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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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Everyone plays differently. I was simply stating that there will be people that when they see they can swap AC go to the vendor swap AC and suddenly they are completely naked (assuming do not have 100% adaptive armor) and are rather shocked that they do not have any gear and cannot get gear since this is the only set they have They will have to buy off the GTN before they can start running dailies/flashpoints for higher gear.


Yes its a one time cost, but you can already see the connections between those asking for AC swapping and those asking for us to use any weapon. They want it both ways. Is it as trivial as others make it out to be, probably not, is it as major as I make it sound, probably not. Do I want to run a flashpoint withsomeone who is running absorb, shield, and def. as a healer...probably not.


Seriously, just as a message pops up to say that the AC is currently a 'Permanent' one you could have text that tells the player they'll need to get new gear suitable for their new Advanced Class before they make the purchase. It doesn't have to be more complex than that. Maybe even a pop up tutorial window the first time you purchase it, or a loading screen Hint text. There are ways of getting the information out there. But I generally tend to credit players with a level of intelligence that if their current AC uses Heavy Armour and the alternative one needs Medium Armour that they'll need to regear.


I wouldn't want to run a HM Flashpoint with someone in tanking gear as a healer, that's what /vote to kick is for. They'll get the hint and may even become a better player for it.


And again the best way to avoid the near constant disappointment to be found in PUGs is to guild up or expand your friends list.

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Yes its a one time cost, but you can already see the connections between those asking for AC swapping and those asking for us to use any weapon. They want it both ways. Is it as trivial as others make it out to be, probably not, is it as major as I make it sound, probably not.

I think you're on to something here DOH...lemme explain why "I" support both of the above ideas...with basic restrictions...


I'm 100% in favor of things that enhance players enjoyment of the game, or things that extend their desire to play. If you wanna be a tank instead of a healer, by all means, go for it. We all know it's the exact same quests between ACs - repeat it if you like, skip it if you want...it doesn't negatively impact me one bit what AC someone chooses.


I also believe that the ability to swap ACs would help the game overall - MMO players come and go - one week we have a plethora of tanks, the next we have a shortage. AC swap allows players the freedom to fill the natural voids that happen in every MMO...it allows players the ability to quickly fill an immediate need that the community has (community being guild or server). If Bobiwan doesn't like tanking, maybe MÅrÅ-Jade would try...it allows players to try a role that they otherwise may never try...especially at the expense of grinding a new toon.


The freedom to adjust to the ever changing community is important imo. Too few tanks means less FPs/Ops being run. Less FP's/Ops being run, more players who only enjoy PvE, quit.


I don't care if Bobiwan blows at tanking...I appreciate that he's doing it. If I felt I could do better, I'd have the ability to prove it.


As for weapons - customization is a HUGE thing in MMOs (see Cartel Market). As long as we have some minimal restrictions in place, like Troopers = Rifle (assault or sniper) or Canon, Smuggler = Pistols or rifles, Force users = any type of Lightsaber or 'blade', I don't see any harm in opening it up more...it's all fluff anyway, right?


Happy players play longer, they log on more, they do more, they spend more $...what's wrong with allowing players the ability to switch AC's to something that may make them happier players? It's important to keep MMOs fresh for players...this helps with that.

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Option 12


Level 10 to 55 - Allow AC Change - no maximum number of changes - must change at AC trainers on fleet or at terminal on ship - 1 Week cooldown - Single use Consumable purchased from Cartel Market for 1,000 CC (resalable on GTN).


I will add this to the list as the new option 11 and push the "no change" to 12.

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Everyone plays differently. I was simply stating that there will be people that when they see they can swap AC go to the vendor swap AC and suddenly they are completely naked (assuming do not have 100% adaptive armor) and are rather shocked that they do not have any gear and cannot get gear since this is the only set they have They will have to buy off the GTN before they can start running dailies/flashpoints for higher gear.


Yes its a one time cost, but you can already see the connections between those asking for AC swapping and those asking for us to use any weapon. They want it both ways. Is it as trivial as others make it out to be, probably not, is it as major as I make it sound, probably not. Do I want to run a flashpoint withsomeone who is running absorb, shield, and def. as a healer...probably not.


A full set of Social adaptive gear can be bought in the coruscant senate plaza for less than 10k creds total. That's been there since the game started or shortly after. The only ac swap that could have this problem requiring adaptive gear is guardian to sentinel. Straws. Grasping. And we already have precedents where equipped gear can be unusable (like hk running around at level 1 with level 50 gear on) - it's very visible and obvious.

Edited by Savej
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As for weapons - customization is a HUGE thing in MMOs (see Cartel Market). As long as we have some minimal restrictions in place, like Troopers = Rifle (assault or sniper) or Canon, Smuggler = Pistols or rifles, Force users = any type of Lightsaber or 'blade', I don't see any harm in opening it up more...it's all fluff anyway, right?

