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Are there any changes that can be made to current companions to give them more appeal


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I have a few ideas....It seems to me that some companions languish underutilized and unappreciated...other than perhaps flooding them with gifts to raise up the affection level for the perks/story/bonuses. I think this is a shame, since there are quite a few unique and interesting companions out there. I have a few suggested changes that might make alternates more appealing.


1) Give them a defined class with respect to armor, or remove class armor restrictions on gear.


I think either one would make gearing a companion much easier. It just seems silly to me that X companion is obviously X class, this orange gear is for X class but my companion can't wear it.


2) Your companions are effected by your dark or light alignment level.


We saw this in KotOR...your companions would turn as you turned. Right now there are a few distinct leveling lines for companions light or dark side (one I know of for sure) but as far as I know the others simply remain gray.


Khem Val is a good example...the creature is obviously Dark 5 right off the bat...yet remains neutral.


I would suggest you allow light or dark side changes to occur with companions as well. There is no need for appearance change IMO or a change in dialog perhaps...but the management of dark or light side would be interesting. Perhaps more appearance change dropins could be created that would be only light or dark side options.


I would also connect certain gifts to light and dark side points for the companion, and give them dark or light side advancement based on the missions they go on. Simply put, with some restrictions, your gains should be their gains with respect to alignment when you have them active.


Perhaps we do not need separate stories, but it might be nice if the banter changes with alignment.


3) More interaction between companions, and companions active on your ship.


I would like to see simple interaction between companions...I want to see them have meetings in the briefing room, pair off in conversations (no dialog needed), work on areas of the ship, sit in the pilot's chair, etc. Be nice to see them sitting down to play a game of Pazaak, or taking a nap in their bunk. Or maybe just using a chair.


4) Seeing companions working on the ship when I enter the bay, talking outside the ship, etc.


Think of the classic scene where han and chewie are working on the falcon. Would be nice to walk into the hanger and see different companions working on the ship, hanging out in the bay, etc.


5) All companions should be effected by all missions.

Flashpoints in particular seem to have little to no effect on affection points with alternate companions. I would like to see this change.


6) Allow the crafting/capture/training of droid and animal companions and allow your current companions to be killed or exiled by you.


This would be a toggle feature...the ability to kill your companions if you so wish. Your affection level has to be zero in order for you to have the option to confront and attack the companion, and you would need the ability to replace that companion with one that is crafted or captured.


I have put forth my suggestions for droid and animal companions before, but I'll just say in short that they have no story, very little if any dialog and remain gray. But they would be worthy replacements for the roles you lose by killing a companion.


Side note...craftable companions, like droids or animals, would not return if they die. They would also be weaker than current companions, something akin to your ship droid.


7) Open up the option for alternate companions from other class types that you can acquire.


Kaliyo or Khem Val would be a good example of good dark side companions that may be of interest to other classes. Naturally there is a companion limit, so you would have to have slots open, but this could make the entire system more interesting IMO. Naturally acquired companions would have no storyline except with the original class.


8) Make all companion originating gear, as well as future gear orange gear.


There are some iconic looks with original gear sets for companions, and it would be nice if the companion could retain that look throughout the leveling process.

9) Ability to call a second companion, during the heroic moment, temporarily to fight by your side at max affection.


This would be a PVE only option, only used in the open world or regular instances (no flashpoints, heroics or operations) where you could call in a second companion to fight for 20 seconds on your behalf. The companion would have to be max affection level and can't be crafting at the time.


10) Allow us to change our companions appearance using the character appearance kiosk.

11) Allow us to change our current companions ability loadout by dropping in kits to change the type of AC they have instead of appearance kits...or just add another slot for the loadout kit.


Just some suggestions. Does anyone else have any desired changes to the current system they would like to share?

Edited by LordArtemis
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i like this idea, i would also like to see something happen when you marry a comp like a title or a nice cutaway scene.

i would also like to be able to talk to my comps at will, no something long or that gives affection even just the ability to click on them and say something to them i feel like their just decorations on the ship. they just stand there and watch you, kinda creepy btw. the only person that says anything is the ship droid and i feel like he wants to lick my boots every time i walk by, really creepy.


and btw lord artemis i know you only put in #6 because you hate mako lol

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2) Your companions are effected by your dark or light alignment level.


Why should they?

Your choices affect your light/dark alignment. They don't make choices, they just follow you.


