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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Yorioko I won't quote you as I am sure you will want to edit your post (if you don't - shame on you:) ), but SWTOR is....no, actually it doesn't matter what it is. What is important is that you can't tell people what they find fun. You said that the most fun you had was when you played your class story with another char? That's great....it really is. Personally I find such a situation to be hell...and there is great chance the other person with me will end up hating me also. I often use the ESC key to cancel the conversation and choose different response to the NPC (for whatever reason) so I imagine playing with me will be pretty boring....I also like to ''smell the roses'' as I go...something not alot of people share I imagine:)

What I find discouraging is when people don't talk in PUGs, but even then I try not to judge too harshly as they might simply had a bad day and don't care to be polite or maybe are scared that if they talk we will bite their head off or something else....why I have habit of saying tactics before hard boss...or why I like saying ''hi/hello'' at the start and hope the rest will follow...


...so....I don't know....I guess you are kinda right in that people might want to leave their comfort zone, because they may end up having fun in the new environment, but....edit your post:) Don't go telling/critiquing people with post full of mistakes...

...sorry to be harsh:)

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I am sorry if I sounded too harsh, or was trying to tell people how to have fun.

It was at all not my intetion, quite the opposite.


However, having played here for the better part of 4 years and transferred servers, in part for reasons just like this then I feel that, though I may sound harsh and appear to be telling people to have fun, I am simply addressing a behaviour trend here, that we all contribute to and we all suffer from.


There are tons different people here, the rude, the silly, the childish, and the WIERDOES, all kinds.

In PUG groups especially you risk meeting them all, and there is little or nothing to do to avoid it.


However I see constantly that people for a myriade of reasons, complain about MMO aspects that are impossible to avoid. I do all the time, I am extremely unhappy with what I feel is bad behviour in pvp, and at times in OPS.

Can it be avoided, no it can't

Can it be "helped" to be less of a problem, yes it can


By everyone accepting that we as players sometimes for the duration ( 20-30 mins, to 1 hour) depending have to get by, I struggle my slef with that. But I seldom if ever kick or is kicked from groups.


I rarely complain about "stange" tactics and play as I have found all of us to have very different ways to go about various maps ( in pve), but as far as chat go...this is an mmo and well the "THEM" are allways there, in MMOS.


So sorry to be harsh, but alot of "these issues" are at least partly on our selves to fix, maybe by going out of our comfort zone ever so slightly, in stead of the alternative that is sitting and waiting and having NO FUN at all



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ok, i have to admit i only thought about my tanking tactics :o


In any other run i would have but here i wanted to get it finished because i had to go rl soon after and knew i couldnt do another run

How about you actually kill sith and jedi the same time? Which is likely the intended way?

Not too hard to dps them evenly, huh?

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How about you actually kill sith and jedi the same time? Which is likely the intended way?

Not too hard to dps them evenly, huh?


That is the intended way with some bosses in the game, but I've never heard anyone call this tactic for those two. Can anyone confirm if this helps in this fight or makes it worse?

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That is the intended way with some bosses in the game, but I've never heard anyone call this tactic for those two. Can anyone confirm if this helps in this fight or makes it worse?


So i assume you mean commando and sith here, and if so I have never noticed an increase in difficulty killing one over the other but doing them evenly will oftentimes lead to jakaro induced wipes . Basically as long as you manage to kill one before jakorro kills eveyone (via yank in with circles) you win, otherwise you lose. I have noticed that as long as you kill one (didn't matter which) the jakaro stab won't happen anymore (though groups ive been in have only burned sith first like twice, so it could be rng that no one died with commando still up) I've also seen that the damage they do when enraged (this was as a healer) is quite frankly a joke and not worth worrying about.


If you are talking about the jedi and sith from battle of rishi, then there is a difference of burning one vs both at same time. If you burn jedi, sith will always do 8 orbs instead of mixing in some groups of 3, and jedis conal will one shot if sith is burned. Usually I still burn sith there as conal is easy to avoid (or heal through if you are a sage with bubbles you can put on people) but equal burning is probably the correct mechanic.


