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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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This happened to me before. I was on my sawbones and was matched with three tanks. All three tanks accepted. It was the longest FP I've ever been in to clear...but all three of them had a great sense of humor and made the whole thing worth it, even after they started a boss fight before I got into the area and got cut in half by the door.

That's the kind of story I like to hear. I wish I'd gotten a bunch with a sense of humor, instead of those two dead as a grave ones lol.

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A few hours ago I finally completed my last hm fp, Taral V, for the Light vs. Dark event, and I'm here to report my best, worst and weirdest experiences! Please do get a cup of coffee, as this will probably be a long post, and half of the time it's probably me being weird.


Let's be negative and start with the bad stuff, hmm?


The worst experience!


My first try at Assault on Tython HM -- both first time trying to get it done to DvL AND first time I ever set foot to the HM version. We load in, I tell people I haven't done it before in HM, and we head off. We have an assassin tank, a sniper, a lowbie (60+) sorc healer and me, madness sorc dps. The sniper asks the tank to stealth the first, erh, turret? you're supposed to destroy before getting to the first boss. The tank apparently does not understand and just pulls the first mob. Sniper makes some witty remark during the fight about this, which causes our tank to drop group as soon as the pull is done. Now, we don't have a tank. Yay.


We requeue and proceed to kill trash with just the three of us. A replecement tank -- a level 60 juggernaut -- arrives when we're at the last turret-thingy that needs to be destroyed, and we proceed to the first boss. I know the skipping route to the first boss from tactical and headed that way, and since everyone followed me, I assumed skipping the trash was the norm in hm. No one bothered to explain the first boss to me, we just pulled, so I used my usual tactics for HMs I don't know: 1. Do what you'd do in tactical/sm, 2. If the other dps does not do what I'd do in tactical, do what the other dps does.


Unfortunately, I haven't done this fp many times in tactical, either, and the times I've done it, tactics for the orbital strike phase have been "don't stand in red" and that's it. I was running around like a headless chicken, trying not to stand in red and wondering if a HM fp fight is supposed to be this chaotic and if I should try to kill the adds or just focus on staying alive. The other dps also behaves like a headless chicken, so no help from there. The healer stands in an orbital strike. We wipe.


Second try: The sniper advises that we should kill the trash at the stairs. Later, in the middle of the boss fight, he then tells us to "go down the stairs" during the orbital strike phase. I go down the stairs, but only down the first stairs there are, and not the second, and then wonder how the heck is this supposed to help, since I'm still dropping orbital strikes all over. The healer tries to do the same, but the tank stays on the platform and healer has to move between where I am (apparently he thought that was where we were supposed to go, too) and where he can heal the tank. Tank dies, healer dies, I die from a orbital strike left by the healer while dodging my own orbital strike, we wipe.


Third try: Same as the previous, except that I go down the second stairs, too, after noticing where the sniper is standing. Unfortunately, I apparently didn't go far enough, since I was still dropping orbital strikes. Tank did not move to where the sniper was standing, so the healer couldn't move to there, they died, we died, everyone died. Healer proclaims that he doesn't have the gear to heal this and drops group.


Fourth try: Tank pulls out Vette and starts the encounter even though the sniper says that this can't be done with a comp. This time I make sure to pretty much stand on top of the sniper during the orbital strike phase, and look at that, the orbital strikes are not dropping on me! Meanwhile, Vette and tank die and we wipe.


Fifth try: I ask if this boss has an enrage, as I have field respec and could try healing it even though I have not done any sorc healing for a while if the sniper and a dps comp could manage to kill the adds and the boss. The sniper repeats that it can't be done with a comp. Tank pulls again with Vette and dies during orbital strike phase, but an actual healer loads in during that phase. Sniper and me proceed to dps the adds after the os phase, but with limited dcds and only my offhealing sniper goes down before the healer reaches the boss area and I'm at around 15% hp at that time. Healer and I put up a valiant fight, but despite madness sorcs being surprisingly good at tanking (as you will learn later in this post), I eventually died and we wiped. Healer dropped group, sniper dropped group.


Sixth try: I assumed we'd not be able to do this with the two of us, but the tank wanted to try, so I pulled out my Ashara and put her to heals since tank's Vette had a tendancy to die. At the orbital strike phase, jugg and Vette die while me and Ashara stand at the bottom of the stairs, safely away from the orbital strikes, until the phase ends and the adds murder us. Tank drops the group and I head back to Hoth to recruit Blizz, wondering why the heck people on the forums are complaining about things such as Battle of Rishi, Lost Island, Blood Hunt and Korriban Incursion and not this.



The best experiences! \o/


Assault on Tython, attempt 2.0.


