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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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The tanks were both new to the op and guildies to the Sent; when the experienced people convinced them not to guard the healers, they decided to guard the Sentinel instead... and got told not to, given that disaster of behavior and equipment combo.


Poor group. The main tank seems the most important factor in sm-operations nowadays. But good news to pve-community: There are still new players starting off with raiding.

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Poor group. The main tank seems the most important factor in sm-operations nowadays. But good news to pve-community: There are still new players starting off with raiding.


For that matter, I was dumb enough to join an GF TfB run by the same people. I'm a glutton for punishment.


I was the only DPS who knew the op, the tanks (the same tanks from that EC) had broken English (understandable, I'm ESL too, but you should have some fluency in the server's language if you are leading a pugged raid) and explained super poorly--and I quote: "the first phase [of the Terror from Beyond fight] is simple, no need to explain"--then berated the DPS for failing to perform to their ridiculous, unspoken expectations. ("He was outside... I don't know why... stupid." "DPS1, why are you not on the tentacle?!! DPS2, don't stand there! Adds! Adds! ADDS!!!")


After one of the DPS died outside of the Heirad/Ciphas/Kel'sara pull due to not even being told to stand inside the room pre-pull, he got an impressive lambasting from one of the tanks during and after that wipe (he was junk at calling stages timely, but boy did he save time for yelling at the dead guy who had said he was new), I decided to be a little more proactive; a couple of pulls before Operator IX, I offered to explain the fight, as my English was better than theirs and there's lots of mechanics that people need to take part in. One of them pointedly emoted "No" at me, then said "brb 3 minutes while you [i.e. me] explain" when we got to the consoles. Make up your mind already.


I explained the fight because the deeps didn't deserve whatever messed-up explanation of Tron Wars: The Old Republic would eventually come forth, and we go in.


I was DPSing a core, its shield came back up, and I snapped at the console DPS to keep channeling, because SURELY it couldn't be our ~super competent~ and ~knowledgeable~ tanks who were failing at their job, right?


Nah, of course not. Never. Jamais.


The console DPS was getting interrupted by adds who were attacking him. The DPS was literally doing NOTHING to the adds, just following the mechanic. A single attack from a tank would have been enough to peel the incoming adds before they got to the channeler.


We wipe due to failed stages, and I call the tanks out; they need to protect channelers from adds. So I get threatened with a kick (by the group leader, their guildie, one of the healers). How dare I call them out on not doing their job--which they supposedly knew so well since they had "done this many times". I'm "really asking to leave". I told him to go right ahead, I don't take kindly to threats nor to raid leaders not doing their job. Silence. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The tanks' response was that one tank was on an add, another was on two, dropping other adds was understandable and not unexpected. Sure, accidents happen, I'm well aware I'm not perfect and I don't expect others to be either (much~) . BUT. Those two had been crowing about knowing the op and bashing the two DPS with least experience, to the point the deeps whispered me they had considered leaving.


If you can't grab anything else, grab any mobs bee-lining for the guy handling the fight stage. But you know, blaming the DPS for being slow on (SHIELDED) cores was easier than admitting they don't know how to tank.


Of course they were guarding healers at start. Again.


Of course they were opening with taunt.


Of course I lost Guard after Operator IX--presumably for being lippy, because the DPS who got it instead, while competent, was not ripping aggro before or after. Unguarded TK Sage with the highest DPS in the raid because I've finally learned a proper rotation? Oh man, what will I ever do~ (\o/)


On that subject, their aggro management was so abysmal that pre-Operator IX, with Guard on me, post Cloud Mind, I ripped group aggro on a trash pull, popped Force Barrier when neither tank taunted after several seconds of agonized tiny Consular sounds, and all that aggro went straight to a healer. Yes, the other DPS could've done a better job. However: my threat couldn't possibly get any lower before I hit that sweet invincibility bubble, and the tanks were physically in the middle of the group that focused me/the healer, so I don't know what they were doing, just that it was not "attacking mobs less than 5 meters from them". I shudder to think what an Infiltration Shadow would do to their "tanking".


After a wipe on the Terror, they decided to casually insult the raid in Spanish. Don't worry, just chatting in Spanish among ourselves, them dum-dum English speakers surely don't understand a word that is being spoken--otherwise they would understand the garbled fight summaries, jajaja.


