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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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This isn't really a GF but a the Star Fortress Heroic +2 so I thought I’d still share because it's funny.


I usually run these solo but I log on and see someone looking for a game and so I decide to join thinking it’ll be quicker with the two of us and our companions. We’re both sages and I put my companion on heals there’s is on DPS. Things are going well until I notice that the other player only seems to use forcequake and project over and over but hey we’re getting through it so it’s fine. About half way through the guy for some reason decides that I’m not doing enough DPS and starts telling me off. This goes on until now we’re getting close to the end so I ignore him as we’re still getting through it but he just continues to have a go at me and my bad DPS. We get to the Exarch and he never interrupts ANYTHING and gets angry at me when I don’t interrupt because I’m on a CD, it takes a little longer to bring the Exarch down but he goes down. Check out the loot and a Walker pops up he says to both need on it and so he needs and I do as well and I actually get it (first time I’ve ever gotten one to!) and then all of a sudden he goes full crazy saying how I cheated and stole the walker and how it should be his because he started the FP and that I’m a ninja looter, a horrible player and how he’ll tell everyone I ninja and that I suck, this is all going down through the end cut scene before we zone out and he quits and I add him to my ignore list.


TLDR // Star Fortress, other sage never interrupts, uses basic attacks only, doesn’t get/win the loot he wants and cries foul and blames me for being a ninja looter, a cheater and a bad DPS.


Strange encounter to be sure....maybe he thought that because you don't talk back to him he can continue with the (funny....especially with the interrupts...and also annoying I bet) abuse....or just assumed that you had put him on /ignore long ago and can say whatever without you seeing any of it?

...I don't know - while I am for /ignoring or telling of such [insert chosen rude term here] I understand when sometimes they are just too *** and leave you standing there with 'what just happened'....my first post here was one such instance where the tank tunneled on a single mob (and I ofcourse got all the aggro (as I was a healer)...was not lucky to have skilled dps to make up for the tank) then when he died proceeds to blame me for bad healing - which was totally the case....for him as I was just too busy trying to stay alive:)

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had a failed false emp run on HM


sage "helaer", 2 sentinels me on my beloved guardian tank :-)


1st boss - i pull from bridge as is standard for me to pull him to the wall area - the dps follow kill order for the adds on bridge before boss and the "healer" caps me in chat to grab aggro for adds - we wipe from a lack of heals being dished out


i tell the sage i have tanked since launch, and i know what i'm doing on old FPs, the adds can be burned down whilst i hold the actual boss


retry - same strat - start getting some heals happy days scrape the boss with 1 dead sent (died in the red)


2nd boss - we wipe - retry - i look at name of the "healer" and the name i'm getting most heals from

one sent is using juyo form


just about to type in group chat about the problem when


sage says sorry gotta go and drops group - guessing he just quit game as he didn't have an animation for exit area going - "maybe he realised he was meant to be the healer IDK"


no pop for replacement and we disband


TL,DR - weird sage "healer" in a HMFP not healing and tries telling me to tank properly who promptly quits at 2nd boss after 2 wipes

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Strange encounter to be sure....maybe he thought that because you don't talk back to him he can continue with the (funny....especially with the interrupts...and also annoying I bet) abuse....or just assumed that you had put him on /ignore long ago and can say whatever without you seeing any of it?

...I don't know - while I am for /ignoring or telling of such [insert chosen rude term here] I understand when sometimes they are just too *** and leave you standing there with 'what just happened'....my first post here was one such instance where the tank tunneled on a single mob (and I ofcourse got all the aggro (as I was a healer)...was not lucky to have skilled dps to make up for the tank) then when he died proceeds to blame me for bad healing - which was totally the case....for him as I was just too busy trying to stay alive:)


For me it seemed as though he was just trying to stir up an argument for the sake of it and I know better than feeding trolls, it was just a surprise when it was all fine and dandy until he just started it up randomly, no idea what the trigger was :confused: Not going to lie but it was maybe just a little amusing because some of his lines in chat were obviously rushed and full of spelling mistakes, numbers etc:

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Not really a story, more of an anecdote ... this happens more than I care to think about and many other healers out there have probably experienced the same in tfp's.