This was simple, really. We load in, say our hellos, I inform the group that I have not done this before and get a "okay, that's cool" from the healer in response. And that healer proceeds to explain every boss encounter beforehand AND manages to heal us through the last boss even though the boss either really liked to use some weird attack on me despite the tank maintaining aggro or the purple circles were not exactly accurate and hit me even though I was standing outside of them on my screen. After the fiasco described above, this was exactly what I needed to get my confidence back. And, by the way, this healer's tactic for the orbital strike phase of the first boss was to drop the orbital strikes on the adds, kill the adds and go back to killing the boss -- not running down the stairs and sitting there, doing nothing for the whole phase. I don't know which one is the superior tactic, but I liked this one better.



And, finally, the weirdest experience.


Finally, the moment I had dreaded ever since I glanced at the LvD requirements for the first time had come. Blood Hunt HM popped.

The group is a decently geared tank, healer who was probably decently geared and/or skilled since he was good at his job, a merc dps who, judging by hp, had better gear than me and me, a madness sorc in augmented 216/220 gear with 4/7 set bonus. My experience with Blood Hunt HM before this had been limited to

1. Threads on the forums along the lines of "Nerf Blood Hunt HM", "Blood Hunt HM is impossible", "The bloodbath that is Blood Hunt HM"

2. Messages in general chat along the lines of "LFM to Blood Hunt HM. Minimum gear requirement is full 220"

3. One other attempt when healer and tank dropped group the second they saw it was Blood Hunt and we couldn't get a replacement.

Needless to say, I was shaking in my boots.


We load in, I inform the group that I had not done it before but I had read the tactics online (= read frantically everything that could help me survive the horrible pit of Hell that this fp is) so we should be fine. Merc dps responds with "lol, we will see". This does not help me with my nerves.

We proceed to the first boss. Tank pulls before I'm at range, let alone able to precast my first demolish, no one except me is standing behind the boss so we could aoe the boss and adds at the same time, everything's looking chaotic and we proceed to...kill the boss. After all my worrying, the thing just died and I never got to verbally beat myself for wiping the group by not having full 220 gear. It was almost anticlimatic.



Our tank told us that he had terrible lag spikes during the boss fight and couldn't tank the fp like this and dropped group. The merc dps asks if we should 3-man trash at the same time as healer types "brb". For some reason, merc dps loses his composure, writes "**** it" to chat and drops group. I spend a few minutes puzzled by the fact that he decided to drop group simply because the healer had to go afk for a minute. Healer comes back, we summon comps and proceed to clear the challenges.


Everything goes fine during the challenges and soon we are at Jos & Valk -- and still no tank and other dps. We decide to try it with comps, and oh, do we try. We tried with dps and tank comp, dps and heal comp, tank and heal comp. We seemed to get the best results when I respecced to heals and we used two dps comps with two player healers, and might have eventually cleared the boss with that even though the boss had a nasty habit of knocking my Ashara off the ledge, getting Ashara stuck in a wall and then jumping after Ashara, resetting the encounter. However, our new tank and dps FINALLY arrive, so I respec back to madness so we can do it properly. Dps is decently geared, not sure what class, tank is an undergeared (leveling gear/208/maybe a one or two 216s) jugg, but I'm not worried since a dps Ashara with no dcds managed to mostly tank it earlier.


Everything goes okay until tank dies at the last phase when both of them are down. Suddenly two angry mandalorians are staring at me, and I was sure it would be the end of me. However, possibly due to my sheer amount of experience in the great art of sorctanking from tacticals (and madness selfheals), we somehow manage to beat it without further casualties. Props for the healer for keeping me alive.


Trash is fine, and finally, we're at Shae Vizla. Again, tank dies, this time pretty soon into the fight, and during the "normal phase" (no lava on the floor, no maelstrom). I end up sorctanking Vizla. Tank gets combat rezzed at the start of the next normal phase and dies during the same phase. I sorctank the rest of the encounter with little to no trouble. We kill the boss, healer revives the tank and tells him he needs a bit more gear to do hm fps and I'm left wondering why the heck I was scared of this fp in the first place. It was actually kind of fun. :D




I suppose I could also say a few words on my experiences in tactical fps and ops, but they were surprisingly uneventful. We didn't really have any issues with any tacticals -- even Blood Hunt tactical or HK-47 were no match for madness' self heals, despite the fact that our Foundry group's marauder's opinion of the tactic for Hk-47 was "we die, lol". He clearly did not know the power of sorctanking. :p


My ops experience was actually overwhelmingly positive. After having pretty much overwhelmingly negative experiences first back when DF and DP launched, and then more bad experiences of not even getting groups due to no achievement in 3.0, I had pretty much given up from doing ops apart from the Eyeless during rakghoul event. However, I ran the ops required for DvL and a couple of extras to get gear, and only ONCE did I have some impatient elitist whining and complaining even when we didn't wipe, and even that guy really should have just shut up considering he was a pug healer in a 5/8 guild run and the person he was argueing with was the group leader (and the argument was about some said guild's members who were there for the first time). Me and the third pug had far better manners. :p For all the other times, people didn't complain if you made some tiny mistake and often were willing to explain tactics if someone said they were there for the first time (I read them from Dulfy before joining, so they didnt need to bother for me).


