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Developer Update: Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular Class Changes


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Shadow is here.

Balance is broken. Also DPS in PvE are weaker than any other dps class.Period.



The PhaseWalk is unnecessarily complicated to use.

Unlike any other class new abilities, Shadows must first place the mark and only then use the ability.

Every other class can use their new abilities on demand and instantly. Shadows have to prepare the ability before to able to use it.


And the actuall usefulness of the PhaseWalk is very limited.... Oh, yeah! Datacron hunts are much easier with it.. and thats all..

And even if there is a place in the Boss fight to use PhaseWalk, the boss's battle pattern usually lower than 45 sec to use PhaseWalk at each phase.



Edited by Missandei
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The annoying thing to me is that not only do they buff the hell out of the sorc and make hybrid specs even more capable than before. They nerf the only good assassin dps tree in madness. By removing the increased damage to thrash and not allowing any kind of proc for our maul the spec is completely useless....:(


Bioware's class balancing team just needs to jump off a cliff. :mad:

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90% of telekinetics offensive abilities are casts all these casts can be shut out easily, mental alacrity only resists interrupts. Add to that the pushback when u get attack while in the middle of a cast. Mind crush is a key skill with a 2 second cast yet it doesn't have anyway for a tk sage to get some pushback on this skill, oversight. It basically makes the skill unusable.


Force quake does very weak dmg the skill is basicly useless as a attack option. Maybe force potency should effect the entire duration of the cast like it does for tk throw (can we get a better animation on this?)


Turbalance can hit twice if proc but the proc chance is way too low. There also needs to be some type of under 30% health proc 90% of close fights lost is because of no execution ability


Ps. I have been playing tk for more than a year now and I love the spec the changes u have made make the spec playable now it needs to be viable. There are a lot if penalties for playing a casted spec in this game which I have listed above.

Edited by warstory
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In this specific case, adding Infiltration Tactics on top of a full Balance spec felt clunky. Worse, it wasn’t necessary. We’re fully capable of providing the same damage boost to players without requiring them to master additional gameplay.


For me, the issue isn't much about having the same damage boost, as much as being able to use our core AC ability. I have always felt that balance shadow was named so because if its synergy between melee and force abilities. Without having a variety in the available melee skills, that is no longer the case, and that destroys the feel of the class.


I consider Shadow strike, stealth, resilience and project to be the abilities that define a shadow (and indeed both infiltration and kinetic combat get their own ways to use shadow strike and project ), but none of these core abilities synergize with the balance tree. Worse, balance shadows cannot even use one of these ablities. Earlier balance shadows had access to infiltration tactics and twin disciplines, this was not the case. Now, the balance tree somehow feels alien to the shadow class, and "feels" similar to a balance sage.


Most players have a choice between shadow and sage when they hit lvl 10, and they pick a shadow because they want stealth and/or they want to be melee. Hence i do not understand why balance spec will be more attractive to shadows, when it synergises with neither stealth nor melee abilities. I really liked what you guys did with lethality, for eg, with buffs to stealth and the ability to use KI, it feels even more like an operative. I was expecting something similar for balance.

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The Telekinetics and Lightning tree has seen a major improvement in my opinion. I'm often scoring highest damage in PnP on my 37 Sage. That being said however, I do miss using Madness on my Assassin. I've never been a big fan of Deception and although there's no denying it's burst is incredible at the moment, I just find it a very clunky spec. I enjoy(ed) the Madness spec the most but it's not the same any more. It's basically just a spec for spreading some mediocre DoTs.. at melee range. Comparing it to the DoT spec (Lethality) of a Sniper the gap is huge. Snipers not only get 35m range, they get one of the best (if not best) DPS in-game alongside burst aswell.


Now I have every class at/near level 50 but Mercenary/Commando so I don't want to see nerfs come to any classes, but I do really miss playing my Assassin as Madness.

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Yeah me too. Especially after so many people saw it coming after testing it on the the PTS, and made many documented attempts to plea to BW to make a change.


Here is yet ANOTHER plea to you Bioware:

  • Please let give us the same thing you gave tank in the Conspirators Cloak, only for madness. This alone would pop DPS up another 150+ right away.

  • The other change is Creeping Terror should not be an 18 second DOT, instead should do the same damage over half of that time.


I have the worst time trying to burn ads now, even with Death field hitting like a truck. We need at least SOME burst in this spec that is NOT aoe. Shock is not hitting for more than 3k even with a crit.