Also, apologies for typos, this was sent from my phone which is not cooperating right now :p

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So i assume you mean commando and sith here, and if so I have never noticed an increase in difficulty killing one over the other but doing them evenly will oftentimes lead to jakaro induced wipes . Basically as long as you manage to kill one before jakorro kills eveyone (via yank in with circles) you win, otherwise you lose. I have noticed that as long as you kill one (didn't matter which) the jakaro stab won't happen anymore (though groups ive been in have only burned sith first like twice, so it could be rng that no one died with commando still up) I've also seen that the damage they do when enraged (this was as a healer) is quite frankly a joke and not worth worrying about.


If you are talking about the jedi and sith from battle of rishi, then there is a difference of burning one vs both at same time. If you burn jedi, sith will always do 8 orbs instead of mixing in some groups of 3, and jedis conal will one shot if sith is burned. Usually I still burn sith there as conal is easy to avoid (or heal through if you are a sage with bubbles you can put on people) but equal burning is probably the correct mechanic.


Also, apologies for typos, this was sent from my phone which is not cooperating right now :p


Was indeed talking about the Commando and Sith on Rakata. Thank you for the info :)

I never pay attention to what Jakarro is doing in this fight, because I've only ever run it in SM and tactical. Does he play a heightened role in HM? Would hate to end up in this thread when I cause a wipe in HM because I wasn't paying attention to Jakarro.

Edited by aerockyul
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Was indeed talking about the Commando and Sith on Rakata. Thank you for the info :)

I never pay attention to what Jakarro is doing in this fight, because I've only ever run it in SM and tactical. Does he play a heightened role in HM? Would hate to end up in this thread when I cause a wipe in HM because I wasn't paying attention to Jakarro.


There is a mechanic (I call it a bug but I get yelled at when I do) that when 2 people with circles overlap it can cause an instake death. If jakaro has a circle, and the commando pulls you in while jakaro is on the commando and you have a circle you may die with a "killed by jakaro with 0 damage"message. That's why most people have you kill commando first, as without the pull in you cant die to getting pulled in to overlapping corcles.

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There is a mechanic (I call it a bug but I get yelled at when I do) that when 2 people with circles overlap it can cause an instake death. If jakaro has a circle, and the commando pulls you in while jakaro is on the commando and you have a circle you may die with a "killed by jakaro with 0 damage"message. That's why most people have you kill commando first, as without the pull in you cant die to getting pulled in to overlapping corcles.


Awesome! Thanks for the help!

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Wait, what... How is it possible? Do not tell me it was a tank. Please, dont!


Edit: or DPS... or Heal.


Operative "DPS". We eventually replaced this person and someone else who dropped and cleared Xeno with no trouble (that nicely bugged 16m HM, never even saw the rancor, it was smooth).


Sometimes you can carry a couple of people... but sometimes they seem to make it worse than it would be if they weren't there at all.

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I'm so happy right now. I just got out of tactical Hammer Station, where I was lucky enough to be... *dramatic drum roll*

...right in the middle of a "The weird people you meet in Group Finder" story. My first ever! :D *Warning: Super-long post incoming*


So, on to the story. I have all my characters juuuust about to start Fallen Empire...oh, wait, my DPS (Arsenal) mercenary is level 64. She's got...what, half a level to go... eh. Instead of boring myself to death running Ziost dailies and heroic missions, I'll just do a flashpoint. Yay! (I'm just now getting into flashpoints...newsflash to self: they are not as terrifying, difficult, or intimidating as I once though them to be. They're FUN!)


After a bit of a wait, I get into Hammer Station. There's me, a [not sure what level they are] juggernaut tank, a 30-something operative healer, and a low-level maurader. Cool, we have a perfect trinity. I say "Hi, all!" in chat.

The silence that follows is deafening.

Muttering to myself, I shrug and accept the fate of being in a flashpoint with people who never say anything. Okay, whatever. Eventually, though, everyone else says hello, and I start to relax a little. We all load in, and the tank and healer suddenly take off in two different directions. Um... The marauder hesitantly follows the healer, and so do I, and the healer dives happily into a group of droids. We kill them in short order, only to turn around and see the tank Rambo-ing off in her (assuming the gender; female character) own direction towards the rest of the flashpoint.


