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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Five minutes of laughter and tears later, I can only thank you for this post and the compliment you've given to my English writing skills. I'm still giggling like an idiot. :D


I shall endeavour to make my next series of rebuttals more authentic and beliveable. :rak_04:

Good thing I could return the favour! Usually I am way more tolerant of the hordes of bad players, but over the last two days I have been through a marathon... no, a derpathon of such incompetency that I am afraid my characters in the game suffered some brain damage from the sheer inescapable onslaught of facerolling, poor communication and general f***wittery.

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I would love to see rebuttal posts from the subjects of some of these stories some day.

Ooh Slafko's done! Can i give it a shot?

"poped cz hm. healer made me move guard from him to mara even tho i purposely let him take aggro so i dont take dmg. they got angry for some reason about my shien form as a tank even tho i said more dps and kill faster=less damage. i died cos the stoopid noob healer couldnt heal properly. i dunno why he dint use the healing stations. they got angry abt me needding the mara gear for jaesa even tho i explained that she uses lightsaber=strength gear. as a tank i take charge so i told them abt my NIM clears but they made stoopid up abt achievements lol. got kicked again. noobs. gon run kdy."

How was that?

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Ooh Slafko's done! Can i give it a shot?

"poped cz hm. healer made me move guard from him to mara even tho i purposely let him take aggro so i dont take dmg. they got angry for some reason about my shien form as a tank even tho i said more dps and kill faster=less damage. i died cos the stoopid noob healer couldnt heal properly. i dunno why he dint use the healing stations. they got angry abt me needding the mara gear for jaesa even tho i explained that she uses lightsaber=strength gear. as a tank i take charge so i told them abt my NIM clears but they made stoopid up abt achievements lol. got kicked again. noobs. gon run kdy."

How was that?


I feel like I just read something translated by bing.

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I feel like I just read something translated by bing.


There is a game show here in Australia where the contestants (who are usually national musicians and on it just for laughs) have to guess the lyrics to a song that has been: 1) translated from English to Japanese using Babelfish; and 2) then back to English using Babelfish again.


As you can imagine, the lyrics make no damn sense anymore.


Sometimes reading the execuses you see for dumb behaviour remind me of that game.

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"Dumb tank refused to guard me (healer) so I just left. Can't stand playing with Know-it-alls that, instead of listening to me, start explaining how the game works. I'm a healer, I know how it works, just guard me and shut up."


"OMG, I had the worst healer ever. When we got to the Wookie boss in Cademimu HM, I guarded him and told him to climb the shuttle. He just stood there. I then climbed the shuttle myself, started jumping and told him to come to me. He then started saying how that's a bad tactic and he knew a better one. Asked him five times to climb the shuttle and he refused. I have no patience for scrubs so I just bailed."


"My healer was a dick too. We loaded the flashpoint and I guarded him immediately. I want me healers to be safe and besides - it's what I do in pvp and everyone loves me. This noob, however, kept dismissing Guard. I kept reapplying it. When we got to the Sandstorm boss, he didn't remove his guard and I thought he finally figured out it was for his protection and learned something. Boy was I wrong. He refused to heal me and I died twice on that fight. When I asked him why he didn't heal me he said it was the surest way to get Guard off. Ignored the noob and left."


I don't like it when you make people out like that slafko. All of these 3 stories of yours are really not about weird occasions. You should full well know that its nonsense to guard a dps from the start of a flashpoint. I don't want to start a debate here but ask yourself this one:


Lets assume the following. Since I hope you relatively know what to do as a tank no one will rip aggro of you. Great, we have established that without a guard you don't loose aggro. Lets continue shall we? So ... all adds and bosses are on you. What do you do with your guard?