Also force management is still next to impossible. I find myself using saber strike all the time now.


http://www.madsithassassin.com/2013/03/assassin-developer-interview.html?showComment=1366392553588#c8478206213112226733 <--- So Austin said we would do greater DPS at the end of fights and it would balance our dps out.... LOL is anyone finding that to be true? Anyone?

Please fix this Austin.

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I have to take issue with quite a few of the "improvements" to Sorc. Gonna list em point by point. Before I do, I want to say well done on the healing side of things. You took nothing away from healers and added in some very nice boosts. What a pity you couldn't do the same for the other two trees!


Better Static Barrier: We’ve removed the cooldown from Static Barrier so that it’s easier to protect your allies even when not spec’d in the Corruption skill tree. It still has its Deionized debuff lockout of course.


True, but you also nerfed how powerful the barrier is. Given this is our only mobile defensive cooldown, nerfing its strength is a big loss to a squishy light armour class. No need for this to happen, though I think the bubble stun nerf was totally acceptable. Taking away the cooldown is a minor boost to every Sorc who isn't fully spec'd into healing (healers already have no cooldown on static barrier). If I'm dps I'm not going to be blowing my force reserves bubbling up a whole team!


Force Barrier (New ability): This ability grants total immunity to all hostile effects and damage while channeled. Force Barrier can be channeled up to 10 seconds, but like any other channeled ability, you can cancel it or move out of it at any time. While channeled, incoming damage and debuffs will fail to apply.


This ability is sooo NOT what we needed as Sorcs/Sages. We already suffer from being so easily rooted, slowed and held in place by Melee. We needed a defensive cooldown that we could use on the move, ideally one that meant we couldn't be stunned or slowed and still gave us a boost to defence. As is, this is basically a delayed suicide button. Decent for PvE, terrible for PvP.


Haunted Dreams: The activation time reduction on Whirlwind has been reduced in effectiveness. Previously, this skill gave Madness a lot of extra lockdown that we weren’t too pleased with, and after the introduction of Force Barrier, Madness’s ability to flee and avoid conflict exceeded acceptable levels. Now this skill reduces the activation time of Whirlwind to 1.5 seconds. The stun effect when Whirlwind ends prematurely due to damage has not been altered.


You are all so wrong on this I'm pondering whether or not you actually ever play Madness Sorc in PvP against good players. Our whirlwind stun didn't kill people, or do massive damage whilst stunning them (hello smashers). It gave us a few seconds to heal up and get a bit of distance from the very OP melee classes who had been handing us our little force wielding backsides for months. You need to put this back in as an instant. For a DOT tree that needs time to build up damage to not have an instant long range stun is very bad. We aren't OP in PvP by any stretch of the imagination. Please fix this.


Shapeless Spirit: This new utility skill reduces all damage taken by 30% while stunned. Madness has a good deal of self healing through effects like Parasitism and Death Field, but this healing isn’t on-demand and can’t counter burst at key moments. As a result, Madness is especially vulnerable to being bursted down while controlled, so we added Shapeless Spirit to help Madness’s survivability in that department.


This is a welcome addition, but you must be joking about the "good dealing of healing" from parisitism and Death field. The kind of healing you get back from this might keep you healthy against 1-3 normal npc mobs if you dot them all up, but against a pure dps player or a Champion level boss the healing we get back from DOTs is all but worthless. If you really wanted to make stunning a Madness Sorc a bad idea, to counter how slowly our damamge builds up you'd raise this to 50% (in PvP only) so melee players would think twice about smashing into us.


All in all, we're in the same boat we were before. Everyone has had their damage boosted, so the improvements we've seen to our dps trees don't exactly address the problems we had before. The OP classes are still OP, especially the melee ones and speaking as a Madness Sorc, I now have one of the best defences against them taken away and reduced to a charged ability I just know they are going to interupt easily.


Please return whirlwind to an instant cast for a 2 point investment. It wasn't OP. You don't see threads in the Sentinel/maruader forums whining about how OP Madness Sorcs are. Come on.


Ps, we need an execute ability for targets under 30%. Everyone is asking for this for a very good reason and I don't see any other dps prof saying we'd be OP if we had it.

Edited by Sylvan
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Hello there,


I play a madness assassin from the beginning. I tried some other builds, but madness is something i felt good with. I play a full madness build and doing pvp most of the time.


Before 2.0 we weren't overpowered at all. I thought we would get some buff instead of nerfs! Why? Endless posts have been made about madness being screwed...


