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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Once he dies I start soloing it while the sniper is too busy flaming me in chat to revive and the other 2 dps still aren't coming to join. I solo it up until the 3rd set of adds, at which point the 2 dps finally get there and we complete with the sniper still dead and still moaning about how he had aggro on every pull and I am a useless tank. After the fight I decide to go on a rant at the idiotic sniper:


Just be happy that you don't get kicked for switching to dps stance.

I like to do that too btw... with a price tag of course.

Edited by Halinalle
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Just be happy that you don't get kicked for switching to dps stance.

I like to do that too btw... with a price tag of course.


I often do so, be it in tfp or HM FP. I don't want to go ripping aggro off the new dps-tank do I?


Having said that I usually end up having to switch back quickly when I see that the dps-tank is (they usually are) an absoutely pathetic example of tanking and its back on my shoulders to rip things from the healer that the dps-tank failed to protect.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Just be happy that you don't get kicked for switching to dps stance.

I like to do that too btw... with a price tag of course.


This. Switching to DPS stance just to make a statement like an irritable child? Be glad you don't run with me, I have a low tolerance for 'petty'.

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This. Switching to DPS stance just to make a statement like an irritable child? Be glad you don't run with me, I have a low tolerance for 'petty'.


If Marauder wants to "tank" KDY by pulling everything in the room, why should I try to stop him?

Not to even mention that Marauders can't live without stunts like that. If there's no Marauders who would we blame in operations for causing the full wipe?

Edited by Halinalle
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This was actually weird....Lowbie mando raiders.


First comment I see on group chat it's from the level 23 tank, let's call him "JoeSmith".


[JoeSmith]: I just want to level to 27


Obviuosly no clue what was that about, I thought it was a wrong chat or something, so I just say hello and stuff.

Myself and the 2 dps clear the first room.


We see the tank was still on Tattoine.


[DPS1]: JoeSmith ?

[JoeSmith]: What is it ??

[me]: lol

[DPS2]: .......


I was in awe. Didn't see that one coming.


[me]: so... good luck leveling to 27 ?


No respose so we procede to voteckick and we complete the flaspoint with Khem Val tanking for us.


That was lulzy :D

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This was actually weird....Lowbie mando raiders.


First comment I see on group chat it's from the level 23 tank, let's call him "JoeSmith".


[JoeSmith]: I just want to level to 27


Obviuosly no clue what was that about, I thought it was a wrong chat or something, so I just say hello and stuff.

Myself and the 2 dps clear the first room.


We see the tank was still on Tattoine.


[DPS1]: JoeSmith ?

[JoeSmith]: What is it ??

[me]: lol

[DPS2]: .......


I was in awe. Didn't see that one coming.


[me]: so... good luck leveling to 27 ?


No respose so we procede to voteckick and we complete the flaspoint with Khem Val tanking for us.


That was lulzy :D


I have a feeling I have mis-read this story because what I think its saying is so ridicuolous it cant be right.


At the moment it looks like your saying the level 23 wanted to gain 4 levels before zoning into a fp, which cant possibly be correct as nobody is that stupid.



KDY again, this time im the weird 1. Im on my sent, theres a scoundrel healer, guadian dps and vanguard dps.


Zone in, say our hello's go to the shuttle and get to the first room, the hanger scenario. I run in, do the first pull then set off for the second one at the side of the hanger. I get over there, everyone heals up, I jump in and we do the pull (the healer is rather aweful, there are no scoundrel hots on anybody, let alone 2-stack and they only use the 3 second resource free heal, but nobody dies so who cares).


The third pull in the hanger I stop and heal up, then the vanguard, who's set to dps on the group role, uses storm, then starts a half-decent tanking rotation (considering the abilities available to him at that level), they are getting tanking procs and as the guardian jumps in I see the guard is on them.


At the end of the pull I ask the vanguard if he is tank or dps, he says he is a tank and I apologise for pulling the fights, I had just assumed he was dps based upon the group roles thing. I seem to have made myself look like the typical sent which is bad enough, however now I know we have a tank I stop pulling and see that this guy is rather good. Great, I have now made myself look like a DerP-S infront of a half decent tank :(.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Nothing special , but this was a weird encounter.

