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EA signs exclusive SW rights with Disney

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so if EA bought SW does that mean they are controlling what will change on this game like new planets or the bolster ordeal or anything etc? sorry im kind of confused there,,,or is bioware still going to be creating stuff for us? :eek: is my favoritest game going to change ? :mad:
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Disney could effectively attempt to shut down swtor because they think its too violent/controversial (sex in the game). I was worried that disney would try to disneyify everything they could get their hands on, and it seems my fears are coming true.


I dunno if someone mentioned this or not, but...



That is owned by Disney.


In any event, it actually makes sense for Disney to make kid friendly Star Wars stuff as well as adult oriented stuff. Most Star Wars fans are either long time fans, in which case they want the adult oriented stuff, or kids because lightsabers and blasters are cool. By making kid friendly stuff their parents will allow them to see / play AND adult stuff, it gets kids doubly hooked. You give them stuff that has Jedi and lightsabers and other cool stuff, but then there is this whole other world of games and movies that they want to see (because its Star Wars) but can't see (because they aren't old enough), which only drives them to want to see even more, which further cements the idea that everything Star Wars is awesome.


That is a really potent one-two punch of psychological marketing, and you can't do it with many IPs. I see no reason why Disney wouldn't take advantage of this, unless they hate making money.

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Actually, considering that every other indie developer who tried that either ended up having their games pirated and lost money or sold their studio to the big name corporate giants like EA and Activision and the industry is still the same crappy place, you probably would end up OWING money for your "innovation".


You can't trust gamers to buy your game fairly at asking price because they feel entitled to it for free and they will just bash your product anyway because it won't have X feature or Y gameplay aspect. They'll accuse you of ripping off common game designs and any unique features will be labeled as "pointless and a waste of development". You'll be ripped apart on internet forums, with a very scant number of genuine supporters, who will most likely point out flaws in your game and offer a ton of suggestions that you will find financially questionable. You may try to explain why you couldn't do it, but they'll quickly turn on you and accuse you of laziness because "It's so simple to implement and you're just trying to gouge us", thus making you the bad guy.


Because that's how the industry works. Your customer is a massive moron who has zero clue what they want and they will assume that you are a money grubbing soulless corporate shill with no passion for the wares you sell.


Why? Because both sides are utter and complete dillholes with the brain cell count of a potato chip.


Thanks, human evolution!


As harsh as this post sounds...I can't find anything false with it.

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it was buggy and incomplete but great
Yup, sounds like Obsidian game allright. Still, KOTOR 2 is the greatest piece of Star Wars fiction like... ever. Yes, better than Empire Strikes Back. Edited by Pietrastor
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sorry im really confused on this on who will be making changes to the game and stuff or even if there is going to be since EA bought it


This has no effect on SW:TOR beyond giving EA more control on green-lighting expansions without having the extra step of getting LucasArts to sign off on it.


All this does is give EA the right to contract out or do in-studio Star Wars videogames. That's it. Disney/Lucas still control the creative content and will maintain the IP's brand recognition and quality.


If EA fails to produce quality games, Disney can yank the IP away: see Atari and Wizards of the Coast (Hasbro), Bethesda and Interplay's MMO...etc.

Edited by Korusus
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Anyone else wonder if 1313 might get "reborn" or something like that ?


Actually, there is a good chance it could come back, though it wouldn't be Star Wars: 1313. The concept of playing a Bounty Hunter, skulking the seedy criminal underbelly on (as cliche as it sounds) a do-or-die revenge mission is a very appealing idea. Especially with games like Assassins Creed making big bucks on the market. There is also potential for a Smuggler based game ala Uncharted. The possibilities are endless. Someone (In the case, EA) just has to make the first move.

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reason being on bolsters ive seen people post saying stuff that lower lvl are conducting more damage and whiping out higher lvl people...also getting freee stats idont think is cool just to even the gameplay...its like comparing pvp to pve...pve people arent going to do that hm or op if they dnt have right gear...it shuld be same in pvp hw it used to be...if you dnt have the gear dnt play pvp or u will get owned<--
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All this does is give EA the right to contract out or do in-studio Star Wars videogames. That's it. Disney/Lucas still control the creative content and will maintain the IP's brand recognition and quality.

We'll see about Disney, But LucasArts/Films never really were much involved on the "creative content" side of video games made by external studios. Just general "don't kill Luke/contradict important canon/go hardcore on violence" directions. Other than that, studios were free to do whatever they wanted creative-wise, both Bioware and Obsidian said that Edited by Pietrastor
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Im actually happy about this, it did really need to goto a big house for the games catalouge. I couldnt see it going to activision cos they would have just made ea keeping swtor unatainable and i dont think they are anywhere near as capable of getting the best out of the games like the inhouse studios that ea has can do.