If there's something that run showed, it's that with a couple of rough explanations from me, the other DPS were competent and entirely capable of clearing SM content, no matter how much the tanks were trying to sabotage them and make them feel bad.


Got out of that with the three DPS on my friends list and the three Spanish guildies on ignore. I'm done punishing myself with that guild.

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Pug EC.


One of the DPS has lockout so we decide to 7M firsr boss.


I am alone on Zorn on my Sentinel, two other DPS, Gunslinger and Sage are on Toth. Zorn dies before Toth. I did 5200 DPS on that fight which means those two DPS did 2600 both, unless there is huge disparity on tank DPS. Do they randomly mash buttons or what? :p

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Pug EC.


One of the DPS has lockout so we decide to 7M firsr boss.


I am alone on Zorn on my Sentinel, two other DPS, Gunslinger and Sage are on Toth. Zorn dies before Toth. I did 5200 DPS on that fight which means those two DPS did 2600 both, unless there is huge disparity on tank DPS. Do they randomly mash buttons or what? :p


Nice one, well i know guardians can do most dps from tanks, above 2k if he is good one, so it can make a bit difference, but nothing drastic.

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Nice one, well i know guardians can do most dps from tanks, above 2k if he is good one, so it can make a bit difference, but nothing drastic.


They can?...I thought it was assassins/shadows thanks to their procs...?

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Pug EC.


One of the DPS has lockout so we decide to 7M firsr boss.


I am alone on Zorn on my Sentinel, two other DPS, Gunslinger and Sage are on Toth. Zorn dies before Toth. I did 5200 DPS on that fight which means those two DPS did 2600 both, unless there is huge disparity on tank DPS. Do they randomly mash buttons or what? :p


Dot-Sage or Saboteur Slinger?


At least, Burst-Sage does much damage on both bosses due to his Telecinetic Wave (? Chain Lightning). Revos XS freighter flyby is also not just single-target. There might be a little bit tank damage on your boss too.

Edited by Exocor
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My Juggernaut does around 2.5k single target, but then he's almost full 224.


Just wondered since at one time there were alot of sins/shadows running around and I assumed it is for the dps the tank discipline can do (especially as they don't need dps gear)...

...but I haven't played a jug/guardian tank in a long time so....

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Nice one, well i know guardians can do most dps from tanks, above 2k if he is good one, so it can make a bit difference, but nothing drastic.


2k dps was good at lvl 60 but now it's not very impressive. On my guardian tank, I'm doing 2.9k~3k dps on dummy and I only have 216/220 gear.

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Dot-Sage or Saboteur Slinger?


At least, Burst-Sage does much damage on both bosses due to his Telecinetic Wave (? Chain Lightning). Revos XS freighter flyby is also not just single-target. There might be a little bit tank damage on your boss too.


Bosses were well apart so I doubt it was AoE from anyone. Tank disparity propably explains some of it thou.

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Bosses were well apart so I doubt it was AoE from anyone. Tank disparity propably explains some of it thou.


I joined EC via Groupfinder some days ago. They tanked Zorn and Toth at the same position, my Saboslinger was happy. :D

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They can?...I thought it was assassins/shadows thanks to their procs...?


I've tested all 3 tanks on the dummy using the rotations as shown on Dulfy


Those are the 6 minutes parse results on level 65 tanks without any gear on attacking a training dummy, just an empty shell for the Main Hand.


Vanguard 654 DPS 1469 TPS (Static Shield doesn't proc and finish the cooldown of Stockstrike when shielding/defending an attack. Also, the sonic rebounder utility isn't usable on the dummy) The rotation wasn't affected negatively and the proc for Stockstrike would increase slightly the dps, but wouldn't make a huge difference.


Shadow 610 DPS 1360 TPS (Missing Double Bladed Saber Tactic procs which give 4% of total force every shielded/resisted/defended attack) For that one, I was always low on force. Without getting attacked, ressources management is awful.


Guardian 632 DPS 1376 (Missing Courage and Visionairy proc which give 1 stack of focus reducing cost for dispatch or blade storm for every shielded/defended/resisted attack and 1 focus every 6s when attacked. Riposte activate only after Guardian Slash and Saber Reflect can't be used for extra damage) I had to use a lot of Saber Throw and Saber Strike for Focus generation while I use those only a handful of times during a boss fight.


