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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Then i was doing BH, had a hard time healing the 3 boss and then we noticed a small droid that was popping from time to time on boss and pulsing with fire. After tank and melee dps started moving away from it, healing become easy. I never noticed that droid before, but then healing i do tend to pay less attention to such things (as long as i am not stand in them myself). Is it a glitch? Or was it always there?

Hmmm... the only droid that appears in Blood Hunt on the Shae Vizla fight is the droid that pulls everyone in during the "fire maelstrom". That droid will die at the end of the maelstrom. You can also avoid getting pulled in if you kill the droid as soon as it becomes targetable (has very low health and a single attack will normally kill it).


If you were seeing another droid, then it must have been a glitch. Or maybe someone had a droid pet out ;).

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Then i was doing BH, had a hard time healing the 3 boss and then we noticed a small droid that was popping from time to time on boss and pulsing with fire. After tank and melee dps started moving away from it, healing become easy. I never noticed that droid before, but then healing i do tend to pay less attention to such things (as long as i am not stand in them myself). Is it a glitch? Or was it always there?


Did you have, by chance, a sniper/slinger in your group?

Edited by Torvai
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please keep going, this will be so funny


I think it's embarrassing as it is already ;) Last time I run into this spec a year ago, so yeh... Forgot how it looks.

At least that made other people to keep distance from boss and that made healing less hard. Reminds me of that one time then our raid lead told that Brontes purple circles of doom also heal her like Death Field. THAT made DPS move out -_-

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A weird thing on the GF :


We did a tactical with an dedicated Healer.


I mean - I haven't done Tacticals with decicated Healers FOR AGES.

I almost only get DPS.

I think in one case we even got a proper tank ...


( And no, I did *not* faint out on seeing that ! :D )


My girlfriend and I que up for tacticals all the time as dedicated healer and tank. People tend to have a little shock when they see us roll in there. "Omg! A tank and healer. Proper tank and healer. *loud gasp*"

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My girlfriend and I que up for tacticals all the time as dedicated healer and tank. People tend to have a little shock when they see us roll in there. "Omg! A tank and healer. Proper tank and healer. *loud gasp*"


lol yeah when i was leveling and did tacticals i always left the dps AND healer marked and when we get pop im in group as healer and then say im dps. People go: oh man, and i took the pop cause i saw a healer in the group :(

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*facepalms Yes, we did.


Haha :D


As for dude who went back to Progenitor, I know what you mean... I rolled a 25 there the other day for DvL, did the intro/weekly pvp... guarded some mando with a healing cylinder. Dude did not pop one heal in the whole hypergate. I wasn't in the mood to take the chance to explain... just removed guard and facepalmed. :rolleyes:

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My girlfriend and I que up for tacticals all the time as dedicated healer and tank. People tend to have a little shock when they see us roll in there. "Omg! A tank and healer. Proper tank and healer. *loud gasp*"


I got that reaction last night when I brought my main healer. The group of three had been running flashpoints together and the merc was so happy they didn't have to offheal. He was SO excited that he ran headfirst into every pull, even though we had a tank, and the tank and other dps were very slow to reach each pull (they kept taking the long way to everything, this was in Assault on Tython. Like, they wanted to go across every bridge and fight ever random mob while the merc and I ran to the three points in short order). The two slowpokes got a little mad at the merc but I kept him alive and dpsed myself, the mobs were usually dead by the time they caught up to us.


As someone who hates bringing my dps into group content, I could understand his frustration. Whenever I do bring a dps, I'm always running between the healing stations because it's either all dps or with a healer who can't keep up, so I'm developing a complex where I think my dps is never going to be good enough to bring to ops or harder content because I have no idea what I can do with them uninterrupted and with full support (good tank and healer combo)

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I got that reaction last night when I brought my main healer. The group of three had been running flashpoints together and the merc was so happy they didn't have to offheal. He was SO excited that he ran headfirst into every pull, even though we had a tank, and the tank and other dps were very slow to reach each pull (they kept taking the long way to everything, this was in Assault on Tython. Like, they wanted to go across every bridge and fight ever random mob while the merc and I ran to the three points in short order). The two slowpokes got a little mad at the merc but I kept him alive and dpsed myself, the mobs were usually dead by the time they caught up to us.