Gf queue as sage/sorc healer get 3 dps of varying types including at least 1 sent/mara (fp is irrelevant to this). So far so good ... all zone in say hi or not .... all good. First trash ... bubble all stick wandering mend on most likely to need it (usually sent/mara) ... wait .... wait ... wait ... still waiting ... bubbles goes off first person ... sent/mara jumps ... w t f ???


I'm thinking ... I've read this thread ... heard all about the jumping monkey sents/maras and I'm in a group with at least one sent and he doesn't want to jump in ??? Does he not know how to play his class properly ????


makes me smile every time it happens ... then either one of dps realises that someone has to start the fight or i do just to keep them busy :o

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Not really a story, more of an anecdote ... this happens more than I care to think about and many other healers out there have probably experienced the same in tfp's.


Gf queue as sage/sorc healer get 3 dps of varying types including at least 1 sent/mara (fp is irrelevant to this). So far so good ... all zone in say hi or not .... all good. First trash ... bubble all stick wandering mend on most likely to need it (usually sent/mara) ... wait .... wait ... wait ... still waiting ... bubbles goes off first person ... sent/mara jumps ... w t f ???


I'm thinking ... I've read this thread ... heard all about the jumping monkey sents/maras and I'm in a group with at least one sent and he doesn't want to jump in ??? Does he not know how to play his class properly ????


makes me smile every time it happens ... then either one of dps realises that someone has to start the fight or i do just to keep them busy :o


Always possible to be in the middle of typing asking if you want marks for CC or not:)

...btw sins/OPs and their republic equivalent should realize what a powerful weapon their stealth CC is and use it as much as they can (unless the rest of the group just don't give them time)...btw stealth has a tutorial ingame?



Oh and another btw: people see the HI written while they are still in loading screen right? (after the load screen gets away ofcourse) So what's the point of not saying hi/hello/yo (for all I care)...it doesn't take much and it only help them as it creates better environment....


...+I resent that...we maras/sents are great!:D

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Quotes from Korriban Incursion, aka Liar Liar Sin On Fire:


Me: "[Level 65 Sin], why don't you have a charge?"

Sin: *silence*

Me: "[sin], charge, please"

Sin: "Don't have charge"

Me: "Lightning from your buffs, I believe" (They had Languishing Lashes, so Hatred)

Me: "Activate Lightning Charge from your abilities."

Sin: *thunderous silence*


I keep pulling aggro from Sin on my level 40 Sniper with a crappy rotation. Eventually, I drop a votekick on them, with "Either activate Lightning Charge or go." One of the healers tells me to calm down, it's not a hard FP (fair enough), and then miraculously the Lightning Charge buff comes up.


Sin: "Um... Lightning charge is on... has been"

Me: "NOW it is."

Me: "I can see your buffs, you know."

Sin: "It has been on"

Me: "Yeah right >.>"

Healer2: "I didn't see it"

Sin: "I never turn it off"

Me: "Sure"

Sin: *torrent of insults*


Yeah, I should have dropped it the moment they activated it. But the blatant pretense got on my nerves pretty quickly. That and the tank relic for unfathomable reasons... No.



It's one of those nights where I have no patience. Dropped a group on the second pull of Cademimu without a word because the tank had no idea how aggro works and refused to listen about not guarding the healer. ("That's not how aggro works, buddy, you use guard for threat, if healer has aggro is because we're not grabbing adds" got a "Nope, guard healer. Tanks job")


Crappy move on my end, no doubt, but Cademimu is a PITA as it is with a smart tank, and I would probably become more uptight about silly mistakes (including mine, I have no illusions >.>) as we went.

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Korriban tactical

Sentinel, Scoundrel, Sage and Commando (me)


We skip the first group. Scoundrel and Sage go right, Sentinel continues forward and pulls the next group exactly the same time Scoundrel and Sage start fighting one of the commanders + adds. I stand there second or two and decided to go help Scoundrel and Sage. Of course Sentinel dies and all the enemies start attacking us. Sentinel runs back to us with the first group we already skipped following him. After we killed the enemies Sentinel left.


