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[Petition] Buying individual pieces via Collections Menu


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Agreed! Signed, whatever. xD I have tons of CM gear but it is mostly spread out over multiple characters and not complete sets. Like many, I prefer to mix and match sets to create my own look. You'd think that would be supported in an update titled "Customization".


I carefully read all the interviews and tidbits about this feature I could find, and not once did I even get an inkling that it would require full sets for gear. IMHO it was more than simply implied that we would be able to unlock specific items, and I cannot imagine how Bioware could have thought that we would not have understood it this way. This leads me to believe that either a) they really messed up somewhere, either in communication or in the implementation of the feature, or b) they deliberately misled us. Either way, not good. I tend to be understanding about game stuff, but this is a bit more than I can shrug off as acceptable.

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You know, I never bother to fill out these things, but this one is just so messed up. They claim that customization was the reason for this update, "but we want you to look like everyone else by having this full set." A lot of people worked pretty hard to get some of the gear they have. Sorry for the vent.



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Although I'm not exactly angry the feature does become much less useful to me by requiring you to have all the pieces of a set. I have so many pieces but almost no full sets as I just buy the pieces I want.



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I'm not going to freak out about it or let it ruin my day....but I agree the armor stuff should be applied on a per piece basis instead of requiring the entire set.


I also think the tracking should be different from the duplication process so that it tracks all items whether you have equipped/bound them or not. It doesn't make much sense to me to "track" only bound stuff as most people that collect stuff try to maintain its value. So I figured I'd be able to track all of my stuff spread in storage across various characters, which seemed like a handy feature. As it stands, it's pretty useless for tracking since more than half of my Cartel stuff isn't bound.

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As many other have said I was looking forward to this feature and planned to use a lot of CC unlocking my favorite outfits. Problem is I never thought to buy the brace, belt, or maybe a boot for many of my outfits as I didn't like them and enjoy mixing it up. I don’t understand why they went this route, it not only irritating and tedious to players but it going to prevent a lot of players form buying unlock they would have otherwise done so because there missing one thing.


I would have been unlocking at least four outfit tonight, sadly I missing something on each one. I hope they listen and change it so we can buy it per item. I want to give them my CC but I’m not going to spend my credits trying to assemble the entire outfit, particular when some of them are quite expensive (will only get higher now) like the Revan mask which I don’t want in the first place. :mad:



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Can I add something else here?

Wow, was I excited about today. I was so dumb.


I quickly logged in and made my way to the kiosk to change the appearance of a toon I had neglected. Saw the per slider pricing. Then I opened the Cartel Market and found the customizations for hair, tatt's, hair color, Chiss, etc. expensive, but I bought each. Went back to kiosk to make those changes. But they want me to pay AGAIN!!!!??? Buy new hairstyle and then have to pay to apply it. Really?


Next step; Get my Eradicator Chest on a few toons. No go. What about those cool color crystals? Can't copy. How about that sweet mask they just sold me? Nope.


So, thought I would try some new dyes. Went to Cartel Market and purchased a 200CC dye pack. I expected to see a slider or some such that would allow me to choose from a limited set of colors. Opened it and received something hideous. Must have been my mistake. Maybe I rushed the process and missed a step. So, tried again. Reality set in. My mistake, I guess.


After all of this I logged out, pushed myself away from the desk, and instantly regretted spending $100 on CC just for this patch.


Took me a little longer than most, but I have learned my lesson. Never again.

Edited by Voemel
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I am one to give Bioware/TOR the benefit of the doubt because I genuinely enjoy this game and am not a doomsdayer in the least. I am also a RPer so customization is the sort of thing I absolutely adore. However, this patch has left me feeling incredibly disheartened. There's so much potential here (dyes and collections) yet hindered by too many limitations to make it worth it.


I do not use the boots/belts/wrists on 99% of Cartel Market items, but I have a TON of chests/legs bound. Why am I then "punished" for not binding these items to me? If I just want the chest, why can't I just claim the chest on my alts?


Also, the interface for collections is so terrible... I just want to see what I have, not have to remember what pack it was from and scroll through pages til I find it.