As someone who hates bringing my dps into group content, I could understand his frustration. Whenever I do bring a dps, I'm always running between the healing stations because it's either all dps or with a healer who can't keep up, so I'm developing a complex where I think my dps is never going to be good enough to bring to ops or harder content because I have no idea what I can do with them uninterrupted and with full support (good tank and healer combo)


This right here is probably the biggest reason why I don't agree with making all FP's tactical. Since there is no group cohesion with no one playing what they are supposed to be playing, it gets messy when they start doing the HM's and OP's. My girlfriend runs healer all day, every day, all the time. That is her favourite class. I only recently picked up tanking, probably within the last few months, to help her get into these tacticals faster. I DPS'd a lot, but i find myself liking the tanking. I actually want to try out all three of them and see which is my favourite. Right now running with Jugg. Assassin is next.


I want to learn it well so we can eventually run all the big stuff. But these tacticals, makes it difficult sometimes. I know they are made so everyone can get in quicker, but when you have DPS trying to tank when we have a proper tank (actually happens a lot) or not doing enough hoping to ride on the coattails of what they assume is DPS that queued as tank (actually happened just the other night. asked why their dps was low and they asked me the same thing. told them I was tanking and showed them my gear. they were surprised.), it becomes a problem. Oh well, guess our guild will have to wipe in HM's to get our practice in for those OP's.

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Too often I start writing something here and give up, but I might have something worth finishing for once.


Fleet chat is asking for 1 healer for Foundry HM. When I whisper for an invite, they also mention they're doing it for the HK part. At this point I could have just told them it can be done solo now, but I wanted to do the HM anyway, and joining a group in fleet chat is generally more reliable than solo queueing in GF.


When we zoned in, we had no tank/DPS/healer icons since we queued as a group, so I checked to see which one is a tank. We had two Assassins and two Sorcs, so I checked the Assassins. Both had almost exclusively DPS gear, and both had DPS charges... and upon asking the group they confirmed we have no tank.


At this point I really should've just told them it can be done in solo and given up.


Soon we were at the Foundry guardian. I didn't explain tactics much and there were some quick deaths to Molten Burst. On the next try, I tried to stress that they need to move away during Charge Up and Molten Burst. This ended causing pretty much the opposite of the first tries. Now the Assassins, or at least one from what I could see, were almost always out of melee. Obviously for a sin this limits your abilities a lot. I saw one repeatedly using Whirlwind. The lack of DPS means it enraged at about 40% and I can't heal through it that long.


The next few tries were pretty similar. DPS being too cautious about getting molten'd, and enrages on high HP %s. After far too many wipes, one of the assassins left (not the one I saw using Whirlwind unfortunately). I was considering using my companion but the GF replacement came, a Con Op.


Since the damage dealt by the boss was low for the most part, I tried respeccing to DPS for the fight, which meant we had 4 DPS now. Surprisingly it worked on the first try. Based on how many tries the first boss took, I thought it would be a good idea to leave the group then, but I chose to stay and see what happens.


I respecced back to heals and we cleared the trash up to HK. I was expecting some more wipes on this but we one shotted it. Next was bonus boss, which we agreed to do at the start.


It seems like the only tactic for bonus is to DPS a lot and avoid AoE really quickly. On the first couple of tries the AoE avoidance was too slow and people died too fast. The next couple of tries we hit enrage which appears to include a one shot mechanic. I don't remember how many tries we had, but finally we managed to kill it after hitting enrage and having a single person left who was likely very close to death.


N4-10 is easy, I specced to DPS again and we burned it down before anyone could die.


Revan is not as easy... 2 or 3 wipes from the knockback and someone dying, another couple from not interrupting him. I think it was at this point the operative left (he was on Dromund Kaas so I assumed he gave up and kicked him). I queued again, we got a sniper. And after 2 hours, we finally finished the flashpoint.


TL;DR: If they want do Foundry HM for the HK part, it's not worth the risk.

