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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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So next time you run into someone playing weird (it might very well be me) give them suggestions, they just might thank you for it, I know I will.


Nah. After recent FP I decided that from now on then I zone into PUG, I will say "hello". If nobody will bother to answer, I will not bother the risk to sound like “condescending-know-it-all elitist” with all that walls of text explaining what CC is, how useful interrupts and stuns are, why it's not the best idea to open with taunt, how to unselect a tank or heal role if you are DPS (and why you should do it), what relics to use and so on. Looks like most people play the way they wish and do not want advice.


People who are curious - they do know basic by reading in-game information and they are not afraid to admit being new or rusty. They ask and I am more then happy to help - if I can. Sometimes a couple wipes worth a 1000 words. And some players try to figure out own approach. Was it not a couple of pages ago, then someone was justifying a need for defensive stats in DPS spec?


I like to help and chat. But at the same time I am tired of repeating the same things again and again.

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i sometimes find tanks that cant hold aggro, and the mobs/bosses end up hitting me because of the damage...

i know that some bosses cant be taunted, but there are some high threat generating skills out there for the tanks to keep using...

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I had an interesting one just now on Jedi Covenant. SM Red Reaper. I'm on a level 44 Scoundrel Healer, others were 3 dps of varying levels between 40 and 60.


1. Nobody responds to "hello" (/le sigh)

2. Big zerg-fest n the first pull, absolutely no focus fire. I scramble like a madman and keep everyone alive.

3. Every fight, nobody peels off me, I take most of the damage.

4. They even start picking up loot before the fights are over, while mobs are still attacking me. :eek:

5. One of the group disco's (probably on purpose).

6. Kick and requeue gets another dps who cannot seem to figure out how to get to us.

7. We push forward anyway and 3-man the rest of the flashpoint to right before the last boss.

8. One of the guys goes back for the lost replacement dps.

9. The replacement turns out not to be "lost" at all, as when we fight the boss, the little piece of $#!^ does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING during the entire fight except emoting:

"<playername> sits next to Darth Ikoral"


Despite all this, we three-manned Ikoral without wiping and finished the flashpoint.


I need a freaking drink.

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Last night, my Marauder got a pop for tactical Athiss, with a trinity. I inspect the "tank". He's in all tank(Bulwark) gear. Should be OK, right?

We're clearing trash and most of the aggro is on me or the healer(both at max level, the "tank" was at 53 and there was a DPS Sin in the late 30s). Neither of us gets a guard, and the tank's rotation is Force Charge and Smash.

I whispered the healer(an Operative), "I'm not sure he's actually a tank, haven't seen Aegis Assault on him". So the healer asks right before Ley'arsha, "[fake tank name], are you specced to tank?". No reply, but after killing the droids before the boss, I noticed animation that I believe is Vengeance's Force Crush.

And right before the boss, the fake tank left. We got a Powertech to replace him. Rest of the fp went well.


So I'm not sure if he was a DPS who found it acceptable to use tank gear, or if he thought that just wearing tank gear and being in Soresu made him a tank.

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i sometimes find tanks that cant hold aggro, and the mobs/bosses end up hitting me because of the damage...

i know that some bosses cant be taunted, but there are some high threat generating skills out there for the tanks to keep using...


A lot of bosses that are untauntable have resetting agro tables or no agro table at all, this is to prevent a good tank from completely removing the randomness of that boss by easily holding agro

Edited by Nic__
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Got ignored because I sub. That is a new one.


Tactical BT on my new PT tank. A sorc, a jugg who is testing the game out, and this merc who queued as heal. This dude (well, I assume dude, though it was a female toon not many RL females say "bro" a lot) refused to do any conversations. They were merely entering a conversation and...that's it. No choices, not spacebarring, nothing. Waiting for all timers to run out, can only guess that it's on purpose. At the end the sorc does not join for final conversation, and merc kept asking how to kick from a group. He tells people it's a random dice roll if it goes through, that he's been kicked before but players tell him they didn't vote to kick him. I said they lied, you have to vote, and you need at least 2 votes to be kicked. He insisted that it's 1 person who initiates the roll, and that the game does a random roll to see if the person is kicked or not. Then the jugg mentioned he was from ESO and trying the game. Well, I try to encourage him to give the game a chance. The merc without a mouth starts saying things like he's F2P, "subs are wasting their money", etc. you just need unlocks from CM but don't give EA your money, and telling him to not bother playing this game. And since we both have Legendary status, when I say "it's still cheaper than a movie", proceeds to tell me that I am a noob for wasting my money, that I bought Level 60 tokens and that's why I have Legendary but am a noob, then puts me on ignore. I whispered the jugg to apologize for the crassness he's seeing, and left group at final unfinished conversation.

