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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Not GF, but fun.


Other night on Ilum doing Gree event on DVL with a guildie. She's on a dps sin, I'm on my healer sorc. See the call go out for 16m Xeno SM, so we decide to get in on that action. Get there, and ask who are tanks. No answer. Ask again, nothing. So am looking at the roster. Goes like this:


Sorc, sorc, sorc, merc, sorc, merc, merc, merc, merc, sin dps, sorc, sin dps, sorc, sorc, sorc, mara


So I figure, maybe they will single tank and the other dps sin just needs to swap stuff. Or, as we sometimes do, have someone set up group, then drop to go on the real toon and then invite. So then the fun begins. We start fight, and sin dps and mara are giving it their all. There is damage, and I'm healing my little heart out. People die, a lot of them, so survivors /stuck it. We wipe at 75%. Someone says in chat "who are healers? I only see (PaxSithari's toon's name) healing".


In Movie Guy's voice: In a raid...with all sorcs and mercs...only ONE has the chutzpah to heal... No tank, one heal, ALL DPS - it's Xeno 16...Storymode.


Then there was the TFB GF, me on healer and guildie on his sentinel. In this run, a tank guarded the other competent tank. The best though, was the Kelsara fight where: less than halfway in the fight, the other healer rezzed a dps killed from DOOM, then a minute later died from DOOM, the good tank died due to 41 stacks and no tank swap, and the standing tank decided to not tank and instead let my guildie sentinel tank the rest of the fight. We ended that fight with 4 people standing: the best damn sentinel, one damn decent healer, one dps, and the fool tank. Then get to the color boss, and go in. 1 healer, 1 tank, and 2 dps chose Blue, and after the smarter players wrote "fix colors" or "wait", fool tank jumps in and we wipe. Good tank calls a kick for fool tank, he pulls in a guilde, we finish easy.

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What makes FP lockout kick in anyway- I got a free pass, I could essentially re-queue instantly after leaving the group? I thought it kicked in, regardless of why you left a flashpoint?


You only get the deserter thing in you leave in the first 15 min or so. After that they grant that you gave it a college try and it is a freebie.

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You only get the deserter thing in you leave in the first 15 min or so. After that they grant that you gave it a college try and it is a freebie.


I don't mind pitching in on a difficult flashpoint where progress is hard, I minded getting stuck with someone who instantly kicked our strongest DPS the moment they disconnected and then carried on like a... if you act so badly, a fellow group member who was innocent and had more reason to be upset needs to message me later, apologizing for your behaviour and making sure I was okay- it's the only time I've wanted to Legacy wide ignore someone.


Then there's the awesome moments where you're struggling at a point, higher level tank is absolutely terrible, gets replaced and someone half their level, (but with a taunt and a few relevant abilities) is better than them.

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So am looking at the roster. Goes like this:


Sorc, sorc, sorc, merc, sorc, merc, merc, merc, merc, sin dps, sorc, sin dps, sorc, sorc, sorc, mara


LOL ! :D Shows very well the current state of the game ! :D




On-topic ;) : I had a very positive surprise yesterday. Tactical ( story mode ? ) Mandalorian Raiders.


First, we had someone who was taking on almost every mob. Well, in chat he said that didn't want to. ;) But there *are* still a lot of mobs on the way to the end ... The Archaeology buff was a nice thing, though. ;)


Second, we barely came through the first boss. The one with the hounds. Well, nobody was really dying, but there was so much movement goind on we barely did much damage, and I already feared the boss would enrage. But we got through it, although very bad memories came up when I had to suddenly facetank the boss a few times with my Balance Sage.

A few times I had to heal the healer. Well, not often, though.

And once I got struck down by a hound myself (different corridor, still early. That came as a surprise, especially since I didn't have the bubble yet (level 50, I think), only Force Armor.


But - the whole thing went through astonishiungly quick and smooth ! The only strange than was that we remained "in combat" although someone had pushed some droids down. They didn't die, and we constantly remined "in combat" because of them. We beat them later.


Even the final boss fight was astonishingly easy, even although 1 or 2 of the group didn't know it. The cannons were the most important part, and in that FP's mode, that' just enough to know.


And - a rarity nowadays ! - we even did the final dialog ! ( Accompanied by a "skip ?" question ;) )

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Seems things are back to normal after my good runs 2 days ago.