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To "unbug" his cover mechanic i have seen two things work. Know where "he should be" when he is in cover and run to that spot while line of sighting the boss. What I mean by that is when you first fight the boss he always goes to correct position everytime, so go to that spot. The other is run up the ramp a little ways that is behind where you go for "phase two" of the fight.


the trick there is that two first adds are the ones that shield the boss I usually push the left one to the right near first kolto for aoe, once they are down you may go closer with an unshielded boss, and yes sometimes he is mid way to the stairs but a run to the where it should does the trick of stoping snipes at shot range.

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I admire your patience!! If the HM fps aint done in 30 minutes, im leaving!


Oh, that's nothing. My personal goal is : "We finish that stuff NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES !" Finishing is far more important to me - personally - than time constraintzs.


The only time when I prefer fast FPs is when it's late that evening and I must get up early in the morning. But then, I queue for Hammerstation & Athiss only.

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Levelling my sin, get a pop for czerka core tactical.


Group is my 57 sin dps, 65 sorc dps, 27 mara and the 4th person quit before we zoned in (at least he had the manners to accept gf pop then quit, unlike these people who decline it).


We get to the sandstorm boss and I pull. I hold aggro and sandstorm starts. I kite the boss to the green thing and wait for him to smash it, the other 2 remain far away from the green thing.


My health starts to plummet, I am about to die and wonder if I should force shroud and go press a kolto. However the other 2 are stood nowhere near the green thing so when they get aggro after my shroud the boss will no longer be in the right place for the smash. I decide to just stay there and hope one of the other 2 does kolto for me.


They don't, I die, but during the smash thing so first generator is destroyed. The boss then goes for the mara, which I found surprising, a level 27 putting out more dps than a 65? oh well not my problem though that 65 just made himself look stupid.


Second sandstorm starts and the mara starts running around like a headless chicken. I write "run towards the green thing" but they don't and eventually its a wipe.


On the way back I write "please mention if you are new so we can explain stuff."

mara: "lol you think just because I don't have LP I am new" (I am only person there with LP)

me: "no, I think because you ran around like a headless chicken during sandstorm that you are new"

mara: "I don't do fp's often, it doesn't mean I am new"

me: "yes it does, have you fought this boss before?"

mara: "no, but I know my class and I do loads of single player"

me: "so you don't know this boss then? i.e new"


I then proceed to write out an explanation of the mechanics (though I don't think I need to as I easily had aggro while I was alive so I reckon most of the positioning I can do myself) while the mara starts complaining in chat about elitists and people with ego's etc.


After I have finished explaining it I write "I just took the time to explain the fight to you, not something and elitist would do, would you do the courtesy of reading it please."


A minute or so passes and the mara writes "got it"


I go and pull, nobody presses koltos, luckily this generator is one of the ones with a kolto within smash range of the generator so I survive first one. When second one comes nobody presses koltos and I die, the mara writes "lol seems the sorc didn't want to press the kolto that was right next to him" and we wipe.


On the way back I ask the sorc to please do koltos as he is the only ranged in the group. Get no response. I pull, get no kolto's and mara is not positioning properly so I end up dead again.


I write "screw this" and quit group.


Sometimes people are just beyond help.

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This happened 2 or 3 months ago on progenitor. I was preferred at the time. Some guy posted on gen chat that he looks ppl for BH and LI hm, paying 5 mil for anyone who joins. I though: 'Yeah sure', but i joined anyway ;)

Guy who stared group was mercenary dps, good geared ( mostly 220 set pieces, etc.) - when i asked why he want to pay for running FP, he said that he tried them with pugs for over 20 times and never been able to finish..

I told him that i can do any role, soon we get 2 others, sorc dps and healer, so i reloged to my jugg tank.


We started with BH, i checked gear of 2 sorcs - dps is in mostly BiS gear, but healer have 60k hp ;) When i asked if it will be enaugh for BH, dps sorc said that the healer is his firend and he is pro, so i should not worry ;)

I said 'Cool' and we started.


What is weird, we didnt wipe on any of bosses in BH hm and LI hm, nobody even died - damn sorcs healers are so strong when in right hands;) And the merc actually paid everyone in group - i got 2 ops passes because 5 mil were no use for me anyway as i was preferred then.

Edited by soiidoii
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Levelling my sin, get a pop for czerka core tactical.


Group is my 57 sin dps, 65 sorc dps, 27 mara and the 4th person quit before we zoned in (at least he had the manners to accept gf pop then quit, unlike these people who decline it).