Going on, the only incoming damage is damage which can't be avoided. Hence logic dictates you should use it on the one taking most damage. Since you can't guard yourself who would that be? Is that the healer? maybe or maybe not. In case of your Sandstorm boss it might be handy on the one taking most damage (SHAME on you for loosing aggro on dps if you do loose .... ltp). Since we are talking about CZ meltdown lets see the other 2 bosses. The enhanced vrblter dude and the vigilant. Do you remember where those adds go to 1st? Yes? Okey ..... now on who should we place guard? On the dps who won't pull of you? Go ahead mate and be a fool.


Furthermore, while I don't like the wing tactic myself it is a viable way of doing that boss as long as you make sure the adds are near the boss when the boss explodes. A good healer or dps will make sure of that. Your 3rd story is for this reason invalid too. However since many people don't know how to perform this tactic correctly it is risky to propose. But to call it a weird story? Meh ....... I have seen weirder ones.


The way I tend to use my guard is as follows:

1a - I put it on the healer first

1b - 1a gets overridden if there is a really low HP groupmember, he than gets a 'pity' guard from the start

2 - If a dps manages to pull aggro during trash he gets a guard (surprise surprise, highest HP dude won't always be the highest dps)

3 - during a bossfight I give guard to who-ever needs it the most and I guardswap often if needed.


Short version of my guardrule:

Don't be static with guarding but assess every situation on its own and react flexible upon it.

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Sry for derailing the thread with my previous post but I can't stand it when people fail the realize the incorrectness of their words.


Anyways, you asked for a response from someone who acted weird? Yesterday I could be considered weird in a lowbe Kuat.


While I was on my newest project PugsloveHP I decided to group up with a friend of mine and do the flashpoint/warzone dailies. A Kuat popped ..... and ..... someone declined. A few seconds later a 2nd one popped ..... and ..... declined to (different group). 3rd time the charm? Hell no .... got declined again. Since I noticed one of the guys declining was a healer I whispered him that I could spec dps if needed (I was healspecced too). He agreed to not decline and we got a pop .... with a different group. A well, whatever works ;-)


So far no real weirdness. My friend than proceeded to dc from both teamspeak and the game. I assured the 2 other guys my friend would come back (he has a dodgy connection at times). After a few minutes waiting one of the 2 others in initiated a votekick against my friend which got seconded by the other one. I ofc protested against this but the resonse I got was a fair one. "Its not your friends fault he dc'ed but neither its mine. I have only 1 hour to play currently". Since I didn't want to get a lockout I asked them to kick me too so I could rejoin my friend who would come back. Somehow the votekick failed because the other person couldnt click or something.

Anyways, my friend reconnected and we attempted to sync queue in the hopes of getting him back in. Someone else joined us hence I asked again to votekick me. This time it passed :)


Requeued with my friend and got a fast and nice Kuat ourselves without any real issues


PS: I would get a lockout since all happened within the 1st 15 minutes after accepting the pop.

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There is a game show here in Australia where the contestants (who are usually national musicians and on it just for laughs) have to guess the lyrics to a song that has been: 1) translated from English to Japanese using Babelfish; and 2) then back to English using Babelfish again.


As you can imagine, the lyrics make no damn sense anymore.


Sometimes reading the execuses you see for dumb behaviour remind me of that game.


What station and why have I not heard of this?

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And my break from the weird and wonderfully bad has ended ><


Very early morning server time (thanks to time zone fun) I'm not getting any action on my healers so I hop over to my Vanguard!Tank, dust him off, and figure 'well what's the worse that can happen, I forget the rotation, right?' Oh boy...


Athiss HM. Have a wonderful, very well geared Commando!Healer, a well geared Gunslinger, and a Sage!DPS with a single piece of 162 gear, and the rest 140 or below. I mean green items in places. But, cause of the time, we just try and pretend things will be fine, but myself and the Commando inform him his gear is horrible and he should run Oricon or level 55 dailies for commendations since most groups would kick on sight.


