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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Popped into GF on my Sawbones for the weekly. HM HS comes up.


It takes a minute for everyone to show up. Then, we go to the first pull, a pair of silvers. I am not well positioned, so I am unable to put any heals on the tank for the first like 3 seconds.


In that time, he dies.


The DPS finish them, we go to the next pull. I slice one of the golds, the tank LoS's the rest of the pull - and again, he is dead in seconds. This time, we wipe.


So the group pretty much disbands then and there.


I don't know if it was bad tanking, bad healing, what.


3 second dead = bad tanking


and thats saying nothing of losing the healer, and I don't care what class they are either, any tanking class played by anybody with more than 4 brain cells is entirely capable of surviving 3 seconds.

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I don't know if it was bad tanking, bad healing, what.

This happened to me a while back. A closer inspection of our so-called "tank" showed that he was in Shadow Technique, using a Focus instead of a Shield and never used any defensive CDs.


I asked why and he responded: "Why is there rain?"

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Today, for once, I've been the weird one. :D


I was working on my lvl 60 Jugg Tank, and noticed I am close to the number of comms to buy the non-moddable items from the vendor. Which means Earpiece and Implants. Anyway, I'm a bit rusty, but I decide to queue for a FP to get some dust off.


First, TFP. Blood Hunt. I like the FP, and with 3 DPS and 1 Tank (me) we have no issues. I have my timing a bit off at start, but I recover afterwards and we finish without issues. :cool:


Second, HM FP. Korriban Incursion. Team is composed of my Jugg Tank, a Merc DPS, a Sniper, obviously DPS, and an Operative Healer.

Sniper is new and I never tanked HM, so I make it clear right away. As he does, actually. Merc has about 3k HP more than me, so guard is on her (female char), then off we go!


We down the golds with no trouble at all, and at the first boss we proceed to explain tactics. I forget that little issue with cages, however, and due to my bad positioning I die right after we kill the first 2 dogs, that I kept on me so the team could AoE them down.

I get a battle rez, and we win the fight, no problem. I apologize, but hte others are very tolerant, and hte fact I have proper gear, stance and spec makes them all happy anyways.


We go on again, till we get to the place where people usually skips, the path between two walls that holds a fair number of silver Jedi and a gold one. 3 of us skip, the Sniper runs through, pulling the Jedi and hte K'lor'slugs that are right after. I prepare for a wipe and jump in, Masstaunting and AoEing the enemies down. We survive, thanks to our awesome Op Healer. And I get compliments for my tanking. :p


Second boss, the big bad droid. We actually have little trouble there, all in all, at least on my perspective. I only see the Merc DPS getting tons of dmg when the boss drops the mines, so I make her my Focus Target and Intercede every time she gets into the target-of-target frame, since the boss can't be taunted when he deploys his gigantic laser.

We down hte boss, and I again take the adds on me as often as possible, so we can AoE them down.


We get to the Academy's entrance, when our Merc DPS asks if we want to try bonus boss. I'm fine either way, as the others are. So we get to it, and down her no problem once again.


Then we clear the Academy only skipping those couple mobs that can be stealth CCed, and get to the final boss. This is where things get weird. I explain tactics, and get a nice addendum from the Op Healer regarding the "new" probe type, the exploding one.

Then, off we go, the Sniper pulls from cover before we're done, but no biggie, I jump in and get aggro instantly.

However, in the Tactical version, I usually tank with my back on the wall, right in the final console's corner, to avoid pushbacks and LoS issues as much as possible.

As soon as I use my first Retaliation, however, I'm stuck backpedaling (Retaliation keybound to Numpad 2, btw). :confused:

Really, there's nothing I can do about it, so I press W to stay in place and begin clicking around to keep myself alive, since for some reason my keybinds seem to have stopped working...

I get to the point where I notice I pushed the wrong button (E) instead of W after an Intercede and get stuck behind the console. Nobody can see me, so I can't be healed. And I still have aggro from the boss. :eek:

I resist just long enough by burning my Enraged Defence, Invincible and Saber Reflect, and we defeat the boss with me still stuck backpedaling. We win, however, and I profusely apologize to the others, explaining what happened.


They believe me, and say it's a weird thing indeed. I still get compliments for my use of DCds, and the way I position enemies... when I'm not stuck backpedaling, that is. :rolleyes:

The Merc leaves after thanking us all for hte run, one of the other two says he added us all. The two remaining ask me if we want to go on, but sadly it was time for me to log off, so... :o


Still, yeah, I've been the weird one there, a tank stuck backpedaling. :p


TL;DR: Decided to dust off my lvl 60Jugg Tank, ran a Blood Hunt without trouble, then a Korriban Incursion HM, where we had no issues till the last boss, where I was stuck backpedaling for whatever reason. Still we won, thanks to the awesome work the three others managed to do.

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Still, yeah, I've been the weird one there, a tank stuck backpedaling. :p


Sometimes just pressing the button that is "stuck" works (in this case press backpedal button).


If not your only viable option (I use the word viable loosely as its really just the least crap option) is to open the preferences, key bindings, change 1, then change it back then click apply.


Even when the first option fails, the second one has never failed me yet (apart from the fact it requires fiddling with preferences mid-combat).

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Had a strange run of HM mando. I was on my sorc healer, there was a sin tank, sorc dps and jugg dps.


Get started and stuff seems to be going fine. The jugg dps asks for afew seconds before we start as he is nearly done on a quest. In the meantime we take out the 3 enemies at the lift then move to the second pull. On this pull theres a number of enemies grouped and 2 enemies at the sides.