And, as far as I can remember, the only companion that would make sense to be influenced by your alignment is Jaesa. Maybe they should've done something similar for Ashara as well - considering their backgrounds are almost identical - but that's about it. Kira and Nadia have their own personalities, they do not seem to be as conflicted as Jaesa and Ashara.


Khem Val is a good example...the creature is obviously Dark 5 right off the bat...yet remains neutral.


What do you mean he remains "neutral"?

You get affection points when you choose a Dark side option.

All his dialogues are about him killing Jedi and devouring Force users' essence. In fact he, and I quote, "devoured over a thousand Jedi at Yn and the Battle of Chabosh". Sound pretty evil to me.

He is an evil character, he isn't and never was neutral and his demeanor is as far from light side as it could possibly be.

What change could they make in Khem Val's story to make him light side, if your inquisitor is a light side one?


And that's true for most companions in the game.

They have their own stories and they've made their own decisions in the past that define them. Treating them as pets that can be swayed either way wouldn't be realistic at all, in my honest opinion.

Edited by TheNahash
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I'd like to see more companions with stuff for you to do. Currently, the only companion that sends you out on missions is the primary companion for your class (Jorgen for the Trooper, Kira for the Jedi Knight, Qyzen for the Consular, Khem for the Inquisitor, for example). All other companions just sit in your ship and tell you about stuff.


I'd also like to see more missions where all of your companions are used, like the Gauntlet in the Trooper storyline.

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I think you missed out the most important feature...


10) Allow the player to chose the role a companion fills.


I think that alone would vastly improve the use a lot of underutilised companions get. And, lets be honest it's not as if the feature wasn't under development during beta, why it got kicked out remains a mystery to me, it's as if whoever was calling the shots decided anything that allowed a player to have customisation options should be removed.


I like option 7, and have suggested it myself as a potential before now as well. Maybe with the precondition that they have to be unlocked first and then can be opened up as a replacement. I could quite easily see my alien intolerant Sith Juggernaut cruising the galaxy with Malavai, Talos, Andronikus, Pierce and Jaesa (ds) by his side.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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I think that alone would vastly improve the use a lot of underutilised companions get. And, lets be honest it's not as if the feature wasn't under development during beta, why it got kicked out remains a mystery to me, it's as if whoever was calling the shots decided anything that allowed a player to have customisation options should be removed.


Just had this very discussion in another thread, it seems some people think "it dilutes the companions uniqueness" somehow.


Personally, I could never really get behind it that argument. I mean if you don't wont want Lord Scourge to heal you, feel free to stick with his basic role, but I think the whole "things should look canon" idea went right out the window when we got the opportunity to make fat pink twilek sith lords in unfettered trenchcoats with little ewoks for companions.

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1) Give them a defined class with respect to armor, or remove class armor restrictions on gear.

I like this idea. I wouldn't mind class armor restrictions being removed entirely. I have the Thana Vesh armor set unlocked in my Collections, and have companions sporting the Thana Vesh look until I get moddable armor that I like. It isn't that big a stretch to me to have my companions wearing "Jedi Knight" or "Sith Warrior" armor.


5) All companions should be effected by all missions.

Because the companions have such different reactions to dialog choices, I prefer to not have all companions chime in on every conversation choice. Playing an Imperial Agent, Kaliyo and my Agent were of a like mind with many conversation choices. Lots of companion affection points from Kaliyo. Making those same choices with Vector as a companion resulted in Vector deducting a lot of companion affection.


I think other than playing a Trooper (excluding Vik), if all companions could give, or deduct, affection on all conversations would be a wash. I'd gain affection from some, and have to buy companion gifts to offset affection losses from other companions. I think the Smuggler companions would be particularly unpleasant in such a situation, because they rarely seem to agree on anything.


8) Make all companion originating gear, as well as future gear orange gear.

There are some iconic looks with original gear sets for companions, and it would be nice if the companion could retain that look throughout the leveling process.

I like this idea!


9) Ability to call a second companion, during the heroic moment, temporarily to fight by your side at max affection.

I think this sounds great. I think the one instance I've experienced when all companions engaged in a fight was great fun. Having two companions, even for just 20 seconds, sounds good to me. Even those times when NPCs "fight" with my character added dimension to my game play.


i like this idea, i would also like to see something happen when you marry a comp like a title or a nice cutaway scene.

i would also like to be able to talk to my comps at will, no something long or that gives affection even just the ability to click on them and say something to them i feel like their just decorations on the ship. they just stand there and watch you, kinda creepy btw. the only person that says anything is the ship droid and i feel like he wants to lick my boots every time i walk by, really creepy.

