt options and choose the other options that the companions still like. Or just buy them gifts and you can avoid talking to them altogether.


And I hope it's clear that my concern here isn't "being right" -- it's making sure that my fellow players understand that they have the option to avoid a romance that they don't want their character to have.

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I wish Ashara could be swayed, at least a little, in her alignment. Don't turn her into a psychopath, but let me convince her that her brattish "I have a Sith master but I'm still a Jedi" or "we're going to reform the Sith because you're my good lightning-shooting, innocents-murdering master" ideas are ridiculous.


Also, I'd love more companion conversations to go with the expansion content. They say they won't give us any more class stories, so let us have a brief chat with each companion about the current crisis instead. You'd have to have finished their original conversation arc, of course. But let me ask Kaliyo what she thinks of Makeb. Make Andronikos scoff at the idea that Revan could still be alive and tell me he must be an impostor.

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I wish there was more variety When leaving an Inq, Harken is set that Fon is going to win and in the end... nope. You go and get Khem and off you go. There should be some conversation piece there were you can path down to have Fon as your companion. Many planets you have a contact, sometimes that person becomes your companion. If you have a set limit on companions, you can really get Khem and Fon and go along your way. Kill Ashara, and when Harken is doing the trials for your apprentice, instead of having to take Xalek (I love him), you can compromise and take Xalek AND the guy he beats the mess out of. Use the "I like X's smarts it not putting in the work, and making someone else do it, but you have to commend blue guy for actually completing the trials... Harken, i'll take both!) etc


There are many instances where I would have loved to have picked up someone I encountered along the way. It's part of the issue with leveling the same class again, being "forced" to work with the same group.


An idea I had along the way was that not all of the companions should have been determined by class.


For example, Talos Drellick could have been linked to taking the Archaeology crew skill, not to the Inquisitor class. Another could have been unlocked depending on which species a character is.


This would require a major rework of companion abilities to prevent people from ending up without a healer, or thank, or DPS, on their comp roster.

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For example, Talos Drellick could have been linked to taking the Archaeology crew skill, not to the Inquisitor class. Another could have been unlocked depending on which species a character is.


I like that idea. Sort of like how the WoW game has starter zones based on race. If you start on your home planet before being sent off.

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An easy way to utilize a companion that might be more "fun" would be to go back to "home planet" (ie. Tython for Jedi) upon reaching a predetermined point in which the player qualifies for the new companion. Each player makes the selection. At that point the customization is made: looks, skill/abilities , etc.


[/insert additional thought] this roll might be active or passive or refused. That way if a player so chooses they could simply use in game progress as it stands. If the choice is active the direct support roll would be no different than a player moving through an instance where they are playing with other players where NO companions are used. ( I guess I am suggesting that the coding would not be that impossible).


Back on topic: this might give each player the flexibility desired.


Over all, however, I'm beginning to see how this would probably have to wait until another major update or release is done. (It's still a lot of work).

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An easy way to utilize a companion that might be more "fun" would be to go back to "home planet" (ie. Tython for Jedi) upon reaching a predetermined point in which the player qualifies for the new companion. Each player makes the selection. At that point the customization is made: looks, skill/abilities , etc.


[/insert additional thought] this roll might be active or passive or refused. That way if a player so chooses they could simply use in game progress as it stands. If the choice is active the direct support roll would be no different than a player moving through an instance where they are playing with other players where NO companions are used. ( I guess I am suggesting that the coding would not be that impossible).


Back on topic: this might give each player the flexibility desired.


Over all, however, I'm beginning to see how this would probably have to wait until another major update or release is done. (It's still a lot of work).


uh huh. And then BioWare is going to re-record multitudes of companion dialogue to fit whether companion A is female, male...possibly the race..etc.


What they should do is give us "customization kits" that let are tied to each companion (like the existing ones) but are "blank"...you buy it...use it...it let's you customize the character it's linked too how you like (with limitations..you can't change species or gender) hit save...then put it in the slot for companion customization and there ya go.


That way it works like the existing customization kits for companions...but you use an interface like the character appearance kiosk that costs CC's to alter how they look. Of course even that may have to be limited too only companions that are a playable race can use the "blank companion cust. kits"...i.e. Kira could use one but Bowdaar cannot.

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Given so many customization skins for droid companions, I would enjoy the ability to purchase additional copies without companion dialogue and the ability to rename the droid.


This would probably be easier with HK-51 since he is purchasable and not tied to any class story. HK-51 has a variety of different customization skins that make him a different droid. Even for the skins that alter very little, HK-51 is one of many HK-51 models that exist in the world. Maybe sell modified HK-51 Kit with customization skins on the cartel market. If someone wants to purchase them with money, you have the option. If not, no harm no foul.


Personally, I just enjoy adding droid companions to my characters' teams. Especially end game, whatever path you choose, why wouldn't these characters have the 'money' to purchase or obtain additional backup.

Edited by KnightJediShadow
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Let's be realistic. They aren't going to change anything to do with current companions. New companions may have increased options, such as how treek can tank and heal, but they aren't going to go back and re-do existing companion abilities so that my BH can use skadge as a healer.


Your list has some nice ideas, but I can't see bioware ever spending the time or money to make them happen. The ROI would be nowhere near sufficient to justify that. This is just another lordartemis pipe dream, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by Jimvinny
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Let's be realistic. They aren't going to change anything to do with current companions. New companions may have increased options, such as how treek can tank and heal, but they aren't going to go back and re-do existing companion abilities so that my BH can use skadge as a healer.


Your list has some nice ideas, but I can't see bioware ever spending the time or money to make them happen. The ROI would be nowhere near sufficient to justify that. This is just another lordartemis pipe dream, as far as I'm concerned.


Fair enough, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to keep posting them. That is, after all, one of the things the forum is for, is it not?

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