The sin tank stealths, moves in towards the group and opens with force pull on 1 of the enemies at the side, then follows with an aoe aggro gen which hits all but the second straggler. Now this should be easy...we have a sin who has aggro on all but 1 enemies, the only 1 they haven't hit is a standard. The dps can take them out in seconds while I keep the sin alive, and the tank can use this to build an aggro cushion.


None of that happened....The sorc dps force storms the group while I heal the sin and get aggro on the spare enemy. The sin's hp drops quick so I dont have time to spare to stop healing to kill the straggler. Once that group has died and there is just the 1 enemy left shooting me I start dpsing it. The sorc dps is stood right next to me, the sin is further forward in the middle of a puddle of enemy bodies.


Both of them go straight for the next pull while I am finishing off the current 1. No out of combat heals, no stealth, no dark ward, no "pull the patrolling 1 before doing the big pull"....just jump straight into a group of 2 elites and 4 standards. The sorc ends up pulling it first as they open with storm. They get aggro on all 6 enemies before the sin has a chance to get close. I start to heal the sorc, and instantly have aggro through his force storm and am melted by the enemies.


I med-centre and run back, the jugg dps is now with us. Now there are 4 of us we carry on at a more sensible pace. The surprising thing is this sin has pathetic aoe aggro gen (I don't understand how it is possible to not generate aoe aggro, most of the sin tank rotation is aoe) and only holds aggro on 1 enemy at a time, most of the others are on me and neither dps peels off me.


At the pull before the first boss the sorc dps again uses force storm (this is the only ability they ever use) and end up with aggro on every single dog. I cba healing them, hoping they will learn to do a proper rotation and not open with aoe's (tbh he may have got away with it with a semi-competant sin tank, but not this 1).


The sorc dps dies and while I am casting my res I write "do you know any dps rotations or are you just going to spam force storm?" I get no answer. We move on to the first boss, the tank pulls and it becomes clear the tank doesn't know the fight. Towards the start the guy is on the tank while the tank runs round after the dogs, ensuring both dogs are constantly enraged. I end up with aggro on the guy while the tank tries to get aggro on the dogs. This gives me a chance to drag the guy away from the group, so I am now sorc-healer-tanking, keeping the guy away from the dogs and healing the group.


We kill 1 dog, the other is at 70% before the tank realises I have aggro on the bloke. They taunt him off me then drag him over to the dog again. I am starting to get annoyed at how this tank clearly doesn't know the fight but didn't ask. As such I do something that, if a sorc/sage did to me while I was tanking I would be annoyed, but it seemed the only sensible thing. I extricate the tank to dump their aggro, the guy is back attacking me and I write "tank don't taunt him, let him hit me". We complete the fight and I start up a conversation:

me: "<tanks name> if you dont know the fights please say before you pull"

dps jugg: "I thought they tanked it fine"

tank: "sorry I haven't done this 1 in a while"

me: "seems like you haven't done it at all, its not hard to remember"

dps sorc: "l2p noob healer, you should be aggro dumping" (he was referring to the fact I had aggro on the boss, and most trash up to it). He then drops the group.


The dps jugg requeues us and we carry on with the 3 of us. We get to the bottom of the room with the bridge over the top and go to the left when a jugg dps replacement pops in. We are stood by the lift waiting for the tank to pull. Once the 4th member gets to us the sin then goes and pulls the turrets in the middle. 1 jugg dps then jumps to the turret but in doing so pulls the group that most people choose to fight (you know, the 2 droids and 3 blokes with swords come out the door).


I move to the middle of the room and start healing the tank, the 3 droids that drop in start attacking me, so does everything from the pull near the lift and the other turret. Our new member runs round peeling off me. Afterwards I speak up again;

me: "you know we were stood over that side of the room so we could just do the easy pull"


I get no answer and we carry on to the other lift as none of us has slicing. Me and the 2 dps are stood on the lift, going up when the sin pulls the group at the bottom. We all jump off, kill the group then go back up. Theres the enemies in the corridor, they go fine. Then we get to the bridge with the 2 patrolling elites.


The sin moves in and waits until both elites are near each other before attacking. This results in us doing both the pulls at the same time (2 elites and 6 strongs/standards, cant remember what the adds are). The sin and 1 jugg kill the 2 elites, while the newer member starts peeling off me. After the tank and other dps kill both elites they carry on. I type "adds" in chat, the jugg turns back and in doing so pulls the 2 elite turrets. It is a complete shambles and a miracle nobody dies. A miracle largely based around the fact the sin tank stealthed out and let the 2 jugg dps deal with it, both of whom know how to use their DCD's.


The newer member then says;

new jugg: "I can see why the other guy left, this is aweful, nice heals though"

me: "actually he quit because I was complaining about the fact this stuff happens"

new jugg: "I see, this should be interesting"

me: "now <tanks name> can you stop and let me explain the next boss fight because I don't want a repair bill when its unnecessary"

tank: (rather than admit they are completely new to the mission) "refresh my memory"

me: "lol refresh? you mean teach"


I explain the boarding party fight, which goes along the line of "dps burn the knight while tank builds a cushion on the other 3, then kill sage then burn the last 2 equally". At which point the jugg dps who was with us from the beginning tells me "we should kill the sage first". I explain why we kill the knight first and tell the tank the knight can be taunted but there are issues with it spamming force push, making tanking difficult (and considering how bad they are at tanking they ought to just ignore the knight).