Boarding Party.Classes are irrelevant in this,except for the main antagonist.

We zone in, break the door and proceed to fight.

Everything is going good except the operative healer never healed a single thing, never even healed himself,not even with the agent out of combat heal.There are some deaths here and there.A little before the first boss the operative starts sniping and initiating fight.He was also using only snipe the whole flashpoint.Nobody says a single thing the whole way.I don't care either because i just wanted to level up.

We reach the first boss and the Operative again tries to tank the boss.Everyone zones in.The operative of course having never healed till now , does that at 15 % hp.At the end amazingly only the operative and the tank survive.And the following conversation happens.(with small changes, i don't remember it all)


me:no heals...

dps2:Healer why are you not healing?



tank: what are you doing noob?

The Amazing Operative:Be lucky we reached and killed this boss so quickly because of my dps.

-vote kick is being initiated, everyone votes yes.

Operative: This is a bit extreme don't you think?You are gonna kick me? really?



Operative:You didn't need to do that i was just torlling.(his own spelling)

Operative:Ah well...

me:hahah bye idiot

He is then kicked out of the group.Another healer hops in and we finish flawlessly.

..Seriously there are some pretty fuked up people out there.



I was the Operative


Edited by Kaedusz
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I have a feeling I have mis-read this story because what I think its saying is so ridicuolous it cant be right.


At the moment it looks like your saying the level 23 wanted to gain 4 levels before zoning into a fp, which cant possibly be correct as nobody is that stupid.


I don't know what that guy thought. It's possible he was typing that on guild chat, then group pops, which makes your chat autoswitch to group, so a wrong chat thing, that's why I didn't think much of it at first and ignored that comment.

But then, when one of the dps call this tank for the flashpoint he seems annoyed, "what is it?" he said... And that was all he said. He didn't respond to any of the "hello there!" from the rest of the group either....


Maybe he thought he could gain xp from our kills witthin the flashpoint without being there ? I don't know. My guess is good as yours.....

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I don't know what that guy thought. It's possible he was typing that on guild chat, then group pops, which makes your chat autoswitch to group, so a wrong chat thing, that's why I didn't think much of it at first and ignored that comment.

But then, when one of the dps call this tank for the flashpoint he seems annoyed, "what is it?" he said... And that was all he said. He didn't respond to any of the "hello there!" from the rest of the group either....


Maybe he thought he could gain xp from our kills witthin the flashpoint without being there ? I don't know. My guess is good as yours.....


That's idiocy on a whole new level. I thought I couldn't be surprised, but wow. I am surprised.

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Had a group so terrible that I came straight here today. Athiss SM on my sorc (popped me as heal, so I respecced from Madness), with a lvl 19 sin tank (who, it turned out, actually was Darkness-specced), a lvl 24 (I think) MM sniper and a sorc whose level I forgot because he dropped before the second boss.


First of all: tank is not in any stance. I tell him that "his stance fell off", because that happens to me once in a while due to misclicks. He puts on Lightning Charge. I sigh and don't say anything.


From here on, the sniper would initiate every pull with Ambush, while the tank was still casting ... Crushing Darkness. Huh. Consequently, everything and their cousin is on the healer (yours truly) 90% of the time.


Before the first boss, all three of them spend almost a minute repeatedly clicking the pack of explosives, clearly not realising that they've picked it up in the first try (in spite of the large red text at the top of their screens). I ask who's new. Tank answers, no one else does.


First boss -- I take care of the adds because the DPS are tunnel-visioning. Oddly enough, the tank comes running over to me a second before the adds are dead to pick them up, leaving the boss tearing through the DPS. Even between add waves, the boss switches targets between the tank and ... me once every five seconds or so.


Every group between the first and second boss is pulled and dealt with, again mostly by my Force Storm because the tank and DPS are tunnelvisioning. The one time I try to CC a shaman, it's immediately broken, so I no longer bother. The sorc DPS usually kills his one chosen enemy, loots him, then watches us deal with the rest.