If you can use Saber reflect to boost the damage, I've got no doubt that the Guardian tank can come first for dps on the boss among the tank classes. If I've got to tank multiple target and keep aggro, I would go for the shadow instead. But if you got to pick a off tank to do the maximum damage without getting attacked, the Vanguard is the one the least affected.


Also, an interesting thing from those result is that even with an higher DPS by almost 3.5%, the TPS of the guardian compared to the Shadow increase only by 1% and the Vanguard 3.5% damage increase compared to the guardian result in a 6.7% TPS increase. So, odds are that even with a lower dps, a shadow or a vanguard on a boss will have an higher threat than a guardian if Saber Reflect isn't used for Threat Generation.

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After a long beak I decide to jump into a tfp with my tank to pick the rotation back up. Get a czerka core pop with my 65 shadow tank, a 65 sent dps, 15 guardian dps and 47 shadow dps.


Trash is easy, nobody says anything but we work well together. The 15 guardian pulls ahead of me a lot, but it doesn't bother me in tfp's as long as they don't complain about aggro, which they didn't.


Get to sandstorm boss and every time sandstorm starts I head towards generator. The 15 guardian stands in the middle of the room and taunts. I end up having to taunt back every time the sandstorm starts.


Get to jungle boss and it goes smoothly until the 15 guardian taunts off me and drags the boss to the middle and it gets the debuff runs out. I taunt back and drag it to a plant and we carry on. I tell the guardian "don't taunt if you don't know where to position the boss" and they reply "as you say."


We get to the final boss and it goes as well as can be expected with a quiet group, in that 1 of them puts blue circles all over the place and 2 of them ignore upper ring of things. We complete the mission and say our goodbyes.


Possibly the strangest run I have ever had, in that someone did weird stuff, I asked them to stop and they did not throw a tantrum. Seems during my break most of the terri-bads have gone.

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My Marauder(EH) got a pop for hard mode Ilum last night. Everyone was level 65: me, Immortal Juggernaut, Vengeance Juggernaut, and Bodyguard Mercenary. Now when I got the pop, it said the flashpoint was already in process. I figured either the group had issues, someone was rude, or the person left or had to leave. Either way, I wanted to at least attempt at clearing Ilum.

I'm going to go ahead and note that the tank and healer were in the same guild.

Once I zone in, I notice we're at the mob just a bit down from the speeder, so it wasn't a tactics issue, at least not right off the bat. We start pulling. Now, as someone who tends to select Immortal for leveling and to fill the demand for tanks, I know that it is very single target based, and while the rotation is simple, you can run into issues. I have target of target enabled, and I'm noticing that not only is the tank focusing only on elites and golds, the Vengeance Jugg or the healer is constantly ripping aggro, and there are never taunts, even though I see him use Aegis Assault and Crushing Blow. Since a lot of the time, the healer is getting eaten up, I have to make good use of crappy Marauder DCDs, no big deal.

I decide to inspect the tank's gear. It is a mix of Pummeler and Bulwark, and he has only one relic equipped.

We had a very close call for Drinda Zel and Velasu. We cleared some trash in the caves, and I nearly got eaten and would have if not for Force Camouflage.

After the two big droids, during which the tank focused only on the champion(his tactic was focus only on the ones with higher HP while the DPS get the lesser ones and even then he'd lose threat), I notice Allies channel(an ops recruiting channel) is joking about bad tanks. I type quickly on the way to Fort Barrow, "y'all can't be worse than this guy in hard mode Ilum. He's not taunting at all. The healer is getting aggro."

Then a moment later, the tank says, "You're lucky you're still alive, because I am in Allies and saw that." The healer gets confused and I whispered her an explanation. I replied to the tank, "Well, you are a bad tank, and if you threaten me again, I'm reporting you." I'm not sure if he meant he wanted to duel me and hopefully defeat me, or if he was going to tell the Merc to stop healing me.

Look, I'm always willing to help people, but if you do at least have a grasp of what you're doing, I expect you to be good at it. If you don't know what you're doing, admit it, don't threaten players.

We one shot the Weequay and the Imperial officer and two shot Serevin. I noticed that the tank started taunting after I called him out, and after the Merc and I made snarky comments in group chat.