Please fix. :(

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I'm not going to freak out about it or let it ruin my day....but I agree the armor stuff should be applied on a per piece basis instead of requiring the entire set.


I also think the tracking should be different from the duplication process so that it tracks all items whether you have equipped/bound them or not. It doesn't make much sense to me to "track" only bound stuff as most people that collect stuff try to maintain its value. So I figured I'd be able to track all of my stuff spread in storage across various characters, which seemed like a handy feature. As it stands, it's pretty useless for tracking since more than half of my Cartel stuff isn't bound.


If they don't do it based on items bound to a character.. then people will just buy something off the GTN, then sell it back to someone else after they get the unlock credit.


ie: tracking is not to provide you with inventory audit.. but to track items bound to a character that create eligibility for an unlock.


Also, I don't agre with unlock by piece for armor.. they are sets afterall. But I do feel they have both the ability and could allow a set unlock to be done across characters.. such that one characer might have a chest and boots bound and another character has legs, gloves, etc. That way you don't have to bind the whole set to one character to get the unlock. Then again.. it's manageable as is and no need to make it silly stupid easy to get the unlocks either.. so in the end it's a push to me.

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I'm not going to freak out about it or let it ruin my day....but I agree the armor stuff should be applied on a per piece basis instead of requiring the entire set.


I also think the tracking should be different from the duplication process so that it tracks all items whether you have equipped/bound them or not. It doesn't make much sense to me to "track" only bound stuff as most people that collect stuff try to maintain its value. So I figured I'd be able to track all of my stuff spread in storage across various characters, which seemed like a handy feature. As it stands, it's pretty useless for tracking since more than half of my Cartel stuff isn't bound.


agreed. having to require the whole set is nonsensical

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The OPs issue is that he bought a full set of armor, sold a few peices on the GTN and now cant use the Collection UI to send it to all his toons.


Do you not understand the meaning of Collection? Collection means you have aquired all the pieces of a certain group of items, and once you have collected all those items you have the "Collection"


This addition to the game was 2 fold: 1 to add a collectability aspect to certain items and groups of items in the game..ie time sink with a reward at the end for perserverance. 2 to add an aspect of sharability across your legacy of some of your more favorite items and item sets.


This was not meant to be a replacate any piece of gear you want button. Your complaining because the upgrade you have available to you isnt as much of an easy button as you wish it was and its pretty sad

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The OPs issue is that he bought a full set of armor, sold a few peices on the GTN and now cant use the Collection UI to send it to all his toons.


Do you not understand the meaning of Collection? Collection means you have aquired all the pieces of a certain group of items, and once you have collected all those items you have the "Collection"


This addition to the game was 2 fold: 1 to add a collectability aspect to certain items and groups of items in the game..ie time sink with a reward at the end for perserverance. 2 to add an aspect of sharability across your legacy of some of your more favorite items and item sets.


This was not meant to be a replacate any piece of gear you want button. Your complaining because the upgrade you have available to you isnt as much of an easy button as you wish it was and its pretty sad


And yet they themselves stated that if you had bought the revan mask, for example, and then destroyed it, you could just spawn another.

Thats not how it works, you would need the whole set and you would also spawn the wole set.


Not to mention, if i wanted revans boots, id have to buy the frikkin mask for millions just to unlock the boots, despite already owning a pair...

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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And yet they themselves stated that if you had bought the revan mask, for example, and then destroyed it, you could just spawn another.

Thats not how it works, you would need the whole set and you would also spawn the wole set.


Not to mention, if i wanted revans boots, id have to buy the frikkin mask for millions just to unlock the boots, despite already owning a pair...


Please add to this that you can't buy the "full" set of Revan's Armor as it comes in bits and pieces... . Which kinda makes this "bug" even more hilarious and... silly.


However, just for the sake of argument, the OP's first two links are all refering to the last one which doesn't even mentiones with whom this person was talking. So... in fact, that person could have just had a daydream and Bioware doesn't need to admit to it in any way.

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If they don't do it based on items bound to a character.. then people will just buy something off the GTN, then sell it back to someone else after they get the unlock credit.


ie: tracking is not to provide you with inventory audit.. but to track items bound to a character that create eligibility for an unlock.