While the sniper is casting his initial ambush on the Beast of Vodal Kresh, the sorc disconnects. I tell the sin to turn the boss away from the group, he says okay and does nothing of the sort. Every add is on me, despite my frantic "ADDS GUYS" and "ADDS!!!" in chat. Since the tank doesn't keep aggro and the healer is kinda busy here, hun, everyone's HP drop into the double-digits before my oh-****-buttons come off cooldown. Did I mention that the sin tank Overloads on CD and the sniper makes copious use of Cover Pulse, uses Suppressive Fire and Flashbang, Frag Grenade and Entrench on CD and for no reason? Because they do.


I tell the sin in very strong terms to at least keep up Dark Ward. I don't know if he's wearing a shield generator, but I'm too afraid of what I might find to check. At least he listens to advice and sporadically uses Dark Ward. I tell the sniper to stop pulling and using Entrench on CD, he doesn't reply.


I kick the afk sorc, pull out Khem and queue us. While the sniper is busy pulling every single champion on the way to the final boss (every single one of them, even the ones that can be avoided without stealth CC), we get a replacement sorc, who actually seems to be using a somewhat reasonable rotation for his level.


I tell people to avoid the flames, and that I will cleanse, but of course everyone tries to be best friends with the flames instead. I don't know why I bothered. We down the boss after far, far too long. I /ignore the sin and sniper and drop the group after saying that this had been the worst group I'd seen in months.

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Friday night, me on my lvl 59 Sorc heal and and our guild co-leader on her Sorc DPS, trying to push her to level 60. Since it's like 3am, we don't get a full guild group together, so we queue for a tactical FP. We get Battle for Rishi, which is many things, but difficult is not one of them.


We get paired with 2 Marauders, one level 60, one level 58. We give our hellos and the one Marauder completely catches us off guard by offering advice to those who don't know the FP, causing our co-leader to ask me whether the guy was crazy. People offering help is generally not a thing on our server. Anyway, we get going, and during one of the trash pulls before the 1st boss, we notice a little something. The lvl 60 Marauder who had offered his advice in the beginning had used Bloodthirst. On a trash pull. A nearly dead trash pull. The facepalms are real.


And thus, we do both the 1st and 2nd bosses without Bloodthirst, because damn it that one half dead elite warranted the use of a 5 min cooldown raid buff. We also notice that the Marauder's DPS is pretty low. Low as in, my healing Sorc does enough damage to easily keep aggro against him. Either the guy is a god of aggro reduction, or his damage sucks. Upon inspecting his gear and seeing 33% (!) Crit and almost no Power (although to his credit, perfect accuracy), we decide that it's probably his damage being substantially worse than it should be.


Anyway, we get to the final boss. The lvl 60 asks me whether my guildy, or the "purple-haired beauty" as he called her, would return after she disconnects. After headbutting the desk, I manage to answer that I think she will as it wasn't an intentional disconnect (which she would have told me about beforehand). So she comes back and we start the fight. The level 60 Mara dies during the first shield phase because he didn't use the console and just stood behind it. Instead of waiting for a battle res, the fool respawns in front of the now closed door. We're all kinda busy killing the boss and not dying when we notice in chat that the Mara wrote "One of you should probably open the door for me.", at which point my guildy and I almost die of laughter.


Of course we open the door in the only way possible - by killing the boss. And we actually got around to having Bloodthirst this time, yay. We watch the cutscene, say goodbye and thanks. The level 60 Mara then damn near kills us by going "Well you didn't open the door for me so I won't say thank you." My guildy responds with "You can't open the door." and I go "We opened the door the only way we could." Our glorious Marauder responds with "Really? That would be news to me. But I died in the shield phase anyway, despite being protected." :rolleyes:


TL;DR: Marauder offers help in the beginning, would have needed help himself.

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I have a feeling I have mis-read this story because what I think its saying is so ridicuolous it cant be right.


At the moment it looks like your saying the level 23 wanted to gain 4 levels before zoning into a fp, which cant possibly be correct as nobody is that stupid.



KDY again, this time im the weird 1. Im on my sent, theres a scoundrel healer, guadian dps and vanguard dps.


