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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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The game is far too easy.

Do a couple of flashpoints on a planet and throw in some PvP and you'll be out-levelling the content almost from the second planet onwards.

This means that you only need to complete class quests before you move on.

Even the slowest player couldn't take months to take a character to 55.


it took me 3 months to level my lvl 55 assassin and its also took me another more 2 month each for my operator and gunslinger.


not everyone live, eat and breathe this game. some people actually have this thing called "real life stuff to do" that prevent some from leveling a toon in weeks.

Edited by astrobearx
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It should never be allowed. How do you make it to max level and THEN realize you don't like the class. Or is it simply your main is no longer FotM and want to swap classes to become FotM?


The only reason they are called AC is instead class is it allowed them them to have 8 class story instead of 16.

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I agree that this should atleast be an option.

I myself want one of each AC, and my main is a DPS Jugg, i would prefer to change him to Mara, RP him as a warrior with 2 swords.

Not lightsabers, but vibroblades (or whatever they're called).

Still got a lvl 30 mara, and is more fitting to be juggernaut than marauder.

I'd swap AC's on them if i could.


And as always, people seem to think they're forced to use optional stuff.

Use it or leave it, and let people who wants it get it.

It really is that simple.

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I am waiting for the AC changes to even play my Pub side again.... When I first started this game, I had no idea what classes did why, this is my first MMO. So I rolled a Sentinel, because I loved dual sabers... Well, time has passed, I have 12 toons in total and I have discovered, I love to tank. However, my pub toons were early, before I knew better and my Imp side, is heavy on the tank spec, the way I like it.


So, in reality, I would like to have a Guardian, the mirror of my 55, well geared Jugg.... SO, I do NOT want to hear from others, that I need to learn the class, I know it based on my Jugg alone, never mind my other tank toons.


I am at a point, I am very burnt out on leveling.. The thought of making a new toon, in a base class I already have, the same base story and after all that effort, I wont even have anymore legacy perks for a duplicate base class... is TOTALLY NOT desirable.


However, they could consider having perks in legacy for the AC, that may have some incentive for some of us to maybe roll a new alt and deal with the frustrating and repetitive grind. But I am sure, this is not likely anyway....


Ill pay $20 to have my sentinel turned into a guardian, I do not care if its only one time, I will never need to change it back.


I am not the only person new to MMO's that started with this game, and over time, after learning classes and their roll in OPS for example, should have the possibility to correct past mistakes. Unlike some of you that say no, and maybe have no job and tons of time to level toons, not all of us do. I work and when I come home, I play. Lets face it, leveling is a boring and frustrating GRIND, some of us, are not excited to repeat or sink all that time into doing, when we would rather enjoy the end game content.


YESSSSSSSSSS to AC changes!!!! My wallet is open and waiting.....

Edited by Themanthatisi
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All of what you mention apart from f2p is only apparence. You don't get any form of benefit from those.

Concerns about AC swap and the reasons I would instantly quit the game and never look back if it was implemented:


1 - People who don't know their class.

I suppose this is rather self explanatory, but I can add that people don't know how to play now, when being allowed to just get handed a char to them that they never played before it's going to be chaos.


Reputable reason against IMO.


2 - FotM

This will affect the game in some way. Not major which we have seen in other posts in this thread but enough for me to want to quit.


Somewhat less important but still a reputable concern IMO.



3 - Intelligent players and BW standing up for what they have said to us

It's **CLEARLY** stated when you choose that this is a permanent choice and you will not be able to change. If you actually back down on that they will give in to stupid people who cannot read and accept what they have read.

The other part of this is BW actually living up to the "permanent" choice that they claim that it is.


Foolish predatory diatribe. Shame on you for even posting it.


4 - Lazy players

I hate people wanted stuff handed to them in MMO. I want *much* harder MMO with *much* more work involved to get somewhere. I come from WoW 1.x where you had no way of summoning people to an instance, no group finder and no world chat-lines. You HAD TO travel to an area, all of you, to enter an instance. That's fun! That puts demands on players. This "I wanna enter an instance give it to me now at once without having to lift a finger" attitude is just worthless in my opinion and this would be the final straw.


Again, foolish baseless diatribe. Your post is quickly devolving in intelligence level IMO.


5 - Egoism

I have 14 chars at 50+, 12 of them is 55. I have leveled up some of those chars ONLY cause you cannot change AC and I would feel cheated if someone else could do it "just like that".

Yes, this is the least important part and the part that I am least proud of. But I have to face reality and admit that this is part of the reason I would quit if they implemented it.

I wish this reason was not on the list, but unfortunately, the human race has egoism built into it at such a basic level that this actually is a reason, no matter how much I hate the fact.


Aside from the first two reasons you posted this is among the most honest so I will not deride you for it. I also do not think it should be ignored as a reason.


The thing I could accept is 500 CC as a switch cost with 24 h cooldown and a maximum level of 20 on the char that does it.

