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Are there any changes that can be made to current companions to give them more appeal


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Great Suggestions LA:

-In particular-I really like #4, it would really help to make them seem more alive. If they aren't gonna talk to us, at least make them do something besides staring away for eternity. They remind me of zoo animals.

-I really like Cola Windstar's suggestion above, to enable duels with companions for affection. It would be very logical for both the military and jedi, and smugglers and bounty hunters like to scrap too. If they don't want us to gain too many love points, put a cap on it or whatever.


I have one to add as well:

-Please allow us to chain the ship droids to our training dummies and beat them. If we must be tortured forever with their voices- let it be screams of agony we endure, instead of their constant sniveling and mewling.

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Let me kill Quinn now that I have access to additional companions. :)




If you haven't completed the Warrior story, Quinn betrays you. Prior to launch, we could kill off companions. In response to complaints, Bioware decided to remove it as it could then "gimp" a player's character. Quinn is the Warrior's healer, so, in this case it could be true. But now with Treek, I very much want my marauder to murder Quinn as he so deserves!


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Something minor? Have the companions get a few new lines based on relationship level.


I mean, it would be nice If the companion my character is married to instead of saying... "I won't let you hurt my friends!" might say... "I won't let you hurt my husband!"


Little touches like that would go a long ways.

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Something minor? Have the companions get a few new lines based on relationship level.


I mean, it would be nice If the companion my character is married to instead of saying... "I won't let you hurt my friends!" might say... "I won't let you hurt my husband!"


Little touches like that would go a long ways.


It would be nice if the comments they make when we right click on them would change if they max out affection.

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  • 8 months later...
1) Give them a defined class with respect to armor, or remove class armor restrictions on gear.


Just remove the class restriction outright. That way everyone can be fabulous.


2) Your companions are effected by your dark or light alignment level.


Just to add to this idea. First, adding in a talent tree for companions to further specialize and improve them. Also add in a single relic slot talent unlock, we've got proc relics so they might as well have access to them. But for the main reason I'm suggesting a talent tree.


Make the capstone talent give either a really good passive or a slighly less powerful passive and an ability to the player, but make it depend on the player's alignment along with the companion.


Eg, Doc is light side, player is light side. Player gains a bonus to healing received by doc along with a low level out of combat stealth. That most higher level mobs can see through but still good enough to sneak past some mobs.


3) More interaction between companions, and companions active on your ship.


Been asking for this for a while now. We've had dev blogs that tell the story of what companions get up on the ship and how they feel about each other but we've never seen it. Companion banter and interaction was really quite great in games like DA:O / OA and the Mass Effect series. Garrus and Tali hooking up!


4) Seeing companions working on the ship when I enter the bay, talking outside the ship, etc.


Again, something I'd really love to see. Just mini scripted events inside the hanger bays.


8) Make all companion originating gear, as well as future gear orange gear.


I'd really love to see a vendor added that sells boxes containing the gear you get your companions in. Though I'm expecting to see most of the companion starter sets up in the cartel market.


9) Ability to call a second companion, during the heroic moment, temporarily to fight by your side at max affection.


Could be fun but who knows if the system can support it.

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1. Obviously banter between companions on or off the ship would be fab!

2. Change in the soundset to reflect the married status would be awesome.

3. I would like to be able to unlock companions after Chapter 3 is finished for the other class.

4. I would also want to be able to train companions to acquire advanced abilities to make them comparable to the premium mules (Treek and HK)

5. AP gains depending on the time spent with the character fighting, not just odd conversational choices and gifts

Emotes that let you pat a comp on the back or throw a quick hug

6. Flirty cutscenes with romanced companions that can be rarely triggered by the player in the rest area (kiss, hug, sweet chat from Random Generator)


But first and foremost I would like to have a flexible companion customization system that allows changes applied to companion appearances the same way one can change the PC, including the species.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I would actually be happy with a new companion....A true tank. This was my suggestion.


I would say it should be a Gen'Dai pure melee tank. I would suggest the following equipment and abilities.....


The Gen'dai Flame in game



Main Attribute: Strength and/or Aim



Armor Proficiency: Adaptive, Focus, Heavy, Light, Medium, Shield Generator


Weapon Proficiency: Techblade, Techstaff, Vibrosword, Electrostaff





He would come with a special techblade that looks like a huge hammer, and two sets of orange adaptive armor, one with a focus, one with a shield generator. He would be available to players as a quest at level 20, thereafter if unlocked at level 20 to all players. The armor comes with level 20 mods installed, one DPS set, one Shield stat set.


This companion would have a quest chain, like HK-51, that would originate on Nar Shadaa.





Mountain (Tank Stance) - Instant - Cooldown: 1.5s - Enters Mountain stance, increasing threat generation by 100% and shield chance by 25%.

Ground Shaker (DPS Stance) - Instant - Cooldown: 1.5s - Enters an offensive stance, increasing all damage dealt by 10% and lowering threat generation by 25%. Additionally lowers the cooldown of all attacks by 20%.


Taunt - Instant - Cooldown: 15s - Range: 30 m - Taunts the target, forcing it to attack the companion for 6 seconds.