The Merc whispered an apology to me and said if he did that again, she'd remove him from the guild. After the flashpoint, I was on the fleet spending comms on gifts for companions, and the Merc whispered me and said that he was generally behaving badly. She didn't give specifics, but she said if he didn't stop, she'd have to put her foot down and remove him from the guild. She didn't want her guild to get a bad reputation. She and I had a nice conversation about his poor performance and worse attitude, as well as praising each others performance in the fp.

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So one time, we were queued in a random Group Finder for the Foundry, back in 3-point-something. It was me as a marauder, my friend as a jugg tank, and two randoms- An assassin and a sniper.


My Juggernaut friend made an amused comment in group about the lack of a healer. To which the Assassin responds with a series of emotes, and then, in group chat, saying this, and only this.


"lieutenant "heals" blizzards"


I was in a Skype chat with my friend, and we both went quiet for a moment trying to piece together what the guy said. We couldn't make heads or tails of it. We shrug and figure it's nothing, and head inside. By the third or fourth group we pull, we realize that the assassin isn't actually using any move except for Lacerate. The guy is just spinning around the instance like a damn beyblade. When we asked him why he wasn't using any other moves, he said, once more.


"lieutenant "heals" blizzards"


There it was again. I wish I could say the saga continued, but he DC'ed a minute or so later and we had to find a replacement for the rest of the run. To this day, we still wonder about what happened to Lt. Blizzards.

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so, I just had an... interesting? bad? run of legacy of the Rakata hm

so, I had just done another hm without a problem, so, when i saw that the group compromised of me (assassin tank, 216 gear), a 216 marauder and a full 220 (or was it 224) set bonus merc healer with his 216+ (one or two 220 modifications in there) sniper guildie, I didnt expect any problem... how wrong i was...

NB: when i speak of they, i nearly always mean the sniper/merc guild dou, marauder was very quiet

fp started reasonably ok, with the sniper taking a bit to load in, but hey, i dont have a problem

first to third group: no prob

then, fouth or fith trash group in, i was in the process of running to the rest (was afk for literally 5 seconds)

when suddenly, i heard the orbital strike sound ive so come to love on my sniper

well, np, i can do mass taunts

this repeated constantly until the third boss, with either the sniper or his guildie the HEALER (!!!!!!) using aoe to start a fight, running into the village in front of me..... you get the picture

First Boss:

I asked in chat if everybody knows the fp, the marauder and the sniper saying they needed refreshing

so, typed in the explanation for the tactics and was just in the process of typing a second post when a ready check popped up, passen (i was busy typing) wis one player missing, but, what do you know, here comes the orbital strike!

while this wouldnt and wasnt drastical (force pull+ taunt brought him under my reign VERY quickly) what was drastical was that, while not standing far outside, i somehow managed to bug into the gate, preventing me from moving anywhere else than side-to-side by ten metersand preventing the healer to target me --> First and (weirdly) only wipe

second try,

they tell me to stopp typing, they've got a fp to finish, when i say " hey, TWO out of three people wanted the machanics explained, its better to spend a minute explaining mechanics than wipe three or four times because noone knows them" but noone responds

i ask NOONE pulls before me, particularly when i didnt react to a ready test

they're like, nice to know, the healer asks me to put up dark ward and they let me pull, resultingin a good first half of the fight

second half (rakata chief was under 50%) i noticed i didnt have any dcd's left and was apparently getting about one heal every 5 seconds, died, got battle rezzed, we downed the boss, a lightsaber dropped, i waited until everyone had greeded and asked if i could have it to transfer mods to my new classical double-vibroblade (love that thing :p) and, when the marauder said np (the guildies didnt answer) i took it

now, second half (revanites)

first group, as above, second group (the first revanite group) i for once got to attack the boss first :D

second group, i marked one droid, said "please stun", but hey! orbital strike is BACK, no need to stun ?!?!?!?

i decided to play as if the droid was in cc and hey, what d'you know, it attacked the sniper, got him to half-health and then they decided to cc the damn thing

downed group, moved on, didnt say anything thinking they had learned their lesson (WROOONG)

next group, first encounter with those powertech-style droids (jump at you) i was typing " please do NOT pull before me, those ... (didnt come further before orbital strike was back) ... jump at you"

now, as we also didnt kill the jedi first, the fight was basically me with the jedi and one droid (+adds) at the box and the other droid at the sniper outside of my mass-taunt range, with my taunt/force pull being on cd

suffice to say, he died. HORRIBLY :rak_06:

got him rezzed, they complain I'm a bad tank, am not taunting or using dark ward (though i have to admit i sometimes forget refreshing that) and hey, why arent you using mass taunt?