And then things get bizarre. I think I may actually have run into one of the legendary trolls of Jung Ma (I've seen a few of them occasionally on fleet, but...nowhere else).


The tank types in chat "don't heal me [healer's name], i can heal myself."


We catch up to her, help her kill the two droids, and then she charges onward. I'm on the verge of telling her "You're a juggernaut; the only healing you have is [i forget the name of the ability that heals you once you're below 70% health]" when she faceplants into another group of droids. We all work our tails off to make sure nobody dies.


Then comes *THE CORNER*. Y'know, the one with the multiple gold and silver droids... :/


The tank leaps in. We follow. The healer does not heal...anybody. (No, he really, REALLY wasn't a healer.) The tank dies in short order...followed by the marader...then me...then the healer.


Tank: dont revive me im dead and quitting this game (spelling and grammar cleaned up)


The healer said something like "wait, don't go, we need you, tank." He then got yelled at. "[healer's name] leave me alone"


I piped up: "Um...to be fair, [tank], you were the one refusing to be healed."


Then I got yelled at. "no im quitting this game!" (English and spelling cleaned up) Then the tank - still dead on the floor - started calling us all mean and how terrible we all were...in very bad misspelled English. Now I am certain I ran into THAT troll on Jung Ma. *cough* ...THAT one. The one who hangs around on fleet and everyone has a very good laugh at her overblown antics. Anyway, the marauder - who I'm sure was watching all this in silent horror - initiated a vote kick. Reason: "just laying there dead and not doing anything." It went through in record time.


Yay, we're free of h--WHY IS SHE WHISPERING ME!?


I then proceeded to facepalm as she threatened to a) hurt herself, b) report me for being mean and kicking her, c) tell me how terrible I am, d) mention she's "disabled" (as a completely out-of-the-blue "oh poor pitiful me" thing to say), e) say that my "friend" (probably the marauder) had better kiss her account goodbye because she (marauder) was mean and kicked her, too, and g) go ahead and report her, she doesn't care, that makes me the bully, not her!

...not necessarily in that order.


(Note: If she had seemed at all serious about hurting/killing herself, I would not have laughed or been so callous about it. But the fact that she went about it *exactly* like a certain well-known troll on the Jung Ma server... I highly, HIGHLY doubt she was serious. :rolleyes:

That, and the way she devolved *immediately* from "i'm going to hurt myself" to "you're a terrible person" to "your friend had better kiss her account goodbye" to "also i'm disabled" [seriously, that was the last thing she said, a while after she'd said anything else...] removed any and all concern.)


I, in disbelief, relayed these badly spelled messages to the rest of the group. The healer had a good laugh, and apparently the tank was ranting at him, too, saying much of the same thing she told me. The marauder, poor thing, stayed silent in what was either disinterest, confusion, horror, or terror. I'm not sure. Then I told the ranting tank: "Yeah, I'm reporting you...bye." And proceeded to report her and then - as entertaining as she was - ignore her.


But wait, ladies and gents, there's more! *facepalm* The "healer" proceeded to Rambo HIS way into almost every encounter. We died several times on the giant tunneling droid boss, with the tank's eventual replacement (another hunter who was the same gender, species, and wearing the same armor as my character...and was actually sane and competent...) noting in chat: "we really should not be dying in a tactical..." The healer was an operative.

He stayed at range. Sniper shot. Grenade. Sniper shot. Pewpewpew. Never healed. ...except OUTSIDE of combat, when everyone else was ALREADY HEALED TO FULL, and then he would heal like insanity. I pointed this out to him once, got no response, and shrugged and moved on. Which led to me, as the threat-ripping maniac merc due to being high-level and knowing (I hope) some semblance of a rotation, tanking most encounters...and dying a lot, because [Talos Drellik voice] I'm a mercenary, not a powertech! I cannot tank! I can frantically off-heal myself in an effort to stay alive, but I can't re-spec to healer in the field (didn't buy that ability...), and I really, REALLY cannot tank.