We get replacement quite quickly. We again skip one group at middle but of couse this new Sentinel pulls them and dies. We continue and at second boss we kill the boss but Sentinel died and run back pulling group we skipped earlier. Died and left. We finish with companion because at this point it's almost pointless to requeue.

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I was the weird one


I notice there was group forming on fleet and decided to join for GF run. My only problem was that I had only watched 3 year old guides for first 3 bosses. So I was a bit weird in last boss fight. I AoE'd first group of shielded adds. So did one of the other dps too and paid the highest price for it (I guess). When other adds spawned I didn't move with group and got small panic moment when I tried to avoid purple circle. I ran to corner and tried to hide. We wiped. On next attempt we defeated the boss.


Notes to self:

- Don't AoE shielded adds in Kephess fight in EC.

- Don't hide in the corner.


But other than that guides made it look a lot more complicated.

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HM Mandalorian Raiders


The group was a jugg tank, a mercenary DPS, a sorc healer and me on my sin DPS. We zone in and say our Hi, except the healer who run to the 1st pack that spawn in front of us and start hitting them with her saber. I say to myself, "whatever, this pack is a joke". We go to the 1st real pack and...how can I say...the healer continues to DPS with saber strike and trash with some force storm from time to time. Almost no heal and when we finish the pack and everyone is almost dead, she decide it's time to heal.

After some time like that I inspect her. Everything seem right except an absorbtion implant. Seeing as she looks in trouble, I ask her if she's new to sage healing. Still no answer. The whole FP goes like that, but fortunately we don't wipe. Some death here and there, but that's it.

Arriving at the bonus boss, I ask the tank if he knows the fight since he looks new to tanking. But our incredible sorc decide it better to overload the boss in the face. That's a wipe, I had enough and initiate a vote kick which pass. Seeing that, the healer says her 1st word in chat just "f*ck" then disconnet. But the vote kick still goes on and pass. Unfortunately no replacement came so we left.

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HM Mandalorian Raiders


The group was a jugg tank, a mercenary DPS, a sorc healer and me on my sin DPS. We zone in and say our Hi, except the healer who run to the 1st pack that spawn in front of us and start hitting them with her saber. I say to myself, "whatever, this pack is a joke". We go to the 1st real pack and...how can I say...the healer continues to DPS with saber strike and trash with some force storm from time to time. Almost no heal and when we finish the pack and everyone is almost dead, she decide it's time to heal.

After some time like that I inspect her. Everything seem right except an absorbtion implant. Seeing as she looks in trouble, I ask her if she's new to sage healing. Still no answer. The whole FP goes like that, but fortunately we don't wipe. Some death here and there, but that's it.

Arriving at the bonus boss, I ask the tank if he knows the fight since he looks new to tanking. But our incredible sorc decide it better to overload the boss in the face. That's a wipe, I had enough and initiate a vote kick which pass. Seeing that, the healer says her 1st word in chat just "f*ck" then disconnet. But the vote kick still goes on and pass. Unfortunately no replacement came so we left.


Haha frankly...

The more I think about the strange parting words (would expect to be with the added ''you''...) the more it sounds like ""Damn another /kick....what am I doing wrong?!""

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Hoping for a quick tFP run while I waited for friends to log in, queue pops Cademimu. I'm on my level 65 Sage DPS, there are two level 35 DPS on the same guild and a Guardian tank at 35 as well.


After a quick assessment, I ask for guard. No response from tank. Other DPS start pulls. I rip aggro easily, so does another DPS. I ask for guard again. No response.


Tank dies on champion probe above the very first lift, one DPS takes lift, the other jumps on lift and dies, the first DPS abandons their dead guildie (and the tank as well!) without rezzing and runs on ahead.


I just nope'd out of there. This wasn't going to get any better.



What's with Cademimu and bad groups. ._.

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Haha frankly...

The more I think about the strange parting words (would expect to be with the added ''you''...) the more it sounds like ""Damn another /kick....what am I doing wrong?!""