Hammer - Instant - Cooldown: 9s - Range: 4 m - A powerful attack that deals 2000 - 2100 kinetic damage and interrupts the target for 2s.

Destroy - Instant - Cooldown: 12s - Range: 4 m - A powerful attack that deals 5000 - 5200 weapon damage and increases the companion's armor rating by 25% for 20 seconds. This ability generates a high amount of threat.

Smash - Instant - Cooldown: 12s - Range: 4 m - Strikes the target for 600 - 700 weapon damage and up to 2 nearby targets for 600 - 700 weapon damage, stunning all effected targets for 2s.

Earthquake - Instant - Cooldown: 15s - Range: 4 m - Knocks down up to 5 targets in an 8-meter radius, dealing 1500 kinetic damage and stunning all effected for 4s. This ability generates a very high amount of threat.

Shockwave - Instant - Cooldown: 15s - Range: 100 m - Dashes to the target, stunning the target for 5s.

Doom (AOE Taunt)- Instant - Cooldown: 45s - Range: 15 m - Very strong challenge to all enemies within 15 meters, forcing them to attack the companion for 6 seconds.

Stone - Instant - Cooldown: 120s - Reduces all damage taken by 25% for 30 seconds.


The idea of this companion is that he would be a superior tank without any healing ability but with very strong agro management and shield capabilities, even superior to Khem Val. Almost all of his attacks would cause interrupts and knockdowns. His interrupts and knockdowns would NOT effect players, however. His attacks would be slightly stronger then Khem Val.


He would have a natural resistance to damage, with a defense boost of 15 percent, putting him at 20 percent defense as a baseline.


Of course, one of the draws of this companion, IMO, would be his huge size. He is a very tall NPC in the game, and would be the same as a companion. Certainly an intimidating sight.


Thanks for reading



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At this point I am all for anything to make the companions more appealing once the main story is done. As is all they end up being is a walking Kolto tank and its not even the original group of companions that are useful it ends up being Treek who is all I ever see anyone using at level 55 anymore.
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I'd be happy if we could kill companions again.....Ashara, Scadge, Quinn, Vic....I'm looking at y'all :mad:


I still want to feed Ashara to Khem. Skadge is useful to have stand around behind my mercs at the GTN in a pink speedo and irritate all the guys :p (Speedo Skadge is my counterpount to all you guys dressing your "female" toons, Jaesa/Mako/Vette et cetera as h°°kers)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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LA, I think the next companion needs to be a Willpower Healer. It's the only one that doesn't have a companion counterpart.


Voss Mystic, we await thee.


Good idea. I will write up a suggestion with a Voss Mystic. What would be the best healer companion to use as a template (aside from Treek of course)?

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I would rather get a male dual-wielding Nautolan or Togruta Jedi/Sith. We really are short on droolable males in this game.


Speaking of which, the following companions need a romance expansion in the end game content after class quests are done: Zenith, Pierce, Gault and Lord S. They are the most interesting male comps, and it would be great to be able to finally romance them.

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Well, right now we have a ranged DPS that, though he has a one shot special that can be useful otherwise his DPS performance is not noteworthy (HK-51) AND a Healer/Tank that has fantastic DPS perfomance and flexibility (Treek).


It's tough to beat a tank with decent DPS and healing ability that also doubles as a great pure healer that can put out some real damage.


But I still feel there is a need for a pure tank, one that can truly mitigate damage, exert crowd control and hold aggro. That is why I suggested an improved tank as the next companion.


I can also see the need for a pure healer, perhaps one that has the ability to shield itself and the player with a "bubble" of some sort.


That is my plan for a Voss Mystic....add the bubble capability and channeled AoE that is instant cast with a stun ability.

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Well an interesting list, reminds me the post I have in my sig (removed the entries not pertaining to the companions).


Specifically about the legacy trees the requests are:

  1. Add companions to the legacy tree




For convenience features we have the following entries:

  • Companions send (or pickup) mail packages from the space ship for the player
  • Companions sell items for the player, both to traders and the GTN
  • Companion buy mats automatically
  • Manage crafting & missions for all companions through a centralized UI
  • Manage all companions and character gear through a centralized UI
  • Summon a droid that loots items for you from killed enemies



On the companion system:

  1. Players have requested to be able to change their companions name with a nickname and toggle which of the name/nickname to display.
  2. It seems sharing companions between alts is really looked after. (ie: playing Mako with a Sith Warrior or why not a Smuggler.)
  3. Being able to use 2 companions at once, mostly was requested to solo some instances.
  4. And finally really being able to edit the companions body through a character creation tool
  5. Customized companions should have the portraits change to the new customization
  6. Mule: your companion and/or pet can hold additional items for you

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I just don't like Voss, and the only lekku-bearing male companion is Zenith. Voss is more weird-looking than attractive & they all kindda look the same. Togruta are just as brightly patched...


@Deewe - yes it is a great list. Too bad the devs never really shown any inclination to add to the 40 companions in a meaningful way. Oh, well.

Edited by DomiSotto
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