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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Here's a "good" one from yesterday.


Quick hm fp 50 for comms, queue as dps on my sage. Got a group with a tank and healer from the same guild and a sent dps. Tank was kinda undergeared, but no problem. It was pretty clear from the beginning that the guys from the same guild wanted a full run, but they behaved strange, the healer attacked almost anything with the tank being not even near him. But we managed somehow.. We killed the bonus boss, didn't skip any bosses. Then we enter that facility, have the dialog and continue. Just a little bit before the last boss I see a vote kick initiated against me. I'm kinda shocked.. The kick was initiated by the healer (who was terribad during the whole fp) and his guildmate probably voted yes, so I got kicked after wasting 30 mins on an fp that can be done in 10 minutes. The reason? "Annoying glitch". Yes, I was wearing that Voltaic Vandal chestpiece, which is known to have a graphical error. And I got kicked because it is apparently annoying. Thanks Bioware, now fix it please :p

Edited by TheDuge
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Everyone is posting stories about other people, I will post my own story.


SWTOR - my first MMO. I took the shadow as my class because he has a double bladed saber. Thats cool! It was story mode hammer station and I got in as a tank. I queued as both tank and dps because I had no idea what a tank was or what dps meant. I was level 16 i think. I was in force technique stance (the one for the balance tree) more damage yay! :D


After the first wipe on the tunneler droid, a dps asked me arent you supposed to be in tank stance? I was like.... ummm what is a tank stance? The guy was very polite and helpful. He gave me a quick explanation and we finished the FP. I finished that fp and went on the net and googled 'MMO Tank'. And now I am doing NiM raids.


I wish I could remember the guy's name. He deserves a huge thanks for taking the time to explain things to me instead of vote kicking me.

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Everyone is posting stories about other people, I will post my own story.


SWTOR - my first MMO. I took the shadow as my class because he has a double bladed saber. Thats cool! It was story mode hammer station and I got in as a tank. I queued as both tank and dps because I had no idea what a tank was or what dps meant. I was level 16 i think. I was in force technique stance (the one for the balance tree) more damage yay! :D


After the first wipe on the tunneler droid, a dps asked me arent you supposed to be in tank stance? I was like.... ummm what is a tank stance? The guy was very polite and helpful. He gave me a quick explanation and we finished the FP. I finished that fp and went on the net and googled 'MMO Tank'. And now I am doing NiM raids.


I wish I could remember the guy's name. He deserves a huge thanks for taking the time to explain things to me instead of vote kicking me.


People like that make MMO's better. The ones who vote to kick on basis of ignorance need to be physically kicked in the junk for being toxic. Kudos to anyone who's helped someone who didn't fully understand something about a game.

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/still giggling over butter story.


I had a very weird pug last night.


weird not that it was bad, but weird good.


got Lost Island on a baby sage (amusingly enough as dps - showing that there are times of day when dps is more in demand then healers o_O).


oh dear. group had people of varying levles....and nowhere near raid gear.


first weird thing - no one drops. tank starts pulling trash, not skipping. healer mentions never having done the flashpoint before. and then it becomes clear that I'm the only person who has ever doe this before. ah, no wonder no one dropped, they have no idea what they are getting into.


so I start giving out short overviews of bosses as we get to them, most likely forgetting things here and there, I haven't exactly done LI all that many times either, and as a healer, there are some things you never have to worry about, that dps and tank do.


we one shot everything but the bouncy guy (and that was more due to lag and how touchy positioning is on that boss - they were running in, just took a few tries to figure out exact spot) and bonus boss, because I forgot a crucial part of the fight (only got to bonus boss once, ever, pretty much every group imp side I've been in, skipped it)


and not one person, NOT ONE stood in green goo on Lorrik. not even a little. I was watching the debuff and no one got it.


I got into that flashpoint thinking it was going to be a PITA... and with all new people it went splendidly. reminded me why I fell in love with MMO's


Hi.... I was that healer. Thanks for the kind words. As I ended you may recall I said "Thanks for the leadership".

I didn't drop to start because.... I came to play! We learn more from our failures than from our successes. (Must be why I'm getting better.) So let's play on and see what happens. Sometimes we forget we are only pushing light-pixels around on a screen.