We do the fight, complete it with frantic healing towards the end due to the fact that my instruction to burn the last 2 equally was ignored and we were left with only the scoundrel alive with 72% hp.


From there things go pretty smooth until the bonus boss. I show the tank where to stand, we start, the boss jumps to me and doesn't get taunted off me. We wipe, I tell the tank they need to taunt him back when he dumps. We go back and decide to try again, this time the tank taunts back, but then uses force speed to shoot about the room, dragging the boss along with them, with of course his red circle of death around his feet. The tank also decides that the best direction to kite the boss during his red circle of death thing is towards the healer. As such every time the tank taunts it back I end up having to kite to ensure the boss is off me. I end up dying with the boss at 27% and reckon we are on for another wipe. However after the tank dies, the old jugg dps and its just the newer jugg left, with perfect use of DCD's he solos the boss and wins with 1%. We loot and carry on.


Final boss goes pretty much perfectly. We loot and say our goodbyes, at which point the tank says "sorry about that, im new to this mission." Better late than f-ing never I suppose.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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When I was leveling an Imp alt, I kept being que'd with a sorc who:


1) Que'd as healer but refused to heal. If someone asked for heals he did not answer. Thankfully my friend que'd with me, and she could field respec into heals.


2) Was clearly spec'd in DPS tree. Did not answer when someone told him not to que as healer if he wanted to DPS.


3) Ran ahead of tank and aggro'd multiple groups. Wouldn't even offheal himself and died a lot. LOL


It was both annoying and funny at the same time seeing this guy go kamikaze and die over and over. We kept forgetting to put him on ignore, so that's why we ran into him so many times.


The issue with the groupfinder is that its quicker to queue as a healer or tank, then it is to queue as a dps.


I tested it once.....at the peak time, 6pm-12am and the wait time of a dps was 30-45mins each time, while when specc'ed as a healer or tank...depending on class, the wait time was 10-20mins each time.....when grouped, if i am a healer, they were a tank, the queue was almost instant...maybe 30 seconds.


So, i can understand why players queue as healer or tank, but refuse to do so....the group finder is the cause.

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So, i can understand why players queue as healer or tank, but refuse to do so....the group finder is the cause.


No. Group finder is not the cause, selfish children who never learnt to play nice with others are the cause.


The queues are longer for dps because there is a shortage of tanks and healers. The solution is simple, if you want a quicker pop play a tank or healer at least occasionally. I have alts with all the roles, do I queue as heal or tank on my dps alts? Of course not, that isn't fair to other people.

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I had quite the lowbie Hammer Station run today.

I ran it this morning with a guildie and got through no problem.

I was using my new level 18 commando healer. Commando healer is also my main at level 60 that i run ops with, and i wanted another one down the road to be able to have basically an extra lockout each week. So i get a q pop, and first thing i notice when i zone in is that everyone is around 4k health, good. Except the guardian tank, who has 2.3k health and is in Shi-Cho form.

He opens the first fight and instanly melts, but i keep him up.

after the fight i asked,

Me: you mind putting on your tank stance? its called soresu form.

Him: oh ok. (he puts it on)

I think to myself, oh it will be an alright run now, just forgot his stance. Wrong.

As we go, he dies at every boss because he melts so quickly and commando heals are extremely limited at level 18. Just before Vorgan, i notice he isnt getting the proc from guardian tank's new level 10 ability, (warding strike?)

I ask him if hes tank or dps, and he replies.

Him: I am a dps!

Me: Then why are you in q as a tank.

Him: I just joined q as tank so i could get a faster pop and more xp.

Me: thats why you are dying so much, you dont have any defense boosts from tank discipline.

Him: Im dying because you are a bad healer. :eek::eek: (i have healed on my commando on a progression team for nearly half a year, and have never been told i was bad at it)

Him: I just did this fp without a healer a little bit ago and didnt die this much.

Me: And im guessing some high level guild mates helped you through it..

Him: he wasnt that high, just level 34. :rolleyes:

Me: whatever, just dont spec dps and q tank anymore.


After this he went silent for the rest of the fp.

We had a scoundrel tank kreshan because he could take more damage then the guardian, and oddly enough, nobody died!:cool:


So i got another guy on my ignore, and a new guild i have lost respect for, (ive had some issues with this guild before)

Edited by Dogberto
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No. Group finder is not the cause, selfish children who never learnt to play nice with others are the cause.


The queues are longer for dps because there is a shortage of tanks and healers. The solution is simple, if you want a quicker pop play a tank or healer at least occasionally. I have alts with all the roles, do I queue as heal or tank on my dps alts? Of course not, that isn't fair to other people.


In my opinion, it also has something to do with the fact that


- Tanking is real work

- Healing is real work


meanwhile producing damage is just fun, or at least considered to be just fun, and at least not that much work at all like both tanks & healers have to do.


Plus, there is another thing as well :


- Tanking is about taking Responsibility

- Healing is about taking Responsibiity


and both thinks are nothing people want, people who are either just want to be independent, or are selfish, or both.


I did chance my damage Sage into an Healer Sage yesterday, but I didn't need to ( and I'm REALLY glad about that because I'm not at all very experienced in Healing ! ) because we had one broadly overgeared Tank in the group ... Now that was easy ...


But me, I prefer to play independently, that's why I don't like to do do tank or healer.

I take full responsibility for doing my job as an DD, though. Something most DDs don't do.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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But me, I prefer to play independently, that's why I don't like to do do tank or healer.