Well, it is!!!


So to repeat it again. You made our rotation boring as hell!!! Before 2.0 i could shock one to get a bonus or use maul... One of the few things we could do to get a little bit of that tiny amount of extra damage.


So when i read this in your article, you make me bit angry:


"Now in 2.0, Madness Assassins can get the same results with a smoother, less complex list of abilities and ability priorities." SIGH! It wasn't that hard at all....


"We’re confident that the changes we’ve made will actually make Madness Assassins a more attractive option to players that were previously turned off by their complexity." OMG, are you for real? So what is your goal? Make all true madness assassins angry and try to make them turn away of the spec and then try to get a small bunch of new players filling up this gap? Or? hmmm :confused:

"Madness Assassins no longer rely on Shock for sustained damage, but it’s still a perfectly viable ability for bursting a target down." LOL, did you guyz ever played a madness build? + This is a contradiction what you said before about making it less complex. So, should i use it or not? :confused:

"With the removal of Shock from a sustained damage priority list, Madness Assassins have a lot more Force available. With this in mind, Calculating Mind has been replaced with Lingering Nightmares, which increases the duration of Crushing Darkness." Again, you replace an instant small buff, to an ability with a long activation cost. You are so wrong, don't mix things up... Try to play a madness spec please... :(

"Duplicity: ...This isn’t so much a balance concern as it is a usability and complexity concern. In this specific case, adding Duplicity on top of a full Madness spec felt clunky. Worse, it wasn’t necessary. :eek: We’re fully capable of providing the same damage boost to players without requiring them to master additional gameplay. This change aims to do exactly that." Please explain, so you realy believe that taking a melee buff away AGAIN, we can replace it with what? And it's realy simple, get behind a man and hit a button. So complex... :rolleyes:

Well, to be honest. I've paid for this game from the beginning. Even when my ex-server went empty, i still payed for this game. For others before the trolling, yes i have other toons, but this one i realy liked! :rak_01:


I hope "developer" that you give us an answer




Edited by SusAntigoon
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Balance is daunting????? The ******** is strong with this one!! :mad:


It's daunting for anyone who doesn't like to press 2 or 3 buttons to kill someone like PTs or Snipers. Balance was always such a flowing and graceful spec to play. To me, Balance was the ULTIMATE Shadow spec because of those reasons and was always rewarding to play.


Just admit it. People complained about Balance Shadows enough doing so much damage and you listened. But instead of just moving a skill out of reach, you gimped the whole spec! And to add to that, Maras still smash for 8k or more. Snipers still press a few key abilities to drain someones health. Our 'damage' is laughable now. That's not just on a training dummy, that's in actual Ops now. That's in PvP. That's against trash mobs I was facing on Makeb. The spec is ruined and almost not worth playing. I spent the past few days leveling in Tank spec and using my DPS comps to kill stuff.


You guys really need to fix this.

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I fundamentally disagree with most of what you stated about the Balance specification. As it currently stands, the spec is completely broken for PVE. It has become completely boring. More importantly, the total single-target damage output (the ONLY thing that matters in PVE) is severely less than other classes.


Yes, I am extremely disappointed that our "rotation" has been simplified. How was our rotation any more difficult than a Watchman Sentinel or Dirty Fighting-hybrid Gunslinger (both of which I play)? Balance was more difficult than Infiltration, but the reward for mastering the rotation was greater (better single-target boss damage). Interestingly enough, Infiltration in 2.0 is arguably more complex than Balance ever was! In my opinion, the argument that Balance was too difficult came from a minority of less-skilled players. For those players, Infiltration was a better choice, and that was OK.


To be honest, your comments under "Infiltration Tactics" just anger me. It really saddens me to hear your regret in regards to originally placing Infiltration Tactics low on the Infiltration tree. It seems your "mistake" is what made Balance great. As we at first speculated, and now are completely clear on, your department does not play this spec often enough.


What you don't understand is that Shadow Strike made the rotation SMOOTHER, gave us a necessary slowdown in Force use, provided a useful but limited amount of burst, and created a "balanced" class between melee and force-power use, as we are titled. The Shadow Strike proc and the Mind Crush proc were the only things we had to do once our Force in Balance, Force Breach, and Sever Force abilities were applied. Now we just have Double Strike. And lots and lots of Saber Strikes. I just can't fathom how this was too difficult or "clunky" in your opinion. I play plenty of other classes, and the Balance Shadow seemed in-line with plenty of other rotations. Shadow Strike is our CORE advanced class ability... we should be able to use it!