So, healer who doesn't heal... and I'm pretty sure he was, in real life, about ten or so. .-. He wanted me to invite him to my guild. I said I'm not in a guild (this is true). He said yes I am. While I'm trying to puzzle out how he thinks I am, he said I'm in the guild "Bringer of War."

...I stared, dumbfounded, at my name. "That's my legacy subtitle," I stammered into chat. "It's not a guild."

Then later, after the tank's replacement comes in, she (the other merc) laughs how she's the only person in the group who has a guild, haha. I chuckle at that, just an off-handed comment... the marauder asks if the merc could invite her into the guild, as she (the marauder) has been away from the game for three years and is just now coming back. The merc happily does so, then the healer jumps on the bandwagon and asks to be in the guild, too. So the merc invites him, too. And the merc says "Hey, [my name], come on, let's make this a full guild run!"

I politely say: "No thanks, I don't want to be in a guild. :)"

The healer immediately says "me too" and a few moments later leaves the guild.

........ *shifty eyes*


Thank goodness for my mother calling me away soon after. I said "Hey, guys, I'm so sorry, but I really have to go." The marauder and merc are disappointed, but they accept. The healer, however, freaks out. "NOO DON'T GO" and stuff like that. I apologize again, wish them luck, and leave the area...but not the group yet. The healer then says he "friggin hades him" ...which I think was meant to be "hates him" with the "him" meaning me. I type "You know I can still see what you write, yes? :) See you." And leave the group.


. . . and so what a story for my first weird people of group finder thread. O_O

Edited by Jagaimee
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I'm so happy right now. I just got out of tactical Hammer Station, where I was lucky enough to be... *dramatic drum roll*

...right in the middle of a "The weird people you meet in Group Finder" story. My first ever! :D *Warning: Super-long post incoming*


So, on to the story. I have all my characters juuuust about to start Fallen Empire...oh, wait, my DPS (Arsenal) mercenary is level 64. She's got...what, half a level to go... eh. Instead of boring myself to death running Ziost dailies and heroic missions, I'll just do a flashpoint. Yay! (I'm just now getting into flashpoints...newsflash to self: they are not as terrifying, difficult, or intimidating as I once though them to be. They're FUN!)


After a bit of a wait, I get into Hammer Station. There's me, a [not sure what level they are] juggernaut tank, a 30-something operative healer, and a low-level maurader. Cool, we have a perfect trinity. I say "Hi, all!" in chat.

The silence that follows is deafening.

Muttering to myself, I shrug and accept the fate of being in a flashpoint with people who never say anything. Okay, whatever. Eventually, though, everyone else says hello, and I start to relax a little. We all load in, and the tank and healer suddenly take off in two different directions. Um... The marauder hesitantly follows the healer, and so do I, and the healer dives happily into a group of droids. We kill them in short order, only to turn around and see the tank Rambo-ing off in her (assuming the gender; female character) own direction towards the rest of the flashpoint.


And then things get bizarre. I think I may actually have run into one of the legendary trolls of Jung Ma (I've seen a few of them occasionally on fleet, but...nowhere else).


The tank types in chat "don't heal me [healer's name], i can heal myself."


We catch up to her, help her kill the two droids, and then she charges onward. I'm on the verge of telling her "You're a juggernaut; the only healing you have is [i forget the name of the ability that heals you once you're below 70% health]" when she faceplants into another group of droids. We all work our tails off to make sure nobody dies.


Then comes *THE CORNER*. Y'know, the one with the multiple gold and silver droids... :/


The tank leaps in. We follow. The healer does not heal...anybody. (No, he really, REALLY wasn't a healer.) The tank dies in short order...followed by the marader...then me...then the healer.


Tank: dont revive me im dead and quitting this game (spelling and grammar cleaned up)


The healer said something like "wait, don't go, we need you, tank." He then got yelled at. "[healer's name] leave me alone"


I piped up: "Um...to be fair, [tank], you were the one refusing to be healed."