On that tangent, I imagine that the biggest impediment to opening up weapon use is the animation issue. But from a "realistic" standpoint, all characters should be able to use all weapons and all Force users should be able to use all Force weapons (without sacrificing any abilities a la a rifle-using Commando). Plenty of people would like to be able to play a tech melee character, but they can't, so they make a Jedi/Sith and put it in "techy" adaptive armor and arm it with a vibroblade (or two) or electrostaff. That's OK, but not exactly what they are looking for.

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It will die when they finally implement it. ;)


The devs also said it would take months for players to get to endgame. :rolleyes:


That's just a poor estimation for the majority of the population. It does take months for some people. ;) There are people that joined my guild in December '11 and they didn't get to 50 until after 2.0.


Anyway, it was actually said Dual Spec was likely coming fairly recently...not pre-launch.


Doesn't mean it will, but it is likely.

Edited by chuixupu
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Actually the devs said they were gonna do it eventually so stop arguing.


Actually, the devs NEVER said they WERE going to do it eventually. The quote specifically says "likely happen eventually". As has been noted, "likely happen" does not mean "WILL happen". It has also been noted that that same quote mentions that species changes would "likely happen". Species changes have happened, and yet class changes have not. Make no mistake, although some may not see AC changing as changing class, the devs do, according to the last word from the devs on AC's being different classes.


So, we have a quote that says AC changing and species changes would "likely happen" and species changes have been implemented, yet NOT ONE WORD about AC changing or changing classes since that quote. There has been NOTHING further, not even a hint of a whisper, from the devs about changing class or AC's, despite this 360+ page thread.


My personal opinion is that if the devs were still even considering allowing class changes, or AC changing, that we would have had a yellow post by now, even if just to say it is still on the "wall of crazy".

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Actually, the devs NEVER said they WERE going to do it eventually. The quote specifically says "likely happen eventually". As has been noted, "likely happen" does not mean "WILL happen". It has also been noted that that same quote mentions that species changes would "likely happen". Species changes have happened, and yet class changes have not. Make no mistake, although some may not see AC changing as changing class, the devs do, according to the last word from the devs on AC's being different classes.

So your argument is basically this: "They said species change was likely to happen and it did. They also said AC change was likely to happen, but it hasn't happened yet. Therefore it is not going to happen."


Does not compute.

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So your argument is basically this: "They said species change was likely to happen and it did. They also said AC change was likely to happen, but it hasn't happened yet. Therefore it is not going to happen."


Does not compute.


Let's look at the TOTAL picture.


The devs have stated several times that AC's are fundamentally DIFFERENT class designs, and that they (the devs) see them as DIFFERENT classes. Most MMO's do NOT allow class changes.


The devs stated that they were considering allowing AC changing and allowing species changes and that these would "likely happen eventually". There was NO time frame given for the implementation of either one, nor did this quote say the either one WOULD happen.


Since this quote regarding AC changes "likely" happening at some undetermined point in the future, there has been NOTHING further from the devs on allowing class changes. The devs have not said one word, have not uttered even a hint of a whisper, or even popped into this 360+ page thread to let us know that they are still considering it. They have also not said they are no longer considering it, either.


We have seen the implementation of species changes, which is PURELY cosmetic and does not affect fundamental game or class mechanics. We still have not seen or heard anything further about class changes.



How would you explain the fact that class changes are still not allowed, even though the cosmetic species changes which were mentioned in the same quote have come to pass? How would you explain the complete and total silence from the devs on this hot topic?

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subscribers can have 12 chars on one server, if you buy the unlock u can have 22 chars on one server. stop being lazy and make another character. i have 11 characters and will make the other 5 when these 11 are lvled up. quit crying and lvl another char

Why should he stop being lazy? Is this some kind of job or exercise that he must do to earn this money or advance his career (chances)? Or is this a computer game we play for fun and our personal enjoyment and entertainment?


I know that species change and trait changes was a big deal in Startrek Online - the reason the developers didn't allow the changes wasn't really because they hated the idea, it was just the game wasn't designed to do it.


But now traits can be respecced (and work totally different then they used to). I believe they still haven't the tech for race or gender changes, but that is still just a design limitation that can be overcome. The question is what priority it has compared to other features.

Edited by MustrumRidcully
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Lets just give everyone a "level up to 55 with max stats and gear" button while we're at it shall we?


oh for the love of.


of all the arguments, this has GOT to be the most inane.


people are not asking for free 55. people are asking for an option to have more flexibility in how to play their already existing character. character that did the quests ,unlocked the companions etc etc. the change would be within the story, within the base class. they wouldn't be given an extra character, they wouldn't be able to switch between stories, if someone wants a knight, they won't be able to shift their sage to it, they would STILL have to level a knight.


I almost wonder how you feel about ability to respec talents. since you can level as dps and then - bam switch to tank or healer later. with a click of a button. might as well be given a free character amirite? >_>

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