There are other bad changes. We have absolutely zero use for Whirling Blow, I don't care how much you buff it. In addition, there is no need for Force in Balance to hit 5 targets in PVE. It is 100% impractical to apply our three DoT abilities to FIVE targets, especially since you inexplicably removed Sharpened Mind. In effect, the increased cost to FiB was a nerf to the ability. Also, the removal of Sharpened Mind means our current Force management is a nightmare. We're doing more Saber Striking than any other ability.


Please, please listen to your player base, especially the ones like me who grew to love Balance over the past year and a quarter. Take a look at the forums. Watch the videos people are posting. I have never seen such a unanimous voice in this game, on any other change. We want Infiltration Tactics back, as well as Sharpened Mind. Take back the lazy, passive stuff like Rippling Force, and buffs to Force Technique. There is PLENTY of room for growth on your side. For example, 1.) Twin Disciplines could be fixed. 2.) Telekinetic Throw could even be introduced to hit harder when DoT effects are applied. 3.) There are TWO nodes in the tree that buff our self-healing (unnecessary).


-Saddened, devoted player.

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Telekinetics/Lightning -

The bad:

-Bubble stun on team members - The upkeep needed to make it work pre 2.0 was very high, the removal of it turns out to be not so bad since it is now something you don't even have to worry about at all... meh, no one gets your bubbles if a seer is in the group because of the heal it gives. However, PvE side of it. No bubble stun with your companion is rough. Perhaps I just got so used to it leveling a 3rd sage/inqu, but it was a very nice survival tool to have.

-Bubble stun on yourself - The range of this SUCKS! Most melee are not effected by the stun and is very often resisted by players/mobs that are of the same level, don't even think about working on it with some mob/player that is a level above you. On top of the terrible range that the stun has, the duration is far too short and may appear to be a little buggy with ability queuing. It appears that if a player/mob is queues up the next attack (but before the attack actually goes off) the attack still hits even though the stun has gone off. Sure, latency can have some effect in this but typically running at ~45ms, It rarely seems like 3 seconds have passed from one attack to the next.

-Force Usage- Does seem a little bit of a non issue most of the time. It slightly gives me the feeling of pre 1.2 healing. In turn for having to actually manage force usage, a lower damage free cast (perhaps one that regens force) would be a nice addition. Something at least for when you do get in trouble with force usage that you are not just doing the oh so fun idle combat.


The Good:

-Damage- Finally the class has a decent ability to do some burst. The increase in damage overall was a nice.

-Rotations/Priorities- The whole spec now seems to feel smooth and responsive when played correctly, It no longer feels like a game of status bar / proc watching. Though it is still very heavy on different procs, I think that the changes to alacrity have made it so that everything seems to flow proc or not into the next ability.


Balance/Madness -

The Bad:

Instant lift - where to start... This was the bread and/or butter to the spec. The spec was never really about damage in my opinion. It was all about control. I understand removing it from the hybrid Shadow, but it was the killer for me in PvP. With so many classes getting movement enhancing abilities, the cast time is still often too long for it to be of use. The damage is simply not there to support removing this and Barrier is not even worth it as a consolation prize. I don't see where it is "a lot of extra lockdown" as it was put. If the resolve mechanic was not in the game, yes, I understand that the ability would be perhaps overly strong, but as it is, 1 minute CD that provides a lot of resolve and is broke on damage. Also, the same enhancement can be found in the middle tree. This almost defined the spec as "oh crap" tree. The spec that almost save a bad situation with quick reaction. Now, meh, you can get the same advantage with all the damage in the middle tree, why bother with the spec at all?


Other then the bad that I see, the spec hasn't been improved in much of any ways. It still has the tab / attack / tab / attack / tab / attack feel to it. In PvP, it is often just DoT up everything in range, then do it again. It takes a Balance Sage three or four seconds to get damage rolling out, but can be nulled by a single ability of cleanse. Why does it take so long and 3 casts to start getting damage out that can be erased by a single one? or even worse, erased while that person is getting healed.


I'm sure the is more, but since 2.0, I was only able to do a couple warzones before I felt that I was too much of a liability to my team based on spec choice alone to continue playing as it. The middle tree appears to be the only viable spec in PvP and that is a shame, I enjoy having a choice, be it a damage spec, a control spec, hybrid, or healing. Balance now only offers a ranged 2 second snare that like collapse, has virtually no effect on ranged classes though has even a less of an effect on melee classes.