Edited by PaxSithari
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that I bought Level 60 tokens and that's why I have Legendary but am a noob


That's funny, because giving Legendary status to players who got Level 60 tokens is a bug, and BW is/was supposedly working to correct that. You should only have Legendary if you have actually played through all eight class stories. Now who's the noob?

Edited by KhirsahRoshah
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that I bought Level 60 tokens and that's why I have Legendary but am a noob/QUOTE]


That's funny, because giving Legendary status to players who got Level 60 tokens is a bug, and BW is/was supposedly working to correct that. You should only have Legendary if you have actually played through all eight class stories. Now who's the noob?


That guy for assuming I bought 60 tokens, and not actually earned my No Lifer badge. :cool: You know what they say about people who assume. ;)


...wait, I'm admitting I have no life. Self-burn?

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Last night, my Marauder got a pop for tactical Athiss, with a trinity. I inspect the "tank". He's in all tank(Bulwark) gear. Should be OK, right?

We're clearing trash and most of the aggro is on me or the healer(both at max level, the "tank" was at 53 and there was a DPS Sin in the late 30s). Neither of us gets a guard, and the tank's rotation is Force Charge and Smash.

I whispered the healer(an Operative), "I'm not sure he's actually a tank, haven't seen Aegis Assault on him". So the healer asks right before Ley'arsha, "[fake tank name], are you specced to tank?". No reply, but after killing the droids before the boss, I noticed animation that I believe is Vengeance's Force Crush.

And right before the boss, the fake tank left. We got a Powertech to replace him. Rest of the fp went well.


So I'm not sure if he was a DPS who found it acceptable to use tank gear, or if he thought that just wearing tank gear and being in Soresu made him a tank.


It's funny you should not only mention that but also Athiss. So ok that guy was lame. Perhaps he was a rage juggernaut and rage jugs/focus guards can't use half their powers otherwise than in schi-shoo form.


Vengeance/vigilance on the other hand... well.


Of all classes which have a tank form, Jugg/Guardian is the only one where one of the DPS specs won't be impacted by tank stance. Unlike PT/VG or Shadow/sin - tried it, doesn't work.


I play both my main, a Guardian, and my Jugg as Vig/Vengeance in tank form, except in dailies stuff where they're in full dps mode.


Last month I wondered if I could take on a tactical - NOT solo - ALL BY MYSELF. Chose Athiss (I wanted the urn deco but didn't realize it doesn't really drop anymore)

It took me two hours, but... I pulled it!!! :eek: Didn't even die once. Even though you can't use the kolto stations if you're alone. I don't think I would have even tried had I known that! Was wearing mostly tanky stuff (2/3rds) and some dps for crits.



I have also tanked the Eyelesss One on my Vengeance Jugg.


So Tank Juggs have even more spells, flat out more shield and armor rating, frequent procs with damage reduction or added defense, and even an oh s'hit ignore 40% damage button with a long cd. But we vigilance/vengeance still have killer dcds and also something the tank doesn't have, flat 5% damage reduction which goes even higher during our extra hit points cd.


Of course, this takes someone who's skilled at Juggs/guardians.

So, yeah, I wanted to brag a bit but also don't give Vig/vengeance tanks a bad name except in very hard stuff where even their incredible tankiness won't suffice. A tactical is not that.



Edited by BenduKundalini
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god you guys have bad luck id say 25-35% are bad 65-75% are good, You get the occasional group who wants to sneak around everything no matter how hard the jump is, when the mobs take 30 sec to kill my gf hates that (shes not a platformer) she also uses force lighting and shock during TFPs tho, and it doesnt really hurt but i tell her dont use em use the others and shes learning, shes better than a lot and i mean a lot of dps out there ive played with.


Yeah you do run in to idiots who wont listen at all , it pisses me off when the group wont kick so if i have invis on my guy ill wait for em to die and pop invis XD then laugh

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Last month I wondered if I could take on a tactical - NOT solo - ALL BY MYSELF. Chose Athiss (I wanted the urn deco but didn't realize it doesn't really drop anymore)

It took me two hours, but... I pulled it!!! :eek: Didn't even die once. Even though you can't use the kolto stations if you're alone. I don't think I would have even tried had I known that! Was wearing mostly tanky stuff (2/3rds) and some dps for crits.

I found out about the kolto stations when I accidentally sent my Commando into False Emperor Tac mode. (Don't ask.) I had worse gear than currently, and I got stopped at the first two-boss fight, with the gunner and the sith-like. I downed the gunner and got munched by the sith-like straight away afterwards. I must try again some time.

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I was gearing out my tertiary healer (merc) with hand me down 220s that are almost vendor trash at this point and decided to join an EV HM pug, to brush up my skills on Merc, get some comms for 220 OH and hopefully some more set pieces as those usually go to others (first alts, off-specs) from the main guild raids.


