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A complete lack of armor that looks good.


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You can buy a similar-looking set from the Legacy vendor on Dromund Kaas.


However, its color is awful (baby blue), but I suspect that could be remedied with some nice Black-Black dye.

Edited by Jenzali
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I realize that....but I do recall it being in-game or something of that variant.


The set that is modeled after that is in the game. It just didn't come out to look like that. *might* have been one of the a planetary set via planetary comms or from a specialty vendors. At least the chest piece I'm sure I've seen.

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The positive:


There are lots of new armors in the game that allow for a much greater variety of looks and the ability to not look like everyone else.


The negative:


Those armors are now called "fluff" and cost real money off the CM or generally very high credit cost off the GTN.

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Everyone knows this game have the worst looking armors ever, can we move on lol.

Who ever is in charge of the artist team should have been fired way before he/she even got the job.

This is a star wars MMO were most of the outfits belong in wow/aliens/S&M clubs. Patetic..

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Untill my /Jedi/ Consular can have the Aspiring /Jedi/ Vest that my Smuggler can wear, we'll never have enough variety.


Point taken.


Still, at least we have more variety than what we had at launch, which was laughably small.

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Point taken.


Still, at least we have more variety than what we had at launch, which was laughably small.


I knew a guy who had a nightmare about being trapped in the old Inquisitor/Sorcerer Tionese gear. It flew away with him.

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So far, I managed to create satisfying look to all my characters, so I don't agree it's not possible. But I do agree this game could use more variety. It has way too many same models with different colors pretending they are different armor.
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This is one of the few times we can actually say thank god for the cartel market. It's at least made creating a good look possible, and the dye system has opened up new possibilities.


But before then SWTOR had serious problems with gear .... And we still see this today in the endgame sets. That Dreadseed stuff looks like a badly-made transformer.



And +1 to the OP for the comment about sages headgear. It's just simply awful.

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Honestly OP, i could put a dozen pictures up here of bounty hunter alone to show off the variety and good looks that are possible.


But since you are stating your opinions as facts, there will be no way to reason with you.


Should i happen to put up a picture of an outfit that i love, you would most likely say something along the lines of "that looks horible" or possibly "well thats the only one".

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You're exaggerating like crazy with some of this. Infact, you seem to be talking about maybe two armor sets per class with your descriptions. Not to say a lot of the armor isn't bad, but be realistic about it.


P.S Smugglers hands down have the worst armor.


P.S.S Your sig.. practice whatcha preach perhaps? :)

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Smugglers - You are the only half decent looking class in the game. Pat yourself on the back, you get to wear awesome gear like this: http://www.swtor-fever.com/wp-content/gallery/smuggler-armor/smuggleroutfit1.jpg


Gag, I think smugglers are the worst gear sets, unless some people call you a space cowboy, or Morris, or if you're a joker, smoker, or midnight toker.


I actually think a lot of the Sith Warrior gear looks pretty good, very Vader like with the exception of the Tilonese/Columni/Rakata or Akranian sets (though I saw someone PvPing who swapped his PvP mods into Columi War Leader gear, to each his own I guess *shrug*)


I agree that inquisitor gear is terrible, in my opinion it's the worst in the game.


The rest of the classes have some good and bad sets each.

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I knew a guy who had a nightmare about being trapped in the old Inquisitor/Sorcerer Tionese gear. It flew away with him.

Ok, it has been a long time since I actually LOL'ed about something other than sheer stupidity on these forums. Kudos to you, those enormous shoulderpads looked terrible

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