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For me, the issue isn't much about having the same damage boost, as much as being able to use our core AC ability. I have always felt that balance shadow was named so because if its synergy between melee and force abilities. Without having a variety in the available melee skills, that is no longer the case, and that destroys the feel of the class.


I consider Shadow strike, stealth, resilience and project to be the abilities that define a shadow (and indeed both infiltration and kinetic combat get their own ways to use shadow strike and project ), but none of these core abilities synergize with the balance tree. Worse, balance shadows cannot even use one of these ablities. Earlier balance shadows had access to infiltration tactics and twin disciplines, this was not the case. Now, the balance tree somehow feels alien to the shadow class, and "feels" similar to a balance sage.


Most players have a choice between shadow and sage when they hit lvl 10, and they pick a shadow because they want stealth and/or they want to be melee. Hence i do not understand why balance spec will be more attractive to shadows, when it synergises with neither stealth nor melee abilities.

Completly agree with this. I played balance since beta, now it's unplayabe for me, changed to infiltrator and have to learn.

Also disappointed with the new ability but that is said many times by many people.

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APeck, you realize Haunted Dreams is a completely unwanted talent now, don't you? Would you please re-design it into something we may actually want to pick up?


As a madness sin, I never used it in the brief time I tested madness. As a madness sorc, the only time to use Whirlwind now is with Polarity Shift up. Tell us once again why 2 points are worth spending to make something a 1.5s cast? And completely fill someones resolve bar with such a long cast?


The only good thing about the extra 2s stun at the end of this WW was that it was instant. Now that it's a long cast AND it fills more resolve, there is absolutely no reason to pick up this talent. In fact, you're hurting yourself by taking it.


Lengthening the duration of Crushing Darkness was NEVER a good idea, so why give it to assassins, I never even take it as a madness sorc. The goal for competitive play is to burst opponents down as quickly as possible. Extra time on Crushing Darkness, without increasing its damage only dilutes the burst even further and is counter productive. Another two points not to take.


Class comparison -- how come a heavy armor pyro gets 30% periodic damage reduction, but a light armor madness inq only gets 15%? Another two points not to pick up unless you really must.


How come you don't think sorcerers could use a sub 30% health execution talent, akin to Bloodletting? Op is a healer too and I see no issue with them having it in the dps tree?


Oh and Lightning Burns returning 2 force for a sorcerer? What a joke! You increased the force cost of Lightning Strike by what? 33%? And then gave us 2 force off through Burns. Brilliant! ;) Force is still an issue with using Wrath on Lightning Strike. Wrath should also halve the cost of LS if you want us to use it.


Still not gonna play madness, nice try on balance but in my opinion it is far, far from being enjoyable and competitive in high end PvP.

Edited by Monterone
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It's funny how Sorcs / Sages are yelling for love... both classes got the most "love" with 2.0 and both classes are now horrible in PvP as an enemy.


Sorry, but if you can't kill people in PvP, you're doing it wrong. You got so many annoying ways to CC your opponent, it's ridiculous that BioWare is that dumb and blind to allow something like this right now.


Stop crying, other classes like the PT are in a much worse position - they are completely useless by now.

Edited by LovarBoy
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I love this thread but I can't help but wonder... what if you play a Republic class. You would REALLY be scratching your head trying to figure out everything he is talking about. Would it not be better to have 2 versions of this (one for republic and one for sith) or at the very least list both names of the ability/attacks?


EDIT --- Just saw the 2nd link for Sage... TY SO MUCH!

Edited by Highcommander
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I really like the change to lighting other then the bubble stun breaks on direct damage. If it only effects the bubble on me then it should be a real stun. Why the double nerf?



The worthless: Force Barrier... Why oh why did you make this channeled? In effect you have made this totally worthless in pvp and very ineffective in pve. Unless you added a heal effect to it while channeled or alow the sorc to move its pretty much a waste, In pvp it just means we die a few sec later why the enemy heal them self's or wait for more to show up to kill me.


This skill needs a major rework or just removed and have a more effective skill in its place.

Edited by Happy_Puppy
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Containment: The activation time reduction on Force Lift has been reduced in effectiveness. Previously, this skill gave Balance a lot of extra lockdown that we weren’t too pleased with, and after the introduction of Force Barrier, Balance’s ability to flee and avoid conflict exceeded acceptable levels. Now this skill reduces the activation time of Force Lift to 1.5 seconds. The stun effect when Force Lift ends prematurely due to damage has not been altered.