Saw a few runs being advertised and joined one that needed a 1T and 1H. First thing I notice is that the leader is about 62k but I thought it is probably good enough for HM EV. The rest was 70-75k myself included. I joined at about 6:30 hoping for max 1 hour run (as you would in HM EV). It took until about 6:50 to get the tank and about 4 of us zoned in. Que another 10 minutes waiting for everyone to get there at which point the tank says "there are no stealthers to skip" and promptly leaves the group. The other healer says that he will leave too if we do not start in 5 minutes in response to which the leader just says "lol" and kicks him.


The leader is back to asking for 1H and 1T and I decide to go make dinner, I come back at around 7:20 and a few minutes later we finally get a full group, almost an hour later. Firstly I get aggro from both turrets (damn Kolto Shells) and promptly die. No matter, the spawn is right there so I just run back in.


The actual fight with Annihilator starts. I am pretty focused on my healing as I do not have that much experience with Merc and keep trying out ways to optimise my rotation. After a while I note that the fight has been going on for a while and look at boss health which is about 50%. I raise my eyebrow but just continue healing. HOWEVER;


The boss enrages...on 30%...EV HM...enrage...in 2016...


The tank says something about that he will use a DCD next run or something (healing was not difficult, since you know, EV HM) and all I can do is say "No, thank you." and leave the group. I must say I saw them looking for 1H 20 minutes later and I hope they figured it out but come on...how do you enrage on EV HM, are you just using your base attack or something?

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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are you just using your base attack or something?


Last Gree event a pug was set up to go after the world bosses in the caves.


Went on my 60-something dps sorc but since there was only one actual healer I found myself bubbling and healing people all the time. Sadly the tanks let Surgok'k cleave... and we wiped. While I was down I checked out what others were doing and was taken aback when I saw that the one 65 mara I'd been bubbling the most -because ever-shrinking health bar - was using only BASIC ATTACK BASIC ATTACK BASIC ATTACK. :eek:


Damn 60 tokens.


I found out about the kolto stations when I accidentally sent my Commando into False Emperor Tac mode. (Don't ask.) I had worse gear than currently, and I got stopped at the first two-boss fight, with the gunner and the sith-like. I downed the gunner and got munched by the sith-like straight away afterwards. I must try again some time.


I seriously wouldn't try another solo tactical run otherwise than on a guardian/jugg. And not a vanilla one. My 2-set bonus pvp boots from 2.xx have saved me countless times when my life was hanging by a thread (heal 8% total health upon guardian leap/intercede). Sin/shadow tank can't self heal and PT/VG self heal (if specced, shoulder cannon) has a 3 min cd.


I don't think a leet healer could rely on a tank pet because of bad positioning. And dps player... just nope.

Either you're taking aggro but can't mitigate damage or the pet takes aggro and on top of its bad positioning you can't heal it.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I seriously wouldn't try another solo tactical run otherwise than on a guardian/jugg. And not a vanilla one. My 2-set bonus pvp boots from 2.xx have saved me countless times when my life was hanging by a thread (heal 8% total health upon guardian leap/intercede). Sin/shadow tank can't self heal and PT/VG self heal (if specced, shoulder cannon) has a 3 min cd.


I don't think a leet healer could rely on a tank pet because of bad positioning. And dps player... just nope.

Either you're taking aggro but can't mitigate damage or the pet takes aggro and on top of its bad positioning you can't heal it.


most if not all tacticals are solable as dps with a healing comp at 65, I tested this myself up and including Red Reaper on a Sin (Hatred, Deception is annoying in boss fights without a tank) plus the Czerka ones (Sin and Mara) but I know people have been able to solo pretty much all of them with their trusty comps. People have been soloing tacticals since level 55 (Czerkas and later the prelude to Revan's ones). They are not hard if you know the instance well.


heck, I managed to complete Athiss on a level 30-something PT when the rest of the group ragequitted because we couldn't get past the Beast. Rank 7 Mako healing (I do have all the presence bonuses though, so she was pretty buffed), I dragged the Beast away from the door and climbed on the small ledge on the temple wall which I think may have confused the adds cause they never spawned. The rest was smooth sailing. That was a story worthy of this thread actually, with an unstealthy sin, a regular suicidal marauder and another PT who wasn't very memorable so he was probably alright ;)


Granted some fights are annoying, you have to take care of your comp a lot (last boss in Hammer Station is really a pain for this, constantly switching them to passive so they don't stand in stupid or get knocked off) and some classes are way better suited than others but there's nothing impossible to them.

Edited by nyrkverse
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And dps player... just nope.

Either you're taking aggro but can't mitigate damage or the pet takes aggro and on top of its bad positioning you can't heal it.