Then I got yelled at. "no im quitting this game!" (English and spelling cleaned up) Then the tank - still dead on the floor - started calling us all mean and how terrible we all were...in very bad misspelled English. Now I am certain I ran into THAT troll on Jung Ma. *cough* ...THAT one. The one who hangs around on fleet and everyone has a very good laugh at her overblown antics. Anyway, the marauder - who I'm sure was watching all this in silent horror - initiated a vote kick. Reason: "just laying there dead and not doing anything." It went through in record time.


Yay, we're free of h--WHY IS SHE WHISPERING ME!?


I then proceeded to facepalm as she threatened to a) hurt herself, b) report me for being mean and kicking her, c) tell me how terrible I am, d) mention she's "disabled" (as a completely out-of-the-blue "oh poor pitiful me" thing to say), e) say that my "friend" (probably the marauder) had better kiss her account goodbye because she (marauder) was mean and kicked her, too, and g) go ahead and report her, she doesn't care, that makes me the bully, not her!

...not necessarily in that order.


(Note: If she had seemed at all serious about hurting/killing herself, I would not have laughed or been so callous about it. But the fact that she went about it *exactly* like a certain well-known troll on the Jung Ma server... I highly, HIGHLY doubt she was serious. :rolleyes:

That, and the way she devolved *immediately* from "i'm going to hurt myself" to "you're a terrible person" to "your friend had better kiss her account goodbye" to "also i'm disabled" [seriously, that was the last thing she said, a while after she'd said anything else...] removed any and all concern.)


I, in disbelief, relayed these badly spelled messages to the rest of the group. The healer had a good laugh, and apparently the tank was ranting at him, too, saying much of the same thing she told me. The marauder, poor thing, stayed silent in what was either disinterest, confusion, horror, or terror. I'm not sure. Then I told the ranting tank: "Yeah, I'm reporting you...bye." And proceeded to report her and then - as entertaining as she was - ignore her.


But wait, ladies and gents, there's more! *facepalm* The "healer" proceeded to Rambo HIS way into almost every encounter. We died several times on the giant tunneling droid boss, with the tank's eventual replacement (another hunter who was the same gender, species, and wearing the same armor as my character...and was actually sane and competent...) noting in chat: "we really should not be dying in a tactical..." The healer was an operative.

He stayed at range. Sniper shot. Grenade. Sniper shot. Pewpewpew. Never healed. ...except OUTSIDE of combat, when everyone else was ALREADY HEALED TO FULL, and then he would heal like insanity. I pointed this out to him once, got no response, and shrugged and moved on. Which led to me, as the threat-ripping maniac merc due to being high-level and knowing (I hope) some semblance of a rotation, tanking most encounters...and dying a lot, because [Talos Drellik voice] I'm a mercenary, not a powertech! I cannot tank! I can frantically off-heal myself in an effort to stay alive, but I can't re-spec to healer in the field (didn't buy that ability...), and I really, REALLY cannot tank.


So, healer who doesn't heal... and I'm pretty sure he was, in real life, about ten or so. .-. He wanted me to invite him to my guild. I said I'm not in a guild (this is true). He said yes I am. While I'm trying to puzzle out how he thinks I am, he said I'm in the guild "Bringer of War."

...I stared, dumbfounded, at my name. "That's my legacy subtitle," I stammered into chat. "It's not a guild."

Then later, after the tank's replacement comes in, she (the other merc) laughs how she's the only person in the group who has a guild, haha. I chuckle at that, just an off-handed comment... the marauder asks if the merc could invite her into the guild, as she (the marauder) has been away from the game for three years and is just now coming back. The merc happily does so, then the healer jumps on the bandwagon and asks to be in the guild, too. So the merc invites him, too. And the merc says "Hey, [my name], come on, let's make this a full guild run!"

I politely say: "No thanks, I don't want to be in a guild. :)"

The healer immediately says "me too" and a few moments later leaves the guild.