I'm actually considering I should start pugging ops regularly again. I did it pre 2.0 for EV and KP SM and during 2.0 for EV, KP and EC SM, and didn't even realize how much I missed running my beloved EC (my favourite ops by far :D) until I pugged it to gear up my sorc.



- Not explaining HM mechanics properly when someone says they're in it for the first time is bad.

- Explaining them properly is good! :D

- Sorcerers are surprisingly good at tanking Blood Hunt HM.

- A couple of weeks from now, if you see an assassin tank spamming /hug at Stormcaller in an EC pug on Red Eclipse, you'll know it's me.

Edited by Seireeni
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And, by the way, this healer's tactic for the orbital strike phase of the first boss was to drop the orbital strikes on the adds, kill the adds and go back to killing the boss -- not running down the stairs and sitting there, doing nothing for the whole phase. I don't know which one is the superior tactic, but I liked this one better.


stripping the adds shielding with orbital strikes, kill them and back to the boss is the "proper" strategy. The "down the stairs" is the desperation strategy, the one you suggest when the group can't stay alive doing it properly ;)

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And, by the way, this healer's tactic for the orbital strike phase of the first boss was to drop the orbital strikes on the adds, kill the adds and go back to killing the boss -- not running down the stairs and sitting there, doing nothing for the whole phase. I don't know which one is the superior tactic, but I liked this one better.

Dropping the AoEs on top of the adds IS the mechanic of the fight. If you're not doing it, you're doing it the wrong way.

And the fight is really easy as a healer/ ranged dps. You just have to stand at an add spawn point, move out of the aoe and move back in. And yet, I've seen people failed doing this, even after telling them what to do, using tactical markers and ****.

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stripping the adds shielding with orbital strikes, kill them and back to the boss is the "proper" strategy. The "down the stairs" is the desperation strategy, the one you suggest when the group can't stay alive doing it properly ;)


To be fair though, "down the stairs" was for quite some time, after the release of Tython HM, the only way to beat this Boss on repside as the mechanics were bugged and the orbital strikes wouldn't remove the shields from the adds (or one add) on the right side. So I can understand why people just kept using it after it was fixed ("never change a winning horse").

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Returning ot the game a fter a couple months of hiatus, I ran a few FPs on my latest levelling character, a Vigilance Guardian. Among the FPs I ran today, one in particular comes to mind, one where things were so weird they were good.


The FP is Tactical Directive 7. Quite the long FP in terms of time, and we did wipe more than once. However, given the group composition it's not surprising. My Guardian was 30 at the time.

The highest lvl was a Guardian DPS which Discipline I sadly wasn't able to grasp - it may have been Vigilance, but seeing at how he needed no help while the other two did, I didn't really look at him enough to understand it, and since he was 35 he still didn't have Shien anyway. :p

The other two were a Guardian Tank and an Infiltration Shadow. Lvl 14 and 16 at the beginning of the FP. Only the Guardian DPS responds to my greetings. :o


The very first thrash mob we pull, I instantly get some love from pretty much everything, and eventually die after removing from teh equation all enemies below Silver rating. We wipe, but decide to carry on. We clear the first cutscene and get to the first boss. That's never been a complicated battle, luckily. Down the adds, focus the boss. Done. We pass it with no trouble, running the Koltos. :)


We then go on and get to clear a couple more thrash mobs than I originally had planned - normally you try to skip the largest ones at least, but the Tank seemed to lag and pulled pretty much everything, sometimes two groups at once. We still manage, but I notice that the Tank keeps running around like a headless chicken every time his HP drops under 30%. As a result, melee mobs chase after him, and while we have no trouble downing the ranged mobs, you can imagine how practical it is to chase after 2-3 silver melee mobs with 3 melee DPS with little AoE... :rolleyes:


We proceed anyway, but I do keep an eye on the lower lvls by now, as I notice a couple troubling habits they both have: spamming hte basic attack too often - although considering hte level energy management is very lacking, so it's understandable - and running like headless chickens when their HP get low. We get to the second boss, the three droids where you have to be careful not to hit the shielded ones. I try to explain how to go at it, but to no avail, the Tank jumps in and tunnels the target he chose - which incidentally was shielded until we took down the other two... :D

Still, eventually the boss goes down, but it's pretty clear only me and the other DPS Guardian know this FP, as we swapped target when the one we were focusing shielded itself. ;)


At any rate, from this point on I begin giving some subtle hints to the two lower levels. Stuff like "Running won't save you from blaster bolts" or "Keeping an eye on the enemies' cast bars is helpful, you can prepare for a big hit or stop it altogether". :o

We arrive to the large droid which charges and spawns repairing droids when you deactivate its charging reactors. Here we face a brick wall, we wipe 3 times before I have time to assess the situation. First wipe was because I didn't have the time to explain tactics, as the Tank just jumped in at 10% HP and died...

