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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Concern with Vice-Commandant pack (and suggestion)


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And those extra items are in addition to the rep item. I'm comparing apples to apples, you just don't like the answer.


We can't use rep items from other in-game factions once we max out, why should cartel be any different?


Because we pay extra real money to obtain them. If it's something we're buying on the cash shop it should have a use. Allowing rep capped customers to use the left-over rep items to convert into a couple extra certificates per hypercrate still leaves the person buying an extra 3-5 hypercrates just to add up to one of the current 10 certificate items ... and they will likely add more of those over time. You don't think it makes sense for Bioware to give their customers incentive to spend extra money?

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I have maxed my rep with the Cartel Resale Corp. This means that if I want stuff from the Enforcer's packs or the upcoming Vice-Comandant packs, I am faced with two bad choices:


1.) Buy the packs/hypercrates and every time I open a pack, I get 1 of the 6 items wasted, unless it happens to be a certificate, but those are super rare.


2.) Buy what I want from the GTN, but inevitably the stuff I want is ridiculously expensive in terms of in game credits.


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this but there is a 3rd option. Buy packs, sell the unopened pack, use the credits earned to buy the items you want.

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Because we pay extra real money to obtain them. If it's something we're buying on the cash shop it should have a use. Allowing rep capped customers to use the left-over rep items to convert into a couple extra certificates per hypercrate still leaves the person buying an extra 3-5 hypercrates just to add up to one of the current 10 certificate items ... and they will likely add more of those over time. You don't think it makes sense for Bioware to give their customers incentive to spend extra money?



Back to my point - you paid real money for them prior to their being a reputation system, so nothing has changed but your sense of entitlement. This was an addition to what they already offered - if you now feel cheated stop buying CM packs.

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Back to my point - you paid real money for them prior to their being a reputation system, so nothing has changed but your sense of entitlement. This was an addition to what they already offered - if you now feel cheated stop buying CM packs.


Who says I bought packs prior to the enforcer's packs?

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Who says I bought packs prior to the enforcer's packs?


Any enforcer's packs you bought, you bought with the knowledge that the rep items would only be useful until you capped rep. Why should they change it now?


It actually may make more sense financially for them to continue the status quo. Even if one person no longer buys packs because the rep items are useless, many others will continue to buy packs after they cap rep in order to obtain the necessary certificates for the items they want. Hypothetically, let's say certificates are an average of 1 in 20 packs, a 5% drop rate. That would be an average of 200 packs for 10 certificates. If they allowed rep items to be converted to certificates, that hypothetical number might drop to an average of 50 packs, a substantial loss in revenue.

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are they vendorable? just asking, because rep items for other rep can be sold to vendor for a few credits here and there.

actually, I think ability to trade rep items for certificates at some higher ration wouldn't be a bad idea, IMO. (I'm also a fan of idea of being able to trade gree rep tokens for gray helix components) keep certificates bind on legacy, make rep tokens tradable at similar ratio of warzone coms to planetary coms. that should still keep them relatively rare, but at the same time, give extended use to rep tokens.

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If I cap a rep from dailies in the game, I still get the credits and commendations for doing the quests if I go do them again.


If I cap the Cartel Resale Corp. reputation (which I have already done), if I buy new packs/crates, I no longer get the full reward for spending my real world money. You're comparing apples to oranges here. Rep from dailies for the factions is a by-product of doing the daily missions. Rep with the CRC is something you pay for as part of every pack/crate, and so it should have a purpose/use after the rep cap is reached. If we were talking about quest rewards, that would be one thing. We're talking about people spending actual money (you have to spend $60 minimum to buy a hypercrate, but will have some coins left over), and Bioware should do everything they can to ensure that if a player is going to plop down $60 and buy a hypercrate, the player will actually get something worthwhile out of it.


Not really true.


The reputation trophies for the Cartel Corp weren't even included in the first packs. They were an additional element that was only added after the reputation system was finished. So they were never really an item in the pack. They were an additional element that was solely related to rep.


After you've capped the rep, there's no purpose for them anymore, but that doesn't mean you're wasting your coins. And I highly doubt they're going to make the reputation trophies tradeable, as the purpose was to get you playing and playing more often. If they allow the Cartel Rep trophies to be sold, but not the other rep trophies, this will obviously be seen as favoritism.


So I'd say stash the reputation trophies away (you're still receiving them in the packs, after all, and keep them for when they eventually add a new Reputation level. Then you can automatically level it up with your stored rep.


But to say that you now are owed something else because you maxed your rep, not buying that one.

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I propose the following potential changes:


1.) Make the rep items tradeable so we can give them to friends or sell them on the GTN. This has the added benefit of addressing the vocal minority who complain about the rep being a real money requirement since they can just get the rep items on the GTN (presumably considerably cheaper than the packs go for).


