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Addons in Swtor


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I'm okay with addons as long as they're not part of Operations and Warzones - basically no Deadly Boss mods or anything.


If they created an addon that allowed me to keybind my favourite emotes I'd love that, but an addon that tells me how to win a warzone would ruin the game for me.

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Threat clearly isn't a problem, generally, in this game. Threat meter is not necessary. Raid mechanics in any MMO including WoW are pretty easy to see and deal with without an addon like DBM or whatever. I endgame raided in wow, healing and dps, for years, effectively only running a damage/hps meter and bejeweled. (No addon raid frames or UI changes) Most addons in WoW are not raid related, they are comfort and easy of life "improvements." *hint the quotations


I am also of the opinion that people who are adamantly against dps meters are the people who are usually at the bottom of them, taken from experience in WoW. For maximizing the effectiveness of a group, knowing who isn't pulling their weight and how to help them is probably the best thing for the group, and the person, and a DPS Meter is where that starts. The Active Logging technique is an essentially effective replacement but to watch it continuously while practicing and closing up gaps in your rotation might require a second monitor and not everyone has the capability or money to run one. If they put one in the game it wouldn't take much effort to add one.


this functionality exists. my guild uses it all the time. yes it works in real time, though there are occasional snags. there's also ability to upload your parses and analyze them at leisure. parsec, torparse take your pick. not sure if Moxx is still functioning.


and the reason I love them is because its entirely voluntary. if you want other people to see your performance? you have to agree to it. if you want to measure your own performance in peace? you can do so. hell, one of my guildies, legic broke his weapon, practicing on a parsing dummy to refine his rotation and understanding of the new spec he was learning.


its here. for the people who want to use it for good? it already exists. yes, with in game overlay.


the problem with recount is that becasue its just grabbed everyone indiscriminately, everywhere you run - you had too many people looking at raw numbers without understanding what they actualy mean and make other players lives unfun (and that's a mild word for it.)


we do NOT need reccount. or scada. we already have the tools we need to improve. could they be better? of course! but the fun thing is, decent raiders in wow? didn't rely on reccount as be all end all either. if you wanted to raid progression with them? they wanted to see your logs (I've seen "world of logs" to be most commonly used back when I still enjoyed raiding in WoW). only people who merely think they are good, idolize reccount like addons.

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What are some examples of addons used with other games? I'm not sure i understand to what the op is referring. would something like a live dps meter be an addon?


For example, you can have a character sitting at the AH (aka GTN) scanning the market. Then you buy underpriced items to resell at a profit. You can control a market easier. Special/rare high demand items you can buy up and relist a crazy high prices. It effectively helps the rich. Yes someone can do that now but this makes is very easy.


Wow had addons to tell players when to push certain buttons. Some of those "QOL" "issues" were alarms so you "didn't need to pay attention".

Example, you need to remove a debuff on a teammate, you had to look for it (aka pay attention) but the alarm points out the player X needs debuff removed. They say since it is already there it should be ok but it really is taking a lazy player route. BTW, if it is there you don't need the alarm.

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If they created an addon that allowed me to keybind my favourite emotes I'd love that, but an addon that tells me how to win a warzone would ruin the game for me.
I'm in favor of this. Not being able to assign emotes to toolbar slots is a bummer for any slow/bad typist like myself.


I'm against addons that affect, in any way, skill usage. The exception would be something similar to plugins used in LOTRO for mounts. I'd like to have an addon that allows me to pick which mount I want to ride. Right now, there just aren't enough toolbar slots for them all. Oh, and pets, too. An addon with a minimenu for pets would be nice and save some toolbar space.


EDIT: And while I'm thinking of LOTRO plugins, the Travel addon would be nice. I have too many toolbar slots occupied by Fast Travel skills.

Edited by Thoronmir
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My world for an Alt-o-haulic!!!! What recipe do I have/need? Where did I put those mats.... which toon has which gear... as alt friendly as this game is (working on my 9th 55); we need an Alt-o-Haulic
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Things I don't want to see:

- Healers become lazy and start healing tank only when he/she drops below 30% (this is already happening with Shadows/Assassins)

- Tanks become lazy with their dps once they notice they have generated all the threat they need.

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  • 2 months later...
I'm curious if the developers have considered changing their minds on having addons. Many features people want could be quickly implemented if they allowed them. This means more bug fixing and content development time. :)


i completely agree with this statement. i run tank and there are quite a few addons that i used in WoW as a tank that i would love to be implemented in SWTOR!

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Hundreds of thousands posts later we are still here, that's funny.



In generally speaking SWTOR UI isn't that bad.


Still there are even a few things that are totally unacceptable for an AAA game like:

  1. Hot key not copied for new characters
  2. Friend lists not being shared/copied between characters of the same faction.
  3. Email not auto-filling alts names
  4. Can't organize companions skills nor set them in player's bars
  5. Can't resize nor manage buffs and debuffs display separately
  6. Can't resize (=/= scaling) any UI frame
  7. Being required to either type emotes commands or having to browse sub menus to activate them
  8. Can't have more than 6 quick slot bars
  9. Can't have a decent world map, can't even browse it remotely
  10. Can't do GTN searches with more than 2 spaces in the name even less use wildcards or have searches with enough characters
  11. Can't have decent crafting filters
  12. Can't have mats or dedicated bags with auto filling/sorting

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  • 1 month later...
Actually, a certain level of gear was required to raid in order to be capable of producing enough dps/heals and withstanding enough damage, regardless of skill. Not the level of gear that anti-gearscore people complained that raiders wanted them to achieve, though I never ran into any of the problems they complained about.


and though I would NEVER argue that is the smart way to play - knowing what you need to enter and be some what successful - I also don't mind walking into a dungeon/flashpoint/etc and just giving it a go. Yeah, repair bill... frustration and failure... I know. But some people miss out on even seeing the full content of a game, like in WOW, because they are never 'allowed' in a group.