We get to the sandstorm boss and I pull. I hold aggro and sandstorm starts. I kite the boss to the green thing and wait for him to smash it, the other 2 remain far away from the green thing.


My health starts to plummet, I am about to die and wonder if I should force shroud and go press a kolto. However the other 2 are stood nowhere near the green thing so when they get aggro after my shroud the boss will no longer be in the right place for the smash. I decide to just stay there and hope one of the other 2 does kolto for me.


They don't, I die, but during the smash thing so first generator is destroyed. The boss then goes for the mara, which I found surprising, a level 27 putting out more dps than a 65? oh well not my problem though that 65 just made himself look stupid.


Second sandstorm starts and the mara starts running around like a headless chicken. I write "run towards the green thing" but they don't and eventually its a wipe.


On the way back I write "please mention if you are new so we can explain stuff."

mara: "lol you think just because I don't have LP I am new" (I am only person there with LP)

me: "no, I think because you ran around like a headless chicken during sandstorm that you are new"

mara: "I don't do fp's often, it doesn't mean I am new"

me: "yes it does, have you fought this boss before?"

mara: "no, but I know my class and I do loads of single player"

me: "so you don't know this boss then? i.e new"


I then proceed to write out an explanation of the mechanics (though I don't think I need to as I easily had aggro while I was alive so I reckon most of the positioning I can do myself) while the mara starts complaining in chat about elitists and people with ego's etc.


After I have finished explaining it I write "I just took the time to explain the fight to you, not something and elitist would do, would you do the courtesy of reading it please."


A minute or so passes and the mara writes "got it"


I go and pull, nobody presses koltos, luckily this generator is one of the ones with a kolto within smash range of the generator so I survive first one. When second one comes nobody presses koltos and I die, the mara writes "lol seems the sorc didn't want to press the kolto that was right next to him" and we wipe.


On the way back I ask the sorc to please do koltos as he is the only ranged in the group. Get no response. I pull, get no kolto's and mara is not positioning properly so I end up dead again.


I write "screw this" and quit group.


Sometimes people are just beyond help.

Lol, I can only assume this story is common. I did Czerka Core as my first tactical. Did it during DvL on a mid level mara. One of the guys must have gone through what you did a few times prior to entering because when we got to the sandstorm boss, he was basically like "holy mother of god, please tell me everyone knows this and we stand a chance."


I explained that I'd never done it before, he and another explained the fight, and we got through it ok after an attempt or two, with everyone (mostly) doing the mechanics right.


He was so relieved afterwards.


Moral of this story, IMO, is, that boss really isn't tuned for pug tacticals. He's one of a number of parts across numerous tacticals that didn't quite get tuned down enough for the haphazard "no roles" mess that pug tacticals can be. I mean, I was intimidated a bit after that FP, thinking it'd be a harrowing pug experience, but most of them turned out to be relatively easy and undemanding for a haphazard group.


Some others that come to mind that are rough for pugs: Moff Kilran, Laser-Eye dude where you need to LoS or he nearly one-shots you (I think in the same FP, or maybe it's the prior one...? same story chain I think anyway). Bonus boss in Kilran's FP (that mofo that does a jumping ground-pound and ruins everyone's day).

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Sandstorm Boss is fine, it is the people who can't follow strategy, or people who don't know the strategy. There is a very simple way to beat the boss: damage stop at sandstorm and all go to green generator. This way it will work regardless of composition (damage stop just to be sure, if all go there is no need).


I remember on my lvl 47 PT tank doing that boss and everytime when sandstorm came I taunted to kite the boss, but a 65 Sniper would burst him off me. I was self conscious and after 3 tries left in shame, because I am a newbie tank and thought it was my fault for losing aggro - which possibly is true but could be dealt with if the team were acting as one.

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Sandstorm Boss is fine, it is the people who can't follow strategy, or people who don't know the strategy. There is a very simple way to beat the boss: damage stop at sandstorm and all go to green generator. This way it will work regardless of composition (damage stop just to be sure, if all go there is no need).


Except that if you're non-tank, you'll probably die in his smash even if he break the generator.

So, follow the mechanic is not enough - someone have to heal you or use the kolto station(but not that from the other side of the area, cuz you'll get 0 heals).