First pull, Sage runs in and starts it. We all save his hide and he gets informed that it's not Kuat, and Tanks actually have a part to play in the big bad HM world. Manage to get through the pulls, though slowly due to low DPS, but we make it to the line of death droids before the first boss. I ask for CC, targets are marked, and the Sage... uses his AOE attack. He melted, seeing me scamper to grab all the droids. Thankfully, no other deaths (cookies and kisses to the Commando), but he asked for a rez during the fight (which was ignored). So he gets taught what CC means and told what his is.


Journey on, getting the Professor Boss down, and the Sage Needs on an aim piece, so he gets told about ninja looting and what not to do. I also noticed he ran out of Force early on so myself and the Commando both tell him to look up guides for his abilities to prevent it. At this point he mentions that he's not a sub, which I laugh at as I tell him basically "you don't need to be a sub to press the right buttons silly".


Dog Boss goes down easily in the cave, start in the tunnels with the walkers. Clear the first few fine, then while we're waiting for a walker to, well, walk off, Sage decides to test out his CC. Oh... at least he was trying to help. Gets another lesson on CC & Stealth immune targets. We decided early on to not even mention the bonus and pass by it, reaching the final fight.


I ask Sage if he knows about the fire, get a no in response. Quick explanation and we leap in. And who gets the fire first? Sage. He runs a little forward from the entrance, then to the middle, then starts running backwards (not turning around and running the way he came, but the slow running backwards) so gets melted by the fire. His call for a rez is ignored again as we fight on. Next round the Gunslinger gets the fire and somehow backs himself in a corner and dies. Commando and I just chip away at the boss, avoiding circles and fire, until he finally goes down.


Sage is again told to look into his gear and rotations before we leave. The only thing that really got on my nerves was when we asked him if his Guild could help him, he told us they wouldn't. Don't know if that's true, but Guilds are not doing themselves any favours by allowing people to run around gaining an unwanted reputation for the Tag, though from memory his Guild was the 'quantity over quality' type so I can't say I'm surprised by the level of player they attract.

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I don't like it when you make people out like that slafko. All of these 3 stories of yours are really not about weird occasions. You should full well know that its nonsense to guard a dps from the start of a flashpoint. I don't want to start a debate here but ask yourself this one:


Lets assume the following. Since I hope you relatively know what to do as a tank no one will rip aggro of you. Great, we have established that without a guard you don't loose aggro. Lets continue shall we? So ... all adds and bosses are on you. What do you do with your guard?


Going on, the only incoming damage is damage which can't be avoided. Hence logic dictates you should use it on the one taking most damage. Since you can't guard yourself who would that be? Is that the healer? maybe or maybe not. In case of your Sandstorm boss it might be handy on the one taking most damage (SHAME on you for loosing aggro on dps if you do loose .... ltp). Since we are talking about CZ meltdown lets see the other 2 bosses. The enhanced vrblter dude and the vigilant. Do you remember where those adds go to 1st? Yes? Okey ..... now on who should we place guard? On the dps who won't pull of you? Go ahead mate and be a fool.


Furthermore, while I don't like the wing tactic myself it is a viable way of doing that boss as long as you make sure the adds are near the boss when the boss explodes. A good healer or dps will make sure of that. Your 3rd story is for this reason invalid too. However since many people don't know how to perform this tactic correctly it is risky to propose. But to call it a weird story? Meh ....... I have seen weirder ones.


The way I tend to use my guard is as follows:

1a - I put it on the healer first

1b - 1a gets overridden if there is a really low HP groupmember, he than gets a 'pity' guard from the start

2 - If a dps manages to pull aggro during trash he gets a guard (surprise surprise, highest HP dude won't always be the highest dps)

3 - during a bossfight I give guard to who-ever needs it the most and I guardswap often if needed.


Short version of my guardrule:

Don't be static with guarding but assess every situation on its own and react flexible upon it.


Tard. Guards are utterly wasted on a healer except on a fight like Brontes (and then only in something like the commando droid and 6 finger phase).