at which i say that i am and that i have already tanked hm ops (ec and xeno) and noone had a problem/ died because of my "bad tanking"

their reply: "meh, ec/xeno are no more than long flashpoints, that doesnt say anything"

my reply after looking up their ops achievement, of wich they have done alot, nm included " so, as i see youve done alot so you should know that you dont pull before the tank" ( no reply)

somewhere inbetween, i whisper the marauder appologising for the bickering, hes like "meh, i know worse"

for all groups after, they are randomly cc'ing goldies without marking/telling anybody ANYTHING, not even "hey, I'M cc'ing all of those powertech droids"

which leads to

a) me jumping into a group with two cc'd and one melee enemy that goes after one of them, or

b) me cursing them for ccing the enemy ind the very MIDDLE of the group, if possible one with a ranged mob behind it


Second Boss

before i can say anything, they say "without mass pull, this is not going to work" at which i respond "you dont say!"

and quickly explain the mechanics, pull and we down the boss


I then ask if we're doing the bonusboss, as it is extremely simple, but they say not today and run on, repeatig their cc method at every group

during conversation, i rememberer having tanked Dread Palace/Fortress hm (pre 4.0 with a level 60 char, but they dont have to know that ;)) but, as i dont have the achievements to account for it :eek: (apparently it was only sm and i had EXTREME CRAP as gear, was ages ago :confused:) they respond in "if you dont have the achievement you didnt do it" (they're correct in that for one :o ) but also " sad to have to talk yourself better" (approximate translation, i play on a german server and speak it as my native (?) language)


Third Boss


after a cutscene that, for hm, took AGES one of them asked if it was to hard to skip (see above) i said one line : "first the sith then the comando" and jumped right in

however, i began to notice that the sith was taking ages to die and, when he did, the commando was at 35%, something jakarro couldnt have done alone

after killing him, i ask how hard it is to do "first the sith then the comando" (NB even dulfy says this is the strategy to go with:

http://dulfy.net/2014/09/09/swtor-rakata-prime-flashpoint/ :Another tank and spank fight like the first boss encounter. Darth Arkous has some kind of burst attack that can deal a lot of damage so might be good to kill him first. Colonel Darok will grapple random players to him but doesn’t do much otherwise.

and they respond that it is very difficult if its the wrong strategy (i told them trouthfully that i had killed them 2-3 times before with the same strategy but way worse gear on the dps'

and continued to say that i better look for another class, i cant tank, never use dcd's, nor any other abilities and am, in total, a burden for every healer and group

at which i'm just thinking "what do they know" and respond in saying that, when i started tanking hm on an assassin, i asked EVERY healer how i was and only got positive feedback....( heck, i found my current guild through that, and they're currently in the process of progressing to nm content (the healer was the guild leader))


In total, that frogleaps to the top of my list of the worst fp experiences, and because i cannot tell storys intellegibly, i shall recap all the base facts:


Healer + Sniper

-healer healed me even when near death only once in 5 seconds

- didnt follow tactics

- never told anyone who they were going to cc

- AoE spammed

- oh yeah... and even the healer started fights without me


in the end, i'm left with a very bad fp experience, a view pieces of useless loot, two people on my ignore list and one on my friend list for not being pissed of... care to guess who's who?


Whew... what a block of text... thanks for reading and sorry for bad writing, i dont speak english as a native language :rak_03:

Edited by De-mu-noki
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I never assume someone with high gear or high endgame achievements knows what they're doing because of that. Who knows if they were carried through, or got the high gear farming EV and nothing else, or led the groups through the hard stuff, or carried the group themselves, etc. etc. What sucks is the people who were carried through now see it as a license to legitimize their presence in all content and they can't possibly do wrong. What BFJ aptly calls "fake pros"


I'll take someone a step below the recommended item rating who knows their class and the mechanics (or at least someone very open to listening to the mechanics being explained) over the people carried through the content by their guild who have near- or full-BiS but have no idea (or respect) about proper group mechanics.

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My Deception Assassin got tactical Korriban.