Second wipe was because of low DPS and overuse of Koltos - using two when you're at 80% HP is just not the way to go.

Third wipe I finally see what's the matter. Lack of interrupts - since the boss uses two channelled attacks that deal the majority of its damage, interrupting would at least buy us time - and only I took care of the repair droids. Which normally wouldn't be a problem, but if you consider that when they spawned we were 2 ppl down, well... Yeah. :rolleyes:

Fourth attempt I give out some orders. Or rather, some directives on what to do. The others seem glad to have something to work on other than tactics, and do as I said. We down the boss with only the Tank dead. Sadly, it's not like we could do anything to avoid that, but he seems understanding - at least he finally speaks! :eek:

And the Shadow also seems to pick up on what to do, which makes it a lot easier on me and the other Guardian DPS. :cool:


Still, off we go to the fourth boss, the probe with clones. Save for the Tank we all follow the tactics I explained in chat, which is great. You know, take down the clone asap, as the boss shields itself from damage. Nothing too difficult, I think. The clones go down fast and we defeat the boss smoothly.

At this point I start becoming a bit more specific with my suggestions, asking the Shadow to use stealth - he hadn't, until now, as an Infiltration Shadow :eek: - and the Tank to interrupt the casted attacks enemies threw at him. They do as asked... Although the Tank takes a while before he listens, but he clearly was new so it's excusable.


Next part of the FP is easy peasy, we get through with no trouble at all. We don't have enough for the bonus boss, but at this point it's not like we would like to try that too... It's already 1h and a half since we arrived inside the FP. :p


The next boss we wipe once again, as I don't remember how it works, but after that we manage to take down the two turrets and the big droid with the gigantic cannon. Nobody dies, as the Tank now seems to understand how Kolto works and when it's wise to use it. Plus, use of interrupts again makes it easier.

As a side note, weird parenthesis... When the droid was interrupted during his channelling of "Repair Mode", he'd get the associated buff right away. Which I don't think is supposed to happen,since technically he wouldn't be able to finish the channel, but... Still, it wasn't a problem, as the turrets were dead already by then. :confused:


Again forward we went, and finally got to Mentor. I explained the fight as detailed as I could, considering I didn't run it in months. The two low levels seemed pretty confused, but still listened to advice. We watched the cutscene and I pulled the boss, as nobody had a ranged attack and I knew what to expect. Well, here things get epic. ;)

The two large turrets spawn right away. No cores active. And the Claw gets on me, so I have to run. The Tank takes one, the other two the other. The Tank survives until the other two down their turret and the Claw Fs off, so we take it down with all of us up. Core 1 activates, the gigantic droid appears. I go to the Core, destroy it and work the small turrets close by. The Claw is now tailing the Shadow, that is very slow at running from it, surprisingly enough, but manages to survive thanks to a couple Koltos from me and the Tank, who was focusing the droid and getting low himself. 1 Core down, 3 to go.

The Claw gets back on me, and the other three down the droid. The large turrets return, and it's like before. Only this time the Tank dies and I get to the turret he left as soon as the Claw leaves me alone. Core 2 activates, on the opposite side of the room. The DPS Guardian takes care of it, I take the droid together with the Shadow. Again teh Claw gets mad at me and I'm forced to run, the other Guardian DPS taunting off me to make it easier to DPS the droid down. 2 Cores done, 2 to go.

After I'm free from the Claw again, the third Core activates right away, and we get both teh turrets and the droid up at hte same time. I take the droid, the other two split up on the large turrets. I take down the third Core and the small turrets, then die. The droid is at 60% HP, more or less. The other DPS Guardian gets his turret down and takes care of the droid from that moment on, as the Shadow finishes his large turret. 3 Cores done, 1 to go.

As the final Core activates, we have the Droid almost dead and hte Claw chasing the Shadow. The Guardian DPS moves in on teh Core, destroys it and takes down the droid with it. The Claw then chases after him, as I tell the Shadow to focus the boss itself now, as it's finally vulnerable. They take turns, as the Claw has constant uptime now, and eventually the Guardian DPS dies... The boss is at 3% HP, the Shadow is filled up. Even if we die, I'm sure we can make it on teh second attempt, so I'm not even mad. Well, surprisingly enough, the Shadow takes down the boss with about 10% HP left. That guy must have felt good, I tell ya. :cool:


We take our turns rezzing each other and distribute thank yous and you're welcomes around, then me and the other Guardian DPS give a few more pointers to the two low levels, who eagerly listen to what we say. We say our farewells and separate. As I exit the area and load back on fleet, now lvl 35, I get a whisper from the Guardian DPS, asking me if I wanted to join his Guild. I wouldn't mind, if I wasn't so irregular when it comes to play time... I may play 8h a day for a week and disappear for weeks after, for all I know... So I apologize and explain that sadly right now I'm in no condition to do so. He's very understanding, but says his Guildies really would like to get me in. A couple send whispers my way, and I repeat what I told that guy... They also were very understanding, but got me to promise that if they ever needed to fill a hole in an Ops Group and I was online, I would oblige them. Unless RL calls, that is. :D