If you had the slightest clue how threat worked, then you would understand that a 25% reduction of functionally infinite threat leaves it still functionally infinite. Why do the bird adds run to the healer in Meltdown? Cause healing builds threat with everything that you are tagged as in combat with while you and the dps are whaling on the boss generating ZERO threat on anything but the boss. This is why when you see the bad tank jump/run into a pack and attack only a single mob everything else rushes off to the healer.


Furthermore, you can be the best tank in the world and still have DPS pull off you. Why? Because, again, threat gen. Sure, you get doubled threat in your tank stance, and you have high threat abilities, but even with all that, when a really good dps opens up with *everything* they can put out enough burst that they will outpace the threat you can generate (unless youre a powertech, Id pay to see someone who can rip aggro initially off an equally geared/skilled powertech [realistically speaking, you can probably still do it, especially with the plethora of dps buffs that just landed with 2.8]).

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Tard. Guards are utterly wasted on a healer except on a fight like Brontes (and then only in something like the commando droid and 6 finger phase).


If you had the slightest clue how threat worked, then you would understand that a 25% reduction of functionally infinite threat leaves it still functionally infinite. Why do the bird adds run to the healer in Meltdown? Cause healing builds threat with everything that you are tagged as in combat with while you and the dps are whaling on the boss generating ZERO threat on anything but the boss. This is why when you see the bad tank jump/run into a pack and attack only a single mob everything else rushes off to the healer.


Furthermore, you can be the best tank in the world and still have DPS pull off you. Why? Because, again, threat gen. Sure, you get doubled threat in your tank stance, and you have high threat abilities, but even with all that, when a really good dps opens up with *everything* they can put out enough burst that they will outpace the threat you can generate (unless youre a powertech, Id pay to see someone who can rip aggro initially off an equally geared/skilled powertech [realistically speaking, you can probably still do it, especially with the plethora of dps buffs that just landed with 2.8]).


I'd say if you have a pyro PT/Assault VG, you HAVE to guard them. Because their burst is really only outdone by a properly played rollbang sniper/slinger, especially since its followed up with GOOD dps now.


Pretty much every SnV HM Pug run i've done, I ate the kick. And that was before the buffs

Edited by TACeMossie
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Tard. Guards are utterly wasted on a healer except on a fight like Brontes (and then only in something like the commando droid and 6 finger phase).

Although I really love tarts I have to decline. Its not good for my weight. You may show your affection in another way if you like so.


If you had the slightest clue how threat worked, then you would understand that a 25% reduction of functionally infinite threat leaves it still functionally infinite.

Yes you are 100% correct and I totally agree with you. However where did I suggest something else? Reread my previous post if you don't believe me. I worked under the assumption a tank can hold aggro without a guard on a dps. Which you should be able to do in most cases on trash and all cases in bossfights.

In short I am disregarding the need for the 25% reduction.


Why do the bird adds run to the healer in Meltdown? Cause healing builds threat with everything that you are tagged as in combat with while you and the dps are whaling on the boss generating ZERO threat on anything but the boss. This is why when you see the bad tank jump/run into a pack and attack only a single mob everything else rushes off to the healer.

Again you didn't read careful enough mate. I really like it that you know how thread works since not many people are doing so. But I never suggested using the guard for aggro purposes. I know full well that a guard wont make them magically hit me and I never suggested it did. What I DID suggest was that IF you use a guard you could use it on the one taking potentially most damage. Which in this case is the healer.


Furthermore, you can be the best tank in the world and still have DPS pull off you. Why? Because, again, threat gen. Sure, you get doubled threat in your tank stance, and you have high threat abilities, but even with all that, when a really good dps opens up with *everything* they can put out enough burst that they will outpace the threat you can generate (unless youre a powertech, Id pay to see someone who can rip aggro initially off an equally geared/skilled powertech [realistically speaking, you can probably still do it, especially with the plethora of dps buffs that just landed with 2.8]).

