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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Half way through reading that I started wondering if you ended up getting a room. =D


Pff, I get unbeatable many times, and have got invincible 10+ times. Never gotten close to immortal though :(


Ye since they changed it I have almost never seen it. It used to be handed out like candy.

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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Pff, I get unbeatable many times, and have got invincible 10+ times. Never gotten close to immortal though :(


ah, but you are probably actually decent at pvp. me? I'm pretty bad :p if there was a pvp equivalent of this thread, chances are high I would have eventually made it on there :o. so that's the power of a merc/commando. they allowed someone like me to survive long enough to get unbeatable, where other classes failed.

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ah, but you are probably actually decent at pvp. me? I'm pretty bad :p if there was a pvp equivalent of this thread, chances are high I would have eventually made it on there :o. so that's the power of a merc/commando. they allowed someone like me to survive long enough to get unbeatable, where other classes failed.


I have dreamed of a pvp equilevant of this thread, but I'm afraid the pvp community would use it to rage about "muppets", as they call them, instead of sharing funny little stories in a fairly friendly way.

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I have dreamed of a pvp equilevant of this thread, but I'm afraid the pvp community would use it to rage about "muppets", as they call them, instead of sharing funny little stories in a fairly friendly way.


Well... There is the entire PvP forums where everyone qq about noobs... :p


And to poster above: Yeah, I PvP a lot. And unbeatable can be gotten within a few minutes in huttball :D (3k hit, 6k hit, solo kill, killing blow, defender medal, attacker medal, 3k heal and 6k heal, so the rest for invincible would be 90k damage, 360k damage, 90k healing, possibly 360k healing, kills and then objectives)

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Gunslinger asking me, another gunslinger, why am I needing on cunning items. :p

Because you're a gunslinger, you're only supposed to need on aim gear, right? ;)


<3 this thread, maybe if I ever decide to pug again I'll have something to contribute someday.

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Just finished Mandalorian Raiders (SM), where i met a very interesting person.

I was running with my guardian 29 lvl.

DPS was commando and gunslinger.

Im telling you - commando was most funniest guy.


First of all he definatly was thinking that he's a tank. Running ahead of me. Aggroing.

But that was not for long. I gave him 2 warnings, on a third i let him die.

It seems he's finally understood what im saying.

Further run was pretty smooth, if not count that healer died, becouse we have only 1 dps, who was disposing of trash, till i hold elites.

We finally arrived to the final boss. I gave everyone a reminder "Kill turrets first" (iv started to give such message everytime i enter this boss becouse of newbees).

And what you think happend? Commando fully ignores my warning and start hiting boss (heh, few times he steal aggro from me). Me, healer and dps was forced to clean this mess.

And here starts most interesting part - im finally looked at commando gear...

Full of greens 15-21 lvl (dude is 31 lvl).

And i must say that isnt a first time, when i met such players.

Most of them sentinels/marauders (i guess that a favorite class for newbees). ME HAVE 2 LITESABERS! ME SMASH!

Edited by Kingsbount
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While tanking, especially on my guardian I hate ... yes my guardian hates ... every single player who thinks knockbacks are kewl to use while I try to keep the mobs on me ... nothing more amusing to me than seeing my main target get 'force pushed' away from me (while I try to keep the interrupts up on him) or sages(yes sages) running into melee range and scatter the whole pack of mobs all over the place, and lucky me: as guardian I have such wonderful (mid)ranged AoE abilities .... not.


These are days I am considering to just run as dps and go on /follow.


Seriously, this is so my pet peeve. :p I go to the trouble of gathering people around me for the group to pick off/do aoe on, and some sorcs (imp obviously) thinks it's awesome to run in and blow everybody away.... multiple times. FYI people, that makes a tank's job harder. ;)

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This is not so much of someone who doesnt know how to play but someone who has no sense of humor. So the other day I was in Hammerstation Hm after the boss fight right after the bonus boss fight. On the item roll was a blaster pistol and I made a joke about ninja looting. I said something "what a nice blaster pistol that I cant even use since im a sniper, I think I'll need it" I passed on it. and the three others who were all sith kicked me. When I said it was a joke they were like we dont care.