So yeah, weird run where we went in under the "recommended" level - or rather, the level the FP was originally designed for, which is what I consider the best starting point to run it - and with no Healer, and where we cleared it out like me and my friends did back when the first few Ops were added to the game: figuring how to get past challenges with the group we had at the time. So much nostalgia... :o


Still yeah, weird run because it was a good one. By now I lost the count of braggers and other offensive ppl, as sad as it is. :(

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- Sorcerers are surprisingly good at tanking Blood Hunt HM.


Unfortunatly due poor fight design, range DPS INDEED better choice for tanking Shae Vizla.

Sad but true.

I'v done some experiments with my friends.

Respecced from tank into DPS during last fight and let my merc friend to tank the boss.

/facepalm He took less damage than me as Tank :(

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horrible run of group finder tfb. Some guild members were arguing over not doing enough ops so I said "lets do some now"


A couple of people joined up, the 2 who were complaining we don't do enough ops both said they cant they are busy (complain about not doing ops then refuse groups forming right there and then). I end up MT, off tank is guild member, and 2dd. 2dd and 2h are pugs.


We get started, I jump into first pull and realise the guild dd is ripping aggro from me. After pull I click on him to put guard on but he is in dark charge. I ask him what role he is and he says "tank." I mention I thought he was dd but we carry on as 3t 3dd and 2h.


Do first boss, I write roll [link the token piece] and nobody rolls. I write again "roll [link token]" and nobody does. One of the pug dd's, a sniper, says I should keep all tokens and hand them out at the end to stop people dropping out. We get to second boss, 1 of the healers drops out along the way and is replaced by guild healer and the extra tank respecs to dps. We get to second boss and its a shambles.


I assumed, based on the fact everybody said they had done it before, that everybody had done it before. We end up wiping due to ciphas's channel. Second pull we wipe to it again.

guild dd: "<off-tanks name> take kel away from the other 2"

me: "that is usually how its done, but that's not the cause of the wipe"

guild sorc dd: "yes it is"

me: "no, its the channel between ciphas and heira, dd usually sort that out"

guild sorc dd: "its a tanking problem"

me: "when I used to do this with guild on ToFN dps would switch to ciphas during channel"


We get back to the boss, pull again and wipe again, every pull I start on ciphas but switch to kel at 10 stacks (healers were struggling to keep up with 20) and all the time I am on ciphas the guild sorc dd is shouting at the other tank to move kel away. I decide I cant be bothered with this ****, type "<offtank name> take ciphas," taunt kel, blade blitz away from the group and tank the bugger in the corner nice and far away. Now the sorc has **** all to complain about and can start doing something useful (i.e damage on ciphas to stop the thing that is causing the wipes). But its to no avail, I kite kel in the "correct" place and still we wipe.


Sorc is nice and quiet this time, we try again and I switch to kel before ciphas's shield is down (10 stacks doesn't take very long). The group is wiping again, everyones hp is dropping and I really cant be bothered with another repair bill. Now before when I did this fight as dps, I would just wail on calph then his channel would end. This time I decided to leap in on calph and see his shield is down but he is still channeling, so I press my interrupt. BAM, problem solved, mechanic completed, fight continues.


I am sat there, tucked away in my little corner, happily tanking kel and wondering how the ****, out of 4 dps and 1 tank on calph, it came down to the guy tanking kel to use one ability that every single one of those players has. We complete the pull with 2 people dead on the floor, 3 had died but one was c-ressed, all the deaths were from doom (and the room was covered in green circles, it probably actually hard work NOT running into them there were that many).


I type "roll [link token]" and the pug healer rolls, I wait a fair while, no one else rolls. I type out a countdown from 3, at the end I give token to the healer. The sniper now flips his ****. telling me I should not hand out tokens until the end, that handing them out along the way will mean people will leave group once they have theirs, etc. I tell him to shut up, that the healer is still here and theres nothing to complain about. The sniper starts having a go at the healer, telling them they should either trade the token back to ops lead or they are a ninja looter. The healer refuses and the sniper says "either they go or I go"

me: "bye"

sniper: "you should get rid of her or I'm gone"

me: "goodbye then"

sniper: "are you going to kick her or what?"

me: "you just said you wanted stuff handed out at the end because you are worried people will quit early, now you want to kick the person who just got the token even though they have expressed no wish to quit?"

sniper: "lol never run an ops again you noob, you should hand out tokens at the end, either take hers off her or I am leaving"

me: "bye"


The sniper quits group, I requeue and we carry on. Get to operator 9 and by now more people are complaining. The episode with the sniper has started an argument over whether tokens should be given out at each boss or kept until the end. This means by the time we get to op 9 I give an ultimatium

me: "I will be having people roll on tokens after each boss, if you don't like it that way either put up and shut up or bugger off"


1h and 2dd's quit group. healer and 1dd are from guild. The remaining guild dps offers to switch to his healer, the healer who has already won a token stays but gf is somehow stuffed up and we need to exit and requeue. I get people to roll for token from first boss before we leave (cant trade it once I am out of instance), then quit, invite new people and go back in.


