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Everything posted by Joshmaul

  1. Nope. The 1 mil lockout is for the character unlocking him. There is a similar 300k price tag for Treek per character, but that tends to be circumvented (read: free) by unlocking the mercenary contract in Collections.
  2. Received the following in the E-mail response to my ticket about five minutes ago: So the bug is apparently known. Here's hoping it gets fixed, because I'd really hate to have to start over...eh, I suppose that's what the XP boost armor from DvL is for, but still. As I said about something else, it's the principle of the thing.
  3. Except for the ones for Force users. All the Jedi and Sith still get their lightsabers at the end of their stories on Tython and Korriban. Granted, they're considered "upgrades" of a sort, seeing as we'd been running around with training swords and electrostaves before that, but still. The smuggler also still gets Flashy from Corso. With the pervasiveness of the CM, I suppose it's not exactly difficult to get a weapon, but it's the principle of the thing.
  4. I did Chapter XI: Disavowed with a Trooper I started from level 1...trouble is, it did not give me the Colonel title at the end of it. It also did not immediately launch Chapter XII after completion, which makes me wonder if the two bugs are related. I was kind of hoping to snag this title for RP purposes (yeah, I know, laugh, lol), so I admit to being kind of bummed here. Also...I'm hoping this is not the problem, but the character in question was past level 65 when finishing that mission (68, to be precise). Would this also be part of the problem?
  5. One actually has to wonder, seeing as I've had a couple of people see players with the "Empress" title. They claim it's for the DS choice at the end of Chapter 9. I'm confused, because I also made the DS choice with a male character at the end of Chapter 9, and didn't get "Emperor".
  6. Yes. I did a Trooper (Vanguard) and he was given Armormech, Scavenging, and Underworld Trading.
  7. Sounds like someone upstairs is overdoing it on the Chance Cubes, methinks.
  8. I saw the promotion in my launcher as well, right up until July 7, and now that the date has come and gone, I have not received the 500 CCs. The only CCs I've had so far are the standard 500 monthly subscription one (which I received on July 5) and the 100 for having a security key (yesterday). The link is supposed to go to this thread, lol.
  9. Agreed; I just spent CCs for a name change, and it looks funny in chat with the second name lowercased. I really don't want to have to do it again for peace of mind, lol.
  10. I went to take my Trooper into my Yavin 4 stronghold (it's an RP place for one of my Sith characters, but it has all the goodies that don't require me to be on the Fleet to go to the GTN and what not, lol), but stopped dead for a second when it said that my prestige and completion percentages were set to zero. I had a mild fright - did I get hacked? Because I know I didn't accidentally auto-clear the whole thing again. I go into it, and...everything is right where I left it, even though inside the SH itself, the prestige and completion numbers are still at zero! I was last in here two days ago, and it was normal then.
  11. I'm not a fan of these effects. I shift SHs as my mood goes, and I wanted to redo my Sith Sorcerer's outdoor throne room/garden in the stronghold on Tatooine. The sand effect takes away from that; that's all my high-and-mighty Sith needs, sand in his bum trying to be comfortable.
  12. I've noticed the past day or two that whenever I'm on Odessen, there is no music playing. I hear brief bits of it when I either go to a loading screen (port to fleet, to an SH, or go into a Star Fortress) or log out to swap characters, and then only until the "next tune" takes over (i.e. the SWTOR main theme at the character select screen). Not sure if it's just Odessen, but it's been there I've noticed it most.
  13. The New Sith Wars were about a thousand years before the original trilogy, if I remember correctly; they ended with the Sith being all but wiped out (at a heavy cost for the Jedi as well) and led to Darth Bane developing the Rule of Two to keep the Sith hidden until the time was right.
  14. I am also playing an Inquisitor at the moment, and I am currently having this issue as well. I was not in-game prior to maintenance.
  15. I only have one guy with a "decked out" ship, but this keeps happening with him, too.
  16. I agree, I found that kind of silly - there's all that space, it could fit a much larger banner than THAT, can't it?
  17. Well, I have a couple of theories for "probably nots": -Darth Marr. Of the members of the Dark Council we run into, he's usually the only one who has his head in the game. Maybe he is not aware that Arkous (and Lord knows who else on the Council, whenever they manage to stay there longer than five minutes - other than Marr and the Inquisitor character, it seems like musical chairs) was a Revanite, or if he is, he's playing it close to the chest. -Grand Moff Regus. Ah, our archtraditionalist voiced by the Warlock - alien-bashing, elitist, Imperial to the core. So not likely he'd turn to the Revanites either, regardless of circumstances. The events on Ilum proved he was willing to stick with the Empire thick and thin; Revan would be cut from the same cloth as Malgus, in his view (if he even knew who Revan was; he may have earned Kilran's job, but maybe not all of his intelligence sources). -Mandalore. A big maybe on this one. Mandalore - for all his snark about "winning the Empire's wars for them" - doesn't seem likely to turn on them...at least, not for the Revanites. Plus, given that he did kill folks who wanted to uphold the traditions of Mandalore the Preserver - a Mandalore essentially created by Revan - it doesn't seem likely he'd go for it. That's just me, though. -Chancellor Saresh. Passionate, determined to clean up the messes of past administrations, likely realizing just how impossible that job is...but I don't see her going into extremism. Granted, trying to be governor of a toxic, monster-infested wasteland doesn't strike me as the actions of a sane person, but mad or not, she's not going to throw the Republic on the bonfire...certainly while she's (ostensibly) at the helm. -Grand Master Satele. Not to be too harsh towards the Master of the Order, but Satele doesn't strike me as someone with a sense of family loyalty, and Revan - like it or not - is the patriarch of the Shan family, even if they all took their name from the missus. Though she looks and sounds about the same (Jennifer Hale FTW), she's not Bastila - not quite as prone to...emotional considerations. Moments of weakness, maybe (Theron, anyone?), but if she's putting it all on the line, it's for the Republic and the Order, not for her relations.
  18. Compared to the earlier chapters...that was a major-league letdown. A neat little excursion, and I enjoyed the nostalgia, I'll admit - but the rewards were meh, and I was not impressed with the ending. (Not the "Our Lord and Master Addresses Us From On High" bit, I mean after that.) Not that I didn't see the big reveal coming, mind; it just seems like a cliffhanger that will probably not be touched on again for another three years. Alas.
  19. BioWare, do us a favor. Playtest this crap first. THEN POST THE FRIGGING DATES. This is ridiculous.
  20. EA does not have a good track record with reboots thus far, if SimCity is anything to go by.
  21. That was my major issue with the IA story... I mean, come on. Inquisitors Warriors and bounty hunters IAs..."meh, it's cool".
  22. And needs to not cost Cartel Coins. One should not have to pay for privacy.
  23. It's from the same group of people who believed that "that other game" with the "dramatic drop in subscriptions" would die within the week...even though it still has ten million and will probably gain more (sorry to burst any haters' bubbles, but there are plenty of people into what's being offered) over the summer.
  24. Not just in your hand - inactive on your belt, too. Pistols and sabers wobblin'.
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