I have 0 issues on bossfights to hold aggro. Matter of fact at times I am ripping of my guilds vanguard when I dps. But this is only when he screws up. You know why? Because I know what to do in order to not lose aggro as are many other tanks. If I loose aggro on a boss its not because the dps is so good but because I screwed up. Please read the tanking subforum for tips if you like to do the same, I'm not about to derail this thread with to much debate.


I'll close off with this one:

If you really want to guard a dps than guard the one who keeps pulling of you. Don't place it on a random dps who you THINK MIGHT rip off you.

My point still remains. A tank who guards a healer is not a weird tank. A tank who keeps guarding a healer while dps get aggro left and right is a weird/new tank. A tank who blindly places guard on a dps is a weird one.

Also as a final not so weird reason some tanks like a challenge.


To lllustrate this my TC run of earlier today and to keep the spirit of this thread alive:

I invited a guildy of mine who I didn't know yet and who isnt part of our progressteams. Another guildy warned me to guard that dps since his gear looked very good. I disregarded this since I didn't thought his gear would be that good.

Well, to bad it was an alt which does at least 4/5 DF NiM on his main in an other guild. Also I proceeded to screwup my rotation because I couldn't target the boss on time. Said DPS pulled of me, I taunted back asap, after the 1st laser attack he again ripped of me so I slapped a guard on him.

At the next attempt on SM I wanted to see if I could hold aggro without a guard (the not guarding the dps part to have a challenge). This went not bad considering I forgot to use my AoE taunts. He pulled around the moment I normally do my 2nd taunt.


For those not seeing where I was being weird: I should have listened to my guildy's advice who already had checked the gear.

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Again you didn't read careful enough mate. I really like it that you know how thread works since not many people are doing so. But I never suggested using the guard for aggro purposes. I know full well that a guard wont make them magically hit me and I never suggested it did. What I DID suggest was that IF you use a guard you could use it on the one taking potentially most damage. Which in this case is the healer.


Not to intrude on your internet fight, but the 5% damage reduction from Guard is pretty negligible. I'd rather let the healer take slightly more damage from stuff hitting them (and if I do my job properly as tank and the DPS peel if needed, nothing will hit them apart from groupwide damage) than give up a 25% threat reduction on a really good DPS. Healer will get aggro on stuff that's not being hit by anyone, but DPS just might pull aggro on the boss, which can cause a wipe instantly if mechanics are involved. I'm not up to take that gamble unless I'm running with DPS that are substantially less-geared than I am.

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Not to intrude on your internet fight, but the 5% damage reduction from Guard is pretty negligible. I'd rather let the healer take slightly more damage from stuff hitting them (and if I do my job properly as tank and the DPS peel if needed, nothing will hit them apart from groupwide damage) than give up a 25% threat reduction on a really good DPS. Healer will get aggro on stuff that's not being hit by anyone, but DPS just might pull aggro on the boss, which can cause a wipe instantly if mechanics are involved. I'm not up to take that gamble unless I'm running with DPS that are substantially less-geared than I am.


Not to mention that 5% reduction disappears at range. Its only really effective on a melee dps to begin with.

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Although I really love tartsYes you are 100% correct and I totally agree with you. However where did I suggest something else? Reread my previous post if you don't believe me. I worked under the assumption a tank can hold aggro without a guard on a dps. Which you should be able to do in most cases on trash and all cases in bossfights.

In short I am disregarding the need for the 25% reduction.


Never got a Combat Sent/Carnage Marau, don't you. At least not one opening with double Zen/Berserk + Inspiration/Bloodthirst??? Those can pull off you even through guard.

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Never got a Combat Sent/Carnage Marau, don't you. At least not one opening with double Zen/Berserk + Inspiration/Bloodthirst??? Those can pull off you even through guard.


Yes, in my ops I have to deal against an annoying combat sent with his 'the stars are aligned' burst. On bossfights its however nearly impossible to rip off any tank. The idea is to build in taunts as part of your rotation.