I don't even have words for how wrong this is. I've seen it on both sides of Force Barrier. Force Barrier is a decent utility but does not address that Balance Sages/Sorcerors really don't have any real way to keep enemies at bay. This tree RELIES on fleeing and avoiding melee. Balance is a damage over time spec in a class that has little passive protection. It needs ways to keep enemies at bay.

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It's funny how Sorcs / Sages are yelling for love... both classes got the most "love" with 2.0 and both classes are now horrible in PvP as an enemy.


Sorry, but if you can't kill people in PvP, you're doing it wrong. You got so many annoying ways to CC your opponent, it's ridiculous that BioWare is that dumb and blind to allow something like this right now.


Stop crying, other classes like the PT are in a much worse position - they are completely useless by now.


PT is useless?? PT is an awesome class to play in PvP and still tops the boards in damage. With a healer by their side, they just run around killing stuff!!! If you can't beat a sorc/sage in pvp its a L2P issue or they are just better than you.

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Also, even if you did consider balance shadow to be daunting (which I am sure many people will disagree with), its good to have a variety in skill caps. There are already many east to play specs out there, you did not need to add another one to the list at the expense of losing a chunk of players who liked the balance spec pre 2.0.
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I want to point an oddity in Kinetic Combat Shadow gameplay : if you use Kinetic Ward as often as possible like before, you may lose in efficiency :

- Before, the CD matched the duration, so the equation was simple : if avaliable, use it.

- Now, in the case all the stacks didn't wore off at the end of the 15s CD (5sec remaining), not only refreshing it before the end of the 20 seconds of effect may lead to a loss in a number of times the shield will work (the 15 stacks may wore off before the next 15s, reducing the shielding percentage during the last seconds), but it makes Kinetic Bulwark stacks to disappear and it's known that +15% shielding and +8% absorption is better than +15% shielding without absorption bonus. But in the case there is only Kinetic Bulwark left, it's better refreshing Kinetic Ward and dumping Kinetic Bulwark. So you now you are supposed to refresh it when the stacks are not anymore, which can occur at any time between 15s and 20s, and you need to keep a continuous track of them. As a Shadow, I have two means of doing it, the buff bar or the (ugly) floating rocks. An Assassin only have his buff bar as hint.


In my opinion, the way Kinetic Ward and Kinetic Bulwark is abnormal. A bad timing in a buff refreshing, may imply a loss later during the fight, but shouldn't imply an instantaneous power loss.


So, I have sevral ideas :

- Kinetic Bulwark wears off only after 20s, refreshing Kinetic Ward doesn't consume Kinetic Bulwark anymore. (Implies a very slight improvement in survivability, but the philosophy of the ability is what it was before 2.0, "use it when you can")

- Kinetic Ward doesn't have a duration (endless buff), but can't be refreshed until all stacks wear off. (No improvements in survivability, no timing error possible while keeping the new philosophy of the ability, "use it when it wears off")

- Consuming Kinetic Bulwark stacks by refreshing Kinetic Ward increases Kinetic Ward's shielding chance bonus.

(Implies a improvement in survivability, same philosophy as before 2.0, "use it when you can")



PS : I hate Phase Walk. It has few use, and I think it doesn't fit Star Wars. We've seen Jedis and Siths, moving fast, jumping serval meters, to not be where we see them because of Force illusions, and now teleporting ? Really ?


We have at Belsavis some scientifics who says, "reports about teleporters must be fantasy, it can't exist", and even one who says that "it should be a deconstruction/reconsruction device as real teleportation is physically impossible" and yet Jedi and Sith do it on their own ?


Edited by Altheran
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I completely agree with the full assessments of the balance shadow, and how bad they are now, that several prior people have laid out in point by point detail. I cannot see for the life of me WHY any one would now choose to play a balance shadow that did not play one before. Those who did play a Balance shadow before 2.0 will play something else, I would recommend a Dirty Fighting Scoundrel.


Austin P. did a good job with several advanced classes for 2.0, (knights/Warriors and Scoundrels/Agents however the balance shadow is a complete failure on so many levels. THE prime failure is that ALL the fun was removed in an unneeded effort to simplify. It would be interesting to see how many pre 2.0 Balance Shadows switched specs, went to an Alt or both.

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