Got my 3.0 jugg tank out of the dust and i was left him an year ago with 2/3 on HM weekly, so i check Athiss, Hammer station and Cademimu and got an insta pop for HS. Now, my gear is mix of 192/198, but my stat pool was fine and the bolster did the rest.

The group is me and 3 sorcs with above 80k HP. Bolster gave me 67-68, so i was called very undergeared for HM.

I ignore them and pull the first pair of droids.

We get to the big pull(you know which) and i start it like i've always do - force push one of the gold so he end up with the rest - leap to him - aoe taunt - saber reflect - smash and etc. This rotation always works and no one else eat damage. My health drop fast after the reflect goes down, so i pop invincible, then saber ward, then enraged defense and finally endure pain. This is about 30 seconds and guess - the whole group is still up and attacking me, since the dps share the two gold and ignore the weak and standart. I died, but they managed to finish the pull.

You're way undergeared, you take a lot of damage" - says the healer. Again, i ignore and move ahead.

We get to the droid boss and i asked the healer if he know to clean me at 5 stacks. No response in 15 seconds, so i pull. First laser - no clean, but i survive with dcd and type in chat "clean the laser at 5 stacks". Second laser my dcd was on CD, so with no cleanses, i've died, followed by the group one by one.


The healer start cryin' about my gear. I told the group that is the mechanics, not my gear that wipe us, but none of the dps sorc back up my story. I mean, when i dps with a healer class and the healer don't clean, i do it, since the droid don't have an enrage timer and can afford a little dps loss. But these 2 guys with 220 gear have no clue.


Anyway, gave another try and i type in chat to clean me at 5 stacks - no matter which 3 of them and we'll be fine.

Leap, first laser is there and a miracle - cleanses at 6 :D. So, it was 6 or 7th laser, the boss is still on half health, but whatever. At some point i got a laser on me and a bunch of adds, so i move a bit, didn't get the clean and... you know.

"You got away of my range, you have to stay in range to heal you" says the healer.

"You are the range class, you have to stay in range to heal me" was my response.

The other 2 back up the healer, call it off and we drop group.


It was my first drop on Hammer station ever and i'm playing this game for over 3 years now.


In a few words - gear comes too easy now and ppl get 220 with no effort, without knowing the mechanics or even their class.

Edited by bgstranger
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Except that if you're non-tank, you'll probably die in his smash even if he break the generator.

So, follow the mechanic is not enough - someone have to heal you or use the kolto station(but not that from the other side of the area, cuz you'll get 0 heals).


Just hit a DCD and make sure only one person is directly on the generator, as stacking close together is going to result in everyone taking extra damage.

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The sandstorm boss is easy even without tanks. The issue is people need to know that a dps holding aggro will need someone to do kolto's.


I have done it before while levelling tanks where I would grab aggro, go and press a kolto and use dcd's to keep me alive until sandstom starts and once the generator is smashed I would run to another kolto, press it then move the boss back to the middle ready for next generator. Rinse and repeat.


Obviously it was a pain in the *** and would have been easier had someone else done kolto's, but a tank can solo the mechanics and healing in that fight if need be. Dps cannot and all it takes is 1 guy pressing a kolto every once in a while (and the person holding aggro to understand dcd's).


That's why I was so annoyed with the mara and sorc. At first they never mentioned they didn't know what to do, then they pretended to know even when it was obvious they didn't, then they accused me of being elitist, then we wipe again after I had explained it due to both of them ignoring everything I wrote, then I tell a specific person what to do and they don't even do it.


I will help people who listen, I will "ragequit" when they ignore everything and give me endless repair bills.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Just hit a DCD and make sure only one person is directly on the generator, as stacking close together is going to result in everyone taking extra damage.


DCD was not enough on my scoundrel. i was with SRM on me, defense screen and dodge.

Still got smashed along with the generator :D

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levelling my sin, get a pop for tactical rakata.


group is my 58 sin dps, 65 mara dps, 40 sorc dps with LP, 37 jugg dps. We get started and the sorc pulls the group of akk dogs or whatever they are called, runs around a corner to los them then opens their "rotation" with overload then force storm spam. Second pull I pull first and the sorc stand there with bubble (not static barrier, I mean the channelled one that prevents all damage and all actions), once it runs out they just stand there doing nothing.