Levelling my lvl 19 sage healer. Get a pop for tactical hammer station with a 22 shadow dps, 18 vang dps and 22 commando dps.


We do the first couple of pulls and it becomes apparent these guys are useless. As such I do something I haven't resorted to in ages, arranging tactics on trash pulls. I write: "I will cc right gold, <commando name> cc left elite."


I then start casting force lift, the commando quickly starts casting concussion charge. My force lift hits the elite on the right and the commandos cc hits....the elite on the right. Well damn, they shot the wrong one. The shadow moves in and of all the enemies in the pull they make a b-line for....the cc'd elite.


By now I am being shot by everything in the pull, the vang is stood doing nothing, the commando is running into melee and the shadow has just broken cc. I cant keep myself up and so I give up and rather than continuing to heal myself I write "any of you new to this game." In the time it takes me to type that all 4 of us have died.


The shadow says they have played a lot, I get no answer from the other 2. We go back and I give a detailed explaination of cc, I mark the 2 elites with different symbols and tell the commando which one to cc. I tell everybody to not hit those enemies until everything else is dead. We pull and beat it, then the commando dc's.


I heal up and go to face the next pull. The shadow tells me to heal him and the vang, I reply "heal yourself. This evolves into a conversation on what their out-of-combat is called, what the picture looks like and where they can find it (including instruction on how to open their skill panel, which tab on the left it is under etc....)


After the 2 of them have healed up we do some pulls and get to the shortcut generator, but nobody has scavenging so we cant use it. I go back out into the corridor and the other 2 follow me then run back the way we came, kill a pull we avoided then I show them the right way to go. We kill the patrolling elite just past the shortcut and the vang stops and collects mats from it.


I take him back to the generator and tell him to click it (he had previously been stood right next to it and never did anything), open the shortcut and go to the first boss. The shadow asks if we can attack but after seeing the way these 2 play I decide I need a 4th group member so kick the dc'ed commando and spend a couple of minutes teaching the shadow how to requeue. We get a replacement sentinel lvl 24 who manages to pull some enemies on his way to us and dies. I have no idea how, he would have to go out of his way to find enemies to pull. He tries a second time and gets to us.


The first boss consists of me spamming koltos while throwing heals. I spend so much time healing about the only damage I can do is my instant cast dot and the odd project here or there.


After the fight I ask the vang if he is a tank because he is in ion cell and using taunt. He says he isn't a tank and we carry on. The vang stays in ion cell and taunts a lot, but he refuses to pull because "then I will get attacked." This leaves me to pull every group (with my healer) while the ion cell vang taunts 1 enemy then tunnel visions, the sent and shadow both attack the same enemy as the vang I the fights consist of me trying to keep myself alive long enough for them 3 to kill all enemies.


We get to the second boss and theres very little that can go wrong there, so its really easy. At final boss I mention facing the boss away from the group, after which the vang and shadow die on first conal (and the sent is down at 8%). Me and the sent finish it off, him tunnel-visioning the boss and pressing kolto's when necessary and me killing adds and damaging boss in between while moving around like a headless chicken because the sents placement of the conals is erratic.


I res the 2 dead people and the vang says "good group, could do with a better healer though"


I write "I told you about the conal, not my fault you ignored me" then quit group.

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I found that in Hamerstation, last boss, there are usually 2 things making trouble to inexperienced ones :


- The adds, especially when they attack the healer or the damage dealer

- the grenades thrown by the boss.


These can cause trouble because inexperienced players don't quite know how to handle that. I've found myself very often taking care of at least the adds, and telling people about the grenades, too. Bad that they explode after such a long time - this makes people almost forget them being a threat.

These grenades are especially important when in HM.

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Just had a strange thing happen in tactical Cademimu... The group: 65 guardian dps, 65 scoundrel healer, 17 vanguard dps and my 40 sage dps.

The first few pulls go fine, but then I notice that our healer (while healing us quite well) doesn't bother to heal himself. Even between fights.

We get to the big trash pull that's right past the scavenged passage, me and the healer get up on the crate and the guardian pulls the trash into the room.

The lowbie vanguard dies tunneling the probe droid i just force lifted, and the guardian is busy with the elite mob. The healer is being attacked by a ton of dogs, which I'm trying to take off him but with my level that goes slowly. He keeps healing us though - without any notice to his own HP, which is getting very low. So I throw a few offheals of my own at him and bubble him for good measure, and somehow we get through it (the guardian didn't even look at the dogs, or anything except the elites for that matter)...