Zone in, say our hello's go to the shuttle and get to the first room, the hanger scenario. I run in, do the first pull then set off for the second one at the side of the hanger. I get over there, everyone heals up, I jump in and we do the pull (the healer is rather aweful, there are no scoundrel hots on anybody, let alone 2-stack and they only use the 3 second resource free heal, but nobody dies so who cares).


The last time I healed a KDY I was on my Op. healer who was in his low 50s and had a group with 3 dps, one in the low 50s and the other two in the low 20s. Early on the higher level dsp told me to stop healing and just dps. The only healing I was doing at that point was keeping Kolto Probe up, and most of that was done while on the run. I obliged him, so instead of me keeping the group topped off without down time, we got to sit around and self heal after half the fights. Yah, much faster :rolleyes:

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Had really weird run of SM Hammer Station earlier today. The group is my Shadow Tank, a Guardian DPS, a Commando DPS, and a Commando "Healer". We zone in and exchange our hellos except for the "Healer" who is silent. I put my guard on the sage and start the first trash pull Everything seems to be going well. Then, half way through the first trash pull, the Guardian force jumps to another group and starts fighting it. I force speed over, pick up as much agro as I can, and then start trying to kill both groups asap. We finish the pull, and I notice that I have 1% health left. I shrug, and just assume that the healer was having a hard time keeping up. The next few pulls go fine, until we reach a group with two golds in it. Before I can start the pull the Guardian jumps in at one of the golds. I close as fast as I can and get agro on almsot everything. My health bar is draining fast though, and 6 seconds later I'm dead, with almost the entire group still alive. I return to med center and run to them as fast as I can, catching the end of the fight. After the fight we have a fairly interesting conversation.*


Guardian DPS: omg noob tank you need to keep agro of off me did you see all of the enemies shooting at me?

Me: Sorry, its a bit hard when you attack first.

Guardian DPS: lol noob thats not how it works. also why are you tank your a shadow. thats why you die so fast

Commando DPS: actually, i'm fairly certain that was the healer's fault. healer, you need to heal.

Commando Healer: oh yeah sorry i forgot im not dps

Me: thanks. that should help next fight.

* I do not hold responsibility for people's awful grammar.


The rest of the flashpoint goes pretty much the same way. The Guardian pulls first on almost every pull possible. Whats more, I continue to get no heals from the "healer". At this point the Commando DPS whispers me and says that he's switching to healing. I thank him, and we proceed with a much easier time. Everything goes fine until the trash pull right before Kreshan. We start fighting the two turrets and part way through the fight the bridge comes back online. The Guardian then runs over it right before it closes and pulls all the mobs on the other side. He dies a quick and painful death, and then starts verbally harassing the rest of the group. After the pull ends we clear the trash on the other side and the revive him. The Kreshan fight goes pretty well until the guardian is knocked into the gap and dies. Kreshan dies pretty soon after that. The Guardian then starts abusing my tanking abilities yet again.


Him: **** u noob this wouldn't have happened if you were a better tank. everyone knows shadows cant tank.

Me: have you played the class?

Him: lol no but everyone knows shadows cant tank

Commando DPS: please go read some guides.

I put both the Guardian DPS and Commmando healer on ignore, and then ended up running heroics on Taris with the other Commando.


TL;DR One DPS who chain pulled and thought Shadows couldn't tank, a healer who didn't heal, and a DPS who was a really nice guy

Edited by Slorgark
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Did a Dread Fortress HM on my ImpSide. I was on my 60 Assasin which sadly only had arkanian armorings.


The mara of the group (only non 60) keeps pulling and not perfoming mechanics right (he refused to interrupt anything on Draxus),

We get to Brontes with some trouble when I am going back through chat to look at a friends message when I realize that the mara had need rolled on everything and won. I take a quick look at his achievements and see he had never been their before.


I bring this to the attention of the raid and he throws a massive hissy fit. After a few minutes of raid group arguing, they decide to kick me out due to me being "a disruptive moron".


Cut to 20 mins later on fleet were some of the raid members were complaining about said mara had ninja looted everything and ran.