Get to the next pull, the sorc pulls, los's, overloads, force storm spam.


You get the picture. EVERY trash pull in the entire run is either los'ed then overloaded (you know gathered in a nice tight group then instantly split apart) or involves just 3 people as the sorc stands doing nothing on any pull where they are not allowed to los.


At one point I write "I have a feeling this sorc is abit clueless."


We get to first boss, fight starts and all 3 of them focus down the rancor first, not that it matters its only tactical. What is quite irritating is, despite the fact the group is split all over the area and therefore the boss is running around and I am having to chase him (while running around fire) and I cant do proper rotation when boss is on me (I'm deception) I still have the bloke down to 22% by the time the 3 of them kill the rancor.


We carry on, second boss is a walk in the park as always, though it becomes clear to me that the sorc doesn't understand cc. Its constantly broken with force storm.


Get to final boss and sorc pulls. They die 4 GDC's later. mara dies soon after and jugg quickly drops to 20%. I give up and type "if you don't know the fight please say so I can explain it" while the bosses kill me.


On the run back I tell people to kill darok first and mention that someone needs to face-tank arkous. I suggest the sorc does it on the basis they are ranged so they can keep aggro while staying near the koltos. Sorc says they will give it a go.


Sorc dies before jakarro (or whatever wookie is called) turns up. We wipe soon after.


sorc: "you guys could at least keep the trooper off me"

me: "you have never done this fight before have you?"

sorc: "well I clearly out-dps you without even attacking the enemy"

me: "you cant tank the trooper"

sorc: "yeah right, your just too weak to rip off me."

me: "ill tank if you want"

sorc: "I would like to see you try."

me: "you do the kolto's then"

I switch to dark charge then pull and after pulling see the sorc write "no, do them yourself"


So I do. I face-tank arkous, run kolto's and dps on darok. We kill darok and after a while fighting arkous my hp gets low again, I force speed away and press kolto, then do whatever the sin teleport to target is called. I then do a second kolto slightly later on.


On the third time I need to do kolto after darok dies, I am down at 25%, arkous is doing lightning on me and I force speed towards a kolto. The sorc then extricates me, pulling me right back beside arkous and I head out for the kolto again. However I don't make it before I die.


me: "what wrong, were you embarrassed I was better at tanking than you?"

sorc: "lol you better than me? you just died"

me: "I wouldn't have if you had either agreed to do kolto or just left me to do it"


by now the group has wiped again. The sorc starts going on a tirade at me about how much of a noob I am, that I don't even know how to play, that I wiped the group by dying as a tank, etc.


We get back and mara says "shall we just kill arkous first seeing as he does more damage"

me: "I never tried it that way before"

sorc: "lol you only have 52% ops achievements and you think you are better than me"


I check the sorcs ops achievements, me: "you only have 22%, and most of yours are running HM and NiM level 50 ops during 3.0, plus we aren't in an op right now this is an fp, one which you clearly have never done before and don't know how to do."


The sorc continues their tirade about how pro they are and I should L2P. I reply to the mara that I am happy to try arkous first, I switch back to dps stance and we pull.


Now, after having agreed to attack arkous first the sorc tunnel-visions darok. I tell them to attack arkous, pointing out the boss names are very helpfully written above their heads and get a "lol you don't even know kill order in this fight you noob" and continues to attack darok (rich coming from someone who attacked rancor first in the first fight).


We kill arkous, darok does his old random aggro stuff and I decide at one point I need afew heals. I pop force speed and head for a kolto. The sorc extricates me again, dragging me away from kolto and I decide I am fed up with their ******** now. I force cloak and go press kolto again, receiving a "lol look at the noob dumping aggro, you too weak to take some hits?"


However while the sorc was typing this darok turned on them and killed them.


We finished fight, I res the sorc and during cast write "lol look at the noob dead on the floor, you too weak to take some hits?"


We do final convo, chat filled with the sorc throwing abuse at me, telling me how much of a noob I am. I thank the mara and jugg and tell the sorc I will be happy to teach them to play, just send me mail once they are ready to start listening.


The final thing I see in group chat before I get my loading screen out is the jugg writing "well at least this wasn't boring lol."

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