Check this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=873537. There is a link to Foundry HM solo on anni marauder i think.


Edit: Not anni - carnage, but doesn't really matter.

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heck, I managed to complete Athiss on a level 30-something PT when the rest of the group ragequitted because we couldn't get past the Beast. Rank 7 Mako healing (I do have all the presence bonuses though, so she was pretty buffed), I dragged the Beast away from the door and climbed on the small ledge on the temple wall which I think may have confused the adds cause they never spawned. The rest was smooth sailing.



Check this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=873537. There is a link to Foundry HM solo on anni marauder i think.


Edit: Not anni - carnage, but doesn't really matter.


:eek: *jaw drops* :eek:


WOW that's simply insane guys!

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I seriously wouldn't try another solo tactical run otherwise than on a guardian/jugg. And not a vanilla one. My 2-set bonus pvp boots from 2.xx have saved me countless times when my life was hanging by a thread (heal 8% total health upon guardian leap/intercede). Sin/shadow tank can't self heal and PT/VG self heal (if specced, shoulder cannon) has a 3 min cd.


I don't think a leet healer could rely on a tank pet because of bad positioning. And dps player... just nope.

Either you're taking aggro but can't mitigate damage or the pet takes aggro and on top of its bad positioning you can't heal it.

Sorry, I should have been more specific. This was False Emperor TFP mode, post 4.0, pre-nerf, with Elara somewhere beyond Inf 10, but not as far as Inf 20, and a Gunnery Commando, level >60, probably was 65, so DPS toon with Heal companion.


If I were to go back today, I'd be doing it in mostly-216, 220/216/216 HBG, one 216 relic, one 178 (or 186 I never can remember), with 208 Augments everywhere except the relics, Inf 35 Lana. I think I'll do a bit better than I did the other time, partly for the gear, partly for the refinements I've made in my use of the Gunnery rotation.

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So, guildies and I needed 1 for a GF Tactical. We load in a tank. Promptly, I notice she's in full DPS gear. However, we're pretty well-equipped so I figured it wouldn't be an issue.


However, they can't properly tank at all. We manage to scrape by to get to the second Manaan boss, but wipe 3 times. I confront her about her gear, telling her how much harder it makes it for us to heal her.


She then replies, "lol u don't need gear exept in pvp"


I attempt to inform her that she does, in fact, need more than 253 defense as a Vanguard tank.


Realizing any education is futile, we kick her.


She states, "i've played since launch u noobs have fun"


Needless to say, I was cracking up.

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To a certain extent she was not wrong... :D


...only if you take dps gear you get.... bolstered dps gear. :p


As for pvp IN WARZONES the gear that matters most is pvp relics, the only thing that matters is that your gear is not too good actually (currently at or under 192 rating gear). Heck even NOT having augs is better than having any if they're not 200+, as you get fantom blue fortitude ones UNLESS you have anything in place already (so forget lowbie augs if you do warzones). Full ranked gear will only give, what, 14x14 more mainstat and 14x16 endurance and 14x8 secondary stat? Yay. Better, but definitely not vital.


OWPVP is a whole different story. He who 2018's rapes what the gearless sow...


Sorry to digress!

Edited by BenduKundalini
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...only if you take dps gear you get.... bolstered dps gear. :p


As for pvp IN WARZONES the gear that matters most is pvp relics, the only thing that matters is that your gear is not too good actually (currently at or under 192 rating gear). Heck even NOT having augs is better than having any if they're not 200+, as you get fantom blue fortitude ones UNLESS you have anything in place already (so forget lowbie augs if you do warzones). Full ranked gear will only give, what, 14x14 more mainstat and 14x16 endurance and 14x8 secondary stat? Yay. Better, but definitely not vital.


OWPVP is a whole different story. He who 2018's rapes what the gearless sow...


Sorry to digress!


I was refering to that currently you can go into a tactical with any gear on, you get bolstered and you're good to go, so gear don't matter that much. And for story questing for example gear means $h1t, you don't need it... This is the extent I was referring to. :D

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Not a GF group but I joined a HM KP group earlier today. Bonethrasher went fine and then he dropped a 220 tanking implant. Both tanks needed on it since it was a big upgrade for both of them and then a Sage needed on it. Of course, the Sage won it. When asked why a Sage needed on a tank implant that he can't use (technically, shouldn't use) he said it was to vendor it for credits. When told how douchey that is, one of the DPS then starts ragging on everyone that the leader said that the non-token gear is FFA and that he would be needing on all of it. About a 5 minute argument ensued with the DPS insulting everyone and he (along with his green 190 MH) was kicked from the group.


Even though the Sage relented and said he would give the implant to one of the tanks, as far as I know, he didn't not end up trading it to either tank.


What do those implants vendor for? 10-15k? Are people really that hard up for credits still?

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