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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Next expansion, what do you want to see?


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I don't care about player housing, GSF, or the new Rancor BBQ flashpoint, I want more class stories, too. I miss the cinematic VO and cutscenes if I play an MMO that doesn't have them, like WoW, GW2, or Wildstar.


I do like housing but I also very much want more story content and class story content.


I'd also like my Juggernaut to have a skill that allows immunity to knockback effects for a few seconds. Why? Because Juggernaut.


But definitely more class stories.

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  • 1 month later...

With 2.10, Revan expansion is set on my mind and im excited to see what they do how long its been since they had a good content give away, Revans expansion i can only imagine the possibilities....We all ask for Voss, new classes, new planets, ops, FP's WZ's and all the works, and Revans expansion could add all of that if EA and BW do it right this time.



Revans Return would include.

-New playable species: Voss and Togruta

-New FP's Could lead up to an operation that then leads onto a story with WZ's that you complete then you can access an endng operation where you can choose if you want to kill Revan, Setele, or the Emperor.

-New planets! Revan has a major past with Dantooine, so they should add it as a starting world for a new factions classes. Onderon, Kashyyk and Telos as well added.

-New classes may be Revan's Guard, Melee based class, who if they choose to can use blasters if that's the AC class they want. Revanites maybe the healers that again can choose guns or sabers, Change the armor based on the AC you pick because you know, it makes sense.

-For the Empire and Republic of course add the FP's and the WZ's and ops. but add class story lines! On all the original 8 and on the newer added on

-Cartel market, just keep adding the same new armors and stuff, but add in more armors like the nightlife packs had how they had the Asian type armors maybe now add in Spartan, Roman, Egyptian style armors from around the world.

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With 2.10, Revan expansion is set on my mind and im excited to see what they do how long its been since they had a good content give away, Revans expansion i can only imagine the possibilities....We all ask for Voss, new classes, new planets, ops, FP's WZ's and all the works, and Revans expansion could add all of that if EA and BW do it right this time.



Revans Return would include.

-New playable species: Voss and Togruta

-New FP's Could lead up to an operation that then leads onto a story with WZ's that you complete then you can access an endng operation where you can choose if you want to kill Revan, Setele, or the Emperor.

-New planets! Revan has a major past with Dantooine, so they should add it as a starting world for a new factions classes. Onderon, Kashyyk and Telos as well added.

-New classes may be Revan's Guard, Melee based class, who if they choose to can use blasters if that's the AC class they want. Revanites maybe the healers that again can choose guns or sabers, Change the armor based on the AC you pick because you know, it makes sense.

-For the Empire and Republic of course add the FP's and the WZ's and ops. but add class story lines! On all the original 8 and on the newer added on

-Cartel market, just keep adding the same new armors and stuff, but add in more armors like the nightlife packs had how they had the Asian type armors maybe now add in Spartan, Roman, Egyptian style armors from around the world.


i really really really like this idea

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  • 4 weeks later...
Maybe the 1st empire as a new faction... or the galactic "engeneeres (the ones you wor for to get the "black bisector" tittle... A new faction would be nice... But i would realy like a followup on jedi+kyra story... maybe a son? and a new level cap (60)... just ideas...
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  • 7 months later...
I just previously beat the shadow of Revan and it would be great to play as a Jawa for a Race, just an idea but i am hoping the next expansion will go into more with the shadow of Revan because it left a major whole in Ziost which messed with me because at the end (Spoiler if you haven't completed it) it was destroyed by the emperor and it would also be great to have Malak added into the story like a back to the past or something
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I would like to see a Mandalorian faction. I have been emailing bioware SO many ideas for years to be perfectly honest it's not even funny. :eek:


Also, something with my mentor system idea also!


But here are a few


New planets but no level cap increase


More Warzones


Legacy features


Dual Wield vibroknives operative concealment


Dual talent feature - one pvp tab one pve


More optimization


Revamped content for 1-50


More missions on the planets


More strongholds


Account wide keybind selections like what we have for interface changing


A "loop music" button


Ability to "defect" officially to the other side


New open world pvp designated "instances"


Additional dialogue choices


The list can go on and on with me!







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What would I like to see realistically or in my “what an mmo should be” dreams?


Realistically, as has been mentioned. New story content, some new flashpoints and a new Op or 2. That’s about it. I don’t expect any other new systems this year.


MMO dream stuff.

-A full set of Guild management tools, calendar, mail, etc.

-A revamped conquest system with actual conquest objectives via pvp and pve. Crafting would be specifically to create to seige weapons used in actual conquests.

-A full set of class stories. Not the bread crumb we got in Rishi but actual individual stories that meet up at the final confrontation with Vitiate.

-A revamp of crafting such that crafters can make unique items and mods needed at end game. A return of the A and B mods for example and unique cool looking armor shells. Unique color crystals and cool crafted mounts.

-New exploring quests and objectives that matter.