We wiped on the first boss. Tank knew his rotation, so did I, so did the other Deception Assassin, the Mercenary was IO(I saw the bomb debuff that IO has, forget its name) but was in the purple cylinder.

I still don't know how we managed to wipe on that, other than the kolto wasn't being hit fast enough...

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My Deception Assassin got tactical Korriban.


We wiped on the first boss. Tank knew his rotation, so did I, so did the other Deception Assassin, the Mercenary was IO(I saw the bomb debuff that IO has, forget its name) but was in the purple cylinder.

I still don't know how we managed to wipe on that, other than the kolto wasn't being hit fast enough...


Eh, that one is surprisingly easy to wipe on if you aren't paying attention and get knocked into the cages (I think that can still happen in Tactical). That's an insta-kill if you do.

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Third Boss


after a cutscene that, for hm, took AGES one of them asked if it was to hard to skip (see above) i said one line : "first the sith then the comando" and jumped right in

however, i began to notice that the sith was taking ages to die and, when he did, the commando was at 35%, something jakarro couldnt have done alone

after killing him, i ask how hard it is to do "first the sith then the comando" (NB even dulfy says this is the strategy to go with:

and they respond that it is very difficult if its the wrong strategy ...


To be honest: I'd have ignored the "kill sith first" advise as well. Killing commando first is considered widely the "normal" strategy for a few reasons:


- The commando has not only a grapple but also puts blue circles on two people. Stepping into the other blue circle while having one yourself is an instant death. You can avoid that with proper positioning (even if Bowdaar gets a circle) but don't expect that from a pug.

- The commando has random aggro while the sith can be tanked. Killing the commando first you eliminate the random group damage (especially nasty during soft enrage). The damage from the sith (even in soft enrage) is not very impressive.


Thats just so you know why they complained about tactics. I can very well understand why they made it to your ignore list after that run ;) I would have probably let them tank even more of "their" pulls. So they can be happy they got you and not me in their group with such behaviour :D

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.... Guardian 632 DPS 1376 (Missing Courage and Visionairy proc which give 1 stack of focus reducing cost for dispatch or blade storm for every shielded/defended/resisted attack and 1 focus every 6s when attacked. Riposte activate only after Guardian Slash and Saber Reflect can't be used for extra damage) I had to use a lot of Saber Throw and Saber Strike for Focus generation while I use those only a handful of times during a boss fight. ....


On guardian you forgot to count utilities, specially Narrowed Focus: (Taking non-periodic area of effect damage generates 1 Focus. This effect cannot occur more than once every second.) Which is huge difference in resource management and you cant test it on dummy. As you said, at boss fight you pretty much dont use saber strike when tanking.

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To be honest: I'd have ignored the "kill sith first" advise as well. Killing commando first is considered widely the "normal" strategy for a few reasons:


- The commando has not only a grapple but also puts blue circles on two people. Stepping into the other blue circle while having one yourself is an instant death. You can avoid that with proper positioning (even if Bowdaar gets a circle) but don't expect that from a pug.

- The commando has random aggro while the sith can be tanked. Killing the commando first you eliminate the random group damage (especially nasty during soft enrage). The damage from the sith (even in soft enrage) is not very impressive.

ok, i have to admit i only thought about my tanking tactics :o

Thats just so you know why they complained about tactics. I can very well understand why they made it to your ignore list after that run ;) I would have probably let them tank even more of "their" pulls. So they can be happy they got you and not me in their group with such behaviour :D

In any other run i would have but here i wanted to get it finished because i had to go rl soon after and knew i couldnt do another run

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Been reading this thread for a while now, and now to add to it. :)


So today's gf op is EC, and I was the weird one. :(

We formed on fleet, then went straight in, one shotted the first boss easy, but then things turned south fast on tanks.

First try I was tanking Firebrand, no prob from what I was seing, up until the first shield phase, were... all the peps for Stormcaller died at once. Turns out the other tank didn't knew he had to kite the rod, so that was a fast wipe :p

Second try (and onward) I tanked Stormcaller, but the healer that was kitting the rod died early from standing in the cleave of the tanks, and from there on we got picked off one after the other.

Third try, we get it to 20%... then a rod gets to the peps under shield! I was happily kitting those rods, and a vang dps was under shield, so I assumed he missclicked his taunt while there, only way I could've lost aggro while kitting, right?

