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For me, customization is content.


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It is important. It would be great if they didn't demand us to spend extra $ in order to enjoy new content. What are we paying the sub for?


While I do agree with you here, we as subscribers who have loyally stood by the game shouldnt have to pay more money to get the game we wanted in the first place. Sometimes I do wonder, what am I actually subscribing for? Free to play is something I cannot do because the game becomes so stripped back it becomes unplayable for me. So I subscribe. But I dont feel I have to pay more for the game improvements...


Sure we get an allowance, but I feel the allowance is too low. And I know for certain the Barber Shop will be something I will want regular use of. Because I'm fickle with all my toons appearances, I just hope its not going to cost my limbs to regularly use the feature.

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While I do agree with you here, we as subscribers who have loyally stood by the game shouldnt have to pay more money to get the game we wanted in the first place. Sometimes I do wonder, what am I actually subscribing for? Free to play is something I cannot do because the game becomes so stripped back it becomes unplayable for me. So I subscribe. But I dont feel I have to pay more for the game improvements...


Sure we get an allowance, but I feel the allowance is too low. And I know for certain the Barber Shop will be something I will want regular use of. Because I'm fickle with all my toons appearances, I just hope its not going to cost my limbs to regularly use the feature.


I'm gonna pile on and say i agree. Subscribers should have free acess to the "barbershop" (can cost credits). I understand if gender or race changes require an extra charge, but a simple change of eye color or hairstyle really shouldnt.


Cmon... other games offer this for free to subscribers, rethink this bioware. The allowance is the excuse for the gear packs, but to add this on top just doesnt make it worth it.

Edited by Nemmar
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I would definitelly approve if the customization kiosk used similar feature as legacy unlocks or cargo hold where you can pay with either credits or cartel coins. Come on, what do we need our credits for? Credit-only option could be subscriber restricted. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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If you're not a fan, why do you care? :rolleyes: I'd rather have SW:TOR with a free-to-play model than no SW:TOR at all. Learn to live with it. Yeah, they tend to gouge in other places, but this isn't one of them. Likewise, not all of this update is tied to the market. Do your own research before you join the frothing masses. :)


Sorry, you misunderstand me. I'm a fan of the game, I've been playing since early access. I've been waiting for this feature since beta.


What I am disappointed in, but not surprised at, is that they've taken the cartel market only approach. Such a basic quality of life feature as changing your hair colour should not be a real life cash transaction when I'm already paying a monthly subscription.


Go read Blackavaar's thread on how this should be implemented and tell me it's unreasonable.




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BioWare killed open World PvP long ago and never replaced it (the reworked Ilum is a joke).


I'm guessing you're a PvP server, like I am.

This is not meant as a joke or something ironic, but am being really serious here :


Have you tried completing a star forager or dreadseed armour set, or one of those new GSI speeders ?

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Sorry for interrupting in this conversation but have question here :p New race and costumization options will be charged only for old characters and if u create new char. you will have access as subscriber for those for free or even new char will be forced to spend CC?
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I'm guessing you're a PvP server, like I am.

This is not meant as a joke or something ironic, but am being really serious here :


Have you tried completing a star forager or dreadseed armour set, or one of those new GSI speeders ?

Yes I am on a PvP server. I had made the dark side choice so I will only get the dreadseed armour, which looks ugly... so I don't care much about that, the speeder parts were broken i heard (could be fixed by now), so I didn't started doing that yet. Anyway, most people I meet in the open world are dying rather quick in a fight against me, since all the good PvP players are standing around on the fleet and doing one warzone after another. So, Would like to see a true open world PvP zone where PvP players want to go to do PvP, not just randomly meet while doing something else, because most people one meet randomly are just the PvE players who actually enjoy doing that PvE stuff.

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I would definitelly approve if the customization kiosk used similar feature as legacy unlocks or cargo hold where you can pay with either credits or cartel coins. Come on, what do we need our credits for? Credit-only option could be subscriber restricted.


Definately. Cartel Coins or Credits for Subcribers. Or even a one-time purchase for subscribers, even that wouod be agreeable to me.

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because most people one meet randomly are just the PvE players who actually enjoy doing that PvE stuff.


I hear you... That's the problem...

The thing is, and it's not meant as a criticism, am just observing, that PvP players should go out more and do those stuff more.