-Actual free form space flight for smuggling and pirateing tied to crafting. In order to get the mats you need, you need to smuggle x. Meanwhile other players can be waiting to take you down.

-Random world events that are new and unique everytime. Not a rehash of the same old stuff.

-pod racing


-Ops that strategically change every instance. Not tactical Ops, but rather dynamic Ops.

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After Fallen Empire I'd love to see a Mandalorian expansion, assuming both the Republic and the Empire will be weakened from the Emperor it would be a perfect time for some of the other more neutral players to step in, yes they're technically aligned with the Empire now but I see no reason why they would maintain loyalties if the Empire appears weak. An expansion like this would be the perfect time to add Dxun and Onderon into the game and then nearly all the Kotor planets are added in. Or Star Cabal would be neat but I'd prefer Mandalorians.



Want Dantioone as well in game, maybe Telos. Idk all the Kotor planets should be added eventually. Kashyyyk doesn't seem like it would fit well but maybe a flashpoint.

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I'd like to see a graphical update, actually. I realize it will never happen. Sony tried moving from Dx9--> Dx10 and failed miserably. Players saw wireframe graphics, shaders missing entirely, all kinds of half-assed crap until the devs gave up and reverted to Dx9, saying "we can make things look just as good in Dx9 as in Dx10, chill."


Well, no, not true, but they get a B for effort. They made an honest attempt. The one person doing all the programming at Sony on Dx9--> Dx10 conversion was eventually pulled off that effort and redeployed doing something else, so that ended that.


It's unfortunate that MMOs choose Dx9 as the rendering platform, and it's equally unfortunate that SWTOR is so CPU-reliant on graphics. I can spin right through Skyrim with all of its eye candy just fine, but I must reduce the shader quality to low on Alderaan in SWTOR or my framerate goes through the floor (4GB nVIdia 680 GTX / 32GB RAM / I-7 3770K / Win7). Were the game more GPU-intensive, it'd be clear sailing.


I understand it's all about money and return on investment and reaching the widest possible playing audience, and how those things don't amount to a marketing-driven need to migrate to DX10 or higher. This game is DONE when it comes to graphical implementation. I get it. But the question was, what do we want in the next expansion....so I told you.

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I'd like to see a graphical update, actually. I realize it will never happen. Sony tried moving from Dx9--> Dx10 and failed miserably. Players saw wireframe graphics, shaders missing entirely, all kinds of half-assed crap until the devs gave up and reverted to Dx9, saying "we can make things look just as good in Dx9 as in Dx10, chill."


Well, no, not true, but they get a B for effort. They made an honest attempt. The one person doing all the programming at Sony on Dx9--> Dx10 conversion was eventually pulled off that effort and redeployed doing something else, so that ended that.


It's unfortunate that MMOs choose Dx9 as the rendering platform, and it's equally unfortunate that SWTOR is so CPU-reliant on graphics. I can spin right through Skyrim with all of its eye candy just fine, but I must reduce the shader quality to low on Alderaan in SWTOR or my framerate goes through the floor (4GB nVIdia 680 GTX / 32GB RAM / I-7 3770K / Win7). Were the game more GPU-intensive, it'd be clear sailing.


I understand it's all about money and return on investment and reaching the widest possible playing audience, and how those things don't amount to a marketing-driven need to migrate to DX10 or higher. This game is DONE when it comes to graphical implementation. I get it. But the question was, what do we want in the next expansion....so I told you.


DX9 was picked because it was supported on Windows XP (DX10 is not), which was still the most popular Windows around game's development and launch.


Also, the game is CPU intensive because it is MMO, not because some arbitrary decision. It is not the graphics that is the main problem, it is calculating all the stuff about other players jumping around before even getting to rendering it. Skyrim does not need to calculate that many things.

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Also, the game is CPU intensive because it is MMO, not because some arbitrary decision. It is not the graphics that is the main problem, it is calculating all the stuff about other players jumping around before even getting to rendering it. Skyrim does not need to calculate that many things.


I saw an immediate and marked improvement on Alderaan when dropping shading from high to low. All other aspects remaining the same, I respectfully must disagree. While the server certainly has plenty to keep up with, I'm talking strictly frame-rate, not ability lag, not positional lag like the one NPC on Korriban outside Ragnos' tomb who never seems to be in the right spot, not predictive positional lag where your companion can't find you, and not effects lag. Raw frame-rate. There's a lot of light and shadow with all those mountains and pine trees on Alderaan, and I've played through to end game, and that's the one planet that ever gave me any meaningful trouble graphically.


Also, the game is CPU intensive because it is MMO,

The game can be GPU-intensive if it wanted to be as an MMO. See the upcoming trailers for BattleFront II. That's definitely eye candy and GPU-intensive. I'm not even talking about server-side processing, but where graphical processing takes place in SWTOR. It could have been written to offload more of the visual work on the GPU, but they would have needed DX10 to do the bulk of that. DX9 games are, as a class, very CPU-reliant regardless whether the game engine is client-side or server-side.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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