6th try, same thing happen, but earlier this time, at the second shield phase, and then I realise... I'm losing aggro not due to someone out-threating me, but simply because I'm either not in direct LoS of the boss or too far away from it!

Prior to that, I never knew you could lose aggro in such a way in this fight, so at least now I do :p Couldn't complete after the wipe that followed, we said our goodbyes and now I've got a lockout for second boss of the op I hate the most x)

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You are luck to meet just "weird" people in group finder:D But when you meet a completely inappropriate man, who constantly yells and swears, and then throws you out of the group before the last boss (In hard flashpoint). Well, to put it mildly, it's unpleasantly... And a lot people of such kind there:jawa_evil: Edited by Cyberdeliah
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You are luck to meet just "weird" people in group finder:D But when you meet a completely inappropriate man, who constantly yells and swears, and then throws you out of the group before the last boss (In hard flashpoint). Well, to put it mildly, it's unpleasantly... And a lot people of such kind there:jawa_evil:


Yeah tere are all kinds here.


One of the things that still puzzels me gratly about SWTOR in general is that outside your guild ( or freindlist) it appears at time as people have a phobia against grouping, let alone, being social in the group.

In a pattern of behaviour that is in the long run only destructive, and is found in all aspects of the game PVP and PVE alike.

TBO It at times feel like I am playing a completely different game, and only NOW do I see why alot of the unpopular changes have been implemeneted.


Lets start with the list of things "wierd" and flat out "wrong".


1) Attitudes.

Be it in WZ, OPS/FPS or otherwise most of us, me included is NOT GOOD ENOUGH to be considerate.

Wear human in the end and too often judge or assume the worst and act on that.

I have no issues understanding WHY someone may be kicked off a team by a gumpy FU**, After all that guy have had bad experiences all day/night to the point where enough is enough, in fact even the appearance of enough is TOO MUCH.

This leads to ALOT social "conflicts" and do kill the social aspects of the game.


Then you ahve another very strange attitude I have encountered ALOT, especially on the NON RP servers

I don't what to call the attitude in question, but I call it what isn brackets here; "Becuse you CAN play solo on a mission ( or all) then the game IS ONLY single player" and people refuse to even group up, going it can be soloed.

I am lvle 65, pretty well geared, played since early 2012, and I still can't solo 1/4 of what others do.......but that is me.


So as a new player ( back then) I discovered the ONLY server if fact I was able to get group going.....at the time it was to heroic "chamber of speech" on my then old jedi.

It actually took me 9 weeks, 9 weeks to actually get teamed up....becuse the attitude was and too often IS......becuse you CAN do it solo then that means you HAVE to do it solo., totoally forgetting that one of the MAIN features of all MMOs is team play, and grouping.


Alot have changed through the years I have played here, I have seen ALOT of changes, and unfortunately many of them came as a result of people flat out refusing to group up.

SOme servers naturally better then others, tht is aloso why I play on RP server, back then it was more or less the only server people wanted to team up.


Though still today I see the same phobia against groups, I see people rater try 10000000000000000000 times sto solo Hard Missions ( ment with current system to be team work) just becuse it CAN be done and offers a lame achivement, that you most likely will get regardless eventually.


BUT this appears to really "shut down" all intelligence. and the attitude with MMOS that have a feature where you CAN do something, then becomes WHAT the game is about.

It will as silly as claiming SWTOR is a PVP game ( and "only" that) becuse you CAN pvp there.


I actually suspect that less then 10% of players know that you can teamwork even class and story ( not for the dificulty as there is next to no difficulty) for the pure MMO social aspect.


We attitudes like this all the time in most things, we feel how imortent WE are, forgetting the fact that there is no " I " in TEAM, and never will be.


Do I say we should allways team up with anyone, No..........but I m urging all of us to try and grasp the MMO concept........of teamwork, where it belongs naturally.


I have never had more fun then when my BH and another Agent I met on Hutta, decided to team up and do both classes story and class missions as a team. Hillarious and before the difficulties in the game were removed, when a normal could actually kill you, Super fun in class missions.


It seems to me most people want a group for difficulites, or overcomming them, rather then a group for rp and the social aspects, but thats just me.


As to generally strange and wierd people......the NON groupers in MMOS are among the wierdest

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