We get to the first boss, and our healer is still at less then half hp. Not even using out of combat regen. So I heal him again. To that he writes in group chat "You heal then" and ragequits.


I don't understand that. Really I don't. What's wrong with trying to help?


Btw, we finished the rest of the fp with a comp and no problems whatsoever.

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I had a healer in one group just like that except she healed herself also and didn't ragequit. Good healing, did know the mecahnics of last boss fight etc. Even the "you heal then" line. But said at the end of the run "thanks for ruining my run". If I remember that was level 65 scoundrel and FP was Red Reaper. We didn't even have much offheals. I could easily use my self heals as shadow. We had guardian tank who was high enough to have Focused Defense if I remember correctly. So maybe it was that. I just still don't get the "you heal then" line. That was weird.


I don't understand that. Really I don't. What's wrong with trying to help?


When/if I have to heal healer they usually say "thanks for healing me". But in most situations I just run in and try to grab as many enemies as I can while shouting "Nope!". Healer = off limits.

Edited by Halinalle
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I call that "tunnel healing", when I was playing a Healer, I was so much focused on the heal bars of the others, that I simply forgot mine.

And my char of course died because of that. Several times.


I vaguely remember someone writing that he'd only heal himself when his health was under 1/3, and that he'd recognize everyone as a "bad healer" who would heal himself over this border line.

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I generally get vaguely annoyed if people are healing me for no reason as a healer, or using lol to stations when I'm not having any difficulties keeping people up. But I never complain to them or anything. Primarily because I feel that it shows raid awareness, even if it's developing and ineffective, it means they are (at least probably, obviously some people have no clue and just press buttons) paying attention to the group and what they are fighting.


In regards to healing yourself as a healer when above a 3rd health... That guy clearly hasn't done many fights with raid wide heavy aoe damage or anything. In addition, as someone who learned how to heal on a spec back when consumption took some of your health... You would be insane to not want as big of a health bar as possible at all times.


Never mind what I refer to as healer ocd, where you see those health bars sitting at 99% and just HAVE to keep throwing heals at them, even if it never gets to 100%.

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Just met a really irritating person in hammer station.


I decide to play my lvl 65 sabo slinger whom I haven't used in at least 8 months. Group is me, a 65 sharpshooter slinger, 65 jugg tank and 37 commando healer.


As soon as I zone in I write "I will apologise now, I haven't played this toon in ages and rotation is rusty" and receive a "np" from the tank and a "not a problem" from the other slinger.


Lucky me thinks I, these guys are happy to let me practice my rotation and aren't too worried that I will slow the group down. The tank pulls the first pull, the other slinger uses sweeping gunfire. Second pull the other slinger spams sweeping gunfire.


We get to the corner pull and tank asks for cc's. The other slinger marks the elite on the left and call it as theirs, I mark the other elite and call it as mine. The other slinger starts their slice droid cast so I start mine and the tank jumps in. Right after finishing the cc cast the other slinger opens up with sweeping gunfire centered on the enemy they just cc'ed. I have a feeling they do their aoes in the same lazy way I do, double press the key rather than click to place it, however they didn't bother switching target from the enemy they just cc'd before doing so.


Meanwhile I was spending ages trying to put my incendinary grenade somewhere where it wont break the remaining cc, I sabo charge an enemy nice and far away, essentially trying very hard not to break cc with the huge array of aoe's at my disposal.


We carry on, other slinger spams sweeping gunfire. We get to the first boss and the other slinger says "attack small ones first" and tank pulls. I, along with the tank and healer know how to do the fight so we ignore adds. The other slinger is writing in chat to kill adds, that we should mention if we don't know the fight so they can explain (yeah, I want an explaination from someone who attacks the adds on first boss in hammer station).


in between attacking adds this slinger spams sweeping gunfire on the boss. We down it and carry on, the slinger spams sweeping gunfire and I think you can see where this is going.


At final boss the other slinger tells us to kill small ones first, then proceeds to stand in conal for the entire fight. I reckon they received more healing than the tank did.


By the time the mission was over the slinger had used a total of 2 abilities. Sweeping gunfire and 1 cast of slice droid on the third pull.


Then they have the gall to tell me "you didn't seem too rusty, just keep practicing."