Anyways I noticed I am derailing the thread which is not my intent. My point was just that it's not always weird if a tank starts with guarding a healer. Since you can't see how skilled a dps is upfront. I have solo'ed combat marauders in PvP while othe combat mara's with more skill have murdered me.


Anyways, lets stop judging and continue with the spirit of this thread. Funny stories.

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Ok, hopefully the last one for a while...


I just ran a Mando Raiders SM on my Sith Assassin. First time there on her, though I ran it as tank, heal and dps before. At any rate, the team is me, a lvl 29 Powertech Tank - really a tank, though I was selected as such and asked to tank - a merc dps, lvl 26, if I recall, and an Op healer.


Now, as we start they seem to accept me as tank, and the first few pulls go like a breeze, since I stealth Cc dogs as soon as I see them... But when the merc dces, first the healer tryes a votekick after less than 10 secs - hell, give him the time to relog! :confused:


And after that they simply charge ahead, with the PT tanking. Votekick doesn't go, and merc comes back in a moment, but we're like 4 pulls away, almost to the first boss. :eek:

Then we finally stop to wait for the guy, and after he arrives we pull the boss. Only when I try to tank the mainboss, the PT keeps taunting off me, and the dogs get crazy at least 3 times. Luckily I can use Discharge to raise my threat - which means I tank them and the boss 3 times, before the dogs run away. :cool:


Still we win. Surprisingly. And we go on like we have crazy zombies in pursue or something the like. Hell, never had to struggle so much to keep up before! :confused:


Next boss, I tank all 4, more than once. I also use push and LoS to position them for AoEs, but noone gets it. Fair enough, I guess... :rolleyes:

Still, as we beat them we go on again running like crazy. As we get to the cutscene console, we find ourselves stuck in fight with the turrets under the sliceable elevator... got to run back. :(

Return, cutscene and we go on, with twintanking. Hell, I never know what I have to tank that way... But the FP goes well after that, and we end it. Finally! :o


My perplexities are the votekick in 10 secs after dc and the extreme pace. I am usually asked to slow down, not to speed up! :eek: And that vote was eccessive, imo. :confused:


Not sure if I was the weird one or the other way around, tbh. :p

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Then we finally stop to wait for the guy, and after he arrives we pull the boss. Only when I try to tank the mainboss, the PT keeps taunting off me, and the dogs get crazy at least 3 times. Luckily I can use Discharge to raise my threat - which means I tank them and the boss 3 times, before the dogs run away. :cool:


You should keep Braxx away from dogs.


Did you really get kicked for tanking?

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Finally I have managed to get away from the TFP as I am now leveling a healer so get quick FP pops. I thought this would get me away from the bads, silly me.


Join a boarding party group with myself 33 healer, 39 sin tank, 35 sin dps and 31 mara dps.


I notice the sin tank is in surging charge, so I ask him to switch to dark charge, no response. I repeat it each pull for the first 4 pulls, no answer or charge switch. At which point I notice something:

*blokes name*

<Drive Yards Demolisher>

*guild name*


Oh great, they have got into the standard fp's too now :(


go through the mission without killing anything, the sin tank and sin dps both run in stealth and cc everything so me and mara can get through without pulling. Get to the first boss, the big droid, and the sins both stealth and run along the wall to get round without pulling. Me and the mara follow. I didnt realise this worked as never done it before in groups I have run with. turns out it doesnt work, we all get to the door behind it and the sin tank spam clicks it (nothing happens).


I point out the boss has to be killed first at which point I find out why he hasnt answered anything I say, he speaks german and, it seems, only german. Sadly my german is not good enough to hold a proper conversation but I use my broken german to ask him if he has tanked before.

Sin: Whats tanking?

Me: Make enemies fight you so others can fight easier (like I said, my german is aweful)

Sin: How?

Me: use *dark charge* (I put that in english as its written in english on his screen) then you fight enemy first

Sin: Why dont you go first?

Me: You want healer to pull?

Sin: Why not?