I agree about having something like a title, or maybe something in Achievements, for marrying a companion. I keep forgetting that two of my characters married companions because after the love notes stop, there's nothing to remind me that a particular toon married a companion.


I also agree about being able to talk to companions at will. Maybe a few cutscenes that are rotated. No affection, just something to make being on board ship with companions less like being in a haunted wax museum. The ship droids are the only companions that acknowledge when a character is on the ship. Once the last conversation with the other companions is over, companions on board ship are fairly creepy. Especially the ones that can't be avoided, like the ones on the command deck, in the ship cargo bay, or near the shipboard GTN. Still. Staring. Except Vector, and Talos. I'm not sure what Talos is doing. Vector is ... well, Vector. No doubt communing with his pals. Or, downloading songs of the universe to his music player. Who knows.

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The one big thing I really want is a way to modify every companion's role. Let me make anyone I want a healer, tank, or DPS.


They had something like this in game test. I'm sure there were issues that forced them to pull it, but maybe it's time to revisit it. Especially since that stupid lore-busting Ewok can be Tank or Healer.

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I just stumbled across this GDC presentation by Damion Schubert about the challenges of integrating the Bioware standard of storytelling into an MMO environment.




Towards the end he talks about a certain spoiler involving one particular companion.



The Sith Warrior's companion Malavai Quinn was originally meant to die.



The end result was to remove the story element that allowed a player to kill companions. This was done primarily because the companions it affected had 'fixed' roles by that time and they felt the impact on customer services communication from players asking to reverse the decision would be too costly.



Malavai is the Sith Warrior healing companion.

Personally I think from his bio in the codex it is about the only role he's not suited for and a far better solution would have been to swap his healer role with Vette's ranged DPS role, and give us back the chance to kill him.



Ultimately though I don't feel that connected to companions because I don't get a say on who's allowed on my ship or not. No matter what they do they get a free pass and that has a huge negative impact on the power of the storytelling.

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All these ideas are pretty great. Companions were a big part of the 4th pillar but it seems to have been largely abandoned. Once you hit max level the only way to even gain affection with them is just to buy their love, which is a pretty dull method.
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There should be the possibility for republic side characters to turn "dark side" companions into "light side" companions.


The imperial side has something like that - the republic side hasn't. Clear sign of imperial faction favouritism.


There is a single companion that feature is available for and it is the driving factor of how you acquire that companion in the first place.


Really, all the LS/DS amounts to for that companion once you have played through the cutscenes is different appearance packs and different vocals.


While the cutscenes would be expensive to go back and do, and the vocals would have a moderate cost (as well as needing to implement between one or the other) more variety on the companion appearances is long overdue (and certain aspects of it restricted to having good reputation standing in the Cartel based factions).

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Give us the option to not recruit some companions and the option to have them leave the ship when their need for story purposes is up.


For me...Rusk would be much more "appealing" if I wasn't forced to take him for no good reason.


I know so people will bring up the issue with having companions for crew skills. However, that's why this would be an option. You could also have the option to recruit them again anytime you wanted. Like is Mass Effect. You could tell Wrex you didn't want him with you....but you also had the option to recruit him at any time if you changed your mind.

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Great suggestions, I just want the ability to take 3 of my companions to battle along side me in all flashpoints, not because I don't ever want to group up, because I enjoy getting them geared. I already solo FP's with them but taking on HM FP's or just really challenging missions that require 4 people would be rewarding. New, challenging H4 missions could be added, yes we can already solo most H4 missions now, but new ones could be added. They just added something like this in CoD Ghosts with the Squads feature where you level up your crew and take on others in pvp matches, something like this would be great in SWTOR!
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This might be a fun one, and add some more usage for the ship: companion sparring.


Basically the ability to pull one of your companions aside and fight them in a (not so) friendly duel. Maybe with some pre-fight and post-fight banter based on victory or loss.


You would be able to gain affection with your companions or lose it based on how you deal with beating or losing to them. For example, showing grace and good sportsman ship will naturally go over well with Vector and Temple while Kaliyo will think you're being boring, while analyzing why you lost or won the fight will make SCROPIO and Lokin proud.


Possibly this might work best as a "on story completion only" sort of thing, unless we made it class story sensitive, but basically the idea that different companions might refer to class story events. Like challenging Quinn will have him comment something like, "I thought my betrayal was behind us by now..."

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