I take full responsibility for doing my job as an DD, though. Something most DDs don't do.


You do know that your job is to


1) Protect the healer

2) Kill the boss



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The issue with the groupfinder is that its quicker to queue as a healer or tank, then it is to queue as a dps.


I tested it once.....at the peak time, 6pm-12am and the wait time of a dps was 30-45mins each time, while when specc'ed as a healer or tank...depending on class, the wait time was 10-20mins each time.....when grouped, if i am a healer, they were a tank, the queue was almost instant...maybe 30 seconds.


So, i can understand why players queue as healer or tank, but refuse to do so....the group finder is the cause.

It's not group finder. Group finder just matches available people. The problem is too few tanks and healers.


Bioware is partly to blame because every tank or healer can moonlight as a DPS, and very many players have legitimate offspecs for which they have the practice and gear and can perform adequately. So specialised DPS must compete with each other but also extra tanks and healers for DPS spots. Additionally, in SWTOR the ratio of DPS is relatively low, only two spots per group. In TSW you have a group of five with three DPS slots, for instance, so DPS will naturally find it easier to get a group (I have not played WoW but I think it is the same?).


But most importantly of all, too few people are actually willing to main as tanks or healers.


I had a weird group finder experience of my own recently. I queued on my Merc (on which I legitimately both heal and DPS) and got into Blood Hunt with the healer icon. However, since it's a tactical, I went IO and we downed the first two bosses, no problems. Then I got called retarded and kicked for not healing. After that I immediately got a Rakata Prime HM pop and cleared that easily (as DPS) so it worked out, though.


Also, to the people saying DPS don't have responsabilities, I couldn't disagree more. If DPS let the group down, things can get really scary for the tanks and healers too. DPS not killing adds? Undergeared/bad DPS letting the boss enrage? DPS failing mechanics? These things cause wipes as surely as a healer or tank messing up.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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i've had very few incidents with people really worthy of this thread but today was the day i found one. This story has nothing to do with group finder but it definitely falls into the weird category. I was questing on my hatred sin this morning on dromund kaas and in chat, there was a big discussion about Disney taking over Marvel and removing some of the best characters or something like that. i didn't really join in or watch it really but it got a bit heated at one point and the conversation went on for a good half hour. i guess someone got kinda tired of watching it because all of a sudden, the next thing i see in chat is


" Shut up"::eek:


i won't put the name of who said it out there just because i see no reason to embarrass her further but chat got real quiet for a second. Even though i won't say her name, she's the kind of person i call mental/unbalanced. she used a lot of vile language, lot of the f-word, and some vulgar words as well. She was also extremely arrogant. she thought she was all ****** because she was on a lv 42 and claimed we were all like lv 5, that were all stupid noobs, and that we were jealous because she had some fancy cartel mount. Long story short. she thought she was all that. there is nothing i hate more than those kind of people. I professionally went into chat and told her this. It was a rather long message so i'll paraphrase it since i don't remember it word for word.


" Save ur empty bravado. I have 5 60s and many other high levelers so ur so-called insult of noob is wasted on me. Call me when u have 5 60s and some decent manners and maybe i'll buy u a better personality."


The next thing she said really cracked me up. i'm still snickering about it


"What the heck is a bravado"???


I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. The funny thing is from the language she used, you'd think she was like 30 years old at least but as the conversation went on and people including me berated her more, she started getting discouraged and showing her true age, she sounded like a 15 year old who wanted attention or who had no parents to me. Anyway, after a wave of tell-offs from not just me but many others, she gave probably 6 lines of cap ****s and finally logged. she got reported for spam and i probably should have ignored her sooner but she was too comedic to ignore.


I will never understand people who throw 5 year old tantrums over something that petty. if u don't wanna watch the conversation in chat, turn it off, but insults and especially her language go over the top. Sorry about the wall of text, i'm terrible at paraphrasing and i really needed to share this

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Heya, everyone! One of my favorite threads on this site, love reading everyone's story! Is that a bad thing? Most of the stories are about painful groups... but, still! I like the writing.


This was like a week ago, maybe. I've been pretty busy with Christmas, and haven't played since. Just been checking the forums for a few moments to see how people are doing.


Anyways! I've decided to level a Scoundrel. For like the past 2-3 years, I've wanted that Wookiee to be my friend... even though I don't care too much for Agent/Smuggler. I broke and made one!


Positive note, first! I just got out of a fun run with my guild. Myself, my guild leader, and a new-player Commando ran BT with HK to get some good loot. Our guild leader... She was pretty drunk! I was a little tipsy, and the Commando was completely sober. We had such a good time! Shared stories, talked a little about our lives, I explained some things to the Commando since he was new to the game and very willingly asked me for some thoughts. He was going to be a healer. Even though we didn't really need heals with two Scoundrels (even if one is drunk and I was tipsy) and HK, it made him really happy to heal us. And, that makes me extra happy! I get a lot of happiness from others. After the run was over (took like two hours, but all of it was in fun), the guild leader decides she is too drunk to play and wants to sleep. The Commando is tired as well. So, we exchange "Good Night!", and they log off. While running BT, we Scoundrels would drink if we came last in a social role. So! The guild leader drank way more than I did. Haha, it was pretty funny. While the Commando would say things like, "It's not everyday you get to run a flashpoint with two drunk girls." So, I would ask, "Doesn't that just make it annoying?" (we were extremely chatty) "Nope. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the most fun I ever have in a flashpoint." Woo! So happy when someone is having fun! Anyways, I'm rambling. Again! We say good night at the end, and they log off.