The mara is getting bored by now so starts the fight and the sin tank does no tanking and never taking aggro, while periodically popping stealth during the fight, I assume for the purpose of resetting his own aggro. Still its not a hard fight as the mara is really good and easily makes up for both sins (the dps sin is pretty poor).


Carry on through the mission, getting from the droid boss to the jedi boss without entering a single fight through the sins use of stealthed cc and running round others. Same thing happens with jedi, we run round and click conversation console, but it doesnt work so I again point out we have to kill the boss. The sin tank pulls for the first time, however as he is in surging charge he loses 32% from 1 hit off that jedi master, the mara dps is following kill order (taking out the healers) while the sin dps sticks to the sin tank and therefore attacks the champ. The sin tank stealths out after 2 hits from champ, the sin dps follows suit soon after and the mara is left to take out the 1 remaining healer and jedi boss (I didnt bother healing the sins so popped some damage on the first healer). With me spamming heals and him popping aoe on CD he keeps aggro off me (I told you he was good). Healer goes down, turn on the champ and mara kills him with 4% hp left. What made this quite annoying is it seems sin combat stealth can allow them to move far away enough to seethe, both sins seethe back to full, then didnt re-enter the fight.


I thank the mara, he thanks me and we carry on. The next room (with the big circular thing in middle) we finally fight our 6th trash group a they cant be avoided. Once they are down its back to normal, sin stealthing and ccing us through all trash up to final boss (skipped engineer bonus).


I ask if theres any preferances on enemy guard/healer order (I have had groups where people get pissed off if you dont kill guard first, other times people want to kill healer first, personally I haven't noticed any difference between either tactic so I let others decide). Theres silence, so the mara pulls as he cba waiting for the sin tank to do his job, he hasnt been so far. We get this fight done between myself and the mara with abit of help from dps sin (sin tank pops stealth before the fight and runs round the entire room in stealth for no apparant reason.


End of the FP tank sin goes on ignore, im indifferent towards the dps sin and the mara gets added to friends list, sadly I have forgotten his name, I would have liked to put it on here so he can get the recognition he deserves, he carried the group with me popping afew heals on him (the most incredible thing, his buff only added unnatural might, suggesting he is new).


What I also dont get is why is there someone on the english server who only speaks german when there are german servers?

Edited by BobFredJohn
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What I also dont get is why is there someone on the english server who only speaks german when there are german servers?


Same reason people who don't understand German are on German servers: they aren't subscribers. Their character limit per server is severely limited. So when they have their max. number of characters on one server (is it 2 for FTP?), they go to the next server.

I know this because I once did a heroic with a guy who didn't know a word of German but played on a German server. Naturally, I asked him why.


The way bigger issue is people becoming all b*tchy when somebody doesn't understand German and telling them in English to f*ck off and leave because "it's a German server".

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You should keep Braxx away from dogs.


Did you really get kicked for tanking?


Naah, they wanted to kick the dps merc because he dced, not me. :eek:

And I did my best to tank, but the PT taunted off me always, because otherwise my agro was perfect.


The problem on the first boss is, that as soon as I pulled and took the boss on a corner, he kept taunting off me while standing between the other two! Since the dogs were there too, well, you can imagine. I had to RUN there, use Discharge - taunt on CD - and grab them all... 3 times.


The best thing is, that I kept asking to tank the whole FP with little success. And yet, even with 7 lvls below and mitigation only on mainhand and shield (4 absorb and 4 defence :rolleyes:), I took far less dmg than the PT when I was able to tank.


Now I think most would ask why did I not leave. The answer is, that I needed a last FP for the appropriate daily - 35 mins in queue as tank, ugh... :o - and that I wanted to test my tanking with a disturb of that kind.


I had to face similar situations as I lvled my Guardian and PT tanks, and in both cases having something the like was a wipe, if I wasn't ready. Compensating was quite hard, as Guardian you could just jump in and taunt, as PT charge, taunt and pull back. As Assassin I have to admit that it was easier than in both cases to me: speed in, Discharge, taunt.