And if this can get some of those inhouse studios back up and running at full strength then wahoo. people could get battlefront, 1313 even monkey island now because EA arnt shy about making games.


It also means if anything was being held back until this was resloved that it can now go full steam ahead for content dev within this game.

Edited by Shingara
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Visceral Games and DICE? Do I smell Battlefront 3? :>


BF3 was about to be finished before it was canned once more a couple years ago. Mostly textures and small things were all that was left in that game haha.

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Why would EA, the publisher of SWTOR, getting exclusive rights to making Star Wars games, kill SWTOR, a Star Wars game?


Like...I'm really curious as to your thought process on that one.


Sorry, I sometimes forget some people don't have sarcasm detection capabilities.


My bad.

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reason being on bolsters ive seen people post saying stuff that lower lvl are conducting more damage and whiping out higher lvl people...also getting freee stats idont think is cool just to even the gameplay...its like comparing pvp to pve...pve people arent going to do that hm or op if they dnt have right gear...it shuld be same in pvp hw it used to be...if you dnt have the gear dnt play pvp or u will get owned<--



nice shoehorn pvp gripe there....on a thread that has nothing to do with pvp at all :rolleyes:

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At least this means that SWTOR will be still up and running. After the closure of SWG, I don't really want to see another Star Wars MMO close down just to make way for another one which could possibly also see the same fate as its predecessors, especially since a lot of hard work has been put in to create this game. Plus with the time placement which this game is set, it allows for a lot of features such as locations, factions, ranks and species which would possibly not be available in a game set for example during the Galactic Civil War.


I just look forward in hope of seeing new explorable worlds and playable species in the coming months/years for this game, in addition to tie-in media like novels, comics and short stories.

Edited by Vitas
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Why do people always bring up SWG? The 10 people that played that game may have had fun, but there is seriously no market for a sandbox MMO, especially one as bad as SWG was.


Having played SWG for 5 years and since Beta 2, I can tell you that this sorry lot of spoiled, selfish, self-entitled SWG whiners are some of the most emo people there are with an axe to grind that they will never let go of - if their target of ire ever does go away, they will simply blame-shift to someone else till the day their miserable gaming life ends.


This was voted on in their heyday as the worst community in all of MMOs, which is saying something when WOW was in full swing.


And a little hint for you - before they found out Bioware wasn't making SWG with better graphics, they all WANTED SWG to die, because they hated SOE. Now they hate EA, because they needed a new target.


Its the standard sad M.O. I saw it for 5+ years and nothing you say will change that. They are beyond hope.


That said - SWG had some innovative systems and an awesome social element...


But as a Star Wars game is was pure boring crap on a stick unless you liked space, which was the only real long-term redeeming part of the game.

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Having played SWG for 5 years and since Beta 2, I can tell you that this sorry lot of spoiled, selfish, self-entitled SWG whiners are some of the most emo people there are with an axe to grind that they will never let go of - if their target of ire ever does go away, they will simply blame-shift to someone else till the day their miserable gaming life ends.


This was voted on in their heyday as the worst community in all of MMOs, which is saying something when WOW was in full swing.


And a little hint for you - before they found out Bioware wasn't making SWG with better graphics, they all WANTED SWG to die, because they hated SOE. Now they hate EA, because they needed a new target.


Its the standard sad M.O. I saw it for 5+ years and nothing you say will change that. They are beyond hope.


That said - SWG had some innovative systems and an awesome social element...


But as a Star Wars game is was pure boring crap on a stick unless you liked space, which was the only real long-term redeeming part of the game.

What, really? I played SWG for about as long as you and was most sad because I would lose the community and my SWG friends. I've actually *generally* found the SWTOR to be more rude and entitled. Sure there were forum trolls, but most people, especially outside the PvP community, were decent and helpful. And I consider myself to be a pretty nice person too. Maybe you just had an especially bad experience or I just had an especially good one?


Sorry to derail. Blah blah blah EA! Grrr!

(but really, I think it'll be ok. It can't be worse than The Force Unleashed or Wii Star Wars)

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SWG only had a bad rap because the devs handled the game entirely wrong several times. WHICH is entirely understandable. Thought the same can be said about this game as well, and its massive loss of subscribers. However, if you played through Pre-CU, the CU and the NGE like I and a select few of others did, you'd have a better understanding of what was good and bad about the game. I'll stop there without getting into a HUUUUGE thread de-railing argument.


That said, sandbox MMO's are starting to make a comeback, or at the very least starting to interest game developers again. Check out ''The Re-population", its an example of a new sandbox MMO.


wrong. fact.