Negative time!! So, like two hours later, I've pretty much sobered up completely. I didn't drink that much since I wasn't coming in last on rolls. And, I stopped drinking after they left because it wasn't fun anymore. So, I decide to queue up for HS, not expecting a pop since it was like 02 where I live. Surprisingly, I get a pop like 30 minutes later! I load in and see! Myself, a DPS Scoundrel. A Sage DPS in cartel armor with "BiS" mods for our low levels. A Guardian tank. And, a Commando Haler. The Commando healer has his armor piercing rounds active. I figure he was just leveling with that active for some extra DPS. I don't say anything. I instantly pick the sage to be my best friend for this run. She's awesome! I like talkative people. And, she was pretty good DPS. Whenever I play on classes that can heal, I try to make a habit in looking at the health bars in case we need some off-healing. Especially in the earlier FPs. I notice during pulls... No one's health bar is going up, only down. So, I toss out some heals. No big heal. I do see the Commando doing DPS. But, I'm fine with that, as long as they're healing as well. My Sagey friend whispers me, "Why is our healer using dps ammo?" So, I decide to ask. Maybe it was the little bit of alcohol I still had in me, since normally I try to avoid confrontation until someone makes them-self out to be a jerk or immature. Or, if the content we're grouped for becomes unplayable. I ask. "Oh, sorry! I forgot the change ammo" He changes, on our way. We're coming up to the first boss, and I'm leading the pack. Whenever we get to a pack of mobs, I stealth and wait. I do this so that on certain parts, I can hope the group follows me. I'll explain in a bit. So, before the first boss, I jump pass the Turrets like every group I'm with does, and wait in front of the boss. The Sage walks up beside me, and the guardian walks beside us. The Commando is falling behind. Anyways, the guardian jumps at the boss, and the Sage rushes in. I start to go in, but notice... I'm being shot! From the side. The Commando pulled the turret's aggro. I run in the boss room to drop LoS. The Commando doesn't... The turret kills him. I heal the rest of the boss fight, explain why we're still in combat, we go back and kill the turret, rez the Commando. Coming up to the turrets that guard the bridge. I put a marker on turret, say I'll slice that one for CC. I slice, guardian jumps in, Sage starts DPSing her target, Commando "healer" starts... attacking the CC'd one and the main target. Using his AOE attacks, he keeps breaking CC. I reapply twice before giving up. I don't bother healing the non-healing Commando, and instead heal Sage and Guardian. Commando dies. Sage, "Why are all of my heals coming from [my name]? Commando, heal." She then whispers me, "Thanks. This group is annoying." Last boss! The guardian messes up here. He's about a 5/10 on the tanking scale. Anyways, the boss pushes him off the edge. When the adds come in, they suddenly 1-2 shot my Sage-like friend. We wipe. The sage gets upset that she died so quickly. I tell he to take off all her gear, and put it back on. After some friendly and flirty comments, she does. That's worked for me before whenever I would get killed so quickly. Restart the fight. The tank gets knocked off, AGAIN. I'm trying to heal and DPS at the same time to make it go quicker, since our fake Healer is a DPS Commando that is now using the healing ammo, just not healing. The fight takes about.. 15 minutes. The Sage says she hopes she never sees the Commando again. I tell him he should be either DPS or Heals, and tell the tank he should tank with he back against the console. I should have told him after he fell off the edge the first time, but I thought maybe it was just bad timing something.


The Sage whispers me, "Thanks for saving this group. Friends? <3" I agree! We meet up, quest together some, and queue for another FP. The second FP never pops before I fall asleep.


Anyways! Sorry for the long post. I just really love writing, and tend to write down all the details, most of them unnecessary. The last FP run with the Commando really dampened my mood. When, I was in such a great mood before that run! But, super happy I made a friend.

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Heya, everyone! One of my favorite threads on this site, love reading everyone's story! Is that a bad thing? Most of the stories are about painful groups... but, still! I like the writing.


This was like a week ago, maybe. I've been pretty busy with Christmas, and haven't played since. Just been checking the forums for a few moments to see how people are doing.


Anyways! I've decided to level a Scoundrel. For like the past 2-3 years, I've wanted that Wookiee to be my friend... even though I don't care too much for Agent/Smuggler. I broke and made one!


Positive note, first! I just got out of a fun run with my guild. Myself, my guild leader, and a new-player Commando ran BT with HK to get some good loot. Our guild leader... She was pretty drunk! I was a little tipsy, and the Commando was completely sober. We had such a good time! Shared stories, talked a little about our lives, I explained some things to the Commando since he was new to the game and very willingly asked me for some thoughts. He was going to be a healer. Even though we didn't really need heals with two Scoundrels (even if one is drunk and I was tipsy) and HK, it made him really happy to heal us. And, that makes me extra happy! I get a lot of happiness from others. After the run was over (took like two hours, but all of it was in fun), the guild leader decides she is too drunk to play and wants to sleep. The Commando is tired as well. So, we exchange "Good Night!", and they log off. While running BT, we Scoundrels would drink if we came last in a social role. So! The guild leader drank way more than I did. Haha, it was pretty funny. While the Commando would say things like, "It's not everyday you get to run a flashpoint with two drunk girls." So, I would ask, "Doesn't that just make it annoying?" (we were extremely chatty) "Nope. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the most fun I ever have in a flashpoint." Woo! So happy when someone is having fun! Anyways, I'm rambling. Again! We say good night at the end, and they log off.