All tanks, 1h and 1dd are from guild, 3dd and 1h are pugs (the healer is the one that the sniper said would quit after they got their token). We start op 9 and it becomes clear all 3 pugs don't know the fight, despite the explaination I gave then asked "all understand?" before doing a ready check. We only destroy 2 cores but it hardly matters, finish the fight and I ask "you guys want me to do loot now or at the end?" 2 pugs say at the end and the third says "do it now or I am leaving."


We get to the 4th boss, just before the boss door the guy says again "roll for headpiece now or I am leaving" while 3 people from guild and other 2 pugs tell me to leave it until the end. Just then the other tank says he has to go for dinner and quits group. The pug again says "roll now or I leave"

me: "bye"


He buggers off and we kill the 4th boss with 1t 3dd 2h and get token implant. I now have the headgear and implant from previous 2 bosses. By now 3 and a half hours have passed, I am fed up (I was expected an, at most, 90 minute romp though a nice easy op and instead get this waste of time run.


We get to final boss and a pug dd drops out. I explain to the rest of the group I had been hoping for a quick run, I really am not in the mood any more and I cant be bothered, I get them to roll on the 2 token and then quit group.


Throughout the whole thing I kept asking what loot etiquette is on TRE.


Every single run I have done on ToFN, every single one, absolutely all of them, have rolled loot after killing each boss. Now on TRE I have people throwing tantrums when I roll loot after killing the boss, quitting groups over it, then being told by the majority of the group to keep all tokens until the end, at which point someone else throws an tantrum and ragequits because he wants to roll after each kill.


What is the *********** system on TRE?


Having said that, considering the attitude of pugs in ops (this is the first one I ran) I think it might just be easier to tell people what rules I am using and if they don't like it they can piss off. I cant be bothered putting up with that **** every time I do an op.

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What is the *********** system on TRE?


From the few ops run I did for DvL or to gear up for DvL with master looter, rolling after the boss (+ 1 token per person) seems to be the most usual thing. Someone who does more ops can confirm. :p

You seemed to have pretty bad luck, though. I half-accidentally arranged a EC SM run yesterday, and just went with "No master looter, 1 token per person and dmc counts as a token, everyone gets an ops lieutenantship that's removed when they win a token" and no one complained at all.

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Throughout the whole thing I kept asking what loot etiquette is on TRE.


Every single run I have done on ToFN, every single one, absolutely all of them, have rolled loot after killing each boss. Now on TRE I have people throwing tantrums when I roll loot after killing the boss, quitting groups over it, then being told by the majority of the group to keep all tokens until the end, at which point someone else throws an tantrum and ragequits because he wants to roll after each kill.


What is the *********** system on TRE?


i usually just leave it on whatever the default loot system is called, or if someone asks for master looter then link items after each fight for people to roll on and if no one rolls i random it. no one ever complains. most people don't care about 216 at all since 220 and even 224 is so ridiculously easy to get.

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I don't expect others to go out of their way to be a full time off healer. I do expect that on a trash pull that takes 30 seconds to kill, where I am willingly acting as de facto tank, and am down to 10% HP after 25 seconds, that I could get just 1 bubble or hot to prevent my death.


To be honest if you were in my group, we'd get along great and it would go very smoothly. The problem is you get ignorant DPS that don't understand how to make your off heals work, and I get ignorant DPS that don't understand how to even off heal.


Also, burning it down before it can kill you is a nice thought, but when leveling through tacticals, that usually isn't an option, especially seeing as the other 3 people are pugs so who knows what you're getting.


I never seriously played healers but I so second this. Especially on a sorc-sage dps. I make sure there's a bubble and a heals or two.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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What is the *********** system on TRE?


Having said that, considering the attitude of pugs in ops (this is the first one I ran) I think it might just be easier to tell people what rules I am using and if they don't like it they can piss off. I cant be bothered putting up with that **** every time I do an op.


i usually leave it ffa and if someone asks for ml i just give him the lead

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Generally on TRE in my experience it's one token/person, dmc counts as token, rest random. Rolled at each boss. Recent storymodes I've done people never bother with ML though.


Prio HM Ops it's 1 224 token/person rolled at boss, 220s and dmcs at the end rolled among the people who haven't won the 224s. Whatever's left is ffa.


Decos and mk2s usually randomed along the way unless differently agreed for some of the rarest decos. Aware RLs will give the tanks mk2 stuff they can use (implants usually or even individual pieces for the b-mods) outside the loot pool if they need it.


