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Remove the shackles

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Tank the boss against the wall, have the dps and healers spread out a bit so not all 4 of you get the shackles. Use your CC breaker in an emergency. The main thing is just to not have everyone stack up so it doesn't apply to multiple people. Edited by Zellfel
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The shackles are really easy to see and it takes only a sprint to the player to remove them. The fire also seems to spawn in the same place every time. The fight is rather easy if everyone knows the mechanics. That fight is balanced accordingly. Just because you fail to complete it, it doesn't mean its "impossible." Its not even hard.
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Yeah, spreading out is essential.


Of course, it's just awesome when the tank is shackled in the corner right after the dps on the opposite side of the boss have been knocked back, forcing someone to run after the tank while that square is filling up with smoke....


Cademimu is the new Colicoid War Games, as far as pug trolling goes.

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Without the shackles that fight is way to easy.


If you are having problem with shackles you need to be discussing with your group who has what abilities to break them.


I am a sorc healer, I can break my shackles with 3 different methods (may be 4, Ive never even tried to cleanse). The entire fight is about paying attention to shackles and the fire. I think the boss has less than 500k hp.


All you need to prioritize is, not standing in fire, not being shackled to be in fire, not being knocked back into fire.


As the healer I shifted my camera angle to see the engines. As soon as I knew what 3, I would immediately make people move. You just stop what you are doing, there is nothing more important than getting to the right zone.


The tank would position so that the knock back would be into a corner instead of into another zone where there could possibly be fire.


If you do this, you will have much more success. This fight was not very heal intensive, it just simply was getting to the right zone first, everything else second.




The fire does move, but I believe that the engines turn red, before there is actual smoke. So if your healer re-positions camera to see the engines, you can get a little bit of a head start. The reason you may want it to be the healer is that 1) the healer can just heal off the group frame so doesnt need to see the fight and 2) the healer likely has multiple ways to break shackle just in case.

Edited by Soxbadger
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The shackles are really easy to see and it takes only a sprint to the player to remove them. The fire also seems to spawn in the same place every time. The fight is rather easy if everyone knows the mechanics. That fight is balanced accordingly. Just because you fail to complete it, it doesn't mean its "impossible." Its not even hard.


This. Any kind of cc breaker or movement impairment breaker works as well, so consulars and troopers are functionally immune to the shackles. Slingers have hightail it, making them functionally immune as well. Scoundrels have the cc breaker and dodge. Jedi knights are (IIRC) the only classes that only have the standard cc breaker to remove them on their own. That is really a problem only in the case the tank was tanking it in the wrong position and so you got knocked back and shackled in the fire TWICE in the encounter.

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Remove the shackles from HM Cademimu. It the makes FP practically unbeatable. I mean what are you supposed all 4 people get shackles? Or everyone is given shackles and then knocked into the fire.


I never had 4 people be shackled before. I like the mechanic as it requires people to actually do something other than dps the boss. Keep it in.

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Yes this is a very simple fight.


Your ranged dps needs to spread out and keep good distance between themselves. I've found that tanking the boss with his back to the wall is better than tanking with my back to the wall purely in the aspect of the knockback mechanic. Also quite fun to take a knockback and get pushed into someone who is shackled at the same time to clear the shackle.


And yeah, your CC break is a great oh sh*t I'm standing in fire get out of jail free card. Don't be afraid to use it if you are stuck in a bad spot.

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Im not a tank, but as a healer my preference is for the knockback to be directed into the wall, just because once in a while we were getting a knockback into another zone's fire. Since the boss hp is low and (imo) his damage output is not that high, my only real concern is someone being burnt in the fire.
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Really this comes down to stop playing like a derp. Sentinels need to stop trying to hold hands with the tank. We tanks turn mobs and bosses away from the group for a reason. Similarly, DPS need to pay attention and free other players when they get shackled so you don't end up with the whole group rooted.


As has been said, the shackles are a small AoE centered on a person other than the tank, spread out and be alert.

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I didn't realize the shackle was an aoe attack centered on a player. That's helpful.


However, I've definitely seen some trolling with the shackles. Player 1 goes over to unshackle Player 2, and both get hit with a shackle. Not cool.


Agreed that it's a good mechanic though. Fight is just different, not a dps race of any kind.

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We've actually been keeping tight on shackles and have never had all 4 players shackled. The thinking is that if we are close, less movement is required to keep them.


CC breaks are best saved for situations where you'll die if you don't break out. Shadows have the snare clearing force run and force of will. Sages have the new bubble thing and force of will. Troopers have the new cc clear and speed boost and their old cc clear. Just use these and have a heads up team.


The shackles are very doable. If they pull this mechanic, I hope they add something to make up for it. This boss is a fun one.

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Out of all the things in that fight to ask to be removed, why would you ask for that?



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Remove the shackles from HM Cademimu. It the makes FP practically unbeatable. I mean what are you supposed all 4 people get shackles? Or everyone is given shackles and then knocked into the fire.