Negative time!! So, like two hours later, I've pretty much sobered up completely. I didn't drink that much since I wasn't coming in last on rolls. And, I stopped drinking after they left because it wasn't fun anymore. So, I decide to queue up for HS, not expecting a pop since it was like 02 where I live. Surprisingly, I get a pop like 30 minutes later! I load in and see! Myself, a DPS Scoundrel. A Sage DPS in cartel armor with "BiS" mods for our low levels. A Guardian tank. And, a Commando Haler. The Commando healer has his armor piercing rounds active. I figure he was just leveling with that active for some extra DPS. I don't say anything. I instantly pick the sage to be my best friend for this run. She's awesome! I like talkative people. And, she was pretty good DPS. Whenever I play on classes that can heal, I try to make a habit in looking at the health bars in case we need some off-healing. Especially in the earlier FPs. I notice during pulls... No one's health bar is going up, only down. So, I toss out some heals. No big heal. I do see the Commando doing DPS. But, I'm fine with that, as long as they're healing as well. My Sagey friend whispers me, "Why is our healer using dps ammo?" So, I decide to ask. Maybe it was the little bit of alcohol I still had in me, since normally I try to avoid confrontation until someone makes them-self out to be a jerk or immature. Or, if the content we're grouped for becomes unplayable. I ask. "Oh, sorry! I forgot the change ammo" He changes, on our way. We're coming up to the first boss, and I'm leading the pack. Whenever we get to a pack of mobs, I stealth and wait. I do this so that on certain parts, I can hope the group follows me. I'll explain in a bit. So, before the first boss, I jump pass the Turrets like every group I'm with does, and wait in front of the boss. The Sage walks up beside me, and the guardian walks beside us. The Commando is falling behind. Anyways, the guardian jumps at the boss, and the Sage rushes in. I start to go in, but notice... I'm being shot! From the side. The Commando pulled the turret's aggro. I run in the boss room to drop LoS. The Commando doesn't... The turret kills him. I heal the rest of the boss fight, explain why we're still in combat, we go back and kill the turret, rez the Commando. Coming up to the turrets that guard the bridge. I put a marker on turret, say I'll slice that one for CC. I slice, guardian jumps in, Sage starts DPSing her target, Commando "healer" starts... attacking the CC'd one and the main target. Using his AOE attacks, he keeps breaking CC. I reapply twice before giving up. I don't bother healing the non-healing Commando, and instead heal Sage and Guardian. Commando dies. Sage, "Why are all of my heals coming from [my name]? Commando, heal." She then whispers me, "Thanks. This group is annoying." Last boss! The guardian messes up here. He's about a 5/10 on the tanking scale. Anyways, the boss pushes him off the edge. When the adds come in, they suddenly 1-2 shot my Sage-like friend. We wipe. The sage gets upset that she died so quickly. I tell he to take off all her gear, and put it back on. After some friendly and flirty comments, she does. That's worked for me before whenever I would get killed so quickly. Restart the fight. The tank gets knocked off, AGAIN. I'm trying to heal and DPS at the same time to make it go quicker, since our fake Healer is a DPS Commando that is now using the healing ammo, just not healing. The fight takes about.. 15 minutes. The Sage says she hopes she never sees the Commando again. I tell him he should be either DPS or Heals, and tell the tank he should tank with he back against the console. I should have told him after he fell off the edge the first time, but I thought maybe it was just bad timing something.


The Sage whispers me, "Thanks for saving this group. Friends? <3" I agree! We meet up, quest together some, and queue for another FP. The second FP never pops before I fall asleep.


Anyways! Sorry for the long post. I just really love writing, and tend to write down all the details, most of them unnecessary. The last FP run with the Commando really dampened my mood. When, I was in such a great mood before that run! But, super happy I made a friend.


Wow after reading this I want to be your friend lol :D

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Got a pop for HM Depths of Manaan. I was healing on my Commando (45k HP) alongside a Vanguard tank (51k HP), a Gunnery Commando (45k HP), and a Watchman Sentinel (51k HP). The tank mentioned it was her first time there in HM, I'd been through a few times (though only cleared full as DPS), and the DPS had both been there before apparently.


We clear trash to the first boss with a death here and there along the way (the Facility Snipers hit for about 17k with Long Range Snipe if you don't get close on them, and the tank had a little trouble with group aggro at times). Tank asks for tactics, I tell her to just keep aggro on everyone and face them away from the group, and remind the DPS to burn the droids evenly to maximize Sairisi's vulnerability.


The fight took a while even though the droids were burned evenly (transferring shield within 5s of each other). Why? Because the Commando used nothing but Hammer Shots, Explosive Round, Mortar Volley, and Supercharge Cells. No Boltstorm, no Grav Round, no Vortex Bolt, no Demo Round. I comment on this to the Sentinel and thank him for doing most of the DPS work; the Sentinel comments on how the tank, by kiting the bosses around, made him do quite a lot of mostly-unnecessary running. I realize that I've run with this Commando before and that he doesn't take instruction or learn his rotation at all. There's clearly no way we're going to beat Stivastin's timer.