BTW you can trade outside of the Ops instance, even when you've left group as long as it's with your original groupmates and the token/item hasn't bound permanently yet. Unless guildships are somehow a special place? :jawa_confused:

Edited by nyrkverse
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If you play a class that has heals, as a DPS spec, in tacticals, then proceed to watch whoever is acting as the tank (typically me because I am a team player) slowly wither and die in trash pulls when you could easily bubble/hot etc them, you suck, I hate you, and you are why I'm starting to not want to queue tacticals anymore while leveling.


No, we do not need someone to drop so we can use a healer companion. We just need you to stop being a selfish dick and throw out a heal every now and then, it won't kill you, I promise. I asked a 65 sage the other day (with me tanking on my 28 guardian in Cademimu) if he could just bubble me every 30 seconds or so, he claimed "oh I'm much better at burning things down". Proceeds to let me die in like 3 different trash pulls, very slowly mind you, but still.


I could just be stubborn and stop acting as tank, but that's even worse, everyone playing with themselves and standing around, too scared to actually pull trash.


To make things clear, I'm not saying every Sage/Commando/Scoundrel should spec healer if there isn't one, or even exclusively off heal. Not at all. I'm just saying, if you can throw enough heals to keep yourself from dying when something gets on you (which seems to be the case 99% of the time), why not throw just enough heals to keep the guy taking all the damage from dying so you don't have to on every trash pull? Literally all it takes is a couple hots, a bubble or two, etc, on a big trash pull.


Sorry to pull this up so many days later but, respectfully, in a tactical on a tank I certainly do not expect heals - and tanking as if you are planning on getting them is a dubious method.


Tanking in a tactical is way, way different than tanking a normal/hard mode flash point.


If you are dying due to lack of heals you're taking too much threat. In a tactical there is nothing wrong with letting mobs beat on people for a while. You do not need to tank everything, or even close to everything.


It's not being stubborn, it's how you're supposed to do it - especially at level 28. If the problem is no one wanting to take the alpha, you can take it, just pop a cd first, and don't "tank" everything. Figure out what the DPS seem to be doing - good ones will kill the chowder and stupid ones will tunnel the golds - and handle 2-3 mobs of the other stuff. If you aren't aoe'ing it's eventually going to get peeled.

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Every single run I have done on ToFN, every single one, absolutely all of them, have rolled loot after killing each boss. Now on TRE I have people throwing tantrums when I roll loot after killing the boss, quitting groups over it, then being told by the majority of the group to keep all tokens until the end, at which point someone else throws an tantrum and ragequits because he wants to roll after each kill.


Keeping all to end is surely not standard on TRE.


What is the *********** system on TRE?



Generally on TRE in my experience it's one token/person, dmc counts as token, rest random. Rolled at each boss.


Also, if you want to be a sweetheart, you keep leftovers that noone rolled on for yourself and roll on them in the end after last boss. Then the sensible order of rolling is last boss setpiece then dmc then leftovers with the most valuable leftover first.


One alternative at last boss is bunching stuff up and let the ones who didn't get any roll once, and then pick one thing in order.


Having said that, considering the attitude of pugs in ops (this is the first one I ran) I think it might just be easier to tell people what rules I am using and if they don't like it they can piss off. I cant be bothered putting up with that **** every time I do an op.


Announcing the loot rules is always good. When pugging I normally ask if the leader doesn't tell automatically.

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Normaly it is one token per person, and if you play with a decent guild run with some outside players we always use masterlooter. So that everybody gets an equal share of the pie. There will always be a few trolls that need on everything but at least like this 'you' control the situation.
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Sorry to pull this up so many days later but, respectfully, in a tactical on a tank I certainly do not expect heals - and tanking as if you are planning on getting them is a dubious method.


Tanking in a tactical is way, way different than tanking a normal/hard mode flash point.


If you are dying due to lack of heals you're taking too much threat. In a tactical there is nothing wrong with letting mobs beat on people for a while. You do not need to tank everything, or even close to everything.


It's not being stubborn, it's how you're supposed to do it - especially at level 28. If the problem is no one wanting to take the alpha, you can take it, just pop a cd first, and don't "tank" everything. Figure out what the DPS seem to be doing - good ones will kill the chowder and stupid ones will tunnel the golds - and handle 2-3 mobs of the other stuff. If you aren't aoe'ing it's eventually going to get peeled.


...really? o.o I thought the role of a tank was to grab ALL the aggro everywhere and, if you let a mob so much as breathe in the general direction of anybody else (give or take 90 degrees), you're doing it wrong. But you're saying it doesn't matter so much in tacticals? ...if that's true, that's a huge load off my mind. One of the reasons why I haven't done tactical flashpoints on any of my tanks yet is because I worry about keeping all the aggro, and knowing that I tend to tunnel-vision one thing or another.