*********** noob.

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in between attacking adds this slinger spams sweeping gunfire on the boss. We down it and carry on, the slinger spams sweeping gunfire and I think you can see where this is going.


Still doesn't beat level 60 melee sage. Though sage had what looks like insta60 armor so it could be that person started Chapter 1 and queued for flashpoints. Stupid tutorial thing that takes away your abilities.


Sweeping gunfire is powerful as sharpshooter. Could be one of those who spammed it through KotFE and decided to completely ignore the rotation.

Edited by Halinalle
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It's the first time as Healer role in Tactical Hammer Station Imp. I'm a Healer Operative. My teammates were Tank Jugg, Sniper, and DPS Jugg. We wiped twice cause I wasn't used to heal, let alone in difficult pulls (I was feeling overwhelmed when all of em was focusing on me and thus resulting in me dying.) The DPS Jugg left and The Tank Jugg summoned his Healer Companion, which made me feel useless. :(


I requeued us and after a while a DPS Sin joined up and we continued through the first and second bosses. The Sin tried to sleep one of the mobs and paved the way for us to go through but the sniper always screwed it up so we had to go back to save her. There was a time that it's gone chaotic and it seemed we'd face another wipe but I managed to get them all to survive. Tank Jugg said "That's some wicked heals!" then the Sniper said "I'll say!" I thought it was a sarcasm, so I replied "uh... thanks?" but I felt so happy for performing that heals, it's encouraging and I cannot wait to do healing in 65 (My Operative is still lv 40 so I dont have those channeling aoe heals yet ).


Not weird people, just wanna share my experience last night. Although you can say I'm the weird one lol okay. :o

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Everyone knows the moment. You run into next room and see a nice tight group of enemies. What a perfect time for AoE party. Assassin runs in and Overloads while shouting "No!"


Battle of Ilum TFP

After tank managed to bully a level 16 Sorcerer out from BoI low level merc started to comment on how tank queued yesterday for HM FP at 50 (level 50 is apparently too low for HMs now?). Merc also refused to revive anyone because it would put his Revive ability on cooldown... I tried to explain how Revive works on heal capable class like Mercenary but he insisted on that it's passive for healers only at 50. Cherry on top of the cake was that he has LP status.


For those who don't know it:

Mercenary/Commando, Operative/Scoundrel, Sorcerer/Sage gets a passive at level 10 that removes cooldown from Revive ability. Your discipline has nothing to do with it.

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Everyone knows the moment. You run into next room and see a nice tight group of enemies. What a perfect time for AoE party. Assassin runs in and Overloads while shouting "No!"


Battle of Ilum TFP

After tank managed to bully a level 16 Sorcerer out from BoI low level merc started to comment on how tank queued yesterday for HM FP at 50 (level 50 is apparently too low for HMs now?). Merc also refused to revive anyone because it would put his Revive ability on cooldown... I tried to explain how Revive works on heal capable class like Mercenary but he insisted on that it's passive for healers only at 50. Cherry on top of the cake was that he has LP status.


For those who don't know it:

Mercenary/Commando, Operative/Scoundrel, Sorcerer/Sage gets a passive at level 10 that removes cooldown from Revive ability. Your discipline has nothing to do with it.


You would be surprised how many people running around with Legendary Player title, and yet act like a complete idiots :confused:

Honestly, i don't have a LP. Simply becouse i don't wan't to level scoundrel.

And somehow people manage to get this title but don't have any idea how classes and roles working :(


DPS that using tank stances becouse "it safer for me".

Stealth classes that doesn't know what stealth is...

Stealth classes that actually knows what stealth is but still don't know what "stealth CC" is...

The list can go on...

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You would be surprised how many people running around with Legendary Player title, and yet act like a complete idiots :confused:

Honestly, i don't have a LP. Simply becouse i don't wan't to level scoundrel.

And somehow people manage to get this title but don't have any idea how classes and roles working :(


DPS that using tank stances becouse "it safer for me".

Stealth classes that doesn't know what stealth is...

Stealth classes that actually knows what stealth is but still don't know what "stealth CC" is...

The list can go on...


Vengeance juggs get shien really late and soresu definitely is better choice untill they get it.

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DPS that using tank stances becouse "it safer for me".


I don't see this that often anymore but let's say the number of Infiltration Shadows/Deception Assassins in tank stance that have been popping up from somewhere is quite alarming. I mean, in what possible scenario you want to be in front of enemy while using that discipline? Scrapper Scoundrels/Concealment Operatives can get away with pulling aggro thanks to hilarious amount of stuns they have.