Pretty much. I really tried to give her a chance. I whispered her a few time to advice her that one of her implant was wrong, to offer advice on sorc healing, etc. But no answer. It was really really strange.

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Not really GF stuff (yet, group was just forming)


TFB SM yesterday when it was in GF.

Group is forming up and they are still looking for more members so I decided to whisper and included that I'm first timer.


A bit later I get whisper:

"Continue doing KDY until you have enough Glowing crystals to gear up for TFB."


Only below 216 rating stuff I have are 4x 204 armoring to complete set set bonus and relics.

Other than that: full 6-piece set bonus, 216 mk-1 MH, 110% accuracy and "enough" alacrity, 11/14 augmented (208)

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Not really GF stuff (yet, group was just forming)


TFB SM yesterday when it was in GF.

Group is forming up and they are still looking for more members so I decided to whisper and included that I'm first timer.


A bit later I get whisper:

"Continue doing KDY until you have enough Glowing crystals to gear up for TFB."


Only below 216 rating stuff I have are 4x 204 armoring to complete set set bonus and relics.

Other than that: full 6-piece set bonus, 216 mk-1 MH, 110% accuracy and "enough" alacrity, 11/14 augmented (208)

What do you expect? People are stupid. You don't need gear at all in SM, thanks to bolster.

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I didn't get to any ToS SM groups on fleet today because I don't have achievements (lol) I decided to do quick tactical. Quick credits... or so I thought...


Directive 7:

My Commando, 2x Sentinel and Shadow dps. I'm at level cap but everyone else was between 30-40.


They want everyone to skip through cutscenes but from how they played I thought they were all new so I didn't interfere with cutscenes too much. Level 38 Sentinel asks at one point why I'm in pvp gear. I answered because I have the armorings and I want the set bonus. He then says that set bonus only works in pvp... I said that only damage transfer from Guard and Expertise work in pvp. Set bonus and pvp relics work in both. He left shortly after without saying anything.

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I didn't get to any ToS SM groups on fleet today because I don't have achievements (lol) I decided to do quick tactical. Quick credits... or so I thought...


What's the deal with people demanding achievements for Ravagers and TOS? I get it, they're tough(I myself have not done them, and don't really want to). But...how the hell do you get the achievement in the first place if no one wants to take you because you haven't done it yet? And didn't Underlurker get nerfed in 4.0?


Question: when SnV, TFB, DF and DP came out, did people demand achievements for those? I've only been playing since last February so I don't know. :p

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What's the deal with people demanding achievements for Ravagers and TOS? I get it, they're tough(I myself have not done them, and don't really want to). But...how the hell do you get the achievement in the first place if no one wants to take you because you haven't done it yet? And didn't Underlurker get nerfed in 4.0?


Question: when SnV, TFB, DF and DP came out, did people demand achievements for those? I've only been playing since last February so I don't know. :p


You don't see it as much anymore, as ya underlurker got nerfed hard in 4.0. But the idea was mostly that people wanted to actually beat the operation and not spend a couple hours wiping then leave (especially as underlurker the biggest issue was the dps check a lot of the time, mechanics you can teach during an op, dps you really can't).

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What's the deal with people demanding achievements for Ravagers and TOS?


Not just ToS and Ravagers...

I got a bit weird whisper from one player who was forming group for DP SM hour or so ago.

My whisper: "Invite, dps, first timer"

Reply: "you know the tactics kinda?"


I continued what I was doing and got invite. I declined. I get next whisper "ok, we'll explain" + another invite. I decline again. Why? They obviously don't want first timers so better not waste their time.

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Not just ToS and Ravagers...

I continued what I was doing and got invite. I declined. I get next whisper "ok, we'll explain" + another invite. I decline again. Why? They obviously don't want first timers so better not waste their time.



What a peculiar conclusion to draw from the words "ok, we'll explain."

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I'm sure they don't want to explain tactics for Calphayus and Council. After watching the guides those are the only difficult fights from dps pov.

The fights were nerfed so much in 4.0 that it takes maybe 30 seconds to explain them. If you want to learn ops take advantage of those willing to explain. Assuming they don't want to explain even when they say they will won't do you any good.

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