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Sorry to pull this up so many days later but, respectfully, in a tactical on a tank I certainly do not expect heals - and tanking as if you are planning on getting them is a dubious method.


Tanking in a tactical is way, way different than tanking a normal/hard mode flash point.


If you are dying due to lack of heals you're taking too much threat. In a tactical there is nothing wrong with letting mobs beat on people for a while. You do not need to tank everything, or even close to everything.


It's not being stubborn, it's how you're supposed to do it - especially at level 28. If the problem is no one wanting to take the alpha, you can take it, just pop a cd first, and don't "tank" everything. Figure out what the DPS seem to be doing - good ones will kill the chowder and stupid ones will tunnel the golds - and handle 2-3 mobs of the other stuff. If you aren't aoe'ing it's eventually going to get peeled.


Aren't we supposed to have all the aggro, and if not we're (bleeping) stupid? That's what I was always told when I was new to tanking.

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Aren't we supposed to have all the aggro, and if not we're (bleeping) stupid? That's what I was always told when I was new to tanking.


Not in tactical. Tanks are part of the trinity. TFPs break trinity so tank cannot survive without heals. It's up to you of course but the 3 others won't be paying your repair bills.

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Aren't we supposed to have all the aggro, and if not we're (bleeping) stupid? That's what I was always told when I was new to tanking.

Not if you're a tank with three other dps and NO healer.


If you maintained aggro on every single mob in a tac flashpoint fight, without any healing available (just your initial health pool), you're likely to die. Either that or you have to wait between fights for ALL of your defensive CDs to come up again, which is silly.


When I bring my dps to a tactical flashpoint, I try very hard to burn down mobs as fast as possible to take the pressure off the group, whether or not there is a tank. Any dps player can "tank" a mob they are currently attacking. Particularly if that dps player has the slightest idea how to use simple crowd control mechanics.

Edited by Khevar
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It seems to be pretty much covered but I would add there are even times in proper fp's that I leave an enemy untanked - for lack of a better term.


An example would be one of the pulls near the start of false emperor (might be the second one) where there are 2 silver ranged mobs to the right, one silver ranged front right and 1 gold sith. And tucked miles away from the others, in a little back corner far away is a standard strength healer.


The way I figure any semi-decent dps are going to take that standard out in 2-3 gcd's. Any decent dps will know kill order and automatically target the standard. Any decent dps will know they are a healer (their name is "new imperial medic") and any decent dps will notice they are on the edge of a pull.


There are 3 reasons to attack that enemy first: kill order, they are healer and they are on the edge of the pull. As such I never bother tanking that enemy.


^^Having said that in all the runs of fe I have ever tanked (more than 25 tactical and 16 hard according to my achievements) I have only ever seen that healer taken out once. Problem is most dps think "ooh tank is going right and bunching up a load of enemies, lets aoe".


Another example is just after the shortcut in cad. Theres those 2 dogs, 2 or 3 silver blokes and some standards dotted around, plus the patrolling champ that likes to get involved. Then there are 2 standards that spawn in after the pull on the left hand side, between 28 and 34m away depending on which of the ranged silvers you are hitting at the time (always leap to ranged enemies when tanking, because melee will move towards you while ranged will stand still).


I never ever bother going and grabbing the 2 standards on the left. Yet again any self-respecting dps will take them out in seconds, what with kill order, the fact they will be shooting the healer and the fact they are at the edge of the pull.


Yet again however I have never met any dps who are smart enough to see this, every single time I do that pull I end up having to taunt 1 of them, sabre throw the other and hope people notice. They never do and soon the taunt wears off and the healer out-aggro's my sabre throw and I have to run all over the place controlling **** that should have been dead long before.


Another that springs to mind is the bottom of the lift in mando raiders after second boss. 2 on the left 1 on the right, leap to one on the left, run to the second and backfist him, while turning camera to taunt the enemy on the right, then continue to fight the 2 on the left. 6 seconds before my taunt wears off, should be plenty of time for 2 dps to kill a silver, right? No, because no dps ever shoot the guy on the left, so my taunt wears off, it starts shooting the healer and I have to do this crap all over again.


So in general yes you should hold all aggro, but sometimes the pull layout makes that difficult and its actually easier to just let 1 or 2 enemies slip and let the dps mop them up (of course never let golds slip, if theres a gold at the edge of a pull that's a cc situation not a "wont bother tanking that one" situation).


If only some of these dps had half a clue how tanking is done rather than completely ignoring the 1 single enemy I have ignored then have the healer moaning and calling for guard. Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Did a random FP, got teamed with 2 low level sages (no problem what so ever) --> no ranged attacks, closes in and fights with his lightsaber, I friendly reminded him that sages are ranged spec. He got very angry and started to insult me. The other sage joined the discussion next thing i know he wanted to kick me.. Fortunately we agreed to kick him and search for a replacement. But man you got to know your rotations, if you want to hack with a lightsaber become a knight or shadow...
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