Stealth classes that actually knows what stealth is but still don't know what "stealth CC" is...


I know... Shadow/Assassin enters stealth and pops out of stealth just to... wait for it... use Force Lift/Whirlwind on enemy.


Vengeance juggs get shien really late and soresu definitely is better choice untill they get it.


110% accuracy. Do you gain anything else from doing this?

You also lose 10% of your already low damage.

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By the time the mission was over the slinger had used a total of 2 abilities. Sweeping gunfire and 1 cast of slice droid on the third pull.


Then they have the gall to tell me "you didn't seem too rusty, just keep practicing."


*********** noob.


It is possible to beat basically the entire solo/small-group game from levels 1 - 64 literally doing almost nothing but spamming that one ability (and ForceStorm/ForceQuake for Sorc/Sage, and SweepGuns/Hail of Bolts for Merc/Commando), and any slack is picked up by your companion in Tank or DPS mode practically soloing the whole pull all on their own. This remains the case even in many of the [HEROIC] missions before approximately Belsavis (they start getting almost challenging there.).


I've actually tested this on my DvL Sniper and DvL Sage for as long as I could stomach being like one of "those" people, until I just couldn't take the sheer stupidity anymore.


It is, conversely, almost literally impossible to die during all this, unless you do something egregiously stupid even by kiddie-MMO standards, or have a bad lag-spike.


That's what 4.xx era TOR is teaching people, exacerbated by people being people.


Welcome to the new generation of lowest-common-denominator MMOs.

Edited by midianlord
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You would be surprised how many people running around with Legendary Player title, and yet act like a complete idiots :confused:


Allow me to eplain


The reason people have LP but are still useless is because knowing how to play the class is not required to complete story.


The hardest enemy you will ever meet in story will be an elite, and if there are champions to fight against theres usually some mechanic so it can be soloed. I think the "hardest" (in quotes because it was still a reasonably easy fight) I ever had in story missions was on my jugg, near the end of chapter one you fight 1 elite and 1 strong at the same time.


With how op comps are, how weak enemies are and the fact that story missions rarely consist of anything more difficult than an elite story missions can be completed by setting comp to tank or heal and spamming basic attack.


That's why noobs still have lp.

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Guys... I don't even know what the hell was that... :confused:


Queued for tacticals as tank on my sin (trying to refresh my rotation after loooong break :D).


Having team of all DPS.

2 Sorcerers (50+), Juggernaut (15).


We'r cutting through mobs at good pace but im noticed some strange thing about one of sorcs.

He was REALLY slow.

Well, i thought it was lags and man just trying to keep up.

But after Jedi assault team, im saw his buff bar...

Sorc didn't used his sprint :confused:


I politely asked to turn it on and don't let team waiting, but he replied with most frustrating answer...




He didn't WANT to turn on Sprint :confused:


I mean WTH?!

What was he thinking? If he wouldn't be lvl 50+ (remind that we had lvl 15 DPS with us), i would kick him out faster than a speed of light.

But still - WTH???

I know what's RP is. I know that people often RP in flashpoints... But they usually doing this with other roleplayers!

This was a PUG team.

Seriously, i don't mind about RP. But only when it DOESN"T slow team.

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Guys... I don't even know what the hell was that... :confused:


Queued for tacticals as tank on my sin (trying to refresh my rotation after loooong break :D).


Having team of all DPS.

2 Sorcerers (50+), Juggernaut (15).


We'r cutting through mobs at good pace but im noticed some strange thing about one of sorcs.

He was REALLY slow.

Well, i thought it was lags and man just trying to keep up.

But after Jedi assault team, im saw his buff bar...

Sorc didn't used his sprint :confused:


I politely asked to turn it on and don't let team waiting, but he replied with most frustrating answer...




He didn't WANT to turn on Sprint :confused:


I mean WTH?!

What was he thinking? If he wouldn't be lvl 50+ (remind that we had lvl 15 DPS with us), i would kick him out faster than a speed of light.

But still - WTH???

I know what's RP is. I know that people often RP in flashpoints... But they usually doing this with other roleplayers!

This was a PUG team.

Seriously, i don't mind about RP. But only when it DOESN"T slow team.