SWG had a bad rap because it started bleeding subs due to how bad it was. buggy. and the like. those devs that "handled the game entirely wrong" only did so because SWG WAS ALREADY DYING..and they were trying to SAVE IT.




I enjoyed SWG for what it was. Much like I enjoy SWTOR. But I love the blind SWG fans that spew their completely false claims about the game. SWG was dying fast. the CU and NGE came because Sony tried to save it. FACT.


that "bad rap" you talk about didn't come because of CU and NGE...sure they made the "bad rap" worse...but the game was already dying fast.


get that through your heads SWG blindboys.

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I see this as being good.


For one. DICE is very well qualified to make a great Star Wars game. Think of it. A new Star Wars Battlefront type of game made by DICE. That would be off the hook. Star Wars Battlefront on the Frostbite Engine, even better.


Visceral are creators of Dead Space. There quality is top notch. I could see them taking over for a Star Wars 1313 type of game.


Now if we look at the other Subsidiaries of EA we can see they have even more opportunity to make great Star Wars Games. One in particular would make please me. ReSpawn. If they got a hold of a chance to make a Star Wars game then I would love to see what they could do.


EA has a lot of resources. This is a good move for Disney because they chose a Company with such good resources. It is a lot better than Disney trying to do it all themselves.


I know there are people that do not like EA. But hey I really do not care about that. I have seen both good and bad things from EA. More good than bad in my opinion. So to me I have faith that they can deliver. :cool:

Edited by WarbNull
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Sorry guys. I think it would be pretty safe to say that the former or current (at the time) SWG players SHOULD have been the target demographic for this game. Regular MMO players, hardcore players and simple fans that didn't play SWG could not sustain the game after those that either played SWG or were hardcore Star Wars fans jumped ship.


This game just did not appeal to mainstream MMO players. And it didn't seem to appeal to enough Star Wars fans either...safe to bet that SWG players were not generally fans. In the end it cost Bioware....big.


Take a look at the game now. It is becoming SWG. Or more accurately what SWG should have been. First step is personal customization and achievements...I would bet more "sandboxy" features such as this will follow.


I don't think that is a bad thing. In some ways SWG was absolutely horrible, but what SWG did right it did the best in the industry IMO.

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Having played SWG for 5 years and since Beta 2, I can tell you that this sorry lot of spoiled, selfish, self-entitled SWG whiners are some of the most emo people there are with an axe to grind that they will never let go of - if their target of ire ever does go away, they will simply blame-shift to someone else till the day their miserable gaming life ends.


This was voted on in their heyday as the worst community in all of MMOs, which is saying something when WOW was in full swing.


And a little hint for you - before they found out Bioware wasn't making SWG with better graphics, they all WANTED SWG to die, because they hated SOE. Now they hate EA, because they needed a new target.


Its the standard sad M.O. I saw it for 5+ years and nothing you say will change that. They are beyond hope.


That said - SWG had some innovative systems and an awesome social element...


But as a Star Wars game is was pure boring crap on a stick unless you liked space, which was the only real long-term redeeming part of the game.


SOE can make a better MMO then BW EA, with out a doubt. Problem is they tried to corner the market by buying everyone elses Bullcrap niche MMO's to try and corner the market on the niche lol. the MMO community is ready for sand box elements .

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I enjoyed SWG for what it was. Much like I enjoy SWTOR. But I love the blind SWG fans that spew their completely false claims about the game. SWG was dying fast. the CU and NGE came because Sony tried to save it. FACT.


that "bad rap" you talk about didn't come because of CU and NGE...sure they made the "bad rap" worse...but the game was already dying fast.


get that through your heads SWG blindboys.


Actually it turns out it's not a fact. That urban legend has already been debunked more than once. The CU/NGE was brought to the game because the game was not performing like WoW and Sony wanted to capture that kind of playerbase. Subs were not on the rise at the time, there were losses....but they were very small, to the tune of less than 200 to 300 players per month.


And that, is actually a fact. After the CU/NGE the game lost almost 95 percent of it's playerbase in less than 3 months. And regained either 10 or 15 percent of that loss over the following 4 months but never regained it's former sub numbers. I can't speak to sub peak because I have not seen that information, but I did see that the game had somewhere south of 100k players when it closed down.


The game was horrible in MANY ways IMO, and stands as evidence that a pure sandbox game is going to probably have a difficult go of it...EVE being the exception of course. A pure themepark game has it's difficulties for the same reasons IMO.


A mix of both is a game's best chance of success IMO.


I might get flamed a bit, but I think the market is better off without SWG. City of Heroes is an example of a real loss to the market IMO, but after the CU/NGE SWG needed to die, if for any other reason for the idea that you can't change gears like that and expect to continue as a viable product.


Coke II did not work.

Edited by LordArtemis
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