I never did fully understand the mechanics of that last boss fight. But I'm a healer...that's what I have to do... heal before the fight, heal during the fight, heal after the fight, scrub off the de-buffs, etc... and every now and then I get to 'click' a panel.:eek:


I only do PUGs.... and mostly have good luck. Thanks to each of you who take the time to 1) have patience 2) explain and 3) be courteous. I've been gaming since a little game called PONG. This MMO stuff is still a bit strange.

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Two stories I'll keep short.


1st one, I decided to dust off my Commando Healer which I had not healed on since I was level 40 or so. I switched to DPS to test it and found out how much I liked it. Anyway, got into Mandalorian Raiders. Guardian Tank was 24k. Knowing that I wasn't going to be the greatest of healers on my 27k Mando, I mentioned that the tank was low geared with only 24K hp. Everyone agreed we all have to start somewhere so I decided to give it a try.


Surprisingly we did well. No wipes, no one else grabbed aggro from the tank (he was a good tank just low geared) and I kept everyone toppped off. We get to the last boss and this is where the FAIL starts. Tank goes in and does fine but gets knocked off the ledge when he does his knockback. We wipe. I laugh it off because it happened to me on my Guardian at least once. We go back in and this time the tank either loses aggro or he is standing the wrong way and the boss does his front conal aoe damage and drops me low in health in a span of seconds. I'm furiously trying to heal myself because I'm about to die when the tank dies. Then I die. Then the DPS. And as soon as I mention the conal damage he does the Tank ninja DCs. Never comes back on. So we're thinking he did it on purpose and we're pissed because I have to be at work in 15 minutes and we don't have time to wait for another tank. I was wondering if maybe he thought it was his fault but no one did because he did a great job of tanking even with the low gear he had. It was just one of those newb moments.


Anyway, the other story was about a prima-donna tank but I'll tell that another time lol.

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Everyone is posting stories about other people, I will post my own story.


SWTOR - my first MMO. I took the shadow as my class because he has a double bladed saber. Thats cool! It was story mode hammer station and I got in as a tank. I queued as both tank and dps because I had no idea what a tank was or what dps meant. I was level 16 i think. I was in force technique stance (the one for the balance tree) more damage yay! :D


After the first wipe on the tunneler droid, a dps asked me arent you supposed to be in tank stance? I was like.... ummm what is a tank stance? The guy was very polite and helpful. He gave me a quick explanation and we finished the FP. I finished that fp and went on the net and googled 'MMO Tank'. And now I am doing NiM raids.


I wish I could remember the guy's name. He deserves a huge thanks for taking the time to explain things to me instead of vote kicking me.


When I first hit 50 on my Sorc Healer, i'd been shying away from group content for pretty much the entire game, and my First Flash Point was actually a HM FP... I had absolutely no Idea what I was doing, but the Juggernaut tank was grossly overgeared... He did exactly what your Dps did for you, but he also explained my rotation and all the boss fights for me, tbh if they'd asked me to leave, or kicked me, i'd have stayed away from group content all together.


However, he was really nice to me, ended up recruiting me for his guild, and now I too am Running NIM ops and loving it... With that same Jugg tank <3

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Yesterday I did Esseles with 2 (originally 3) other PUGgers. Story mode.


What I found was


- one player (a Smuggler) going instantly after the first dialog to the ferry, and writing in an disappointed way "too bad, I had hoped one could switch to the imperial side"

- 1 Jedi dropping group because of that

- same player trying to do so on the enemy ship as well

- writing in an disappointed way that "if one isn't able to switch the sides, then being evil makes no sense at all ..."

- same player wanting to leave Asara behind, which I deduced from his chat message that the light dicision wasn't his ...

- all in all 2 "imperial players" (of which 1 later said to play the role deciding differently in each case).


So, the Republic has now an republic character played by an imperial player, so to say,

or, in other words : A Smuggler who'd rather be an imperial Smuggler ...


To quote C-3PO : "Sometimes I really don't understand these humans ..."

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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People like that make MMO's better. The ones who vote to kick on basis of ignorance need to be physically kicked in the junk for being toxic. Kudos to anyone who's helped someone who didn't fully understand something about a game.


to kick someone because he doesn't know something is wrong imo too, but if you try to tell him what he is doing wrong in a polite way and he just insults you or doesn't want to listen, I don't waste my time and kick the person

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So, the Republic has now an republic character played by an imperial player, so to say,

or, in other words : A Smuggler who'd rather be an imperial Smuggler ...