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(First time posting on the forums in months and it's about bad lowbies. Yaaaay.)


Yeah, I know, lowbies. Level 10 Black Talon. Not a big deal, but oh wow this person made me more than a little annoyed.

So I started a new Merc, since 3.0 happened and my lv 55 Merc was basically unplayable, due to my badness. Wanted to do some flashpoints during my leveling process, because I thought it might help me get over my crippling social anxiety if I grouped up. So I started with BT.


I was grouped up (playing a lv 13 Mercenary) with a lv 11 Marauder. I knew it wouldn't have been the best Black Talon ever because the Marauder (let's call them JaneDoe) said nothing. No 'hello', nothing. We run in and JaneDoe never skips a single scene, which I was okay with. It's their first time, I don't care.


We get to the first fight, still nothing in group chat (even checked to see if it was enabled in Chat Settings. It was.) They're surprisingly diplomatic in dialogue for a Sith.


First couple fights go well... then that changes. They don't even wait for me, and instead run ahead like a tank and aggro ALL THE THINGS. Sometimes they didn't even wait for them to die before attacking new enemies. I was spec'd for heals (although that means diddly squat at lv 13 with no CSC or good heat management) so I could at least throw some RSs down to keep JaneDoe the Marauderp alive.


As we fought through the enemies, JaneDoe rolled Need on EVERYTHING. Even the Aim stuff, which I really could've used for my Treek. They even acquired a Cunning chest. And equipped it to themselves, not Vette.

This is when I could've chimed in with a 'Hey, Warriors use Strength and Vette uses Cunning. Also, I could use the Aim.' and a bit of an explanation on what Need and Greed meant. But, y'know, Social Anxiety made me recede into my human turtle shell and I said nothing.

JaneDoe continues to attack like a crazy person and even engages an Elite while I was fighting a separate one. Heals happened, yadda yadda. (Oh and did I mention they used Channel Hatred about... 0 times?)


We get to Yadira Ban and she never runs out of Cyclone Nova. I had no time to type a tip or two because they auto-rushed in there like a bad AI. They rolled Need yet again on a purple Aim barrel after we killed Yadira, which is when I truly gave up and just rushed through the rest of the FP, killing things left and right.

In hindsight I could've given out tips but I doubt they would've listened.


I'm trying Hammer Station as heals when I hit 15. I might have another insanely long post for that one, though I hope not.


So TL;DR: Lowbies suck, Marauders are derpy and I really really really hate the Need button now. Also, Social Anxiety sucks lamps.



Whoops, sorry for the long post got a bit ranty :sul_embarrassed:

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Lv 55-59, just like the 50 HMs from lv 50-54.


He asked about GF HM Ops. I'm pretty sure there is no option for GF HM Ops at any level.


The story told was about a PuG doing an op. It wasn't organized through GF, which is OK--many of the stories in this thread are of random PuGs doing ops, not necessarily using GF (GF to do ops is a relatively recent thing, and this thread is OLD).


Back to stories, please, and no more myopic nitpicking.

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there are still people around without any knowledge of 55-raidcontent. Thats very sad. :<


Problem is there's no groups or they have way too high standards. Was asking if there's group for Oricon ops on my gunslinger few days ago but all they said 178+ isn't enough.

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Me and a Guildmember group up for an HM FP. After a while we get the Rakata FP. All goes well until the last boss. We got a noob NPC named Jakarro who joined our fight. :p


Why is he a noob? Well during the fight he killed me with Impale attack ( 0 Damage). I got a revive and when Darok was almost dead he did the same with our other DPS.


We finished it without further problem laughing about how wierd this is

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Popped into GF on my Sawbones for the weekly. HM HS comes up.


It takes a minute for everyone to show up. Then, we go to the first pull, a pair of silvers. I am not well positioned, so I am unable to put any heals on the tank for the first like 3 seconds.


In that time, he dies.


The DPS finish them, we go to the next pull. I slice one of the golds, the tank LoS's the rest of the pull - and again, he is dead in seconds. This time, we wipe.


So the group pretty much disbands then and there.


I don't know if it was bad tanking, bad healing, what.

Edited by EranofArcadia
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