........ *shifty eyes*


Thank goodness for my mother calling me away soon after. I said "Hey, guys, I'm so sorry, but I really have to go." The marauder and merc are disappointed, but they accept. The healer, however, freaks out. "NOO DON'T GO" and stuff like that. I apologize again, wish them luck, and leave the area...but not the group yet. The healer then says he "friggin hades him" ...which I think was meant to be "hates him" with the "him" meaning me. I type "You know I can still see what you write, yes? :) See you." And leave the group.


. . . and so what a story for my first weird people of group finder thread. O_O


Amusing with the guild joining.....and especially the healer who joined and quitted on a whim (or must have realised what a horrible idea joining so randomly is)...

...btw the OP might have really been dps, but just haven't played 4.0+ (as 4.0 replaces SM flashpoints with tacticals) so he thought that queueing as healer will be faster. I have met few such people and I just remind them that with tacticals it doesn't matter what you queue as as it just pick the first 4 people that come.....speaking of which you were pretty lucky to have had not one, but 2 tanks for FP:)

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[Talos Drellik voice] I'm a mercenary, not a powertech! I cannot tank! I can frantically off-heal myself in an effort to stay alive, but I can't re-spec to healer in the field (didn't buy that ability...), and I really, REALLY cannot tank.


Props for the Talos reference, but well-geared Mercs/Commandos can easily skank tank most tacticals. Pop your defensive cooldowns when you rip aggro and/or there's no tank in the group. It does help to be in rating 208+ gear, obviously, which means you'll do a lot better once you ding that final level.


My Gunnery Commando (Arsenal Merc) has done her fair share of tanking tactical pugs. CCs, stuns, knockbacks, knockdowns, defensive cooldowns--learn them, use them, love them, because if you run flashpoints, you're going to be facetanking with that merc quite a bit.


And if you value your life, be careful where you aim that Death From Above... have fun pulling an entire group of silvers and golds intent on murdering YOU in particular. :D

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Ah since we are giving tips let me too: (this is for all classes btw) get some defense. 10% works (you start with 5%) - that doesn't have to come from tank gear...the mods (when you modify your armor) can give +defense while not giving + shield/absorb that is useless stat for non tanks...

...you don't have to ofcourse but...well...please do...don't be that dps that I (as tank) leave to take care of the normal/silver only to turn around and find you almost dead in few seconds:)

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If I see a dps or a healer with defense, I will mock them for not knowing how to gear. Defense takes away from power, and power increases both damage and healing. As a dps my job is to kill things as quick as possible. The faster things die, the less damage everyone takes. If I'm taking damage, I'll use bubble, kolto overload, saber ward, or what ever my defensive abilities are to survive. That's what they're there for. And if those aren't enough, I'll use my dps to take as many of the bad guys with me. :)
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If I see a dps or a healer with defense, I will mock them for not knowing how to gear. Defense takes away from power, and power increases both damage and healing. As a dps my job is to kill things as quick as possible. The faster things die, the less damage everyone takes. If I'm taking damage, I'll use bubble, kolto overload, saber ward, or what ever my defensive abilities are to survive. That's what they're there for. And if those aren't enough, I'll use my dps to take as many of the bad guys with me. :)


If that is how you want to play that is how you want to play...and hope to never party with you...

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Ah since we are giving tips let me too: (this is for all classes btw) get some defense. 10% works (you start with 5%) - that doesn't have to come from tank gear...the mods (when you modify your armor) can give +defense while not giving + shield/absorb that is useless stat for non tanks...

...you don't have to ofcourse but...well...please do...don't be that dps that I (as tank) leave to take care of the normal/silver only to turn around and find you almost dead in few seconds:)


Actually, do *NOT* do this.


Hybrids don't work in this game. And by work, I mean function optimally. Obviously, and this thread is living proof, people can manage to gimp themselves in numerous ways. But the point remains, the class system in SWTOR does not support hybrid classes. An extra 5% of Defence for a DPS is 5% wasted DPS. Nothing gained; only a loss.


Every point of Defence spent by a DPS/Healer is a point not spent correctly. Saelinne, I respectfully suggest you learn how stats work in this game.

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Ah since we are giving tips let me too: (this is for all classes btw) get some defense. 10% works (you start with 5%) - that doesn't have to come from tank gear...the mods (when you modify your armor) can give +defense while not giving + shield/absorb that is useless stat for non tanks...