Hopefully as lvl grows this kind of thing will become rarer... :rolleyes:

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Same reason people who don't understand German are on German servers: they aren't subscribers. Their character limit per server is severely limited. So when they have their max. number of characters on one server (is it 2 for FTP?), they go to the next server.

I know this because I once did a heroic with a guy who didn't know a word of German but played on a German server. Naturally, I asked him why.


The way bigger issue is people becoming all b*tchy when somebody doesn't understand German and telling them in English to f*ck off and leave because "it's a German server".


I would say if someone is playing this game enough to want more than 6 characters then they might as well sub.


On the point of telling people to get off servers if they dont speak the server language, I think its rediculous but I do see the point those (in this case german) players are getting at. If the german person has made the effort to learn english, then it seems acceptable to expect someone who chooses to enter a german server to have at least attempted to learn afew words.


Having said that a quick rant about the fleet gen chat (at least on freedon naad). Alot of people tell sweedish/russian etc people to "speak english". Why be so rude? there are no sweedish or russian servers so they have to go somewhere, and just because you dont understand what they are typing doesnt mean no-one else does.

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I would say if someone is playing this game enough to want more than 6 characters then they might as well sub.


On the point of telling people to get off servers if they dont speak the server language, I think its rediculous but I do see the point those (in this case german) players are getting at. If the german person has made the effort to learn english, then it seems acceptable to expect someone who chooses to enter a german server to have at least attempted to learn afew words.


Having said that a quick rant about the fleet gen chat (at least on freedon naad). Alot of people tell sweedish/russian etc people to "speak english". Why be so rude? there are no sweedish or russian servers so they have to go somewhere, and just because you dont understand what they are typing doesnt mean no-one else does.


Well, think for a second about how many of the several thousand posts in this thread might have never been made if the people concerned in them had spent even a couple minutes reading their talent trees and tool tips, if they put the tiniest bit of thought into what they were doing.


These are, going by the general gist of whats been said, mostly people who are fluent in English. Who can read it, understand it, etc.


So, we already have an epidemic of people who have the capability to improve themselves but refuse to do so. And then f2p hits and there are swaths of people who dont even speak the language that everything on the server is written in. I dont see whats so mystifying about people not wanting them around. I know I dont. It really sucks zoning in to a flashpoint or warzone, seeing <Republica Brasiliera>, <Latin Republic>, <Brasilian Armada>, etc., and immediately knowing that you have about 95% odds that it is going to be a nightmare.

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Athis SM on my level 22 Sin tank. Had a good Op healer also 22, a 25 mara and a 25 sorc.


Looking at the levels I figured easy run. I gear myself to the nines in moddable gear because I am a bit of a gear whore lol. Healer was decently geared as well and I almost didn't look at the 25's because well they are pretty high for this and so it should be a steam roll.

Then perusing their life totals I realized I had about double theirs. Sin tanks tend to have high lifetotals but this was a bit much so I looked at their gear and marveled at the random assortment of crap they are wearing. Mostly stuff from lvl 10-15 with the mara wearing cunning green pants and using 2 green sabers from 17 and 19 iirc. Kicker was that one was willpower. Sin was wearing all greens from level 15. Like he bought a set at that level and decided he didn't need better.


Still I was game since they are higher level and I was confident that I could soak up damage with the good healer putting fresh bandaids on as needed. Nope. These guys jump n attack first, ignore kill order and go for the CC'd mob like it is made of pizza rolls or something.

Some friendly hints were met with ridicule and more of the same. They then started running from group to group so fast I could not start to kick one. I finally got the kick on the sorc and the mara for some reason decided to drop group too. We were at the pond fighting the 5 dogs and 2 silvers there and the op n I took them out by ourselves til two new dps showed up and we cleared the rest with little effort.


I don't expect perfection from low level flash points here. I am far from perfect. But it isn't my job to take the abuse of some ******* when we are all trying to enjoy ourselves.


Good times.

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