To quote C-3PO : "Sometimes I really don't understand these humans ..."


The smuggler is one of the borderline characters who could be easily switching sides, even between two contracts.


Spoiler on smuggler chapter 2 and 3:


He builds his own crime empire and at the end you can even let your own fleet raid all the ships in the area (republic and imperial)


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I have dropped groups for the dps doing this. I find it highly insulting. I'm either the tank all the way through it I'm not. I refuse to run with DPS who only let me fulfill my role when they deem it necessary. I will not be the meat shield you only pull out for the boss fights.


Yeah, I have to agree with this as a tank for about.... 8-9 years (since WoW:BC when my Blood Elf Prot Paladin became my main). Think I'm a jerk if you want, but if DPS is constantly pulling (and especially if I've asked them not to, but really I shouldn't have to) I will let them die. Then, we go in kill the stuff, and res him. Then again I say "You pull it, you tank it." A lot of times when I do this, I get tells from healers supporting me, saying they won't heal DPS that pull either.


At least SWtoR doesn't have anything like "Misdirection" that allows a DPS to pull but redirect all threat to the tank. I've had hunters pull that trick to try to force me to pull on their schedule after I've asked them to let me pull and I initiate a vote kick so fast it'll make your head spin. On the rare occasions the vote doesn't pass, I quit because even if I do get a 15 minute lockout, I'm still a tank, I get insta-queue so a 15min lockout doesn't bother me.


Hmm, now for the topic I once was with a guy who refused to do the bonus boss in Taral V "because all the gear that drops in this FP is underlevel for me" (which was true I do hate how you keep getting some flashpoints until the level after everything has gone "grey") and then proceed to "need" on gear that didn't match his spec because a companion could use it. Like.. if the gear is all crap, why are you needing on something?


Then I'll never forget the Guardian (Juggernaut) wearing full level 50 rakata Willpower mods in his heavy armor and saying it made his force powers work better. Like... he actually bought Shadow (Assassin) gear stripped the mods, and put it in his heavy armor...


EDIT: Bonus series! The above Guardian (Juggernaut) even was giving the entire group an "L2P" attitude like we were the idiots for not gearing our Jedi properly!

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Yeah, I have to agree with this as a tank for about.... 8-9 years (since WoW:BC when my Blood Elf Prot Paladin became my main). Think I'm a jerk if you want, but if DPS is constantly pulling (and especially if I've asked them not to, but really I shouldn't have to) I will let them die. Then, we go in kill the stuff, and res him. Then again I say "You pull it, you tank it." A lot of times when I do this, I get tells from healers supporting me, saying they won't heal DPS that pull either.


At least SWtoR doesn't have anything like "Misdirection" that allows a DPS to pull but redirect all threat to the tank. I've had hunters pull that trick to try to force me to pull on their schedule after I've asked them to let me pull and I initiate a vote kick so fast it'll make your head spin. On the rare occasions the vote doesn't pass, I quit because even if I do get a 15 minute lockout, I'm still a tank, I get insta-queue so a 15min lockout doesn't bother me.


Hmm, now for the topic I once was with a guy who refused to do the bonus boss in Taral V "because all the gear that drops in this FP is underlevel for me" (which was true I do hate how you keep getting some flashpoints until the level after everything has gone "grey") and then proceed to "need" on gear that didn't match his spec because a companion could use it. Like.. if the gear is all crap, why are you needing on something?


Then I'll never forget the Guardian (Juggernaut) wearing full level 50 rakata Willpower mods in his heavy armor and saying it made his force powers work better. Like... he actually bought Shadow (Assassin) gear stripped the mods, and put it in his heavy armor...


EDIT: Bonus series! The above Guardian (Juggernaut) even was giving the entire group an "L2P" attitude like we were the idiots for not gearing our Jedi properly!


Ugh, I hate dps that feel the need to pull packs. I will go out of my way to protect the healer and let the dps take full damage from the pack. The healer either heals them or fails to do so and the dps takes a dirt nap.


I tend to find it's sentinels that do it the most, especially focus spec smash monkeys.


In one case I had a healer tell the dps to stop pulling mobs and let the tank pull, because he (I) was already pulling everything at a quick pace. It's all about the healer's resources. I don't care if the dps are out of energy / force, so long as the healer is full or close to 90%.