...you don't have to ofcourse but...well...please do...don't be that dps that I (as tank) leave to take care of the normal/silver only to turn around and find you almost dead in few seconds:)


If you're a DPS/healer in PvE content and you have defense... you're crippling the entire group. Those DPS checks you're not making? Your 10% defense won't save you when bosses enrage due to you not having enough DPS.


Good DPS know when to use defensive cooldowns and when to kite stuff back to tank to be taunted off. You don't need defense to not get chewed up by standards and silvers, you just need to know your class and what you can handle.


My TK Sage would never ever stack defense. And she's a little machine of chewing down adds who can also pull some decent numbers; I've facetanked my share of stuff (Ortuno, CZ bosses, all those adds the tanks won't taunt off me...). Force Armor, Force Mend, Cloud Mind, Rejuvenate are staples in anything I run, because I know I'm going to take damage... but that's no excuse to take the Serenity road and chew them down sloooowly. No thank you. Burst needs to BURST and use DCDs where necessary.

Edited by KhirsahRoshah
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Actually, do *NOT* do this.


Hybrids don't work in this game. And by work, I mean function optimally. Obviously, and this thread is living proof, people can manage to gimp themselves in numerous ways. But the point remains, the class system in SWTOR does not support hybrid classes. An extra 5% of Defence for a DPS is 5% wasted DPS. Nothing gained; only a loss.


Every point of Defence spent by a DPS/Healer is a point not spent correctly. Saelinne, I respectfully suggest you learn how stats work in this game.


/sigh I am well aware how stats work, but as the above poster I don't think you want to understand me...I am not talking about some ''perfect'' party with tank and healer, but normal tactical (4 dps if you don't cancel queues to find party with tank/healer or both) where everyone will be expected to do some partial tanking and do a little more than his role and not using all/most of his/her abilities...but well...whatever. Maybe I shouldn't have used the example where I was tank....

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Actually, do *NOT* do this.


Hybrids don't work in this game. And by work, I mean function optimally. Obviously, and this thread is living proof, people can manage to gimp themselves in numerous ways. But the point remains, the class system in SWTOR does not support hybrid classes. An extra 5% of Defence for a DPS is 5% wasted DPS. Nothing gained; only a loss.


Every point of Defence spent by a DPS/Healer is a point not spent correctly. Saelinne, I respectfully suggest you learn how stats work in this game.


I'm sure there are several recepies for success.

I use Defense rating on ALL my dps, and have not sacrificed power or might for it in any way tht can not easily be fixed by mixing the right equipment mods.


This is a build ( to include Defense rating" that works well in pve.

All depending of gear you can tune and tweak your gear to tailior to your exct playstyle, but dps is also about survivability, he has somedefenses and they are there to be used.


I never trust others to heal me, I make sure I am at my best defensive vise regardless, either I act the fool, the healer acts the fool, or someone else does and rescourses need to be placed there.


I have made qute a scarifice in might and power for accuracy, critical rating and alcrarity, giving what little I loose power and might wise,be more then compenzate by superior critical chances and accuracies.

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/sigh I am well aware how stats work, but as the above poster I don't think you want to understand me...I am not talking about some ''perfect'' party with tank and healer, but normal tactical (4 dps if you don't cancel queues to find party with tank/healer or both) where everyone will be expected to do some partial tanking and do a little more than his role and not using all/most of his/her abilities...but well...whatever. Maybe I shouldn't have used the example where I was tank....


I've facetanked just about anything on tacticals with the exception of Blood Hunt, and I don't stack defense. I run a Deception Sin and a TK Sage, both with light armor.



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I have made qute a scarifice in might and power for accuracy, critical rating and alcrarity, giving what little I loose power and might wise,be more then compenzate by superior critical chances and accuracies.


Your problem starts here. Operation tokens/Operation enhancement drops have high power and high tertiary stats (crit/alacrity/accuracy). Why/How would you sacrifice power to get higher tertiary stats when the best gear in the game has them both high is beyond me.

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