Obviously I am a very casual player. I know, again, its not smart or practical if you know you just wont be successful, but sometimes I just want to get IN there and see what the hype is about! :D

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I'm not a fan of add ons and could care less about in game dps meters. There is the trust issue with third party code, but what really killed it for me was the collective raid leaders demanding that everyone download DBM.


Yeah, no add ons

Edited by JeremiahDB
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I'm not a fan of add ons and could care less about in game dps meters. There is the trust issue with third party code, but what really killed it for me was the collective raid leaders demanding that everyone download DBM.


Yeah, no add ons

With addons we'd already be able to:

  1. Move companions skills around
  2. Enlarge and move around debuffs
  3. Nicely lay out characters health bars, you know for healers
  4. Have quest log written from left to right, for people who wants it on the right
  5. Have squared maps.
  6. Have a world map you can resize and move around
  7. Have maps notes, and different icons depending on type of quest or type or resources
  8. Have separate and sorted bags for gear, mats etc
  9. Autocomplete names on emails
  10. Shared keybinding between alts
  11. Conveniently manage mods and gear swapping
  12. Save load skills layout templates for respeccing


And that`s just top of my hat

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With addons we'd already be able to:

  1. Move companions skills around
  2. Enlarge and move around debuffs
  3. Nicely lay out characters health bars, you know for healers
  4. Have quest log written from left to right, for people who wants it on the right
  5. Have squared maps.
  6. Have a world map you can resize and move around
  7. Have maps notes, and different icons depending on type of quest or type or resources
  8. Have separate and sorted bags for gear, mats etc
  9. Autocomplete names on emails
  10. Shared keybinding between alts
  11. Conveniently manage mods and gear swapping
  12. Save load skills layout templates for respeccing


And that`s just top of my hat


All of which can be done by the Dev's as QoL improvements without bloating the system thru 3rd party add ons if they are worth doing. Since we only have one bag, the bags thing won't work and an add on wouldn't change that.

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With addons we'd already be able to:

  1. Move companions skills around
  2. Enlarge and move around debuffs
  3. Nicely lay out characters health bars, you know for healers
  4. Have quest log written from left to right, for people who wants it on the right
  5. Have squared maps.
  6. Have a world map you can resize and move around
  7. Have maps notes, and different icons depending on type of quest or type or resources
  8. Have separate and sorted bags for gear, mats etc
  9. Autocomplete names on emails
  10. Shared keybinding between alts
  11. Conveniently manage mods and gear swapping
  12. Save load skills layout templates for respeccing


And that`s just top of my hat


Don't forget the lack of a Texas Hold'em poker addon in this game. WoW had this addon 8 years ago. What a critical oversight by BW.


Actually, on a semi-serious note, WoW/WS like addon support means someone would have likely coded a pazaak/sabaac addon by now.

Edited by Projawa
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All of which can be done by the Dev's as QoL improvements without bloating the system thru 3rd party add ons if they are worth doing. Since we only have one bag, the bags thing won't work and an add on wouldn't change that.

Difference being the devs aren`t allowed to "waste" time improving the UI, whereas players would love to for FREE.

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Difference being the devs aren`t allowed to "waste" time improving the UI, whereas players would love to for FREE.

So devs are not allowed to waste time improving the UI, but they ARE allowed to waste time writing APIs for third-party addons to work?


How did you come to that conclusion exactly?

Edited by Khevar
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I'm more talking about in-game macros to create custom buttons (target focus, cast CC)


And this is where you lost me... these types of macro's should be banned and those who use them have their account banned. Seen other games that have this ability, and it gives a distinct advantage to those who know how to manage macros. Less about skill and more about spamming 3 keys.

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And this is where you lost me... these types of macro's should be banned and those who use them have their account banned. Seen other games that have this ability, and it gives a distinct advantage to those who know how to manage macros. Less about skill and more about spamming 3 keys.


I agree heavily with this. During WotLK it was possible for a pally tank to create a two button macro rotation that would take care of business for any fight. I watched a friend tank the LK while eating a sandwich with his off-hand by binding two macros to his mouse buttons 4 and 5.

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I agree heavily with this. During WotLK it was possible for a pally tank to create a two button macro rotation that would take care of business for any fight. I watched a friend tank the LK while eating a sandwich with his off-hand by binding two macros to his mouse buttons 4 and 5.


And? What's the problem with that? I played BM hunter in TBC, I literally had one button spam, 1:1 rotation, only timing my CD's depending on fight, but you could still suck


This game is heavily lackluster when it comes to some basic stuff, like chat bubbles, in-game parsing, UI is horibad for healers, you can't even set raid groups horizontally, engine is both bad and highly limited when it comes to performance.


If they only spent half of their budget they've burned on voice-acting and added basic features like chat bubbles, in game parsing so we can kick people without alt-tabing, and give away API so we can get some real raid frames instead of this joke we have here it would be awesome. ž


But my guess, RP-ers and BW fanbois are against it. Si9mply because they want to keep sucking and be dead weight. Or it costs BW too much. Can't really tell.

Edited by Feanar
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