So not only are there people who dont know how to play there are also people who take this game to seriously and hace no sense of humor

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So,, not in group finder, but just from a random dude pugging a group for scum and villaniny on the fleet. He had a full group, cept was missing one tank. I whispered him to ask if the group had some form of voice communication for tank swaps, etc, and if anyone in the group had done it b4. No reply for 5 minutes. As I was abut to forget about it, I get this whisper, "I don't like voice chat cause this game is too easy to need it" This immediately turned me off, but I decied to reply that I wuld be happy to off tank as long as the group was had some other experienced players in it. Again, looong silence, followed up with,, "Don't tell me what to do, Ive tanked NIM, thank-you very much"


This greatly intrigued me since nightmare mode has not been released yet. Deciding that I had to know what a great player this must be, I inspected is achievements. Scrolled down to operations,, ,,,,,,,,,O% completion on any. On proceeding to point this politely out to him, "Um, according to your acheivements, you havnt done any operations at all" , I received this reply.


"You know what, you need a real attitude adjustment punk, I did those ops on my alts" Upon me ((whilst now laughing uncontrollably)) pointing out the fact that the achievements are for your entire legacy, I received no reply. Whispering him 15 minutes later to see if hed found a tank yet, I got this response, "This player is ignoring you", LOL


((Was also in lev 45 greens at 55))

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It wasn't going too terribly until we got to the droid.



Typically, this is a two tank fight,


This reminded me of KP SM I ran on my VG tank during leveling, at 54. Got random group, happened to get leader, so hey, might as well lead it, why not. Explained tactic etc, everything ran mostly fine. Was bit afraid about other tank, as he was bit slow on grasping mechanics(took 3 waves of adds on Foreman before he started grabbing them, allowed Jarg to run free during probes) and some DPS that didn't know fights, but it was decent group, listened to leader without complaint, and that almost made me look like clueless idiot :p

We get to droid, I recall all those times I ran it before (as DPS), how we always had second tank on puzzle on this fight and healer on middle puzzle throwing heals on DPS in middle and puzzle boys. One hiccup I forgot, we always ran it with Shadow tank, that one class that unlike VG doesn't rely so much on armor, so I entirely forgot about armor debuff.

Then we had 2 healers, scoundrel around 50-51, and commando around 53-54. I recall that commando is supposedly best at MT healing, so yeah, commando downstairs healing me, scoundrel upside helping with puzzle and offheals. We picked our puzzle solvers(dps that went there was as good at this as you get them, so quite good), trained for 5 or 10 min(got really perfect sync), and let's go.

Before pulling I noticed I mixed up names, and instead sent commando to top and scoundrel downstairs, but since they synced so well I didn't want to change that. Ok, we pull, some people die in fire, standard stuff. Armor debuffs stack on, healer starts to have problems. Fine, one day I (almost)tanked it on sentinel cycling cooldowns, so I start doing same thing, except VG doesn't have that many CD to cycle trough. Somehow got CD back up each time healer ran into trouble. Somehow healer managed to pull trough each time I was out of CD. Whole fight, I was stressing about how I messed up with my choice of puzzle doers and how should I admit it to group after we wipe because of my mistake, and how we will have to spend another 5-10 min on training. But somehow, we managed to kill it on first try, so my relief was so great that I didn't get even little bit mad when we managed to nearly wipe on next 2 rooms twice due to early pull.

That was your standard GF group, with good, average, and below average players, but we still managed to oneshot everything and had good run, and only really weird thing about it was how well it worked for group matched by finder. Or someone could put me as weirld leader for my choices on droid, but as we pulled trough I hoped noone noticed(aside from healer :p )


There are multiple different marks.

Clearly most people you know have a different consensus than most of the community.

The fact that this use is unknown to you, doesn't mean it is not used that way

There is a bolt for example which I always use when there is only one mob to cc and a crosshair I use for the primary target..


Mostly it's target for "target this", fire for "burn this down", and gun for CC by tech classes, saber for CC by force classes(lightning extra for sorcs), with other up for grabs and mostly meaning CC rather than anything else. And usually using one of marks by default means that your character will CC this one, as people know "I did not mark this, nobody said anything about it, so clearly someone marked his CC target". But this can also lead to confusion when people assume too much and tank won't give time to make things clear.

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Just had my first real Brazil Force encounter. Lowby Hammer Station, my guildy healer and my tank self queue and get a Brazil Force sage healer. Eh, not the greatest way to start a FP, but we see how it goes. Within a few minutes its pretty obvious that this guy is not healing. He force armors himself and not me, and doesnt throw any heals my way on trash pulls. My guildy is saving my butt on the first few pulls and decides to tell the Brazilian not to worry about healing anymore. Got it, lets roll.


On the next couple of pulls the sage annoys me be running in and force waving mobs all over the place immediately after i have them grouped on me. Its almost as if he doesnt realize that im the one theyre SUPPOSED to hit. I tell him not to, he complies. Awesome, lets keep going.