We start using CC on the more annoying Shasa elites. Reliably, the Commando either pulls by CCing before the tank moves in, or breaks my (marked and mentioned in chat) CC. Presumably he's spamming Explosive Round without awareness of nearby CCs. We manage to get to Ortuno. The tank asks for tactics and HM changes; I tell her about Mass Project and remind everyone to get out of puddles during Flow and kill adds after Confluence. I also suggest that we stack up until Mass Project so that we keep all the puddles in one place. First try, the tank doesn't get out of puddles in time and melts in three seconds during Energy Eruption. I'm about to combat rez her when she rezzes out, so we wipe it up. The Sentinel and I tell the tank not to release next time, because the door locks and there's no way we'd survive without a tank long enough to run back. While we're lining up for the second attempt, I finally get sick of the other Commando's play and speak up:


Me: <Commando>, do you know what a Grav Round is?

Commando: yes

Me: I'd almost forgotten what it is seeing as you never use it.

Sentinel: lol


Commando: no need to yell, I can read you just fine

Me: I main Gunnery. It's not a hard rotation, and I'm tired of you messing it up.


We reiterate the point about getting out of puddles during Flow and pull the boss again. The other Commando keeps on only using Hammer Shots and Explosive Round and then proceeds to stand in a puddle (like, not even trying to move) during the first Energy Eruption. Naturally the adds mob the tank and then run over us despite the Sentinel's valiant attempt to peel them off me. I add the Sentinel as friend and drop the group. I really don't feel like trying to heal through stupid with a DPS refusing to learn even the simplest rotation.

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So, I've been reading this thread at work for the past week or so reading all the fun and miserable times people have had, so I figured I'd post one where I was the weird one.


First off I'll start out by saying that I normally PvP more than anything. Second, I was wearing the 168 greens that you get from the solo flashpoints with the new xpac.


So I queue up for a tfp and I get blood hunt, yay I've done this once or twice so I should be ok.


I pop in and see 2 powertechs and a marauder, all sitting at or above 40k health, me, an op healer, sitting at roughly 33k. I had half expected to be kicked instantly, but I wasn't and off we ran on our merry way. We clear the first bit of trash no problems, I throw a grenade here, a PowerShot there, a heal to top one of them off. Well we get to the first boss. As soon as everyone was there they jump straight for the boss and leave the adds to me. Sure no problem they really don't need heals from me anyway. So I have 5 or so of the adds on me, they have him to where he starts throwing rocks, either I'm blind, or just don't see it, or it was the combination of the mandos and a rock colliding with my head, I die. They finish the fight, rez me and we keep going.


We keep going, nothing interesting to talk about until we get to the entrance of the mando area where you have to kill the 3 elites. As we get into the room they quickly disperse of the adds while I give a few heals and some PowerShots. All of a sudden I see in chat "split" and see everyone heading off in their own direction. I sit there confused. The marauder turns around and heads with one powertech while I turn and head for the third way by myself.


I stop thinking about weither that's smart or not, so I turn and head back towards the other powertech. I get stuck at the door since combat has been initiated. And continues to be so until the single powertech dies by himself. I still stuck in the middle, can't do anything so I head towards the door the marauder and the other powertech ran through, during which I see the powertech got back up so I start running back to help him. I finally reach him, and help him take out the elite. We run back to the middle the powertech runs off to help the others while I peel off (not noticing he left me) to go fight the final elite, the one that you go down the ramp, go under the arch, and sit on a big rock. I notice I'm alone and say screw it throw on a couple kelto packs and head in with a power shot. As I'm shooting the marauder leaps over my head and basically destroys the boss with the help of a few heals, some backstabs, a few shivs, and a couple powershots.


After which the couple boss goes pretty well, by now I've realized my contribution to the team is quite minimal as my dps stinks and they take more damage than I can heal through due to the nerf to heals. So the whole fight I'm throwing kelto packs on then and healing with the kelto stations. After they get the one down the only one left is the one with the knockback slam. The marauder goes down due to a knockoff and I shortly follow leaving the two PTs to finish the fight which they do brilliantly. By this time I'm not sure why I'm still in the group but I don't knock it since they let me stay.


After the last fight with the boss, which goes fine as I'm running around hitting the stations as I throw in a PowerShot or 2. After the final fight I thank them for allowing me to stay and thank them for carrying me. The one powertech says I did a fine job and that he had fun.


TL DR: I get into a group, I'm undergeared, do negligable dps and heals, died on a few dumb errors. The group carried me and had fun doing it. There are still good people out there.

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snip snip snippity snip


ahhh....petty quabbles in chat, how they are lovely. Sadly I no longer stand round on fleet for ages waiting for gf pops (run dailies while waiting) I miss all the entertainment (anyone on ToFN, though I assume most servers are the same, will know what I mean by the fleet chat).


My particular favourites are the threats of physical assault...with 2 people on the internet who don't know each other, have no idea where each other live and probabaly never have and never will meet each other, and wouldn't even know it if they did...


sometimes just reading chat is better than playing the game.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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In my opinion, it also has something to do with the fact that


- Tanking is real work

- Healing is real work


meanwhile producing damage is just fun, or at least considered to be just fun, and at least not that much work at all like both tanks & healers have to do.



I highly disagree with that, Highly. IF you are a bad dps you will make work harder both tank and a healer. Dps job in raid or fp is pretty much the same as tanks or healers. Its just that sick amount of brain dead zombies dps guys who make our dps role look like a crap.


I have seen few incredible dps guys, but best was a sent, 4k dps on hm tyrans (still at lvl 55), without a guard, and he never stole an aggro from a tank. he also had lowest dmg recieved. To dps high and make healers and tanks job easy is a rly hard thing.