Am certain the way the GSI gathering are done/organized is *also* with open PvP in mind. It always felt that way for me.

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I hear you... That's the problem...

The thing is, and it's not meant as a criticism, am just observing, that PvP players should go out more and do those stuff more.


Am certain the way the GSI gathering are done/organized is *also* with open PvP in mind. It always felt that way for me.

But I don't want to do that PvE stuff. The moment BioWare gives me something to fight over I would be there, and I mean something that really makes to best option to approach the situation a PvP solution, not like the PvP part of the recuring Ilum Event, where one has to be stupid to acctually start a fight (or very bored, since one get nothing from starting a fight, it just takes longer for everyone to complete the quests... which feel like they are PvE quests anyway). For awhile it was fun to start PvP when some guild tried to fight a worldboss, but by now almost everyone has completed those, so no fights there anymore... and even when it was, so many people complained about it, the same PvE players would now complain when I go hunting them when they want to do the seeker droid stuff.. It is no challenge to kill them, it has no reward to kill them, I could do so much more with my time, like warzones where I get credits for doing that stuff, something I always have not enough as a PvP player.

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I love customization! In fact, I'd say TOR should have had even more customization options from the start!


Here's hoping the slave brand becomes an option for everyone in 2.1! Or the Sith Warrior Tattoo (like Thana Vesh has...love that tattoo over the eye!).

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Customization is the only thing I really care about once my characters are levelcapped. Some casual PvP is okay-ish to me, but I wouldn't even notice if they simply deleted the hardmodes and operations. That's how little I care for "end game".

Customization however.. It's lacking, but with the right features, I could spend days fiddling with it. I definitely want more of it. Especially fully customizable player housing (NOT ships!) is at the top of my wishlist, but I'm also already very excited about the coming barber shop and armor dyes and can hardly wait to play with them.


Now Bioware could try to use that to "encourage" me to do hard modes and operations, by throwing all those customizations into those instances. Well, they might as well not bother with it then. I'm NOT gonna bother with group content, so as far as I'd care, it simply wouldn't exist.

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'm seeing a lot of people throwing it out there that adding new avenues of customization isn't adding anything to the game. For me (and quite a few others I know, but I will not presume to speak for them), customization options are better than any other type of content that could ever be added to the game.

Agreed. Everything in the game is content. "Fluff" = "content the speaker/writer does not care about." it's a game. All of it, Ops just as much as hairstyles.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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My problem isn't so much that it's customization, is that it's all cartel-coins based. I normally have no problem with the cartel market, being a subscriber, but I don't like the idea that I need to purchase cartel coins to enjoy the next big update. I suppose Cathar makes sense, as well as the species and gender changes, but is it really fair to make us pay with real currency for a haircut?

Plus, I was hoping to see the new daily planet: Varl, that was datamined awhile ago. I just hope that 2.1 comes with some "fluff" customization, like maybe new moddable gear that drops off bosses (similar to the Dread Guard mask and Karagga's hat), and maybe new "earnable" pets (similar to the Taunlet and Orobirds).

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Great post OP, agreed. If you had asked me, "if you imagined your ideal patch, what would the title be?" it would surely have been "Customization". Creating and customizing my characters is what most appeals to me most, and if not for the draw of the Star Wars universe, this game would not have made the cut for me. In fact, after I quit for awhile, what initially enticed me back was customization options . . . I can hide Quinn's hideous headpiece! I can get a circlet for my low level Imperial Agent! I can finally dress my Smuggler in a cute skirt! . . . stuff like that. So I am really excited for this next patch. :)


I am a bit on the fence about the price issue, but this bit from Dulfy's site about the appearance designer kiosk makes me optimistic:


"Cartel coins only but there is a permanent discount on all appearance designer kiosk options for subscribers – up to 50% on a lot of options such as species change."


If the cost is fairly small, I don't mind using my stipend or even buying a few extra cartel coins if I ever want to go wild with the makeovers. A lot of CM items/unlocks seem rather pricey to me though for what you get (and considering the stipend subs get), so I hope they price it so it is reasonable for F2P and fairly cheap for subscribers.