Then you can swap if you make a mistake on low level, but never on higher level - never ever. I would stop playing the game 2 seconds after this was announced and never look back.


I have absolutely no respect for your #3 and #4 options and find them insulting to your obvious intelligence. They both demonstrate a lack of self respect IMO.


The first, second and last items however seem reputable as reasons against. If you wish to gain respect from a person like me (which is naturally neither important nor required) you will refrain from such hyperbole in the future.

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It should never be allowed. How do you make it to max level and THEN realize you don't like the class. Or is it simply your main is no longer FotM and want to swap classes to become FotM?


The only reason they are called AC is instead class is it allowed them them to have 8 class story instead of 16.


Agreed. The only thing allowing AC respec will do is enable people to change their AC every-time there's a buff or nerf to one side or the other and throw off overal AC balance.

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I don't see it as that big of a deal.

However, it's unlikely that it'll be any sort of "unlock" or "switch" that can be done like some sort of field respec.


I figure it's possible from a technical standpoint because Advanced Classes don't seem to hook too deeply into the system like Faction, base class, or gender do.

There aren't any storyline or companion changes that would need to be made.

Swap out one power set for another and you've changed advanced classes.

Sure, a lot of your equipment would be obsolete, but that'd be something you'd have to deal with on your own.


I'd expect it to cost about 1800cc which is the cost of a high-end cosmetic item and consistent with their policy of pricing things so that they can be paid for with just the subscriber stipend.

By making it 1800, that would place a limiting factor on it to once every 3 months without coughing up cash to do it more often.

I was just about to type a response when I saw that Rankyn had already said it all :) even the price seems right, although I would impose a minimum cooldown period on switches, say 30 days, regardless of how much money you have to spare. :)


(Obviously also, your gear wouldn't change to match, and if you were to change from say Guardian to Sentinel most of your gear would be unusable unless you were using Adaptive shells).

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Of course I am as you are entitled to yours. It has actually happened with a game called SWG that implemented similar changes that caused a mass exodus of players.


This suggestion and the changes that we have had lately in no way correlates with the CU/NGE. Not even a shred of similarity between the two with perhaps one notable exception...a major change was made. That's it.



SWG was a stable title that was changed based on the idea that it should capture WoW like levels.


This game was already a WoW parallel and is being changed to make it LESS like WoW.



Customization and choice was REMOVED by the CU/NGE in SWG.


Customization and choice has been added to this game with the recent changes.



SWG was a sandbox game that had Themepark elements added with the CU/NGE.

SWTOR was a themepark game that had "sandboxy" elements added with the recent changes.



The mass exodus of players happened AFTER the CU/NGE was implemented.

The mass exodus of player happened BEFORE the recent changes in this game were implemented.



The CU/NGE was arguably the death knell for SWG.


The launch state of this game was it's death knell. The recent changes have likely saved it.



Huge difference IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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True and False since I never train newer rank of double strike on my sage. However I do have to train newer rank of project on my shadow. (all 3 shadow spec use it.)


No one will play Knight and Sith warrior as well since Consular or Smuggler or Trooper can fill any role in the holy trinity by switch around.


I'm pretty sure Project is not part of the Balance shadow rotation at 55.


Also, I'd love to know, which Smuggler Advanced Class is the Tank? :rolleyes:

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AC changes is something I could get behind and I can see where people might get into a class and dislike it.


  • Having an AC change could encourage individuals to play the game more / longer. Keeping subs going.
  • It could be priced in a way that few would ever be able to abuse it.
  • It could still have a time limit placed on doing it.
  • It wouldn't affect AC balance since there is nothing in place now for balancing AC's.
  • It's also the prefect money maker as there are those that really want this. This is one of the few things I see as: "should belong in the cartel market." (given that so much of the other stuff should not be)


I think overall it's a win/win for the game and for players.

Edited by Quraswren
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There are a plethora of reasons/scenarios as to why this should not be included as opposed to one reason it should...which is Convenience.

The reasons against it boil down to "Because I don't like it." Which is not a worthless reason, but it's no more compelling than "I like it because it's convenient."


It's a game, not a spurting artery. No one's gonna die because someone converts their level 55 Gunslinger into a Scoundrel. Get over yourselves.

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The reasons against it boil down to "Because I don't like it." Which is not a worthless reason, but it's no more compelling than "I like it because it's convenient."


It's a game, not a spurting artery. No one's gonna die because someone converts their level 55 Gunslinger into a Scoundrel. Get over yourselves.


I agree... I think many may have too much time on their hands and think they "run" the game...

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So, the Species Change and Barber Shop mentioned in the Dulfy interview from months ago are finally realities. That's a good sign! It means the devs are actually serious about their "Yeah, we'd like to do that" statements.


In that same interview, it was mentioned that Advanced Class changes were also on the table and likely to happen. I'm curious if the community team can update us on whether there's any time-table for when this will be implemented.