On the next few pulls and bosses he busts out his sick lightsaber skills, gets in melee range and starts whacking away. My guildy and i were laughing in vent, but since the other three were carrying this dude and we werent wiping, we decided to let it go and enjoy the comedy show. On to the last boss...


It is clear that our melee dps/heal sage does not know mechanics. Hits the boss when turrets are up (still using saber strike) so we dont down the turrets in time and boss aggros multiple sets of turrets. Luckily we overcome thid and survive. Finally, we down the boss and dont have to deal with this guys ineptitude...


Just kidding. Theres more. A strength lightsaber drops and i rejoice, as i am the only knight in the group and am celebrating the upgrade in stats thats about to come my way until... The dude needs on the saber and wins it. Not only that, but when i asked him why he needed on it and to give it to me, he said "lol chill out.".


Now that i have him, and any other brazil force member on ignore, i will chill out.

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Now that i have him, and any other brazil force member on ignore, i will chill out.

it's a joker guild eh ? On TOFN there is a guild imperial side , the wolf pack , who got some serious pro too.


Either :

- the tank that tunnel a big droid on the false emperor HM and let me (op healer that time) tank the rest of the pack


- A dps on boarding party who wanted the big chest downside near a shuttle , instead of walking down , he jumps down fail miserably , almost die from the fall and got roflstomped by the mobs down there , drawing aggro for us to enjoy. He could be good at pvp though , since he sacrificed himself all the times for objectives. He wanted to call reinforcement at any price , so he ran , leroy jenkins like through pack of mobs to activate one at the first sight of a comm tower .


- On directive 7 HM one inquisitor (sorcerer) with 11k hp drawing aggro from every non essential packs of mob , dies as often as possible , saber strike a shieled droid at the first fight vs mentor and of course stays in the red/greens circles in the last fight , get two shot and blame me (healer) for it . The guy was spec madness and used all saber attacks available and almost nothing else. (maybe a lightning or two in the run)


- And as our last guest i can think of , an assassin in d7 hm too , who kept attacking a shielded droid , get thrown away come back , rise and repeat all the fight. He was actually swapping target though... he made sure he wasn't attacking the same droid as us :D

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Just had my first real Brazil Force encounter. Lowby Hammer Station, my guildy healer and my tank self queue and get a Brazil Force sage healer. Eh, not the greatest way to start a FP, but we see how it goes. Within a few minutes its pretty obvious that this guy is not healing. He force armors himself and not me, and doesnt throw any heals my way on trash pulls. My guildy is saving my butt on the first few pulls and decides to tell the Brazilian not to worry about healing anymore. Got it, lets roll.


On the next couple of pulls the sage annoys me be running in and force waving mobs all over the place immediately after i have them grouped on me. Its almost as if he doesnt realize that im the one theyre SUPPOSED to hit. I tell him not to, he complies. Awesome, lets keep going.


On the next few pulls and bosses he busts out his sick lightsaber skills, gets in melee range and starts whacking away. My guildy and i were laughing in vent, but since the other three were carrying this dude and we werent wiping, we decided to let it go and enjoy the comedy show. On to the last boss...


It is clear that our melee dps/heal sage does not know mechanics. Hits the boss when turrets are up (still using saber strike) so we dont down the turrets in time and boss aggros multiple sets of turrets. Luckily we overcome thid and survive. Finally, we down the boss and dont have to deal with this guys ineptitude...


Just kidding. Theres more. A strength lightsaber drops and i rejoice, as i am the only knight in the group and am celebrating the upgrade in stats thats about to come my way until... The dude needs on the saber and wins it. Not only that, but when i asked him why he needed on it and to give it to me, he said "lol chill out.".


Now that i have him, and any other brazil force member on ignore, i will chill out.

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I'm the tank (Vanguard), sorc and sent as dps, commando heals. We say our hellos, and off we go to the door. I notice I'm the only one buffed, so I hit my buff. This was my first hint.