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Got a pop for HM Depths of Manaan. I was healing on my Commando (45k HP) alongside a Vanguard tank (51k HP), a Gunnery Commando (45k HP), and a Watchman Sentinel (51k HP). The tank mentioned it was her first time there in HM, I'd been through a few times (though only cleared full as DPS), and the DPS had both been there before apparently.


We clear trash to the first boss with a death here and there along the way (the Facility Snipers hit for about 17k with Long Range Snipe if you don't get close on them, and the tank had a little trouble with group aggro at times). Tank asks for tactics, I tell her to just keep aggro on everyone and face them away from the group, and remind the DPS to burn the droids evenly to maximize Sairisi's vulnerability.


The fight took a while even though the droids were burned evenly (transferring shield within 5s of each other). Why? Because the Commando used nothing but Hammer Shots, Explosive Round, Mortar Volley, and Supercharge Cells. No Boltstorm, no Grav Round, no Vortex Bolt, no Demo Round. I comment on this to the Sentinel and thank him for doing most of the DPS work; the Sentinel comments on how the tank, by kiting the bosses around, made him do quite a lot of mostly-unnecessary running. I realize that I've run with this Commando before and that he doesn't take instruction or learn his rotation at all. There's clearly no way we're going to beat Stivastin's timer.


We start using CC on the more annoying Shasa elites. Reliably, the Commando either pulls by CCing before the tank moves in, or breaks my (marked and mentioned in chat) CC. Presumably he's spamming Explosive Round without awareness of nearby CCs. We manage to get to Ortuno. The tank asks for tactics and HM changes; I tell her about Mass Project and remind everyone to get out of puddles during Flow and kill adds after Confluence. I also suggest that we stack up until Mass Project so that we keep all the puddles in one place. First try, the tank doesn't get out of puddles in time and melts in three seconds during Energy Eruption. I'm about to combat rez her when she rezzes out, so we wipe it up. The Sentinel and I tell the tank not to release next time, because the door locks and there's no way we'd survive without a tank long enough to run back. While we're lining up for the second attempt, I finally get sick of the other Commando's play and speak up:


Me: <Commando>, do you know what a Grav Round is?

Commando: yes

Me: I'd almost forgotten what it is seeing as you never use it.

Sentinel: lol


Commando: no need to yell, I can read you just fine

Me: I main Gunnery. It's not a hard rotation, and I'm tired of you messing it up.


We reiterate the point about getting out of puddles during Flow and pull the boss again. The other Commando keeps on only using Hammer Shots and Explosive Round and then proceeds to stand in a puddle (like, not even trying to move) during the first Energy Eruption. Naturally the adds mob the tank and then run over us despite the Sentinel's valiant attempt to peel them off me. I add the Sentinel as friend and drop the group. I really don't feel like trying to heal through stupid with a DPS refusing to learn even the simplest rotation.


We'll i've cleared the last boss with a worse DPS than that while tanking (tank just has to put the boss under every fire ASAP and the Adds need to go there too), but I'm honestly surprised said DPS wasn't just kicked for being a hindrance to the group.

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So my level 57 Sawbones joined a guild, ended up doing a Kuat run with my new guildies. I have done Kuat somewhere between 100 and 200 times - no exaggeration - but haven't in months. Of the 3 others, 2 are brand new to it and one has done it a couple of times. There is one 60, and a 31 and a 44.


It was odd, but not nearly as bad as some PuG Kuat runs I've done. I explain all the bonuses and how to get them. First scenario is the hangar. The 2 golds and the silver at the top go down faster than I have ever seen them die. Second is the prison - I explain the achievement, and among the 3 of them they briefly discuss who should get it, but everyone does everything right so one of them gets all 10 prisoners free. We get all 3 bonuses no problem.


Boss is grenade guy. I explain it, we start. The first round of grenades, one of them doesn't know to stand INSIDE the machine and blows up. The 3rd or 4th round, none of us clicks the station (I thought I did but must have misclicked) so we all 4 of us explode and wipe. We are having some trouble with adds as well. Finally we take the boss down.


The 31 keeps apologizing that she (female toon - we all had female toons, but I at least am male) was not contributing much since she was so low level. I tried explaining Bolster, I am not sure she ever got it.


Still, it was refreshing to be the one person in the run who understood how it worked the best, AND have people who not only listened, but actually followed my advice.

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Look, we'll have none of your holiday cheer about good things happening in KDY. So, sorry, but you'll have to post screenshots or, as they say on the MMO interwebz, 'it didn't happen.'




lol first time doing KDY in a while (12x and expansion stuff) and wow... it really does seem like people have never been there before. I'm experiencing that ranged consulars are very, very squishy. Even through our little bubble. Going into grenade boss, I whispered the other "real" player, saying that this was going to hurt. Just as he was telling one of the others to STOP pushing the machine to suck off the grenade buttons. lol


I'd already told my guild that I was eagerly waiting my next 4-5 deaths, but only died one more time (pre boss), thanks to some pretty awesome tag team saving tactics between me and that other good player. Needless to say, I got my 6 overall deaths and I won the KDY kit.

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Also, to the people saying DPS don't have responsabilities, I couldn't disagree more. If DPS let the group down, things can get really scary for the tanks and healers too. DPS not killing adds? Undergeared/bad DPS letting the boss enrage? DPS failing mechanics? These things cause wipes as surely as a healer or tank messing up.


Stuns, CCs, interrupts etc I've played a ton of healers in various games (and a lot of PVP), and I'd always recognize when a DPS was protecting me and knew how to peel. As DPS, I've very mindful of those that keep my booty alive!

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