I strongly disagree with any opinion that one of our few precious 55 flashpoints need a nerf. We only have 4 of them to entertain us and the last thing anyone should want is make one of them more boring. if one of them is challenging your group, be thankful to the developers they made it interesting!

concerning your particular problem, with practice the shackles will become more of a fun mechanic and less of headache, they are totally doable as a pug. i found the wookiee/ugnaught fight to be harder without proper strategy.

everyone needs to stop calling for nerfs or else we will all be sad when they do nerf it and it becomes boring.

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My problem with the shackle boss is this:


When the smoke comes down and its our que to run to a safe corner we all start to run in that direction, and at that exact moment the boss decides to put shackles on me as my other 3 teammates are running to safety.


So there I am shackled and my evasion ability doesn't work to remove the root. I haven't tried the new covered escape. Anyways... my teammate come back to me to remove the shackle and we are both caught in the fire and die or he doesn't reach me intime and I die and he lives.


It's that part of the timing for shackles that I dispute. The boss shouldn't decide to shackle me as we are running to safe corner.This cuases wipes to occur.


This happened to me 4 times in a row on one run in cadimimuu, but didn't happen the other 3 times I ran this place to me or anybody else. Perhaps it was bad luck but might be worth looking into by the devs.

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I don't even think the General can shackle 3 people at once.


I just ran this for the first time and we had three people get shackled at once. I didn't realize that the shackle was aoe, does anyone know approximately how far from the target people are effected?

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I don't even think the General can shackle 3 people at once.


He can, in my very first try on him, we stood all on one spot and he shackled all of us ^^


I just ran this for the first time and we had three people get shackled at once. I didn't realize that the shackle was aoe, does anyone know approximately how far from the target people are effected?


I estimate about 2-4 m radius

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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My problem with the shackle boss is this:


When the smoke comes down and its our que to run to a safe corner we all start to run in that direction, and at that exact moment the boss decides to put shackles on me as my other 3 teammates are running to safety.


So there I am shackled and my evasion ability doesn't work to remove the root. I haven't tried the new covered escape. Anyways... my teammate come back to me to remove the shackle and we are both caught in the fire and die or he doesn't reach me intime and I die and he lives.


It's that part of the timing for shackles that I dispute. The boss shouldn't decide to shackle me as we are running to safe corner.This cuases wipes to occur.


This happened to me 4 times in a row on one run in cadimimuu, but didn't happen the other 3 times I ran this place to me or anybody else. Perhaps it was bad luck but might be worth looking into by the devs.


Don't wait for the smoke!


The boss gives ample warning with his "keep firing" shout. Immediately start moving to the center of the room. Once there it is easy to see which "quadrant" has no smoke and move towards it. If the boss does knockback you then, he will normally be "pushing you into" the safe zone.


As mentioned in a previous post, this fight isn't about killing the boss (that happens naturally). It is about staying alive (breaking shackles, moving out of the fire, positioning so you aren't knocked into a fire zone). Make that your number 1 priority and the fight becomes simple.

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The fight is actually pretty easy.


The group stands in the MIDDLE of the room, in the little path. The tank tanks the boss at those little boulder things in each of the quarters, with his back to the group. So when the boss knocks him back he knocks the tanks right into the group and he positioned himself correctly he will remove the shackles from himself or the group AT THE SAME TIME.


We wiped yesterday a few times because some of us always got shackles when the fire was about to come down, but with this method it was a breeze. Melee stand at the same place as the tank.

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ok we dis it last night, for the first time in 61/63 mostly.


I had 3 black market pieces and so did the main tank.


we one shotted him.


The shackles was a fun mechanic, and was pretty easy to deal with.


I did drop at the end of the fight because I got caught by a rocket plume. but the boss went down less than 5 seconds after I did. and I was the only one that died.

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Remove the shackles from HM Cademimu. It the makes FP practically unbeatable. I mean what are you supposed all 4 people get shackles? Or everyone is given shackles and then knocked into the fire.


1. I think this fight is designed for only 3 ppl to be shackled at a time, I've never seen 4.


2. It's not hard to see who's shackled if you're paying attention, if you get knocked into a fire use CC breaker, it's the

only time you should use it any other time your group should be doing it


3. people are saying spread out but i usually stack my groups next to me with our backs to a wall, if you're stacked and i get more than one person shackled i just sprint to them (assassin tank) and break their shackles including my own if i have them since my talent breaks any movement impairing effect when i sprint


4. People need to stop whining about how "hard" the new FP's are. You should instead ask what others are doing and figure out what you're doing wrong. if any fight is "hard" it might be the bonus boss in Hammer station and that's only cause the healer/tanks need to pay attention to what they are doing since he can hit like a truck.

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Took 3 attempts today, eventually got luckly and only had to move twice to kill him. The shackles as he calls down the rocket fire is what wiped us the first two times. People are already moving and the tank or someone gets shackles back in the previous square it's an almost certain wipe.


I found it easiest if I (as scoundrel healer) focused on the shackles because I had good mobility and there is bugger all damage being done to the tank.

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