First batch by the door is of course a couple of strong mobs, some weak trash and the one square boss patrol droid. I mark it, start to type for it to get cc'd...and the sent goes hurtling across the area to attack it. I quickly understand he's one of those most horrible of pug players: the tank reincarnated as a dps but can't accept his new station in life. We eventually kill the first batch. He charges ever onward. I noticed that I wasn't getting much in the way of heals during the fight, and I see our healer still has plasma canister on. I'm halfway through telling him to turn it off, but Mr. Sent has discovered the next batch of trash mobs and gone plowing in. As I watch his health bar shrink to nothing, I ask him if he knows I'm the tank. No reply. He respawns, goes sailing across the area to another square boss droid. Sorc knocks it off the ledge. Sent leaps over after it. After we're done laughing, I finally get the healer's attention and get him to turn off plasma cell. After more persuasion, he turns on crew support cell. Next bunch of mobs. Sent of course leaps into the fray far ahead of me. I'm getting really sick of pulling things off him by now, so I attack something else and let him die again. I also notice that the quantity of heals isn't increasing, and I'm running low on medpacs by now. After taking a deep breath, I explain that in commando/merc heals, you alternate the heat-building major heals with the basic attack heat-dropping minor heals. Next batch of mobs which the sent thoughtfully pulls from across the room: commando's only using basic attack heals. We're still dying. I'm still asking the sent why he didn't queue as a tank and why he's pulling every batch of trash mobs. He responds something to the effect of: "For the exp!! Duuhhh!!!!"


Bye. I leave the group.


Five times in the re-queue, his name comes up. Not happening.


Finally get a different group. I'm allowed to tank, the healer knows how to heal, and the dps attack the things I attack. I've never finished Cadminu faster than with that second group.

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had a group of 2 sins (tank and dps), my dps (yea, I swapped back to dps) merc and sorc healer.

think their religion was to use overload when ever I placed my aoe Death from above... when ever fight stared, when they did not start with overload I placed my DFAB... and then they scattered mobs all around. it was foundry SM.


1 guy was spamming 'space please, hit space bar, skip convo pliz' (healer)

2nd guy was going 'let's do this quick, I have not much time' (tank)

but none of them really held fast pace..


on cademinu our tank didn't notice big droid heading his way and go sapped (3 times total - he got sapped, droid goes for healer or me, he taunts, leaps, gets sapped, repeat), second dps started fight on place where cage spawns (in his defense, he could not know it, and I didn't tell him just for siths and giggles).

long story short, I found out that if you kill a guy on that encounter, droid dies :D


last but not least, had horrible expierience with Maelstorm prison on my shadow dps, was grouped with sentinel and vanguard tank. guys had religion not to stop. as soon as we finish pack, didn't even stop to pick up drops, they would jump to next pack ASAP (and sometimes different directions) which made it hard for non jumping, needing stealth to regen force and stuff shadow, nto to mention to the poor sage healer who had to keep those 2 alive.. but it went smooth more or less. atleast I didn't die... ofc sentinel refused to attack weak mobs, probably he's pro rotation was far to pro for standard and weak mobs, but that didn't bother me much, as I could go thro standard mobs with 3 hits before they turn back on me and then I had finisher... so didn't take much damage.



as for pvp equivilant of this thread, well... here we too complain about muppets, so it would be pretty much same complaining or making fun of people who don't know what to do....

Edited by Atramar
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"I wonder what this button does?"


It turns off the light bridge we just spent five minutes trying to switch on, my friend, sending your three companions and the massive droid they are fighting to horrible deaths in the green goo far below.



Actually this person was a fellow guildie, not one of the random people we picked up to do this, and it was the high point of the day. I haven't laughed so much in ages.

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yesterday I was healing on my commando for the first time in Hammer station, I've done this flashpoint dozens of times and this is not the first healer I've played, but I've never played commando before. I get into a flashpoint and all goes well, mostly, one of the dps's is killing everything in sight, I heal, tank does a great job tanking and the other dps is doing his job. they get fed up when he refuses to come to the first boss and is saying "kill everything" and "double exp, kill everything!" they kick him (he calls us girls), we get a replacement and all goes well.


I que again for hammer sation, him again, I think, ok, sure, why not, we wipe on the third trash mob, tank leaves, before we get a replacement the bad dps pulls again, we wipe, finaly a replacement tank.... the dps pulls early, we wipe. by now I'm fed up and I type in chat: "Sorry, not doing this, I draw the line at 3 deaths" this being a lowbie flashpoint where I've hardly ever wiped, the dps calls me a ****** and a **** healer just before I leave the group I whisper to him "Your comment is not appreciated, you will be ignored'' and ignore him


seeing that it's double exp, I reque, get hammer station, and I promptly say in chat "I Sincerely hope this group is better that my last one"... it most certainly was, despite not being able to do the shortcut, it was one of the better pug's I've played with. At the end of the FP I hesitantly ask: "I'm not a **** healer, am I?" I'm not that confident in my ability's and get the reply "you were an excellent healer", satisfied that I did my job well I wish everyone good hunting and leave the group.


