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Any other leapers falling short of their destination?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this for what it's worth. The problem has become bad enough to make me simply not play my Juggernaut in PvP anymore; it's a melee class with a random chance that its gap-closer won't gap-close at all (I've had leaps where I literally jump on the spot). As for the failed Intercedes, they happen in every Warzone but are most noticeable in Huttball due to the map setup... you can't be tactical when a crucial set play is so erratic. I keep remembering this minute-long segment at 3:50, and how awkward it must have felt for both the teamplayers, and the commentator.



Good gameplay has to be responsive and reliable. Unreliable team-mates will (rightly) feel like liabilities - I know plenty of Operatives who feel dire everytime they experience the lolroll stuck bug. Bugs like these really have to be top-priority, OR publicly acknowledged as unfixable so we can plan around them. As it stands, I'm not sure whether my buggy leaps are a temporary thing, or something I should factor into class balance analysis. Regrettably I expect it's the latter.

Edited by Sidrath
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Yeah, this still happens to me on my Juggernaut, Marauder, and Sentinel (haven't played the Guardian in a long time to know). My PT just got Jet Charge and hasn't had it fall short yet but it's still early. I will say it seems to be happening to me less than it once did but still, once is one time too many.


It's probably a hard bug to track down since there doesn't seem to be any consistency to it. I can go long periods without having it happen and then have it happen multiple times in a day.

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My guardian has had the worst of it. Trying to jump up to different levels in hut ball and i sort of hit an invisible wall and just stop in the middle of air then drop straight down. Very frustrating when trying to protect a carrier or attack one.


Also has anyone leaped at someone and been pushed up by 1 of the 2 jets in the middle because you kinda jumped over them then died from fall damage after?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been playing my PT a lot lately, he's had his jet charge for a little while now and it's been falling short of the targets just like the Force leaps have been. I even had jet charge overshoot a target once, which I'm not sure has ever happened before with any of the leaps, but that could have been my computer out of sync with the server maybe?


This is a really annoying bug, to have your gap closer not close the gap at all. Some of the times, it's like I didn't leap at all because I'm left standing where I was when I triggered it, for both jet charge and the Force leaps. One of the times I did jet charge yesterday, I saw myself land at the target and then I was suddenly back where I had been standing before entering combat; I had never had that happen the times Force leap failed and I've only seen it once, so far, with jet charge.

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I'm sure this bug is a side effect of trying to keep the frustration level high for datacrons.

Using push/leap to/pull powers you and a buddy can skip all the annoying balloon and freight box rides they try to make you do. And apparently that is a big no no. No to teamwork and ingenuity, yes to repeating frustration on every character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been noticing this problem lately as well. I have a juggernaut, marauder, guardian and sentinel and the bug is happening to all of them regardless of what tree they use. It is most noticeable in huttball because you end up falling into the pit when leaping to someone fairly far back in their end zone. As a huttball enthusiast, I cant begin to explain how frustrating this is. The bug does happen in all other war-zones as well. Sometimes i will leap to someone who is on the move and i will end up where they were when i activated leap, and they will be rooted 5-10 meters away from that position.


While I'm on the subject....there are similar bugs with the vanguard/shadow pulls in the game. "INSTANT" SHOULD MEAN INSTANTANEOUS APPLICATION OF THE ABILITIES EFFECTS.


I mean...thanks for taking away the leap/pull immunity from operatives in cover, but these bugs still needs to be fixed asap. These abilities are one of, if not the most important ability for these classes, and they should work correctly.

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Only read the first page, but I'm getting most of the same stuff on my warrior.


There's also an issue where a slight bump in the ground between me and my target makes the jump fall short. I mean like a 6 or 8 inch little speedbump and I'm in the air several feet above it, but it stops me and hangs me up. More bad hero engine bs, I guess? It's frustrating as hell for force charge to fail so much, when it shouldn't.

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Only read the first page, but I'm getting most of the same stuff on my warrior.


There's also an issue where a slight bump in the ground between me and my target makes the jump fall short. I mean like a 6 or 8 inch little speedbump and I'm in the air several feet above it, but it stops me and hangs me up. More bad hero engine bs, I guess? It's frustrating as hell for force charge to fail so much, when it shouldn't.


Yes, I noticed that too! If there is something sticking from the ground between you and the enemy, but not obstructing the view of the target, you'll actually land like half-way to the target.

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Tired of this bug. Force jump and cover of juggernaut are both involved in this issue. Several month that we speak about it, and no fixe in sight.

Always a big moment of loneliness when my juggernaut jump on a smuggler and fall short 10m before the target.

To the point of view of my taget, it may be very funy. To mine...

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I've posted multiple times on this topic, and on the ghost GCD bug - the two issues that cripple gameplay the most (especially for Juggs/Guards). At this point, I really think (for the medium term at least) that we need to consider buggy leaps/cedes as part of the game's new class balance. Screwed up as that may sound, to pretend otherwise will result in a downward spiral of frustration for the hopeful.


In an effort to be constructive, just want to ask all leapers facing this problem (which is pretty much every leaper I know): does the problem increase dramatically if you're jumping to get LoS on your target? Huttball involves a lot of forward motion with the ball, trying to reach people at different elevations and it's instinctive (and, pre-bug, hugely beneficial) to jump-leap to secure the earliest possible window on your Charge/Intercede. Try a few matches of Huttball where you FORCE yourself to not jump for a single Cede/Leap, and see if the problem is lessened.


Just to be clear: I am NOT advocating that we should be barred from jumping to get LoS on our gap-closer. I'm just trying to build a consensus on what the problem is, so if Bioware ever looks at this thread again, they might maybe investigate why jumps are affecting point-to-point leap accuracy.

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