2.) Allow us to trade the rep items in for Certificates. Let's say something like 2 or 3 of the purple rep items for a certificate, 4-6 of the blue ones for a certificate, and 8-12 of the green ones for a certificate. In this case only people with maxed rep with the CRC would be able to do the trade-in, and it means that if we buy a hypercrate and get a really bad streak and get all green rep items, we can at least turn that into 2 certificates from the crate. I imagine it would be more like 4-5 certificates per crate with this system, which means someone's dropping down about $100 to get one of the 10 certificate items, and it will be someone who already spent money previously to get packs/crates and get their rep maxxed out in the first place.



I think you're 2nd suggestion is pretty good.

Let me add a 3rd..


Include a vendor that will allow players to exchange rep tokens for different rep tokens. For example: if you maxed out Gree rep, you can trade them for Section x rep. Would probably have to have some sort of exchange rate that penalizes players slightly. Also, I would think that Makeb and Cartel would be able to be traded in, but not traded for, since you do have to spend real money in order to have the chance to obtain these.

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I think you're 2nd suggestion is pretty good.

Let me add a 3rd..


Include a vendor that will allow players to exchange rep tokens for different rep tokens. For example: if you maxed out Gree rep, you can trade them for Section x rep. Would probably have to have some sort of exchange rate that penalizes players slightly. Also, I would think that Makeb and Cartel would be able to be traded in, but not traded for, since you do have to spend real money in order to have the chance to obtain these.



That sounds really awesome. I'm sure there are tons of people out there who can't be bothered to do boring dailies for rep.

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I agree with the trading in the rep. tokens. But I wouldn't want to see the certs. on the GTN since it would definitely devalue the items. Who knows, I don't open those packs, like I said, I just sell them for credits so whatever they do it won't be affecting me.


Exactly this I agree the rep kinda sucks being capped but I think BW probably looks at it as an additional bonus. While some of us look at it as motivation to buy the packs for the certs so we can get older items from the vendor. I however dont want to see everyone with Revan's mask or whatever else is in there so the certs for sure should remain bound to legacy.


I think the trade in idea is the best one, that way we can still get some value out of the rep even if the trade in is at a low exchange rate.

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Heh, and people said that CM rep would be nigh impossible to cap. :)


Maybe stop buying packs for a while?




Maybe acknowledge that, like every other rep in MMOs, once you cap it... that's it. done. You can still do rep based content... but you derive no benefit from it in terms of rep. ;)


He said he wants to keep buying the packs. He wants to keep spending money to support the game. That's a great thing for all of us - subscribers and free players alike.


Why discourage him from buying packs?


In this case, we have a reasonable player who's going way over and above the norm to support the game financially who has posted a well thought out complaint and a few suggestions for improvement.


This is exactly the sort of post the community should be supporting.


We certainly shouldn't be discouraging his generosity or giving him the flippiant, "buck up cowboy" response!

Edited by DarthTHC
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Jawagrams alone is all I needed to see AGAIN to decide buying them has ended.... They pushed us a second time with that garbage, it will not happen to me a 3rd time.


The only way they will stop is if they see less money come in.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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I like the idea of trading in the rep items for a certificate. I have not yet maxed out my cartel market rep, but I'm well into Champion. I've bought a few crates and have yet to see a single Certificate. =/
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Hey DarkWyndre,


I spoke with the folks on the Cartel Market team about this. One thing that some players may not initially realize is that all of the Cartel Market Reputation items can be vendored for credits. I do realize this isn't exactly what you were putting forward as a suggestion, but it is an alternative use for them. Once you have maxed out your Reputation you can simply earn some free credits with every pack.


Either way I wanted you to know that this thread has been passed on to the team and in the meantime you can get yourself some credits by vendoring those Reputation tokens.



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Hey DarkWyndre,


I spoke with the folks on the Cartel Market team about this. One thing that some players may not initially realize is that all of the Cartel Market Reputation items can be vendored for credits. I do realize this isn't exactly what you were putting forward as a suggestion, but it is an alternative use for them. Once you have maxed out your Reputation you can simply earn some free credits with every pack.


Either way I wanted you to know that this thread has been passed on to the team and in the meantime you can get yourself some credits by vendoring those Reputation tokens.




Is this new with these items? I know past items: Gree, Voss, Section X, fleet, etc were not vendorable before the xpac. Was there a global change that makes these vendorable or was this just a change for new ones? Right now I'm wasting a ton of bank space on items that currently serve no purpose.


Also it would be nice to know if there has been any thought to increase the rep caps, if they do increase the caps later it might be better to hold on to rather than vendoring.

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Is this new with these items? I know past items: Gree, Voss, Section X, fleet, etc were not vendorable before the xpac. Was there a global change that makes these vendorable or was this just a change for new ones? Right now I'm wasting a ton of bank space on items that currently serve no purpose.


Also it would be nice to know if there has been any thought to increase the rep caps, if they do increase the caps later it might be better to hold on to rather than vendoring.