Ideally, I'd love it to be a switch you can unlock, then flip any time — finally allowing me to Tank & Heal with one character.


But in reality I'm sure it will cost like 6000 Cartel Coins to unlock it, then another 2000 Cartel Coins every time you switch (discounted 3.2% for subscribers, of course) with a 2 month cooldown. Oh well, what can you do? As a start, I'd be happy just to have the option in-game, in any form.


So! Does BioWare have any upcoming plans for this that can be shared with us? :)




Edit: While I am proud of how much you are feeding the Dark Side with your blind anger and hate, and vehement vows of impossibility, let me remind you of (source):



We got the Species part. That makes the AC part also have a lot of credibility.


So anyway, any ETA or news, community team? :)


You want AC change? Fine let all the wahh wahh I dont like my class I want to change have their AC change. On two conditions, 1) there is a flag in the player inspection screen that says was and is for class. that way I dont have to group with people who switch AC. 2) it cost 5000CC PER re AC.


Meaning you dont pay for the change and get to do it how ever often. You pay 5000CC ever single time you want to change and then only ONCE a year.


Meet these conditons and you can have AC change all you want.

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All the "wahh wahh" is all on your side. Get a grip.


I dont have to wah wah. I chose a class that I knew was going to be good. I tank. I enjoy Tanking so I made a tank, then I have alts for other stuff. People made their toons with the knowledge that when the game first came out there would be no AC changing yet they are whining for it still over a year later.

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I dont have to wah wah.

You did just that in your previous post. "On 2 conditions. You gotta pay 6000 CC. Only once a year." As if it's a big deal. It's not a big deal. Why do you care when it has no impact on you at all? If it were free and people could do it hourly, so what? For whatever reason, it just chaps your hide that this might be allowed under any circumstances.

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Let's think about your claim.


We'll begin with the generous assumption that every month, 1 of 8 classes becomes the new "flavor". We'll also assume that each class has an equal chance of becoming this flavor and ignore similarities between 2 same-class ACs which can also lead to similar weaknesses in the current metagame.


Since you are already one class, you have a 12.5% chance of not even needing to AC change! So we can discard 1 class because that's you (wave at the camera!) and you might be lucky and become OP for a month!


Thus, we'll decide that there are 7 other classes that might become more powerful and appealing to you than your current class, every month.


You can AC change to exactly one of them.


Thus, you have a 14.29% chance of being able to impulsively become the new FotM class every month, while retaining about 25-30% of the same skills and tools you would have had if you didn't change.


I am sceptical that this is a significant or gamebreaking development.


Is this a serious response, statistics pulled out your ***? If because its time for the fotm! And when it returns to normal simply pay again so you can go back to your old AC. No you made a choice with what AC you chose if you wanted another AC reroll and alt and gear it up to show your actually committed rather than swapping ACs at your fotm fancy.


Also I don't need an AC change service, you know why? Because I like to learn how to play the class from ground up, instead of lazy make me fotm now!

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You did just that in your previous post. "On 2 conditions. You gotta pay 6000 CC. Only once a year." As if it's a big deal. It's not a big deal. Why do you care when it has no impact on you at all? If it were free and people could do it hourly, so what? For whatever reason, it just chaps your hide that this might be allowed under any circumstances.


Confirmed for having no idea how this effects the metagame of pvp and pve. Why be a jug when a marauder does more dps, why be a dps operative when snipers do more, how many people would get told to swap their AC because ops don't want that dps and now they can influence people into changing ACs.

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Confirmed for having no idea how this effects the metagame of pvp and pve. Why be a jug when a marauder does more dps, why be a dps operative when snipers do more, how many people would get told to swap their AC because ops don't want that dps and now they can influence people into changing ACs.

How many people are gonna swap ACs at some unknown CC cost just because someone else tells them to? And if they do, again, so what? It's their CCs.

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The FOTM argument has not validity IMO. Because classes are not locked out to player when a FOTM pops up....players can simply roll a new character, power level it, and have it ready in a very short amount of time.


This would just make that easier. But it would not create the problem...the problem already exists.


This would be mainly for those people that play more casually, and find out that most of the classes have glaring problems when they hit 45 to 50 for casual game play. Just one example.....


Sorc is incredibly underpowered at level 50. If you struggled to level the class up to the top, the real struggles come after that for anything but being a heal bot.


Many classes just don't feel right (speculative naturally, and also subjective) at top level, certainly not how they felt around level 30ish. This is the main focus to allowing the change IMO. Allowing a player to try out a different AC to see if it plays a bit better. If not, they can eventually change it back....


And that is why I suggested a few restrictions...that I might expand on here.


(2) max AC changes per character. Characters can change AC once they have completed their storyline. A change would cost a large amount of CC (no EC cost), you would HAVE TO BE A SUB, and it would have a 30 day cooldown.


Once you have changed it twice no further AC changes for that character would be allowed.

Edited by LordArtemis
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