As for a funny story. My most recent story comes from a Mando raiders I ran earlier in the week. I was tanking as per usual and by the third pull in I was being told to wait because a dps had to repair his gear. We cleared that pull then suddenly the healer has to go afk for five minutes.


I wasn't in a position to say anything about it so fair enough and I hold up. The healer then proceeded to go afk three more times during the flashpoint for periods of 5 to 10 minutes at a time. The sentinel dps didn't seem to be using his focus too much or at least always had a full focus bar. (Things were taking a while to die)


I also died from a lack of healing on a turret pull. I inspected the healer to find he was loaded with crit and alacrity enhancements. I'm not sure if sages are supposed to do that but his healing power was lackluster, any attempt to increase his force regeneration seemed to be wasted by the extra healing output he was having to do.

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I also died from a lack of healing on a turret pull. I inspected the healer to find he was loaded with crit and alacrity enhancements. I'm not sure if sages are supposed to do that but his healing power was lackluster, any attempt to increase his force regeneration seemed to be wasted by the extra healing output he was having to do.


Um yeah... POWER and Alacrity... not Crit... Power makes your healing over all higher, crit only makes you more likely to Crit... I'm sure you can see why Power is better. Then the alacrity is good because that allows them to take less time channeling their healing. So, next time you see a sage geared like that, tel them POWER and alacrity, not crit and Alacrity.

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Had awkward situation yesterday :D I queued on my Vanguard on FP. I got pop as tank so I gotmy gear from cargo on fleet and (i have a habit of first taking of gear and then getting next) my character was in this state http://i42.tinypic.com/5l411v.jpg when female sage DPS wrote: http://i42.tinypic.com/iy0v1x.png :p Edited by Michalrajtar
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Um yeah... POWER and Alacrity... not Crit... Power makes your healing over all higher, crit only makes you more likely to Crit... I'm sure you can see why Power is better. Then the alacrity is good because that allows them to take less time channeling their healing. So, next time you see a sage geared like that, tel them POWER and alacrity, not crit and Alacrity.


The amount of extra healing you get from more power is actually not that much (I tested it out with a relic-for 350 extra power I got around 150-180 extra healing for a dark infusion and 40-60 extra per tick on innervate).


The nasty DR for crit is around 27-28 before agent/smuggler buff (not sure if the curve includes wp as part of its calculation, if it doesn't it should be a bit higher), so for a sage who uses procs (the special ability of the crits on innervate) properly, stacking a bit of crit is actually a good thing to do, but not recommended to people that don't use them. From what it sounds like he wasn't using them properly so power would have been a better option for him, but probably would not help the situation.


And the cookie cutter is to stack power and surge, alacrity no more than 300, and crit no more than 25 (most keep it around 20-22) before buff.

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Yeah, I have to agree with this as a tank for about.... 8-9 years (since WoW:BC when my Blood Elf Prot Paladin became my main). Think I'm a jerk if you want, but if DPS is constantly pulling (and especially if I've asked them not to, but really I shouldn't have to) I will let them die. Then, we go in kill the stuff, and res him. Then again I say "You pull it, you tank it." A lot of times when I do this, I get tells from healers supporting me, saying they won't heal DPS that pull either.!


As a healer, I'll take your side 100% of the time. DPS shouldn't pull, nor should they instantly attack a spread out mob from a group the tank hasn't fully taunted yet. It's always irritating to see a DPS pull unexpectedly then blame me for dying.

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I haven't had any unusual, funny, cringeworthy, etc experiences in group finder even after doing them almost every day since the LFG tool went live. Most of my runs are pretty smooth and uneventful. Sometimes the tank/healer is new and doesn't know what to do like cleansing the laser on the first Hammer Station boss but a quick explanation fixes that right away. Aside from some disconnects I guess I've just been lucky.


I remember when I walked into Deadmines for the first time in vanilla WoW which was my first dungeon in my first MMO. I kept taking everything from the chests even when people said "everybody roll". Eventually one of the folks whispered me asking why I wasn't rolling and I replied "what's roll? I don't believe I have a roll attack" lol. He explained that you just type /roll to decide who gets what and that was my first lesson in group play :)

Edited by Projawa
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Um yeah... POWER and Alacrity... not Crit... Power makes your healing over all higher, crit only makes you more likely to Crit... I'm sure you can see why Power is better. Then the alacrity is good because that allows them to take less time channeling their healing. So, next time you see a sage geared like that, tel them POWER and alacrity, not crit and Alacrity.