I vendored all my reputation tokens that I didn't need (Section X, also happened to vendor one or two Gree tokens) before the expansion with no trouble and got credits for them. Don't know why you didn't.

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He said he wants to keep buying the packs. He wants to keep spending money to support the game. That's a great thing for all of us - subscribers and free players alike.


Why discourage him from buying packs?


In this case, we have a reasonable player who's going way over and above the norm to support the game financially who has posted a well thought out complaint and a few suggestions for improvement.


This is exactly the sort of post the community should be supporting.


We certainly shouldn't be discouraging his generosity or giving him the flippiant, "buck up cowboy" response!


I'm not discouraging him. You tapped one suggestion of mine and ignored the other. :rolleyes: Both are practical choices.. and it's up to him to choose what's right for him... AND I blieve he has already chosen to continue to buy more packs.

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My major issue with the packs (and previous ones at that) is that the "rare" spot within the pack can be wasted on Bracers // Belts. Though I'm sure this is just to force a player to keep gambling, it should be adjusted to make sure that players aren't being discouraged from buying the pack with RL money. (And this is the main reason I wait for them to go on the GTN,)


In the future, I would hope that the "upper body -insert set name-" and "lower body -insert set name" box has the Bracer of the set placed in the upper and the Belt of the set placed in the lower.

Edited by veyl
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Hey DarkWyndre,


I spoke with the folks on the Cartel Market team about this. One thing that some players may not initially realize is that all of the Cartel Market Reputation items can be vendored for credits. I do realize this isn't exactly what you were putting forward as a suggestion, but it is an alternative use for them. Once you have maxed out your Reputation you can simply earn some free credits with every pack.


Either way I wanted you to know that this thread has been passed on to the team and in the meantime you can get yourself some credits by vendoring those Reputation tokens.




No, the credits are not free they cost money as the cartel coins do. As such this is currently a WASTE of that money and we want it fixed with more than a "vendor it" response.

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First, how many credits are we talking about here (for the rep tokens)? If it's something silly like 2K for one it's not really worth it. Would be really nice if we could vendor anything from the packs. I've lost track of all the banners, emoticons and other stuff I've simply thrown away because I couldnt be bothered with putting 1K items on GTN. Let us sell them for atleast 10K to a vendor instead.


I think that the rep caps in general are too low. On makeb I've been capped on the first day after reset because of all the comms I had saved form the previous week and I probably already have enough to max out all levels and then some.

Edited by MidichIorian
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1.) Make the rep items tradeable so we can give them to friends or sell them on the GTN. This has the added benefit of addressing the vocal minority who complain about the rep being a real money requirement since they can just get the rep items on the GTN (presumably considerably cheaper than the packs go for).


This makes a lot of sense, and I'm actually kind of surprised it wasn't set up this way to begin with. What's the point of having rep tied to tokens if those tokens cannot be sold or traded?


And as OP suggests, this would give the people who have the time to grind credits in-game a means of building the rep as well.

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Hey DarkWyndre,


I spoke with the folks on the Cartel Market team about this. One thing that some players may not initially realize is that all of the Cartel Market Reputation items can be vendored for credits. I do realize this isn't exactly what you were putting forward as a suggestion, but it is an alternative use for them. Once you have maxed out your Reputation you can simply earn some free credits with every pack.


Either way I wanted you to know that this thread has been passed on to the team and in the meantime you can get yourself some credits by vendoring those Reputation tokens.




I'm holding on to the spare rep items I had from my last hypercrate. I really appreciate your response. I would really like to see my 2nd suggestion implemented. Even if the trade-in ratio is very high, I can still buy hypercrates and support you guys and know that even if I have bad luck with what I get or I get no certificates, I can trade those rep items in slowly for certificates and eventually get something cool.


With my suggested turn-in ratio, I would get 3-4 certificates for the rep items I currently have in my bank. If that's a bit too fast, bump my ratios up a bit so it's like 2-3. At that point, if someone wants one of the 10 certificate items, they're probably going to be dropping $100+ if they end up getting it by trading in rep items once they're capped. This seems to me like a pretty easy way to give your most valuable customers some incentive and assurance that at the worst case they'll be able to get a cool item every so often.


I appreciate that there was a response and I hope you guys really consider the idea. I will be hanging on to my rep items and probably if I buy any packs/crates going forward I'll GTN them and get what I'm looking for that way. Then at least with the current system someone will get the rep from the items and they won't gather dust in my cargo bay :)

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I have spent over 1200$ on packs in the past but never again will I spend a cent due to the lack of concern from the devs they are being super lazy and not adding the new materials to the new packs put me off how dare they have dead mats in a pack that has been introduced into 2.0.
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Either way I wanted you to know that this thread has been passed on to the team and in the meantime you can get yourself some credits by vendoring those Reputation tokens.


Eric ?

Why would you suggest someone to vendor rep tokens for credits if there is a chance that his idea is accepted since you said you passed the thread ?

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