[i have only 2 ppl on my ignore list at most, but I made sure to put that bad dps on the ignore list of all my (11) characters (it is not something I do lightly, or often)]

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reminded me of one funny situation. it was republic D7, was on my scoundrel healer, big droid boss with consoles and 2 repair droids who spawn. I said 'I will cc right' - tank said 'why cc, just kill', I replied 'well, cc is faster and they dissapear on re-spawn'

long story short, we destroy consoles, droid spawns I cc my right, tank shadow pulls him and leave him to repair console while dps are strugling to kill other one... droid repaired console and tank said in /p 'I though u cc'd it'

I loled , another spawn I cc, shadow pulls...

this goes on...

on last boss, tank and dps are ignoring small turrets and cores, my poor healer had to kill those...


as it was guys from same guild, I knew if I say anything I would get a kick, so stayed silent.

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Gunslinger asking me, another gunslinger, why am I needing on cunning items. :p


Epic ! :D


This is not so much of someone who doesnt know how to play but someone who has no sense of humor. So the other day I was in Hammerstation Hm after the boss fight right after the bonus boss fight. On the item roll was a blaster pistol and I made a joke about ninja looting. I said something "what a nice blaster pistol that I cant even use since im a sniper, I think I'll need it" I passed on it. and the three others who were all sith kicked me. When I said it was a joke they were like we dont care.

So not only are there people who dont know how to play there are also people who take this game to seriously and hace no sense of humor


Funny, they didn't even noticed that you passed on it ? :D


Sorc? What is that short for? Sorcerer? How could a Sorcerer be playing in a Republic group?


Possibly meant the mirror class ?


Everyone's writing imperial names here (mostly), and they don't care whether actually the Republic mirror class is meant. I see this behaviour very often. They use imperial names and define them as a kind of "default name" for BOTH the imperial class AND the republic class.


I often see this in the German-language sister-thread of this one here as well.


I'm rather disturbed by the fact that no-one here bothered to answer your question.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I've only ever had one truly terrible experience with a PUG.


I was a Scoundrel Healer and the group finder set me up with the Athiss flashpoint.


The "Tank" was a Shadow. I say "Tank" as although he was queued as a Tank he was neither geared or behaving like one. Issues were as follows:


1. He was in a mix up cunning and strength gear

2. He was using a single saber (Strength based)

3. He stood for up to 2 minutes in front of a mob before finally pulling

4. When he did engage he just used the basic melee attacks then ran off leaving the DPS and me to deal with them


I asked him nicely if he knew the mechanics of the game i.e. Trinity system and if he had meant to queue as a Tank. There was no response for about a minute when he came back with, and I kid not:


"LOL I'm a jedi, not sure what game you think you're in..........DUH.....what tanks be Star WarsLOL"


I laughed so hard I actually cried.

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Finally hit 50 on my Commando (first one) and decided to try to finish leveling my Sentinel with double XP weekends almost ending. I just had a Warzone XP Boost wear off so I decided to use a FP XP Boost and try to run a few FPs. After running missions on Belsavis for about 20 minutes I get a queue to pop. Maelstrom Prison, one of my favorite FPs.


Make is: Shadow Tank, Sage Healer and Guardian DPS.


Before the first pull I ask if we are doing bonuses (moar XP right!) Tank says "No!" So whatever.


First pull, I see the Tank leading off with FiB. Force-in-freaking-balance folks. That's right, our tank is in Balance spec. So I asked him, are you in Balance spec trying to tank? He says I'll be back in a minute. I'm thinking, oh good, he's gonna respec.


2nd pull, he leads off with FiB AGAIN! I'm like whatever, if healer has no issues with it and can heal him thru it, no problems. Except, it becomes obvious he can't because the tank is super squishy and dies a few times. I end up "tanking" on my Sentinel when the Shadow dies and actually pull a few mobs myself waiting for him to run back to us after re-spawning.


After his 4th or 5th death he does the right thing and leaves the group. I ask them to add us to queue and I pull out trusty T7 and we get through the first 2 Bosses of the FP with no issues at all. In fact, I think the healer found it easier to heal T7 than the Shadow. They even commented that he tanked better than the Shadow :D (I did just gear him for my 1st fight

with the emperor)



Anyway, right before Kilran, Guardian quits and me and healer with our companions push our way thru the mobs and finally get a DPS and healer a few doors before Kilran. This tank, comes in and does his job. No issues, I'm not longer 'tanking' and the only death was healer who did not realize you have to run up the sides when facing Kilran.

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