You should realize that the default 69s itemization for sorcs is utter ***** and loaded with crit.


They can only get power from belt/bracers, and either the mainhand or offhand (don't remember which off the top of my head, I'm not in game right now). And maybe a couple implants.


To get either power/alacrity or power/surge (again, not sure which of the 2) enhancements, they HAVE to go to the sith warrior vendor and buy strength leggings just for the enhancement. And even the power mods from the belt/bracers are the high endurance ones.


Most of the drops I've gotten in HM FPs are crit as well.


So a relatively freshly dinged 55 sorc is almost guaranteed to be shoehorned into ***** itemization. I'm lucky I PVPed for a long time before going back into PVE--the 2 pieces of conqueror I retain for having at least 1 set bonus also go a long way towards keeping my itemization reasonable in an environment where it's almost impossible to do in straight PVE gear. It's possible for inexperienced (but not necessarily terribad) sorcs to not even be aware of the glaring itemization issues we face, and even if they are aware it will take them forever and a day to do anything about it. Yeah I can understand having to grind for the min-maxed mods and enhancements a bit (i.e. stock gear comes with high endurance mods and such) but geez, not even having an important stat like power reasonably AVAILABLE to us is a huge stealth nerf to sorcs. :(

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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I haven't had any unusual, funny, cringeworthy, etc experiences in group finder even after doing them almost every day since the LFG tool went live. Most of my runs are pretty smooth and uneventful. Sometimes the tank/healer is new and doesn't know what to do like cleansing the laser on the first Hammer Station boss but a quick explanation fixes that right away. Aside from some disconnects I guess I've just been lucky


You don't happen to be talking about something that just happened last week, do ya lol.

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Nah, from what I've seen this probably happens pretty often :p


Yeah, had an embarrassing moment myself. Not that it's a correlation with actual skill, but 3,200 willpower sorc unable to keep group from wiping... Then someone told me about the cleanse and light bulb lol. So weird that that specific FP I had never done before as a healer. It just goes to show though, geared or not, proper mechanics mean everything.

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Um yeah... POWER and Alacrity... not Crit... Power makes your healing over all higher, crit only makes you more likely to Crit... I'm sure you can see why Power is better. Then the alacrity is good because that allows them to take less time channeling their healing. So, next time you see a sage geared like that, tel them POWER and alacrity, not crit and Alacrity.


That's pretty much what I thought.


As to the matter of securing the proper stats, I just drop down to 66 mods and craft what I need rather than sporting crap 69 mods. I found it amusing that the itemization for the elite gear is so poor you almost want to avoid getting any of the gear because it's loaded with endurance and other less useful stats.

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That's pretty much what I thought.


As to the matter of securing the proper stats, I just drop down to 66 mods and craft what I need rather than sporting crap 69 mods. I found it amusing that the itemization for the elite gear is so poor you almost want to avoid getting any of the gear because it's loaded with endurance and other less useful stats.


The other night my assassin got the first Arkanian DPS helmet piece. I was horrified it had worse stats (crit and endurance heavy) than my current piece, which was Black Market, but modified with power heavy mods. I ended up taking the Arkanian survivor helmet which at least was useful for my assassin for when it is a tank.

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The amount of extra healing you get from more power is actually not that much (I tested it out with a relic-for 350 extra power I got around 150-180 extra healing for a dark infusion and 40-60 extra per tick on innervate).


The nasty DR for crit is around 27-28 before agent/smuggler buff (not sure if the curve includes wp as part of its calculation, if it doesn't it should be a bit higher), so for a sage who uses procs (the special ability of the crits on innervate) properly, stacking a bit of crit is actually a good thing to do, but not recommended to people that don't use them. From what it sounds like he wasn't using them properly so power would have been a better option for him, but probably would not help the situation.


And the cookie cutter is to stack power and surge, alacrity no more than 300, and crit no more than 25 (most keep it around 20-22) before buff.


Ah, yeah that's true. Just generally I have always been told to go with power and alacrity then surge and crit and doing so I've only had trouble healing when the tank can't keep aggro so I have to heal myself instead of him.

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