Doesn't beat this one:

A funny story? A Jedi Sage didn't want to CC (lift) an opponent because it would be an aggressive move. We had to bargain with him this is going to be playful for the creature and it will even be healed while in air.
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I don't see this that often anymore but let's say the number of Infiltration Shadows/Deception Assassins in tank stance that have been popping up from somewhere is quite alarming. I mean, in what possible scenario you want to be in front of enemy while using that discipline? Scrapper Scoundrels/Concealment Operatives can get away with pulling aggro thanks to hilarious amount of stuns they have.


deception/infiltration has the same amount of stuns as concealment/scrapper. technically more, actually, because low slash stuns and crippling slice (skank shot rep side I think) only roots plus it's 30 mt vs 4, and spike stuns and knocks down (only from stealth ofc) while the ops backstab needs a utility point to immobilize the target from stealth (on the flip side, all shadowsins need a utility point to cast whirlwind/force lift instantly while flashbang is instant off the bat and AoE too).


You're right though of course that the spec works best without aggro but no more or less than ops/scoundrel, I think. As for possible (very, very, very niche!) scenarios, I know that deception in tank stance and gear has been used to tank Brontes NiM for better AoE mitigation, as I understand it. I kinda doubt the shadowsins you're meeting are prepping up for that but, well...that would be a good trolling answer when questioned about stance choices, wouldn't it? ;):D


I wish I had a story to add but I've only been pugging Xeno recently and nothing interesting happened. Well, a Sent dropped a group because he wasn't rezzed during SM: "you're leaving your best dps dead!", he complained. And maybe he was, but still kinda funny to say that, especially to perfect strangers who can't see your numbers (and you can't see theirs...)

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So I think that I've got a story worthy of this thread.


I was on a Sin Tank, queuing for a Tactical Flashpoint, and I get one for the Battle of Ilum. 2 DPS, myself as Tank and 1 Operative Healer.


So we start off, and just after the start, one DPS dcs, or leaves. Meanwhile, the other surges way ahead, so the three of us left as staggered across the area. I forget that ops can stealth, and I try and evade attention through the mobs to get to the DPS, and that gets the Healer killed. I realize the healer can stealth, and the Healer, meanwhile, has gone ahead of me to join the DPS at the first boss. So as I walking through, something happens and combat starts. Then the DPS drops out.


After I apologized for getting the Healer killed earlier, the Healer says a that it wasn't my fault, but that the DPS charged to attack and got made after the healer cloaked out. So now we're down to 2.


So I re-queue the group, and we get our companions out and beat the boss and the mining droids, and 2 more DPS arrive.


I thank the healer for his healing, and my sentiments are echoed by one of the DPS.


Now the Healer has been telling us not to heal because he has it under control, and he's been doing a good job - I have made mistakes, like drawing aggro when I was trying to sneak, but we've done okay.


It goes smoothly until we get the the final boss. Oh boy.


So we go in, and we're wiped through lack of keeping an eye on mechanics. Then I rez the Healer, and we prepare for Round 2.


Suddenly, the same DPS who agreed that the Healer was doing a good job, votes to kick him. Now the healer hadn't rezed himself until a few seconds before, so maybe the DPS thought the Healer was AFK, I surmised.


The kick message showed up as *****


So I asked - Verbatim exchange follows:


Me: Why?


Me: He's healed us pretty well.


Actually, I've realised that I've made a mistake here, right in the middle of this post.


Healer (I actually thought, up until now, making this post, that this was the DPS who initiated the kick): He won't stop clicking heals


DPS: He is ****


Me, under the impression that the DPS had cited the Healer's healing as the reason for the kick: That's his job!@


Other DPS: btw, i havent healed at all until you died... fyi


So, while I'm trying to work out what's going on, the Kicker DPS decides to charge in and engage the enemy. I, of course, abstain from the kick, and I scramble to get aggro and we start doing okay - we were interrupting and about 1/3 of the way through the fight, the vote to kick the Healer fails.


Yes! I think, now we're good.


And the healer leaves the group. He stays, doing nothing, and I watch in horror as the counter ticks down.


ok, bye' says the other DPS, 'we will win without you'


Okay, so we're in for a fight. But we get through! I say good work, the DPSes thank us for the group, and spend time talking in a negative manner about the healer, before thanking us again and we depart.


I usually have pretty smooth FP runs, but this one really heated up. I wasn't completely innocent, and it might've been my "That's his job!@" that made the healer leave.

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