Also, I don't agre with unlock by piece for armor.. they are sets afterall. But I do feel they have both the ability and could allow a set unlock to be done across characters.. such that one characer might have a chest and boots bound and another character has legs, gloves, etc. That way you don't have to bind the whole set to one character to get the unlock. Then again.. it's manageable as is and no need to make it silly stupid easy to get the unlocks either.. so in the end it's a push to me.


I would agree with you on the sets issue if we were just talking about the cartel market sets or something like that (and yes it should work across characters if you have the pieces split up) or if the sets dropped as sets from packs. However, that is not how cartel pack sets work. You get 1, maybe 2 pieces in a pack if you are lucky. So to go to the Revan example. You might get one mask every 50 or so packs (if you're lucky) and about the same rate for the belt and gloves (given GTN prices). Saying you should have to get all those pieces to drop to be able to account unlock them seems silly, unless of course your object is to make people who want to do that open 500 packs/shill out lots of credits for them.


Yes, it's a bargain for most items once you get all the pieces (to quote what you will probably respond to this). But the idea that it is a set means you should have to get the whole set to unlock it doesn't work if the pieces don't drop as one set (like the CM ones do) but piecemeal. Furthermore, I would point out that while technically all of them are "sets" because they have the same name/share colors/etc. they aren't really "sets" when you compare to say, Arkanian gear or Partisan gear which gets set bonuses for using all the pieces. I agree with many people that it would be better to do a per item unlock and then have a set unlock which is discounted.


On an unrelated note, this thread almost has 100 signatures. If we get a 50 or so more we can put it on we the people petitions and get angry Americans to sign it. Who knows? Maybe we'll get another fun response from the White House (can you say Death Star?).

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I would agree with you on the sets issue if we were just talking about the cartel market sets or something like that (and yes it should work across characters if you have the pieces split up) or if the sets dropped as sets from packs. However, that is not how cartel pack sets work. You get 1, maybe 2 pieces in a pack if you are lucky. So to go to the Revan example. You might get one mask every 50 or so packs (if you're lucky) and about the same rate for the belt and gloves (given GTN prices). Saying you should have to get all those pieces to drop to be able to account unlock them seems silly, unless of course your object is to make people who want to do that open 500 packs/shill out lots of credits for them.


Yes, it's a bargain for most items once you get all the pieces (to quote what you will probably respond to this). But the idea that it is a set means you should have to get the whole set to unlock it doesn't work if the pieces don't drop as one set (like the CM ones do) but piecemeal. Furthermore, I would point out that while technically all of them are "sets" because they have the same name/share colors/etc. they aren't really "sets" when you compare to say, Arkanian gear or Partisan gear which gets set bonuses for using all the pieces. I agree with many people that it would be better to do a per item unlock and then have a set unlock which is discounted.


On an unrelated note, this thread almost has 100 signatures. If we get a 50 or so more we can put it on we the people petitions and get angry Americans to sign it. Who knows? Maybe we'll get another fun response from the White House (can you say Death Star?).


Wait, wait. wait, a Government Petition? No thats over the top, I just think they need to be called out for as it currently stands "false advertisement." Because really thats what it is, 3-4 different sources (with an unnamed Bioware employee mind you) each using the example of "If you lose your Revans mask, you can simply copy down a new one from the collections system by unlocking it."


I'm not as mad as I was when 2.1 hit yesterday. And to be frank I don't even think this is worth getting mad over in the first place. Disappointed? Saddened? Yes, this is what I feel now towards Bioware/EA whoever was in charge of making this decision. I'm also saddened that it has been 10+ pages and mind you not ONE Bioware Employee has seen fit to comment, let alone say "No this is how we intended to do it blah blah blah we're locking this thread etc." Not one Bioware Employee! Hell I'm shocked Eric hasn't even said "We'll check with the Devs!"



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So after digging through the Dev Tracker:


Hey everyone,


Make sure that you have equipped every piece of any armor sets you are trying to claim within a collection as they will not show up until all pieces have been equipped... *snip* - Eric Musco


In another thread entirely.


._.' . . . . *facedesk* I dunno, have we lost the argument here or is this still worth pushing for guys?

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