Edited by Gwena
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My problem isn't so much that it's customization, is that it's all cartel-coins based. I normally have no problem with the cartel market, being a subscriber, but I don't like the idea that I need to purchase cartel coins to enjoy the next big update. I suppose Cathar makes sense, as well as the species and gender changes, but is it really fair to make us pay with real currency for a haircut?

The solution is obvious. I get that you want more without having to pay extra for it. Who wouldn't? But you can play the game from 1 to 55 without getting a haircut for your character. If it's worth it to get your character a haircut, you'll pay. It's not worth it to me, so I'm not gonna pay.


You can bet that any kind of options like the barbershop added in the future will be CM items. New body types? CM. More new races? CM. New ships? CM. Shared storage? CM. If the barbershop had not been in LotRO prior to F2P, I guarantee it would have been added as a game store item. An F2P game's store is the place to sell non-adventuring stuff . You don't need cosmetics, appearances, customizations, conveniences, etc., to adventure, so that's what we're gonna see in the CM.

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It is important. It would be great if they didn't demand us to spend extra $ in order to enjoy new content. What are we paying the sub for? If they charge extra for it, it's a service. not content.


You are paying a sub to access the services provide by the sub, nothing more. If you don't feel your sub is worth the services you are getting then switch to a preferred account.


Honestly people are overreacting so much it's not even funny. BW has been clear since the Cartel market started that it's main content will be vanity related items. Customization clearly falls within this scope. People who then try to say that all new content will be paid content are doing nothing but fear mongering.


We had free content updates before Makeb and there will be free content updates after. The problem is forum time moves much faster than development time. It's only been 3 weeks since the expansion dropped and people are clamouring for "moar content!" because some people have finished Makeb already. This is a natural cycle of MMOs. Before Mists of Pandaria WoW didn't have a content patch for almost a FULL YEAR. When they got new content it was in the forum of a paid expansion. After that it was 3 months before they actually got a "free" content update.


People need to calm down and think rationally. Try to understand how MMO development works and understand that content will come in time. SWTOR has averaged a new content patch every 8 weeks since launch. One of those, the most recent one, was a $10 expansion. Just relax, there will be more content coming.


Now, as for the OP, I agree with you. I spend a lot of time customizing my characters and I'm very much looking forward to the next update.

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The solution is obvious. I get that you want more without having to pay extra for it. Who wouldn't? But you can play the game from 1 to 55 without getting a haircut for your character. If it's worth it to get your character a haircut, you'll pay. It's not worth it to me, so I'm not gonna pay.


You can play the game from 1 to 55 without PvPing or running any Operations. Does that mean they should charge extra for them on top of your subscription?


Personally I couldn't care less if they ripped PvP out of the game entirely, but I've waited over a year to change my characters hairstyles.

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Sorry for interrupting in this conversation but have question here :p New race and costumization options will be charged only for old characters and if u create new char. you will have access as subscriber for those for free or even new char will be forced to spend CC?


I think you're confusing the ability to roll a species versus changing one you already have. As a subscriber, you always have the option to unlock a species from either leveling one to 50 in one class, or credits, with Cathar being the exception. This is for taking a character you've already created and changing features after the fact, which you currently can't do.

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You can play the game from 1 to 55 without PvPing or running any Operations. Does that mean they should charge extra for them on top of your subscription?

Those existed pre-F2P. Cathar as a player race and haircuts did not.


Personally I couldn't care less if they ripped PvP out of the game entirely

Neither would I.


but I've waited over a year to change my characters hairstyles.

And now you can. If it's worth it to you, you'll pay. If it's not, you won't.

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Sorry, but I think its ridiculous for them to charge for an image designing kiosk.


You can bleat all you want about how great this content is, but the fact that we're being charged for it is pretty disgusting in my opinion.

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Sorry, but I think its ridiculous for them to charge for an image designing kiosk.


You can bleat all you want about how great this content is, but the fact that we're being charged for it is pretty disgusting in my opinion.

Then don't use it. If not enough people use it, they will re-think how they do stuff like that in the future (or maybe not introduce them at all).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Sorry, but I think its ridiculous for them to charge for an image designing kiosk.


You can bleat all you want about how great this content is, but the fact that we're being charged for it is pretty disgusting in my opinion.


Didn't save your montly FREE alotment of cartel coins I see.


Blew them on cartel packs did you?

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